Gaining Mind Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Public Dokusan 10 Composure, Mindfulness, Renunciation, Patience, Ego, Gaining Mind, Greed, Buddha Mind... |
Oct 09 2020 |
Joyful Effort Right Effort, Conversation, Gaining Mind, Enemies, Karma, Sanctuary, Enthusiasm,... |
Oct 19 2019 |
Four Focuses Emotions, Gaining Mind, Mindfulness, Hindrances, Anger, Attachment, Buddha Ancestors... |
Mar 30 2019 |
Zen Training training, Practice Position, Posture, Instruction, Gaining Mind, New Year, Bell, Evil... |
Jan 05 2019 |
Magnanimous View Gaining Mind, Big Mind, Right Effort, Mindfulness, Instruction, Impermanence,... |
Sep 15 2018 |
Prodigal Daughter Gaining Mind, Repentance, Religion, Ego, Instruction, Gratitude, Silence, Hindrances... |
Jul 07 2018 |
Practices for PP Opening Sesshin Practice Period, Gaining Mind, Monastic Practice, Subject-and-Object, Continuous... |
Apr 28 2018 |
The Heart of Priest and Lay Practice Priest, Gaining Mind, Lay, Lay Practice, Ego, Practice Period, Priest-and-Lay,... |
Apr 21 2018 |
Two Approaches to the Regulation of Posture, Breath, and Mind Instruction, Posture, Birth-and-Death, Gaining Mind, training, resistance, Buddha... |
Sep 09 2017 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Point of Zazen Gaining Mind, Dragons, Demons, Beginners, Peace, Mindfulness, Rinzai, Samadhi,... |
Aug 05 2017 |
The Four Postures Mindfulness, Posture, Four Foundations, Gaining Mind, Instruction, Dharma... |
Jul 30 2016 |
Effort: The Book of Serenity and Not Forcing Things Book of Serenity, Right Effort, American, Gaining Mind, Duality, Posture, Harmonizing... |
Jul 09 2016 |
A Lotus Sutra Narrative of the Bodhisattva PathLotus Sutra, Vow, Gaining Mind, Faith, Dharma Transmission, Zazen, causation,... |
May 07 2016 AM No Abode Hermitage |
Zazen and Six Qualitative Factors Gaining Mind, Posture, resistance, Birth-and-Death, stubbornness, Daily Life, Duality... |
Mar 19 2016 |
Aspects of ConsciousnessSerial: BZ-02415 PP Class 3
Anger, Emotions, Intuition, Subject-and-Object, Attachment, Interview, Gaining Mind,... |
May 21 2015 3 |
Wu Wei - Effortless Effort Right Effort, Discrimination, Gaining Mind, Non-discrimination, Harmonizing, Daily... |
Sep 08 2012 |
Bodhisattva CeremonySerial: BZ-02252 3 Pure Precepts, Saturday Lecture Bodhisattva, Repentance, Vow, Repentance, Evil, Precepts, Karma, Vow, Four Noble... |
Jul 07 2012 Berkeley Zen Center |
Genjo Koan - Section 9Serial: BZ-02247 No Gaining Idea, Sesshin Day 2, All dharmas are without self Subject-and-Object, Duality, Non-duality, Precious Mirror, Impermanence, Heart Sutra... |
Jun 21 2012 Berkeley Zen Center |
No Gaining Mind Amidst UndulationsSerial: BZ-02228 Big Mind and Shikantaza, Saturday Lecture Nirvana, Time, Letting Go, Teacher-and-Student, Gaining Mind, Teacher-and-Student,... |
Feb 04 2012 Berkeley Zen Center |
Zazenshin Class Intuition, Posture, Gaining Mind, New Year, Discrimination, Separation, Instruction,... |
May 26 2011 3 |
Master Ma Is UnwellSerial: BZ-02092 Composure, Moment by moment life, Nothing Special, What is achievement? Saturday Lecture Zenki, BCR-3, Composure, Discrimination, Gaining Mind, Non-discrimination, confusion... |
Mar 27 2010 Berkeley Zen Center |
Ordinary Mind is the Way: Mumonkan Case 19Ordinary Mind, MM-19, Nansen, Joshu, Ordinary Mind, Dharma Transmission, Intuition,... |
Nov 22 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
Ordinary Mind is the WaySerial: BZ-02003 Mumonkan No. 19, Saturday Lecture MM-19, Ordinary Mind, Dharma Transmission, Intuition, Gaining Mind, confusion,... |
Nov 22 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
Zen Mind Beginner's Mind,: Right Effort; Serial No. 01069Serial: BZ-01069 Sesshin Aspects of Practice, Zen Mind Beginner's Mind, Right Effort, Right Effort,... |
Oct 19 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
Find Out the Root of the Problem for YourselfSerial: BZ-01118 Dokan and Gyoji: Let one teacher help you find your solution, Saturday Lecture Continuous Practice, Aspects of Practice, Continuous Practice, training, Intuition,... |
Mar 01 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
Zazen, Sanshimopo, and Doshin: Foundations of PracticeSerial: BZ-01112 Shikantaza, Guidance, and Way-Seeking Mind, Saturday Lecture Shikantaza, Zazen, Way-Seeking Mind, Ego, Continuous Practice, Teacher-and-Student,... |
Feb 02 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
No Gaining MindSerial: BZ-01444 Sesshin Day 5 Pure Existence, Ego, Dream World, Gaining Mind, Discrimination, Big Mind, Practice... |
Jun 24 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
What Is It That Comes?Serial: BZ-01443 Nangaku Ejo asks Daikan Eno, Sesshin Day 4 Nangaku Ejo, Daikan Eno, Koan, Gaining Mind, Monastic Practice, Practice Period,... |
Jun 23 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
June 22nd, 2007, Serial No. 01442 Doubt, Evil, Practice Period, Gaining Mind, Bowing, Heart Sutra, Bell, Lay, Humility... |
Jun 22 2007 |
Seigen Gyoshi asks Daikan Eno about:Serial: BZ-01441 Falling Into Classifications, Sesshin Day 2 Seigen Gyoshi, Daikan Eno, Discrimination, Gaining Mind, Four Noble Truths, Teacher-... |
Jun 21 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Enlightenment as Everyday Life; "Nothing Special"Serial: BZ-01421 Koun Ejô and Suzuki-roshi commentaries, Sesshin Day 3 Enlightenment, Koun Ejô, Samadhi, Daily Life, Thoroughness, Continuous Practice,... |
Feb 19 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Kidzendo: Oneness of OppositesSerial: BZ-01415 "The Teaching is Just for You", Saturday Lecture Non-duality, Dragons, Ego, Aspects of Practice, Lotus Sutra, Big Mind, Two Truths,... |
Jan 27 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Commentary on talk by Suzuki-rôshi on ConcentrationSerial: BZ-01403 Rohatsu Day 3 Concentration, Suzuki Roshi, Concentration, Posture, Big Mind, resistance, Eight... |
Nov 29 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
Commentary on "Komyo-zo Zammai" by Koun EjôSerial: BZ-01174 Storehouse of Radiant Light Samadhi, One-Day Sitting Koun Ejô, Concentration, Samadhi, Hate, Discrimination, Gaining Mind, Liberation,... |
Jul 16 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
March 11th, 2006, Serial No. 01221 Gaining Mind, Mindfulness, Heart Sutra, Four Noble Truths, Separation, Non-duality,... |
Mar 11 2006 |
Saving Sentient Beings of Your Own MindSerial: BZ-01191 Review of Sojun's List of Mental Formations, Saturday Lecture Gaining Mind, Anger, Buddha Nature, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Forgiveness, Intuition,... |
Oct 01 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
March 6th, 2005, Serial No. 00769 Ego, Discrimination, Birth-and-Death, Five Ranks, Karma, Eight Aspects, Gaining Mind... |
Mar 06 2005 |
Commentary on The Wayseeker: “Opening the Hand of Thought”Serial: BZ-01305 Teaching Retreat 2 of 2 Daily Life, Vow, Repentance, Gaining Mind, Fundraising, Offering, Karma, Nirvana,... |
Feb 05 2005 2 Berkeley Zen Center |
Remembrances of Suzuki-rôshiSerial: BZ-01289A Addressing One's Buddhanature, Saturday Lecture Suzuki Roshi, Lineage, Buddha Nature, Composure, Buddha Mind, Lineage, Birth-and-... |
Nov 13 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
October 23rd, 2004, Serial No. 01285 Aspects of Practice, Practice Period, Gaining Mind, Passions, Transmission, uchiyama... |
Oct 23 2004 |
Suzuki-rôshi 100th Birth MemorialSerial: BZ-01265 Gutei's One Finger, Monkey Mind, Saturday Lecture Suzuki Roshi, Monkey Mind, Shikantaza, Monkey Mind, Gaining Mind, Obstacles, Practice... |
May 29 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
May 20th, 2004, Serial No. 01023, Side B Lotus Sutra, Chanting, Duality, Aspects of Practice, Heart Sutra, Gaining Mind,... |
May 20 2004 |
June 5th, 2003, Serial No. 00292 Happiness, Gaining Mind, Karma, Concentration, Precepts, Posture, Lay, Nirvana,... |
Jun 05 2003 |
True ConcentrationSerial: BZ-01524A From Suzuki-rôshi Book, Saturday Lecture Concentration, Suzuki Roshi, Duality, Concentration, Non-duality, Gaining Mind, War,... |
Apr 12 2003 Berkeley Zen Center |
Practice Walking Like an Elephant or a CowSerial: BZ-00174B Suzuki-rôshi Lecture, Rohatsu Day 4 Bodhidharma, Eka, Buddha Nature, Zazen, Buddha Nature, Bodhidharma, Dharma... |
Dec 05 2002 Berkeley Zen Center |
Tenth PreceptSerial: BZ-00140B "Shoes Outside the Door", Saturday Lecture Precepts, Richard Baker, Religion, Sangha, Birth-and-Death, Buddha Nature, Intuition... |
Mar 09 2002 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #36Serial: BZ-00125A Um-mon's “Everyone has their Light”, Rohatsu Day 1 Ummon, BCR-36, Doubt, Buddha Nature, Subject-and-Object, Gaining Mind, Don't... |
Dec 04 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Way-Seeking Mind Practice Period, Posture, Buddha Mind, Precepts, Commitment, Gaining Mind, Enthusiasm... |
May 10 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mind of Intention, Mind of Desire Big Mind, Continuous Practice, Four Noble Truths, Gaining Mind, Non-duality, Duality... |
Mar 08 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #86Serial: BZ-00957A Saturday Lecture BCR-86, Doubt, Buddha Nature, Gaining Mind, Light-and-Darkness, Duality, Blue Cliff... |
Oct 15 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |