Gaining Mind Talks

Showing 57 talks

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Title Speaker

Public Dokusan 10

Composure, Mindfulness, Renunciation, Patience, Ego, Gaining Mind, Greed, Buddha Mind...
Oct 09 2020

Joyful Effort

Right Effort, Conversation, Gaining Mind, Enemies, Karma, Sanctuary, Enthusiasm,...
Oct 19 2019

Four Focuses

Emotions, Gaining Mind, Mindfulness, Hindrances, Anger, Attachment, Buddha Ancestors...
Mar 30 2019

Zen Training

training, Practice Position, Posture, Instruction, Gaining Mind, New Year, Bell, Evil...
Jan 05 2019

Magnanimous View

Gaining Mind, Big Mind, Right Effort, Mindfulness, Instruction, Impermanence,...
Sep 15 2018

Prodigal Daughter

Gaining Mind, Repentance, Religion, Ego, Instruction, Gratitude, Silence, Hindrances...
Jul 07 2018

Practices for PP Opening Sesshin

Practice Period, Gaining Mind, Monastic Practice, Subject-and-Object, Continuous...
Apr 28 2018

The Heart of Priest and Lay Practice

Priest, Gaining Mind, Lay, Lay Practice, Ego, Practice Period, Priest-and-Lay,...
Apr 21 2018

Two Approaches to the Regulation of Posture, Breath, and Mind

Instruction, Posture, Birth-and-Death, Gaining Mind, training, resistance, Buddha...
Sep 09 2017
Berkeley Zen Center

The Point of Zazen

Gaining Mind, Dragons, Demons, Beginners, Peace, Mindfulness, Rinzai, Samadhi,...
Aug 05 2017

The Four Postures

Mindfulness, Posture, Four Foundations, Gaining Mind, Instruction, Dharma...
Jul 30 2016

Effort: The Book of Serenity and Not Forcing Things

Book of Serenity, Right Effort, American, Gaining Mind, Duality, Posture, Harmonizing...
Jul 09 2016

A Lotus Sutra Narrative of the Bodhisattva Path

Lotus Sutra, Vow, Gaining Mind, Faith, Dharma Transmission, Zazen, causation,...
May 07 2016
No Abode Hermitage

Zazen and Six Qualitative Factors

Gaining Mind, Posture, resistance, Birth-and-Death, stubbornness, Daily Life, Duality...
Mar 19 2016

Aspects of Consciousness

Serial: BZ-02415

PP Class 3


Anger, Emotions, Intuition, Subject-and-Object, Attachment, Interview, Gaining Mind,...
May 21 2015

Wu Wei - Effortless Effort

Right Effort, Discrimination, Gaining Mind, Non-discrimination, Harmonizing, Daily...
Sep 08 2012

Bodhisattva Ceremony

Serial: BZ-02252

3 Pure Precepts, Saturday Lecture

Bodhisattva, Repentance, Vow, Repentance, Evil, Precepts, Karma, Vow, Four Noble...
Jul 07 2012
Berkeley Zen Center

Genjo Koan - Section 9

Serial: BZ-02247

No Gaining Idea, Sesshin Day 2, All dharmas are without self

Subject-and-Object, Duality, Non-duality, Precious Mirror, Impermanence, Heart Sutra...
Jun 21 2012
Berkeley Zen Center

No Gaining Mind Amidst Undulations

Serial: BZ-02228

Big Mind and Shikantaza, Saturday Lecture

Nirvana, Time, Letting Go, Teacher-and-Student, Gaining Mind, Teacher-and-Student,...
Feb 04 2012
Berkeley Zen Center

Zazenshin Class

Intuition, Posture, Gaining Mind, New Year, Discrimination, Separation, Instruction,...
May 26 2011

Master Ma Is Unwell

Serial: BZ-02092


Moment by moment life, Nothing Special, What is achievement?

Saturday Lecture

Zenki, BCR-3, Composure, Discrimination, Gaining Mind, Non-discrimination, confusion...
Mar 27 2010
Berkeley Zen Center

Ordinary Mind is the Way: Mumonkan Case 19: Serial No. 01074, Side B

Ordinary Mind, MM-19, Nansen, Joshu, Ordinary Mind, Dharma Transmission, Intuition,...
Nov 22 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Ordinary Mind is the Way

Serial: BZ-02003

Mumonkan No. 19, Saturday Lecture

MM-19, Ordinary Mind, Dharma Transmission, Intuition, Gaining Mind, confusion,...
Nov 22 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Zen Mind Beginner's Mind,: Right Effort; Serial No. 01069

Serial: BZ-01069


Aspects of Practice, Zen Mind Beginner's Mind, Right Effort, Right Effort,...
Oct 19 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Find Out the Root of the Problem for Yourself

Serial: BZ-01118

Dokan and Gyoji: Let one teacher help you find your solution, Saturday Lecture

Continuous Practice, Aspects of Practice, Continuous Practice, training, Intuition,...
Mar 01 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Zazen, Sanshimopo, and Doshin: Foundations of Practice

Serial: BZ-01112

Shikantaza, Guidance, and Way-Seeking Mind, Saturday Lecture

Shikantaza, Zazen, Way-Seeking Mind, Ego, Continuous Practice, Teacher-and-Student,...
Feb 02 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

No Gaining Mind

Serial: BZ-01444

Sesshin Day 5

Pure Existence, Ego, Dream World, Gaining Mind, Discrimination, Big Mind, Practice...
Jun 24 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

What Is It That Comes?

Serial: BZ-01443

Nangaku Ejo asks Daikan Eno, Sesshin Day 4

Nangaku Ejo, Daikan Eno, Koan, Gaining Mind, Monastic Practice, Practice Period,...
Jun 23 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

June 22nd, 2007, Serial No. 01442

Doubt, Evil, Practice Period, Gaining Mind, Bowing, Heart Sutra, Bell, Lay, Humility...
Jun 22 2007

Seigen Gyoshi asks Daikan Eno about:

Serial: BZ-01441

Falling Into Classifications, Sesshin Day 2

Seigen Gyoshi, Daikan Eno, Discrimination, Gaining Mind, Four Noble Truths, Teacher-...
Jun 21 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

Enlightenment as Everyday Life; "Nothing Special"

Serial: BZ-01421

Koun Ejô and Suzuki-roshi commentaries, Sesshin Day 3

Enlightenment, Koun Ejô, Samadhi, Daily Life, Thoroughness, Continuous Practice,...
Feb 19 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

Kidzendo: Oneness of Opposites

Serial: BZ-01415

"The Teaching is Just for You", Saturday Lecture

Non-duality, Dragons, Ego, Aspects of Practice, Lotus Sutra, Big Mind, Two Truths,...
Jan 27 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

Commentary on talk by Suzuki-rôshi on Concentration

Serial: BZ-01403

Rohatsu Day 3

Concentration, Suzuki Roshi, Concentration, Posture, Big Mind, resistance, Eight...
Nov 29 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Commentary on "Komyo-zo Zammai" by Koun Ejô

Serial: BZ-01174

Storehouse of Radiant Light Samadhi, One-Day Sitting

Koun Ejô, Concentration, Samadhi, Hate, Discrimination, Gaining Mind, Liberation,...
Jul 16 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

March 11th, 2006, Serial No. 01221

Gaining Mind, Mindfulness, Heart Sutra, Four Noble Truths, Separation, Non-duality,...
Mar 11 2006

Saving Sentient Beings of Your Own Mind

Serial: BZ-01191

Review of Sojun's List of Mental Formations, Saturday Lecture

Gaining Mind, Anger, Buddha Nature, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Forgiveness, Intuition,...
Oct 01 2005
Berkeley Zen Center

March 6th, 2005, Serial No. 00769

Ego, Discrimination, Birth-and-Death, Five Ranks, Karma, Eight Aspects, Gaining Mind...
Mar 06 2005

February 5th, 2005, Serial No. 01305

Daily Life, Vow, Repentance, Gaining Mind, Fundraising, Offering, Karma, Nirvana,...
Feb 05 2005

Remembrances of Suzuki-rôshi

Serial: BZ-01289A

Addressing One's Buddhanature, Saturday Lecture

Suzuki Roshi, Lineage, Buddha Nature, Composure, Buddha Mind, Lineage, Birth-and-...
Nov 13 2004
Berkeley Zen Center

October 23rd, 2004, Serial No. 01285

Aspects of Practice, Practice Period, Gaining Mind, Passions, Transmission, uchiyama...
Oct 23 2004

Suzuki-rôshi 100th Birth Memorial

Serial: BZ-01265

Gutei's One Finger, Monkey Mind, Saturday Lecture

Suzuki Roshi, Monkey Mind, Shikantaza, Monkey Mind, Gaining Mind, Obstacles, Practice...
May 29 2004
Berkeley Zen Center

May 20th, 2004, Serial No. 01023, Side B

Lotus Sutra, Chanting, Duality, Aspects of Practice, Heart Sutra, Gaining Mind,...
May 20 2004

June 5th, 2003, Serial No. 00292

Happiness, Gaining Mind, Karma, Concentration, Precepts, Posture, Lay, Nirvana,...
Jun 05 2003

True Concentration

Serial: BZ-01524A

From Suzuki-rôshi Book, Saturday Lecture

Concentration, Suzuki Roshi, Duality, Concentration, Non-duality, Gaining Mind, War,...
Apr 12 2003
Berkeley Zen Center

Practice Walking Like an Elephant or a Cow

Serial: BZ-00174B

Suzuki-rôshi Lecture, Rohatsu Day 4

Bodhidharma, Eka, Buddha Nature, Zazen, Buddha Nature, Bodhidharma, Dharma...
Dec 05 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Tenth Precept

Serial: BZ-00140B

"Shoes Outside the Door", Saturday Lecture

Precepts, Richard Baker, Religion, Sangha, Birth-and-Death, Buddha Nature, Intuition...
Mar 09 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #36

Serial: BZ-00125A

Um-mon's “Everyone has their Light”, Rohatsu Day 1

Ummon, BCR-36, Doubt, Buddha Nature, Subject-and-Object, Gaining Mind, Don't...
Dec 04 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

May 10th, 1997, Serial No. 00364, Side A

Practice Period, Posture, Buddha Mind, Precepts, Commitment, Gaining Mind, Enthusiasm...
May 10 1997

February 8th, 1997, Serial No. 00359, Side A

Big Mind, Continuous Practice, Four Noble Truths, Gaining Mind, Non-duality, Duality...
Feb 08 1997

Blue Cliff Record: Case #86

Serial: BZ-00957A

Saturday Lecture

BCR-86, Doubt, Buddha Nature, Gaining Mind, Light-and-Darkness, Duality, Blue Cliff...
Oct 15 1994
Berkeley Zen Center
