Big Mind Talks

Showing 464 talks

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Seminar on Huayan Buddhism

Serial: TL-00767

ADZG Saturday Afternoon Seminar,

Big Mind, Five Ranks, Dharmakaya, Manjushri
Oct 22 2022

Getting Stuck

Big Mind, Ordinary Mind, Lay Practice, Emotions, Humility
Aug 28 2021


Rinzai, Freedom, Global Warming, Big Mind, Jukai
Aug 14 2021

Celebrating Bob Dylan’s 80th Birthday

Serial: TL-00698

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Impermanence, Intimacy, Hate, Perfect Wisdom, Big Mind
May 23 2021

The Four Noble Truths

Big Mind, Four Noble Truths, Religion, Precepts, Patience
May 22 2021

Liberation, Justice, Anger, and Skillful Means

Serial: TL-00694

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Liberation, Big Mind, Religion, Zoom, Ceremony
Apr 19 2021

Public Dokusan 13

Birth-and-Death, Discrimination, Big Mind, Buddha Nature, Harmonizing, Vow, Samadhi,...
Nov 20 2020

Sojun Roshi At YEBZ

Precepts, Absolute-and-Relative, Monastic Practice, Big Mind, Bodhisattva Precepts,...
Sep 26 2020

Public Dokusan 7

Intuition, Big Mind, Monkey Mind, Equanimity, Birth-and-Death, Doubt, Karma,...
Aug 28 2020

July 21st, 2020, Serial No. 02759

Karma, Don't Know Mind, Fox, Culture, Bodhisattva Vow, Ego, Big Mind, Heart...
Jul 21 2020

Harmony Of Diversity

Big Mind, War, Diversity, Priest, Karma, Duality, American, Politics, Impermanence,...
Jun 20 2020

Dogen's Three Minds

Berkeley Zen Center, Buddha Mind, Vow, Big Mind, Practice Period, Bodhisattva Way,...
May 02 2020

Does Big Mind Care

Big Mind, Offering, Anger, Sangha, Vow, Lay
Jan 18 2020


Priest, Transmission, Big Mind, Dharma Transmission, Karma, Hindrances, Lineage, Lay...
Dec 08 2019

The Blue Mountain and the White Cloud

American, Teacher-and-Student, Interdependence, Lotus Sutra, Culture, Priest, Big...
Jul 27 2019

Man Up A Tree, Talk 3

Serial: BZ-02686

Sesshin Day 3


Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Gratitude, Big Mind, Ego, Renunciation, Bodhidharma, Intuition...
Jun 21 2019

Love Sesshin

Serial: BZ-02685

Sesshin Day 2


Instruction, Platform Sutra, Bodhisattva Vow, Big Mind, Birth-and-Death, Bell,...
Jun 20 2019

Tosotsu's Three Barriers

Serial: BZ-02684

Sesshin Day 1


Birth-and-Death, Big Mind, Buddha Mind, Practice Period, Instruction, Buddha Nature,...
Jun 19 2019

Man Up a Tree, Talk 2

Birth-and-Death, Buddha Mind, Renunciation, Ego, Big Mind, Separation,...
Jun 08 2019


Hate, Mindfulness, Big Mind, Equanimity, Duality, Monastic Practice, Interdependence...
Jun 01 2019

Nirvana the Waterfall

Oneness, Composure, Nirvana, Big Mind, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, Commitment,...
May 25 2019

Hsin Hsin Ming

Big Mind, Hate, Duality, Anger, Hsin Hsin Ming, Addiction, Greed, Discrimination,...
Mar 16 2019

Drifting Thoughts, Stepping Back - Temporal and Eternal Mind

Big Mind, Ego, Karma, Gratitude, Discrimination, Samadhi, Renewal, Rinzai, Interview...
Jan 19 2019

This Sesshin was Wonderfully Done

Serial: BZ-02653

Rohatsu Day 6


Silence, Big Mind, Priest, Vow, Offering, Doubt, Culture, Lay, Ego
Dec 07 2018

Six Qualatative Factors as Applied to Zazen

Serial: BZ-02648

Rohatsu Day 1


Posture, Big Mind, Nirvana, Peace, Anger, Equanimity, stubbornness, Instruction, War...
Dec 02 2018

Magnanimous View

Gaining Mind, Big Mind, Right Effort, Mindfulness, Instruction, Impermanence,...
Sep 15 2018

Zazen Posture and the Problem of Touch

Posture, Big Mind, Conversation, Instruction, Silence, Manjushri, Passions, Culture...
Sep 08 2018

Just Me

Concentration, Instruction, Ordinary Mind, Gratitude, Rinzai, Aspects of Practice,...
Jul 28 2018

Intimacy and Attention

Serial: BZ-02620

Sesshin Day 4

Big Mind, Composure, Intimacy, Zazen Mind, Lineage, Conversation, Vow, Precepts,...
Jun 16 2018

Daikan Eno and The Hundred Dharmas

Serial: BZ-02618

Sesshin Day 2


Repentance, Doubt, Big Mind, Anger, Karma, Greed, Ego, Heart Sutra, Sixth Patriarch,...
Jun 14 2018

The Position of Shuso

Practice Period, Big Mind, Hate, Intimacy, Conversation, Culture
May 25 2018

Spring Rain

Big Mind, Platform Sutra, Dharma Transmission, Ordination, Buddha Nature, Lotus Sutra...
Apr 14 2018

Buddha's Parinirvana (Nirvana Study Sesshin Day 1, Lecture 2)

Serial: BZ-02597

Nirvana Study Sesshin Day 1 Lecture 2


Happiness, Composure, Nirvana, Monastic Practice, Samsara, Soto Zen, Bowing, Oneness...
Feb 17 2018

Giving Back Whats Not Yours

Serial: BZ-02588

Day 7


Happiness, Buddha Nature, Birth-and-Death, Anger, Right Effort, Composure, Ego, Big...
Dec 09 2017

Alexandra's Encouragement

Serial: BZ-02587

Day 6


Big Mind, Composure, Peace, Happiness, Mindfulness, Conversation, Doubt
Dec 08 2017


Serial: BZ-02585

Day 3


Composure, Nirvana, Enemies, Big Mind, Buddha Nature, Ego, Bodhidharma, resistance,...
Dec 05 2017

Mind Waves

Serial: BZ-02584

Day 1


Big Mind, Samadhi, Duality, Composure, Patience, Non-duality, Religion, Five Ranks,...
Dec 03 2017


Big Mind, Building, Heart Sutra, Beginners, Interview, Separation, Posture, Doubt,...
Nov 25 2017

Wherever you are Enlightenment is Here

Big Mind, First Principle, Commitment, Buddha Nature, Practice Period, Ego,...
Oct 14 2017

The Zen of Going to the Restroom

Addiction, Culture, Attachment, Patience, Precepts, Monastic Practice, Bodhisattva...
Jul 08 2017

Sei Jo's Reunion

Diversity, Big Mind, Absolute-and-Relative, Oneness, Three Treasures, Buddha Nature,...
May 27 2017

The Blessings of Failure

Impermanence, Practice Period, Continuous Practice, Precepts, Commitment, Big Mind,...
Apr 15 2017

Grandmotherly Mind

Soto Zen, Teacher-and-Student, Big Mind, Practice Position, Precepts, training, Right...
Mar 25 2017


Big Mind, Non-violence, Birth-and-Death, Evil, New Year, Daily Life, Blue Cliff...
Jan 28 2017

Beyond Consciousness

Serial: BZ-02517

Rohatsu Day 4


Karma, Intuition, Anger, Composure, Precepts, Religion, Big Mind, Building
Dec 07 2016

Fundamentals of Zazen: Being in Time

Serial: BZ-02514

Rohatsu Day 1


Posture, Big Mind, Bell, Beginners, resistance, Chanting, Discrimination, Offering,...
Dec 04 2016

Wheel of Life, Karmic Life, Buddhist Life

Big Mind, Karma, Emotions, Greed, Anger, Happiness, Birth-and-Death, Demons,...
Dec 03 2016

Macha Politics Despair Now What

Politics, War, Sanctuary, Three Treasures, Anger, Composure, Peace, Ego, Big Mind,...
Nov 26 2016

Zen Mind, Beginners Mind: Attachment, Non-Attachment, or Universal Friendliness

Big Mind, Oneness, Attachment, Hate, Instruction, Absolute-and-Relative, Forgiveness...
Nov 12 2016

Dogen's Four Embracing Actions

Enemies, Vow, true dharma, Politics, Bodhisattva Vow, Lotus Sutra, Don't Know...
Jul 23 2016
