Ellen Webb Talks

Showing 8 talks

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Title Speaker

Waking Up

Rinzai, Blue Cliff Record, Bell, Book of Serenity, Aspects of Practice
Jun 26 2021

Letting Go

Oneness, Emotions, Commitment, Book of Serenity, Five Ranks, Instruction, Posture,...
Sep 26 2020

Choices and Preferences

Passions, Eka, Heart Sutra, uchiyama, Attachment, Bodhidharma, confusion,...
Sep 21 2019

Being Shuso and Learning to Say Yes

Practice Period, Don't Know Mind, Buddha Nature, training, Lay, Patience, Bowing...
Dec 15 2018

Preferences, Expectations, Letting Go

Serial: BZ-02619

Sesshin Day 3


Book of Serenity, Blue Cliff Record, Oneness, Ego, Daily Life, Hindrances, Tassajara...
Jun 15 2018

Triple Treasure: Buddha Dharma Sangha

Practice Period, Buddha Nature, Peace, War, Intuition, Equanimity, Passions, Hate...
Jun 02 2018

The Position of Shuso

Practice Period, Big Mind, Hate, Intimacy, Conversation, Culture
May 25 2018

Sun-Faced Buddha, Moon-Faced Buddha

Serial: BZ-02611

 Shuso Talk


Book of Serenity, Blue Cliff Record, Hate, Non-attachment, Don't Know Mind,...
May 12 2018