Passions Talks

Showing 555 talks

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Going Deeper into our Bodhisattva Samadhi

A talk given to the No Abode Community on October 7th, 2023


Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Samantabhadra, Samadhi, Bodhisattva Vow,...
Oct 07 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Joan Halifax’s Practical Compassion & GRACE

Serial: TL-00713

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Obstacles, Intention, Patience, Passions, Balance
Oct 11 2021

Dongshan’s Hot and Cold: Responses to Climate

Serial: TL-00700

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Precious Mirror, Blue Cliff Record, Practice Period, Passions, Faith
Jun 07 2021

Inconceivable Life

Conversation, Birth-and-Death, Intuition, Bowing, Enemies, Lineage, Passions,...
Dec 26 2020

Dogen's Vow

Vow, Buddha Mind, Passions, Mindfulness, Four Noble Truths, true dharma, Book of...
Nov 21 2020

Kika's Ordination

Serial: BZ-02787

From the November/December 2020 newsletter:

Sojun Ordains a New Priest

On October 17 in the zendo Sojun Roshi ordained Doko Kika Susan Hellein as a priest, with...

Ordination, Karma, Precepts, Equanimity, Building, Attachment, Zoom, Beginners,...
Oct 17 2020
Berkeley Zen Center

Thinking and Non-Thinking

Right Speech, training, Four Noble Truths, Interview, Instruction, American,...
Aug 22 2020

The Fire of Zen

Monastic Practice, Global Warming, Nirvana, War, Politics, Interview, Liberation,...
Jan 25 2020

Don't Wait For Maitreya

Discrimination, Monastic Practice, Buddha Nature, Passions, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Dec 06 2019

Buddha's Enlightenment

Concentration, Dependent Origination, Heart Sutra, Birth-and-Death, training,...
Dec 05 2019

Joshu's Quotes: Preference, Non-Preference

Passions, American, Politics, Intuition, Duality, Culture, Doubt, War, Lay
Dec 04 2019

The Meaning of Shakymuni Buddha's Enlightenment, Part 1: Hsin Hsin Ming

Passions, confusion, Hate, Sanctuary, Diversity, Composure, Dragons, Non-duality,...
Dec 02 2019

The Non-Duality of Silence and Language

Silence, Transmission, Perfect Wisdom, Non-duality, Balance, Duality, Observe, Heart...
Nov 23 2019
No Abode Hermitage

Words of My Perfect Teacher

Samsara, Nirvana, Mindfulness, Posture, Interdependence, Mahayana, Passions,...
Nov 23 2019

Stories of Enlightenment

In our class this fall we will contemplate and converse about several stories of Zen practice and enlightenment. Our contemplation and conversations will naturally bring up questions and concerns...

YRB-2019-Fall, Passions, Doubt, Birth-and-Death, Interview, Culture, japanese...
Oct 24 2019
The Yoga Room

Choices and Preferences

Passions, Eka, Heart Sutra, uchiyama, Attachment, Bodhidharma, confusion,...
Sep 21 2019

Striding Off The Hundred-Foot Pole

Hindrances, Culture, Silence, Passions, confusion, Vow, War, Peace, training...
Aug 17 2019

What's Love Got To Do With It

Passions, Priest, Precepts, Impermanence, Bowing, Constancy, Daily Life, Practice...
Aug 10 2019

Teachings for the Welfare of the World

In this summer series, teachings will be offered for those who aspire to embrace and sustain the great earth and all living beings in order to realize peace and freedom in our troubled world

YRB-2019-Summer, Evil, Priest, Balance, American, Building, War, japanese, difficulty...
Jul 30 2019
The Yoga Room

Teachings for the Welfare of the World

In this summer series, teachings will be offered for those who aspire to embrace and sustain the great earth and all living beings in order to realize peace and freedom in our troubled world.

YRB-2019-Summer, Silence, Transmission, true dharma, Religion, Passions, Suzuki Roshi...
Jul 02 2019
The Yoga Room

Birth, Death and Breath

Serial: BZ-02649

Rohatsu Day 2


Birth-and-Death, Concentration, Duality, Passions, Peace, Ego, Impermanence, Bell,...
Dec 03 2018

Silent Sitting & Social Action

Zen students often ask how our practice of silence and stillness relates to injustice and our environmental crisis. In this class we explore this question and study the intimate interplay of...

YRB-2018-Fall, Silence, Attachment, Daily Life, Desire, Duality, Tassajara Zen...
Nov 27 2018
7 of 7
The Yoga Room

Introduction to Joshu

Ordinary Mind, Passions, Hindrances, Patience, confusion, Culture, Karma, Gratitude,...
Nov 24 2018

Silent Sitting & Social Action

Zen students often ask how our practice of silence and stillness relates to injustice and our environmental crisis. In this class we explore this question and study the intimate interplay of...

YRB-2018-Fall, Impermanence, Building, Passions, Funeral, Beginners, Duality, Doubt,...
Nov 06 2018
4 of 7
The Yoga Room

Resilience through Shared Grief

Vow, Separation, Passions
Oct 13 2018
Berkeley Zen Center

Zazen Posture and the Problem of Touch

Posture, Big Mind, Conversation, Instruction, Silence, Manjushri, Passions, Culture...
Sep 08 2018

No Recipe

Passions, Mindfulness, Dharma Transmission, Anger, Happiness, Transmission,...
Jul 21 2018

State of the Union

Composure, Politics, American, Demons, Silence, Greed, Passions, Evil, Conversation,...
Jun 30 2018

Triple Treasure: Buddha Dharma Sangha

Practice Period, Buddha Nature, Peace, War, Intuition, Equanimity, Passions, Hate...
Jun 02 2018

Something To Die For: That's What Makes People Believe In Something

Peace, War, Ego, Practice Period, Karma, Dragons, Hindrances, Passions, Continuous...
May 19 2018

Patachara Story

Serial: BZ-02602

Women's Sesshin


Four Noble Truths, Peace, Lay, Discrimination, Politics, Ordination, Passions,...
Mar 04 2018

The Four Vows and the Four Resolves

Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Peace, Buddha Nature, Liberation, Dharma Transmission,...
Jun 17 2017

Seijiki: Calling Hungry Heart

Peace, Offering, Dragons, Interview, Passions, American, Priest
Oct 29 2016

August 2016 talk, Serial No. 00185, Side A

Passions, Building, Peace
Aug 2016
Mt. Saviour Monastery

Passionate Non-attachment

Serial: TL-00420

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Non-attachment, Happiness, Lotus Sutra, Attachment, Passions
May 23 2016
ADZG Temple

Leaving Home

Demons, Platform Sutra, Ordination, Lay, Birth-and-Death, Vow, Buddha Nature,...
Apr 09 2016

Dizang Planting the Fields

Serial: BZ-02452

 Case 12


Separation, resistance, New Year, Doubt, Peace, Passions, Anger
Jan 02 2016

Suzuki Roshi Eko Lectures: 8 Dhyana Jhana

Serial: BZ-02451

 Rohatsu Day 4


Passions, Concentration, Anger, Karma, Emotions, Nirvana, Beginners, Aspects of...
Dec 02 2015

What Makes Zen Center Run - Q&A

Absolute-and-Relative, Practice Period, Dragons, Bell, Building, Monastic Practice,...
Aug 22 2015

A Big Headache

American, Culture, Religion, Soto Zen, Passions, Practice Period, Intuition,...
Jun 20 2015

Seeing and Non-Seeing

Buddha Nature, Impermanence, Monastic Practice, Aspects of Practice, Platform Sutra,...
Apr 12 2015

Everyone Has a Light

Blue Cliff Record, Duality, Oneness, Practice Period, Berkeley Zen Center, Passions,...
Nov 15 2014

Zen Bodies, Zen Mirrors

Lotus Sutra, Precious Mirror, Chanting, Instruction, Commitment, Soto Zen, Silence,...
Sep 14 2014

June 13th, 2014, Serial No. 00162

Patience, Peace, Passions
Jun 13 2014
Mt. Saviour Monastery

Zazen Refresher

Posture, Emotions, Passions, Practice Period, Instruction, Interview, Happiness, Evil...
Jun 06 2014

Heart Sutra Class

Birth-and-Death, Doubt, Renunciation, Funeral, Four Noble Truths, Intuition, Passions...
Jun 05 2014

Heart Sutra Class

Anger, Impermanence, Karma, Composure, Passions, Pure Existence, Birth-and-Death,...
May 29 2014

Kyogen's Man Up A Tree

Ego, Subject-and-Object, Heart Sutra, Sanctuary, Building, Funeral, Passions, Evil,...
May 24 2014

Dogen's Shoji: Birth and Death

Birth-and-Death, Nirvana, Eight Aspects, Daily Life, Monastic Practice, Funeral,...
Feb 22 2014

An Experience of Feeling Wrong

Anger, War, Peace, Evil, Conversation, Culture, Passions, Continuous Practice, Hate,...
Jan 31 2014
