Ego Talks

Showing 837 talks

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Title Speaker

The Four Brahmaviharas (The Four Immeasurable Minds)

Equanimity, Peace, Anger, Ego, Happiness
Jun 12 2021

Sojun And JiJuYu Zanmai

Samadhi, uchiyama, Ego, Blue Cliff Record, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center
Mar 13 2021

Remembering Sojun

Serial: BZ-02820

Part of a series of online gatherings where at each meeting three long time students of Sojun Roshi share their memories of him. 

Sojun Mel Weitsman, Berkeley Zen Center, Ego, Lay Ordination, Money, Dokusan...
Feb 12 2021
3 of 5

Birth and Death, Part 2

Birth-and-Death, Building, Heart Sutra, Mindfulness, Ego, Zoom, Funeral, Interview,...
Dec 20 2020

Senior Student Tributes for Sojun Roshi

Berkeley Zen Center, Heart Sutra, Constancy, Gratitude, Don't Know Mind,...
Nov 01 2020

Public Dokusan 10

Composure, Mindfulness, Renunciation, Patience, Ego, Gaining Mind, Greed, Buddha Mind...
Oct 09 2020


Doubt, Right Effort, Commitment, Precepts, Birth-and-Death, Ego, Subject-and-Object,...
Aug 29 2020

July 21st, 2020, Serial No. 02759

Karma, Don't Know Mind, Fox, Culture, Bodhisattva Vow, Ego, Big Mind, Heart...
Jul 21 2020

Closely Watched 3

Karma, Dependent Origination, Ordinary Mind, Culture, Separation, Conversation,...
Jul 14 2020

Teaching Truth

War, Enemies, American, Ego, Evil, Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Hate, Offering...
Jul 11 2020

Closely Watched Mind 2

Emotions, Anger, Four Noble Truths, Cultivation, Subject-and-Object, Discrimination,...
Jul 06 2020

Closely Watched Mind 1

Don't Know Mind, Karma, resistance, Karmic Consequences, Bodhisattva Vow, Priest...
Jun 29 2020

The Koan Of Everyday Life

Emotions, Continuous Practice, Separation, Composure, Aspects of Practice, Ego,...
May 09 2020

Continuous Practice

Emotions, Continuous Practice, Separation, Bodhisattva Vow, Composure, Aspects of...
May 09 2020

Being Time Intentionally in the Fullness of the Ten Times

Serial: TL-00664

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Letting Go, Intention, Conversation, Ego, Zoom
May 03 2020

Stories of Enlightenment

In our class this fall we will contemplate and converse about several stories of Zen practice and enlightenment. Our contemplation and conversations will naturally bring up questions and concerns...

YRB-2019-Fall, Observe, Book of Serenity, Interview, Culture, Suzuki Roshi, Priest,...
Nov 07 2019
The Yoga Room

Inspirations for Practice

Right Speech, Religion, Ego, Equanimity, Lineage, Conversation
Jul 06 2019

Man Up A Tree, Talk 3

Serial: BZ-02686

Sesshin Day 3


Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Gratitude, Big Mind, Ego, Renunciation, Bodhidharma, Intuition...
Jun 21 2019

Man Up a Tree, Talk 2

Birth-and-Death, Buddha Mind, Renunciation, Ego, Big Mind, Separation,...
Jun 08 2019

Man up a Tree

Renunciation, Ego, Practice Period, Buddha Nature, Don't Know Mind, Priest,...
May 18 2019

Buddha Activity

The work of buddhas — buddha activity — is realizing intimacy and liberation in conversation together with all beings. In this series of meetings we will contemplate what it is to fully engage with...

YRB-2019-Spring, Karmic Consciousness, Silence, Intimacy, Ego, Nirvana, Teacher-and-...
Apr 16 2019
The Yoga Room

Buddha Activity

The work of buddhas — buddha activity — is realizing intimacy and liberation in conversation together with all beings. In this series of meetings we will contemplate what it is to fully engage with...

YRB-2019-Spring, cognitive process, Silence, Faith, Suzuki Roshi, unconscious process...
Apr 02 2019
The Yoga Room

Drifting Thoughts, Stepping Back - Temporal and Eternal Mind

Big Mind, Ego, Karma, Gratitude, Discrimination, Samadhi, Renewal, Rinzai, Interview...
Jan 19 2019

This Sesshin was Wonderfully Done

Serial: BZ-02653

Rohatsu Day 6


Silence, Big Mind, Priest, Vow, Offering, Doubt, Culture, Lay, Ego
Dec 07 2018

Birth, Death and Breath

Serial: BZ-02649

Rohatsu Day 2


Birth-and-Death, Concentration, Duality, Passions, Peace, Ego, Impermanence, Bell,...
Dec 03 2018

Compassion Flexibility the Victims of Paradise

Building, Global Warming, Right Speech, Offering, American, Happiness, Religion, Ego...
Nov 17 2018

Silent Sitting & Social Action

Zen students often ask how our practice of silence and stillness relates to injustice and our environmental crisis. In this class we explore this question and study the intimate interplay of...

YRB-2018-Fall, Silence, Bodhisattva Vow, Ego, Priest, Breath, Letting Go, difficulty...
Oct 30 2018
3 of 7
The Yoga Room

Tea Ladies and Their Mind-Refreshing Teaching

Serial: BZ-02639

Sesshin Open Aspects of Practice


Sixth Patriarch, Heart Sutra, Soto Zen, Priest, Aspects of Practice, Practice Period...
Oct 06 2018

Kyogen's Man Up in a Tree

Ego, Duality, Peace, Bodhidharma, War, Priest, Oneness, Conversation, Instruction...
Sep 29 2018

Prodigal Daughter

Gaining Mind, Repentance, Religion, Ego, Instruction, Gratitude, Silence, Hindrances...
Jul 07 2018

Preferences, Expectations, Letting Go

Serial: BZ-02619

Sesshin Day 3


Book of Serenity, Blue Cliff Record, Oneness, Ego, Daily Life, Hindrances, Tassajara...
Jun 15 2018

Daikan Eno and The Hundred Dharmas

Serial: BZ-02618

Sesshin Day 2


Repentance, Doubt, Big Mind, Anger, Karma, Greed, Ego, Heart Sutra, Sixth Patriarch,...
Jun 14 2018

Something To Die For: That's What Makes People Believe In Something

Peace, War, Ego, Practice Period, Karma, Dragons, Hindrances, Passions, Continuous...
May 19 2018

The Heart of Priest and Lay Practice

Priest, Gaining Mind, Lay, Lay Practice, Ego, Practice Period, Priest-and-Lay,...
Apr 21 2018

Wide and Small Fields in Genjokoan

Serial: TL-00506

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Lay Ordination, Practice Period, Ordination, Ego, Nirvana
Feb 26 2018
ADZG Temple

Nirvana Study Sesshin Day 2 Lecture 3

Composure, Bell, Nirvana, Daily Life, Ego, Heart Sutra, Two Truths, Chanting, Posture...
Feb 18 2018

Nirvana and Sunyata (Nirvana Study Sesshin Day 2 Lecture 4)

Serial: BZ-02599

 Study Sesshin Day 2 Lecture 4


Happiness, Duality, Nirvana, Liberation, Samsara, Birth-and-Death, Non-duality, Ego,...
Feb 18 2018

Blue Cliff Record Case 9: Joshu's Four Gates

BCR-9, Birth-and-Death, Ego, Attachment, Teacher-and-Student, Daily Life, Buddha...
Feb 03 2018

Joshu's Four Gates

BCR-9, Discrimination, Addiction, Ego, Non-discrimination, Buddha Mind, Separation,...
Jan 06 2018

Giving Back Whats Not Yours

Serial: BZ-02588

Day 7


Happiness, Buddha Nature, Birth-and-Death, Anger, Right Effort, Composure, Ego, Big...
Dec 09 2017


Serial: BZ-02585

Day 3


Composure, Nirvana, Enemies, Big Mind, Buddha Nature, Ego, Bodhidharma, resistance,...
Dec 05 2017

Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Mindfulness, Equanimity, Concentration, Ego, Samadhi, Enthusiasm, Happiness,...
Nov 11 2017

Wherever you are Enlightenment is Here

Big Mind, First Principle, Commitment, Buddha Nature, Practice Period, Ego,...
Oct 14 2017

Continuity Amid Conflict in Our Zen Practice

Buddha Ancestors, Berkeley Zen Center, Aspects of Practice, Transmission, Commitment...
Sep 30 2017

Non-Duality: Freedom from Extremes

Intuition, Emotions, Non-duality, Duality, Buddha Nature, Anger, Ego, Funeral,...
Sep 16 2017

Way-Seeking Mind Talk

Ego, Equanimity, Conversation, Instruction, Building, Peace, Emotions
Jul 17 2017
Berkeley Zen Center

Working with Our Mind

Mindfulness, Ego, Peace, Hate, Anger, Continuous Practice, Culture, Lay
Jul 15 2017

The Zen of Going to the Restroom

Addiction, Culture, Attachment, Patience, Precepts, Monastic Practice, Bodhisattva...
Jul 08 2017

Heart Sutra

Serial: BZ-02553

Sesshin Day 2


Ego, Heart Sutra, Emotions, Duality, Offering, Peace, causation, Karma, Addiction,...
Jun 08 2017

Precepts Class 5

Serial: BZ-02550

PP Class

Precepts, Ego, Culture, Anger, Renunciation, Heart Sutra, Mahayana, Emotions, Lay...
Jun 01 2017
