Passions Talks

Showing 555 talks

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Title Speaker

The Five Hindrances

Four Noble Truths, Anger, Doubt, Demons, Mindfulness, Greed, Hindrances, Balance,...
Jun 30 1983

Eight Ways of an Enlightened Person I

Serial: BZ-00398


Eight Awarenesses, Lay, Demons, Right Effort, Equanimity, Mahayana, Passions,...
Jun 25 1983
Berkeley Zen Center

The Four Unlimited Abodes

Enemies, Equanimity, Emotions, Lovingkindness, Happiness, Greed, Passions, Hate,...
May 21 1983
Berkeley Zen Center

Heart Sutra: Gate, Gate, Paragate

Serial: BZ-00001A

The Mantra of Your Life, Sesshin Day 5

Daily Life, Heart Sutra, Zazen Mind, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Priest,...
May 15 1983
Berkeley Zen Center

Deshung Rinpoche Q&A with David Flood Serial 00076

Ceremony, New Year, Manjushri, Sutra, Passions
Feb 16 1983

Women in Buddhism, Ordination

Ordination, Transmission, Lay, Precepts, Passions, Family Practice, Buddha Nature,...
Oct 04 1982

October 4th, 1982, Serial No. 00217

Serial: MS-00217

Talk at Mt. Saviour

Passions, Silence, Patience
Oct 04 1982
Mt. Saviour Monastery

September 30th, 1982, Serial No. 00215

Serial: MS-00215

Talk at Mt. Saviour

Daily Life, realization, Passions
Sep 30 1982
Mt. Saviour Monastery

September 14th, 1982, Serial No. 00213

Serial: MS-00213

Talk at Mt. Saviour

Silence, Daily Life, Passions
Sep 14 1982
Mt. Saviour Monastery


Compassion, Impermanence, Daily Life, resistance, Buddha Nature, Birth-and-Death,...
Sep 04 1982

August 21, 1982, Serial No 01528B

Serial: BZ-01528B

One-Day Sitting

Zendo, Sangha, Berkeley Zen Center, Building, Non-violence, Study Period, Karma,...
Aug 21 1982
Berkeley Zen Center


Daily Life, Liberation, Happiness, Freedom, lecture, Breath, confusion, Passions,...
Aug 18 1982

Vigor During Sesshin

Serial: BZ-00007A

Soto and Rinzai Practice Compared, Sesshin Day 3

Sesshin, Soto Zen, Rinzai, Rinzai, Soto Zen, Composure, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center...
May 21 1982
Berkeley Zen Center


Lay, Ordinary Mind, Passions, Bodhisattva Vow, Emptiness, Commitment, Balance,...
Sep 28 1981

Application of the Practice - Feminism and Buddhism in the Diamond Sangha

Ceremony, Lotus Sutra, Silence, Anger, Passions, Offering, Balance, Doubt, Peace...
Aug 14 1981

January 1st, 1981, Serial No. 00322

Serial: MS-00322

Monastic History Seminar

Passions, Money, Consciousness
Jan 01 1981
Mt. Saviour Monastery

December 31st, 1980, Serial No. 00321

Serial: MS-00321

Monastic History Seminar

Priest, Passions, American
Dec 31 1980
Mt. Saviour Monastery

Learning How To Sit

Serial: BZ-00025

Saturday Lecture

Technique, Posture, Instruction, Complete activity, Passions, Samadhi, American...
Dec 20 1980
Berkeley Zen Center

May 11th, 1980, Serial No. 01814

Evil, Obstacles, Passions, Balance, Emotions, Anger, Religion, Duality, Interview,...
May 11 1980

April 13th, 1980, Serial No. 01915

Continuous Practice, Demons, Interview, Silence, Passions, Offering, Bell, confusion...
Apr 13 1980

Ngon Dro, Serial 00086

Culture, Bell, Passions, Nirvana, Concentration
Apr 06 1980
1 and 2
New York City

Ngon Dro, Serial 00088

Funeral, Interview, Building, Sutra, Passions, Evil
Apr 06 1980
3 (and 4?)
New York City

Browning's Sordello

Politics, Lay, Faith, Fox, Demons, resistance, Passions, Evil, Happiness
Mar 30 1980

March 23rd, 1980, Serial No. 01916

Lay, Don't Know Mind, Constancy, Enthusiasm, Politics, Silence, Passions,...
Mar 23 1980

Ngon Dro, Serial 00012

Passions, Chanting, Commitment, lecture, Precepts, Duality, Intention, Bell,...
Mar 23 1980
New York City

Ngon Dro, Serial 00057

Passions, Current Events, Commitment, Bell, lecture, Duality, Intention, Hate,...
Mar 23 1980
New York City

March 16th, 1980, Serial No. 01882

Politics, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Silence, Passions, Bell, Conversation,...
Mar 16 1980

Ngon Dro Nyam Len, Serial 00053

Precepts, Teacher-and-Student, Evil, Peace, Chanting, Hindrances, Non-duality,...
Mar 16 1980
Session 3

Ngon Dro: Vajrasattva, copy, Serial 00056

Japan, Intention, Passions, Evil, Precepts, Breath, Hindrances, Commitment, Non-...
Mar 15 1980

Ngon Dro Nyam Len, Serial 00051

Monks, Dana, Chanting, Peace, Bell, Enemies, Passions, Sangha, Evil
Mar 09 1980
Session 2
New York City

Ngon Dro, chanting only, Serial 00052

Monks, Chanting, Peace, Enemies, Passions
Mar 09 1980
Side 3
New York City

Lam Dre: On Achieving the Goal, Serial 00068

Subject-and-Object, New Year, Delusion, Sutra, Passions, Concentration, Chanting,...
Feb 12 1980

January 27th, 1980, Serial No. 01839

Liberation, Politics, Nirvana, Passions, Renewal, Freedom, Intimacy, Commitment, Bell...
Jan 27 1980

4 Truths

Faith, Observe, Passions, Emotions, Hate
Oct 21 1979

Breath and the Nature of Change

Breath, Buddha Nature, Passions, Shuso Ceremony, Instruction
Aug 15 1979

March 5th, 1979, Serial No. 00113

Attachment, Silence, Passions, Breath, Suffering, Consciousness
Mar 05 1979

Lama Govinda’s Paper

Serial: SF-00010


Religion, Emptiness, Sanctuary, Dragons, Birth-and-Death, Lovingkindness, Passions,...
Aug 05 1978

July 6th, 1978, Serial No. 00198, Side B

Serial: MS-00198B

Talk at Mt. Saviour

Humility, Passions, Religion
Jul 06 1978
Mt. Saviour Monastery


Bodhidharma, Demons, training, Greed, Concentration, Passions, Bell, Lay, Hate...
Mar 23 1978

Foundation Practices Seminar, Serial 00071

Ceremony, Mandala, Bell, Breath, Passions, Sangha, Monks
Feb 26 1978
9 and 10 DR48
New York City?

Foundation Practices Seminar, Serial 00073

Lineage, Six Realms, Duality, Sangha, Non-duality, Posture, Passions, Delusion, Evil...
Feb 25 1978
5 and 6
New York City?

Foundation Practices Seminar: Refuge, Serial 00074

Mahayana, Mandala, Renunciation, Ceremony, Lay, Passions
Feb 24 1978
A 3 and 4 DR45
New York City?

August 4th, 1976, Serial No. 00087

Passions, training, Religion, Pain
Aug 04 1976

October 27th, 1975, Serial No. 00015

Composure, Concentration, Passions, Compassion, Doubt
Oct 27 1975

October 27th, 1975, Serial No. 00562

Composure, Concentration, Passions, Compassion, Doubt
Oct 27 1975

Creating Your Mindful Path

Greed, Delusion, Passions, Hate, Don't Know Mind
Oct 25 1975

Mindful Sesshin: Create Your Insight

Greed, Delusion, Passions, Hate, confusion
Oct 25 1975

Baking Souls: Zen's Path to Wisdom

Perfect Wisdom, Faith, Nirvana, Passions, Pain
Jun 08 1975

May 26th, 1975, Serial No. 02740

First Principle, Sanctuary, Intuition, Dragons, Passions, Religion
May 26 1975
Green Gulch

April 28th, 1975, Serial No. 00265

Passions, Priest, Politics
Apr 28 1975
Mt. Saviour Monastery
