Mount Saviour Monastery Talks

Mount Saviour Monastery is a historic farm and monastery campus within a national historic district located near Pine City, Chemung County, New York.

It encompasses 10 contributing buildings and 3 contributing sites on a working farm in continuous operation since 1865. The monastery was founded in 1950 and the property is owned by the Benedictine Foundation of New York State. Located on the property are the contributing Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel (1953) and East and West Buildings (1964), St. Joseph's House (1954-1957), St. Peter's House (Former Nagel/Hofbauer House, 1874), St. Gertrude's House (Former Durmstadt House, 1865), Mount Saviour Monastic Cemetery (1960), Good Shepherd Lay Cemetery (1955), St. Peter's Barn (Former Nagel/Hofbauer Barn, c.1890/1942), Main barn (1959), Arts & Crafts Building & Storage (Former Shop Building and Kiln, 1962/1973), Wagner House (Former Neilitz House, 1879), St. James's House (Former Harding House, 1870), and Annex (Former milk house and now monastery guest house, 1870/1961).

It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2015.

The Monastery of Christ in the Desert in Abiquiú, New Mexico developed from Mount Saviour in 1964.

From Mount Saviour Monastery on Wikipedia

Showing 105 talks

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Title Speaker

Man, Ruler, Father, Romans 14, Communion of Saints, Community Life, Feast of All Saints, Divine Election

Serial: MS-00855

Chapter Talks - November 1963

Nov 1963
Mount Saviour Monastery

Mebas Visit

Serial: MS-00445

October-November 1958

realization, Priest, Don't Know Mind
Mount Saviour Monastery

Prof. Goetz Briefs

Serial: MS-00451

October-November 1958

Money, Evil, Observe
Mount Saviour Monastery

Saturday Evening Conference; Ember Saturday

Serial: MS-00457

Chapter Talks

Peace, Happiness, Evil
Mount Saviour Monastery

Feast of the Dedication of a Church, XXIII Sunday after Pentecost

Serial: MS-00463A

Chapter Talks

Building, Silence, Religion
Mount Saviour Monastery

Feast of the Dedication of a Church, XXIII Sunday after Pentecost

Serial: MS-00469A

Chapter Talks

Peace, Humility, Doubt
Mount Saviour Monastery

Sunday Sermon: Feast of the Dedication of a Church, 23rd Sunday After Pentecost

Serial: MS-00469B

Chapter Talks

Mount Saviour Monastery

Sunday - Resurrection, Day of GLory

Serial: MS-00475

Chapter Talks

Priest, Religion, Doubt
Mount Saviour Monastery

Church Year in Fruition: Daily Mass as a Feast

Serial: MS-00481

Chapter Talks

Passions, Peace, Ego
Mount Saviour Monastery

Fr. Gregory's 25th Anniversary

Serial: MS-00499

Chapter Talks

Passions, Priest, Happiness
Mount Saviour Monastery

Saturday Conference on St. Lawrence, Martyr

Serial: MS-00505

Chapter Talks

Priest, Repentance, Forgiveness
Mount Saviour Monastery

Maundy Thursday on Psalms 2 and 21.

Serial: MS-00511

Chapter Talks

Passions, Building, realization
Mount Saviour Monastery

Good Friday: The Great Sabbath Rest

Serial: MS-00517

Chapter Talks

Peace, Silence, Priest
Mount Saviour Monastery

Obedience; Doctrina Abbatis

Serial: MS-00523

Chapter Talks

Humility, Peace, Doubt
Mount Saviour Monastery

Obedience to the Abbot

Serial: MS-00529

Chapter Talks

Precepts, Passions, Humility
Mount Saviour Monastery

Brother Lawrence Duffy's Solemn Vows

Serial: MS-00547

Chapter Talks

War, Fox, Demons
Mount Saviour Monastery

On Gratitude

Serial: MS-00601

Chapter Talks

Gratitude, Happiness, Humility
Mount Saviour Monastery

Solemn Profession of Bros. Andrew and Martin

Serial: MS-00625

Chapter Talks

Humility, Silence, Separation
Mount Saviour Monastery

On the Mass

Serial: MS-00631

Chapter Talks

Priest, Evil, Religion
Mount Saviour Monastery

Chapter Talks

Serial: MS-00793

Chapter Talks

Humility, Separation, Doubt
Mount Saviour Monastery

Remarks on Monastic Buildings; Guesthouse; Recreation; Dormitory; Cells

Serial: MS-00794

Chapter Talks

Building, Separation, Observe
Mount Saviour Monastery

Remarks on Monastic Buildings; Guesthouse; Recreation; Dormitory; Cells

Serial: MS-00795

Chapter Talks

Building, Separation, War
Mount Saviour Monastery

De Amicitia, Jonathan and David - 24th Sunday after Pentecost

Intuition, Intimacy, Evil
Mount Saviour Monastery

Eschatological Viewpoint of Life

Serial: MS-00805

November 1962

Peace, Building, Observe
Mount Saviour Monastery

Formation of Christian People through Liturgy, Catholic Art Association Convention

Gratitude, Religion, Priest
Mount Saviour Monastery

Obedience, The Monk As Layman, Relation to Priesthood

Priest, Peace, Ordination
Mount Saviour Monastery

Conference given on Ash Wednesday: "Conversatio Morum"

Serial: MS-00839

Chapter Talks

Daily Life, Humility, Enemies
Mount Saviour Monastery

Symbolism in New Chapel, Significance of the Monastic Vow, Day of Recollection

Serial: MS-00841

Chapter Talks

Freedom, realization, Oneness
Mount Saviour Monastery

Commentary on Psalm 23

Humility, Peace, Priest
Mount Saviour Monastery

Manifestation, Sunday After Epiphany

realization, Enemies, Intimacy
Mount Saviour Monastery

Commentary on Chapter 3 of HR: Council to Decide on Studies for Priesthood. Instruments of Good Works

Humility, Priest, Politics
Mount Saviour Monastery

Doing to Another What One Would Want Done to One's Self

Serial: MS-00871B

January 16-March 2, 1963

Humility, Priest
Mount Saviour Monastery

Background of the Origin of Mt. Saviour, Conference to Novices

Serial: MS-00877

Chapter Talks - December 1962 to January 1963

Priest, Peace, realization
Mount Saviour Monastery

Objective/Subjective Piety, Father/Son Relationship: Abbot/Monk

Peace, Freedom, resistance
Mount Saviour Monastery

Conferences to Novices

Serial: MS-00883

Concept of Vows

Mount Saviour Monastery

Palm Sunday: Passiontide; Christ in Gethsemane

Serial: MS-00949A

Chapter Talks

Doubt, Repentance, Enemies
Mount Saviour Monastery

Commentary of the Open Tomb: John 20:1-19

Serial: MS-00949B

Chapter Talks

War, Evil, Separation
Mount Saviour Monastery

Mary Magdalene at the Tomb

Serial: MS-00949C

Chapter Talks

Humility, Building, Freedom
Mount Saviour Monastery

Epistle of St. Peter; Group Unity; the Forgiving Love of God Encountered Through Silence

Serial: MS-00951A

Chapter Talks

War, Peace, Repentance
Mount Saviour Monastery

Concelebration and Participation of the Faithful

Serial: MS-00951B

Chapter Talks

Religion, Peace, Silence
Mount Saviour Monastery

Practical Points of Revision D'vie related to the Feast of the Holy Trinity; Mutual Sensitivity; Individual Lectio Day

Serial: MS-00953A

Chapter Talks

Passions, Evil, Repentance
Mount Saviour Monastery

Church as Body of Christ: Common Life Based on Love: Turning to One Another in the Unity of the Holy Spirit

Serial: MS-00953B

Chapter Talks

Passions, Enemies, Attachment
Mount Saviour Monastery

Forms of False Simplicity and True Simplicity: Inner Unity and Oneness; Anxiety Equals Multiplicity

Serial: MS-00955A

Chapter Talks

Peace, War, Silence
Mount Saviour Monastery

The Spiritual Art; Peace: How To Be, Think, Speak and Act Peacefully

Serial: MS-00955B

Chapter Talks

Peace, Continuous Practice, Religion
Mount Saviour Monastery

Sunday Sermon: 6th Sunday After Pentecost: "You Are That Man": Nathan to David; Gospel: Feeding the Multitude

Serial: MS-00955C

Chapter Talks

Peace, Priest, Forgiveness
Mount Saviour Monastery

Holy Thursday: The Priesthood

Serial: MS-00961A

Chapter Talks

Priest, Peace, Forgiveness
Mount Saviour Monastery

Easter Vigil: Vows of Brothers Elias and Peter Depend Upon the Risen Lord; The Alleluia: Our Answer to God's Love

Serial: MS-00961B

Chapter Talks

Renewal, Doubt, Priest
Mount Saviour Monastery

Penance and Rising in Faith: Example of Mary Magdalene

Serial: MS-00961C

Chapter Talks

Ego, Evil, War
Mount Saviour Monastery

Prophetic Witness of Weston Priory and Mount Saviour

Serial: MS-00961D

Chapter Talks

Oneness, Peace
Mount Saviour Monastery

Reception of Novices Jerome and Philip

Serial: MS-00961E

Chapter Talks

Mount Saviour Monastery
