Attachment Talks

Upādāna उपादान is a Sanskrit and Pali word that means "fuel, material cause, substrate that is the source and means for keeping an active process energized". It is also an important Buddhist concept referring to "attachment, clinging, grasping". It is considered to be the result of taṇhā (craving), and is part of the duhkha (dissatisfaction, suffering, pain) doctrine in Buddhism.

From Upādāna on Wikipedia

Showing 759 talks

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Title Speaker

Sunday Lecture

Enthusiasm, Religion, Priest, Emptiness, Nirvana, Observe, Ego, Posture, Bell,...
Mar 18 2001
Green Gulch

Discrimination, Non-discrimination, and Essence of Mind

Serial: BZ-00098A

Saturday Lecture

Discrimination, Discrimination, Dream World, Attachment, Posture, Platform Sutra,...
Mar 17 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Hui Neng’s Idealessness/Non-objectification, Non-attachment

Attachment, Karma, Non-attachment, Karmic Consequences, Buddha Nature, Enemies,...
Mar 03 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Essence of Mind & the Five Hinderances

Serial: BZ-00130A

One-Day Sitting

Hindrances, Hindrances, Daily Life, Doubt, Big Mind, Nirvana, Attachment, Buddha...
Feb 19 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Arbor Day

Serial: SF-01069

Sunday Lecture

Humility, Mindfulness, Vow, Lotus Sutra, Commitment, Practice Period, Attachment,...
Feb 18 2001
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Study Period, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, Liberation, Instruction, Renunciation...
Jan 28 2001
Green Gulch

What is Hard Practice?

Serial: BZ-00127B

Rohatsu Day 6

Posture, Monastic Practice, Emotions, Continuous Practice, Attachment, Enthusiasm,...
Dec 09 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Preparing/Not Preparing for Sesshin

Serial: BZ-00124B

Saturday Lecture

Sesshin, Ego, Demons, Emotions, Posture, Equanimity, Buddha Nature, Obstacles,...
Dec 02 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Tenzo Kyokun Class

Practice Period, Attachment, Offering, Letting Go, Bodhisattva Way, Emptiness,...
Nov 28 2000
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Ceremony, Attachment, Dragons, Commitment, Letting Go, Zazen, Big Mind, Greed, Suzuki...
Nov 26 2000
Green Gulch

Embracing Abundance Through Selfless Giving

Ceremony, Gratitude, Emptiness, Separation, Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Nov 22 2000
City Center

Birth and Death: Dogen’s Zenki and Shoji

Serial: BZ-00487

Class 3 of 4

Birth-and-Death, Continuous Practice, Duality, Oneness, Karma, Sixth Patriarch,...
Nov 16 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

How Love Drives the World

Serial: BZ-00122B

Saturday Lecture

Love, Emotions, Hate, Anger, Buddha Nature, War, Ego, Attachment, Peace, Cultivation...
Nov 04 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Birth and Death: Dogen’s Zenki and Shoji

Serial: BZ-00489

Class 1 of 4

Birth-and-Death, Vow, Attachment, Big Mind, Samsara, Bodhisattva Vow, Four Noble...
Nov 02 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

The Diamond Sutra: Commentary

Serial: BZ-00918

Class 5 of 5

Offering, Attachment, Mindfulness, Liberation, Karma, Sixth Patriarch, Passions,...
Oct 14 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

The Diamond Sutra: Commentary

Serial: BZ-00916

Class 4 of 5

Anger, Karma, Attachment, Nirvana, Liberation, Obstacles, Four Noble Truths, Vow,...
Oct 07 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

The Diamond Sutra: Commentary

Serial: BZ-00917

Class 2 of 5

Offering, Attachment, Passions, Anger, Karma, Nirvana, Nirvana Sutra, Impermanence,...
Sep 23 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Sunday Lecture

Four Noble Truths, Right Effort, Greed, Attachment, Bodhidharma, Karma, Three...
Sep 17 2000
Green Gulch

Wednesday Lecture

Precepts, Equanimity, Bodhisattva Precepts, Enemies, Bodhisattva Vow, Ceremony,...
Sep 13 2000
Green Gulch

Surangama Sutra Class

confusion, Four Noble Truths, Don't Know Mind, Delusion, Discrimination, Heart...
Sep 11 2000

Why Do We Practice?

Serial: BZ-00083B

Saturday Lecture

Practice, Don't Know Mind, Ego, Monastic Practice, Big Mind, Manjushri,...
Sep 09 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

The Diamond Sutra: Commentarty

Serial: BZ-00919

Class 1 of 5

Offering, Skandas, Attachment, Mahayana, Vow, Nirvana, Heart Sutra, Liberation,...
Sep 09 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #2

Serial: BZ-00083A

Nondiscriminating Mind within Discrimination, Sesshin Day 3

Discrimination, BCR-2, Discrimination, Dragons, Non-discrimination, Attachment, Hsin...
Sep 04 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Codependent Chain of Origination: Why We Sit

Serial: BZ-00082B

Sesshin Day 2

Dependent Origination, Zazen, Dependent Origination, Birth-and-Death, Attachment, Ego...
Sep 03 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Women Ancestors Class

Serial: BZ-00851

Class 4 of 4

Transmission, Dragons, Passions, Heart Sutra, Buddha Nature, Beginners, Conversation...
Jul 27 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Women Ancestors Class

Serial: BZ-00852

Class 3 of 4

Silent Illumination, Lineage, Interview, Soto Zen, Attachment, Chanting, Obstacles,...
Jul 20 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

One-day Sitting Lecture

Karma, Posture, Zendo, Happiness, Daily Life, Birth-and-Death, Letting Go, Tassajara...
Jun 17 2000
Green Gulch

Five Spiritual Controlling Factors of the Mind

Serial: BZ-00056A

Sesshin Day 3

Concentration, Mindfulness, Buddha Nature, Posture, Religion, Attachment, Bodhisattva...
Jun 16 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Seven Limbs of Enlightenment

Serial: BZ-00055B

Sesshin Day 2

Enlightenment, Mindfulness, Concentration, Enthusiasm, Equanimity, Don't Know...
Jun 15 2000
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00055A

Sesshin Day 1

Zazengi, Concentration, Posture, Samadhi, Emotions, Attachment, Buddha Ancestors,...
Jun 14 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Saturday Lecture

Right Speech, Dana, Precepts, Suzuki Roshi, Attachment, Intimacy, Duality, Non-...
May 20 2000
City Center

Surangama Sutra Class

Big Mind, Light-and-Darkness, Practice Period, Faith, Three Treasures, Emptiness,...
May 16 2000
Green Gulch

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00162A

Women and Men, Saturday Lecture

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Light-and-Darkness, Attachment, Chanting, Duality,...
May 13 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Four Noble Truths Class

Serial: BZ-00857

Class 3 of 5

Four Noble Truths, Dependent Origination, resistance, Attachment, Renunciation, War,...
Apr 27 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

On Practice

Ego, Practice Period, Addiction, Attachment, Sangha, Gratitude, Commitment, Interview...
Apr 02 2000
Arcata Zen Group

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00207B

Some personal comments, Sesshin Day 3

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Light-and-Darkness, Branching Streams, Darkness and...
Mar 26 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Joshua’s Use of 24 Hours

Serial: BZ-00207A

Sesshin Day Two

Blue Cliff Record, Attachment, Four Noble Truths, Soto Zen, Rinzai, Concentration,...
Mar 25 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Sunday Lecture

Letting Go, Ceremony, Freedom, Zazen, Bodhidharma, Interview, Mindfulness, Silence,...
Mar 05 2000
Green Gulch

Attachment and Death

Impermanence, Attachment, Four Noble Truths, Happiness, Practice Period, Tassajara...
Feb 05 2000
Berkeley Zen Center


Heart Sutra, Four Noble Truths, Buddha Nature, Buddha Mind, Freedom, lecture,...
Feb 02 2000

Sunday Lecture

Emptiness, Emotions, Practice Period, Ceremony, Passions, Letting Go, Enthusiasm,...
Jan 09 2000
Green Gulch

Zen Harmony Through Ferdinand's Path

Serial: SF-00064

Sunday dharma talk.

Letting Go, Peace, Attachment, Freedom, Practice Period, Hindrances, Nirvana, Doubt,...
Dec 05 1999

Embracing Presence: The Art of Meditation

Hindrances, Doubt, Emotions, Enthusiasm, Emptiness, Greed, Silence, Attachment,...
Dec 05 1999
City Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #50

Serial: BZ-00195A

Um-mon's “Particle after Particle Samadhi”, Saturday Lecture

Ummon, Samadhi, BCR-50, Attachment, Samadhi, Emotions, Lotus Sutra, Blue Cliff Record...
Sep 11 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Breathing, Theravada/Zen Suffering

Serial: BZ-00194B

Sesshin Day 3

Breath, Theravada, Samadhi, Mundane Life, Attachment, Daily Life, Four Foundations,...
Sep 06 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Dependent Origination

Dependent Origination, Attachment, Mindfulness, Heart Sutra, Liberation, Four Noble...
Sep 04 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Genjokoan Commentary (Pt. 3/8)

Serial: BZ-00753A

Sesshin Day 3

Genjokoan, Birth-and-Death, Liberation, Thoroughness, Impermanence, Continuous...
Jun 25 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Genjokoan Commentary (Pt. 2/8)

Serial: BZ-00078B

Sesshin Day 2

Genjokoan, Precious Mirror, Duality, Buddha Nature, Five Ranks, Absolute-and-Relative...
Jun 24 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Master Hongzi's Practice Instruction

Serial: BZ-00073A

One-Day Sitting

Hongzhi, Practice, Attachment, Darkness and Light, Silent Illumination, Light-and-...
Apr 18 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Zazengi (Pt. 2)

Serial: BZ-00070B

One-Day Sitting

Zazengi, Concentration, Samadhi, Equanimity, Mindfulness, Hate, Ego, Attachment, Big...
Mar 28 1999
Berkeley Zen Center
