Attachment Talks
Upādāna उपादान is a Sanskrit and Pali word that means "fuel, material cause, substrate that is the source and means for keeping an active process energized". It is also an important Buddhist concept referring to "attachment, clinging, grasping". It is considered to be the result of taṇhā (craving), and is part of the duhkha (dissatisfaction, suffering, pain) doctrine in Buddhism.
Title | Speaker | |
Happiness and LoveSerial: BZ-00948B Saturday Lecture Happiness, Love, New Year, Happiness, Liberation, Equanimity, Attachment, Buddha Mind... |
Jan 07 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Primitive Romualdian Spirituality / ApplicationsSerial: NC-00015 Part of "Romualdian/Camaldolese/Benedictine Spirituality" 1. Primitive Romualdian Spirituality / Applications Archival Photo OSB Cam, Demons, Intimacy, Fasting, Attachment, Continuous Practice |
1995 1 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Mumonkan Case #46: The Mumonkan and Social ActionSerial: BZ-00957B Lecture Silence, War, Teacher-and-Student, Observe, Birth-and-Death, Attachment, Demons,... |
Oct 22 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Other Four ParamitasSerial: BZ-00936A Skillful Means, Spiritual Power, Aspiration, Knowledge, Sesshin Day 1 Skillful Means, Bodhisattva Vow, Karma, Four Noble Truths, Doubt, Vow, Bodhidharma,... |
Sep 03 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Lankavatara Sutra and PsychoanalysisSerial: BZ-00939B Lecture Discrimination, Enemies, resistance, Transmission, Duality, Emotions, Attachment... |
Jul 30 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Contemplative PrayerSerial: NC-01097 Contemplative Prayer Class OSB Cam, Fox, Ego, Balance, Attachment |
Jul 26 1994 8 of 11 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Sunday Lecture Anger, Birth-and-Death, Monkey Mind, Vow, Attachment, Posture, Impermanence, Buddha... |
Jul 10 1994 Green Gulch |
Four Foundations of Mindfulness #3Serial: BZ-00944 Sesshin Day 3 Four Foundations, Equanimity, Subject-and-Object, Anger, Daily Life, Attachment,... |
Jun 10 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Perfection of WisdomSerial: BZ-00232 Class 5 of 5 Intimacy, Perfect Wisdom, Impermanence, Nirvana, Don't Know Mind, Chanting,... |
Apr 21 1994 5 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Four Noble TruthsSerial: BZ-00963B Lecture Four Noble Truths, Right Effort, Daily Life, Dependent Origination, resistance, Right... |
Mar 26 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Platform Sutra: Monk FaTa; Life and DeathSerial: BZ-00551 Class 9 of 10 Lotus Sutra, Birth-and-Death, Happiness, Soto Zen, Karmic Consciousness, Karma,... |
Mar 22 1994 9 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Platform SutraSerial: BZ-00550 Class 8 of 10 Five Ranks, Attachment, Subject-and-Object, Commitment, Ego, Sixth Patriarch, Duality... |
Mar 19 1994 8 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Madyamika/Yogachara Schools of Emptiness/SynthesisSerial: BZ-00964A Three Bodies of Buddha pt. II, Sesshin Day 2 Madyamika, Trikaya, Emptiness, Yogachara, Religion, Emotions, Karma, Sixth Patriarch... |
Mar 13 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Meeting of American Culture and BuddhismSerial: SF-00103 Lecture Series Right Speech, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Fox, Half-Smile, Lay, Emptiness,... |
Mar 01 1994 City Center |
Mumonkan: Case #10Serial: BZ-00980A Essence of Mind "Alone and Poor", Saturday Lecture MM-10, Attachment, Greed, Practice Period, Buddha Nature, Tassajara Zen Mountain... |
Feb 05 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Platform Sutra: The Four Part Verse and Samadhi/PrajnaSerial: BZ-00549 Class, Part 4 of 10, Winter Practice Period Attachment, Samadhi, Precepts, Non-attachment, Don't Know Mind, Discrimination,... |
Jan 29 1994 4 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Platform Sutra: Maha Prajna ParamitaSerial: BZ-00546 Class 3 of 10 Platform Sutra, Intuition, Attachment, Birth-and-Death, Mahayana, Evil, Buddha Mind,... |
Jan 24 1994 3 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Full Awareness of Our Ordinary LivesSerial: BZ-00983B Lecture Precepts, Daily Life, Mindfulness, Teacher-and-Student, confusion, Conversation,... |
Jan 15 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Peace, Compassion, ResponseSerial: BZ-00982 Lecture Karmic Consciousness, Peace, Attachment, Rinzai, Culture, Religion, Enemies,... |
Jan 12 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Contemplation and Inner ExperienceSerial: NC-00837 Class on contemplative prayer using Thomas Merton's The Inner Experience. Class VIII Contemplative Prayer Set 2 of 2 OSB Cam, Fox, Ego, Balance, Attachment |
1994 8 of 10 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #2Serial: BZ-00657A Joshu's "The Way Is Not Difficult", Saturday Lecture Joshu, BCR-2, confusion, Attachment, Hate, Buddha Nature, Daily Life, Emotions,... |
Sep 18 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sunday Lecture Cultivation, Equanimity, Vow, Addiction, Attachment, Happiness, Bodhisattva Vow,... |
Aug 01 1993 Green Gulch |
Fukan Zazen-gi: Dust and Cataracts are the Flowers of EmptinessSerial: BZ-00654A Lecture Anger, Instruction, Emotions, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Concentration,... |
Jul 24 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
1993.06.28-serial.00263 Greed, Passions, Buddha Nature, Desire, Attachment |
Jun 28 1993 |
Transmission of the LightSerial: SF-00041 Wednesday night teisho Birth-and-Death, Buddha Nature, Karmic Consequences, Karma, Attachment, Delusion,... |
May 26 1993 |
Transmission of Light: The 38th Ancestor Seigen Gyoshi; Not Getting Caught in StagesSerial: BZ-00666B Saturday Lecture Seigen Gyoshi, Liberation, Lineage, Buddha Nature, Bodhidharma, Current Events, Don... |
May 22 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Transmission of LightSerial: BZ-00214 Class 3 of 5 Attachment, Passions, Four Noble Truths, Offering, Buddha Nature, Lineage, Don't... |
May 20 1993 3 Berkeley Zen Center |
Keizan’s Transmitting Light; Tung Shan: the Teaching of Inanimate ThingsSerial: BZ-00665B Lecture Attachment, Discrimination, Lotus Sutra, War, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period,... |
May 15 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Introduction to BuddhismSerial: BZ-00270 Class 6 of 6 Four Noble Truths, Enemies, Mahayana, Impermanence, Anger, Attachment, Monastic... |
Apr 22 1993 6 Berkeley Zen Center |
Non-Attachment as Distinct from DetachmentSerial: BZ-00662B One-Day Sitting Non-attachment, Attachment, Peace, Commitment, Passions, Pure Existence, Observe,... |
Apr 10 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sunday Lecture Ordination, Happiness, Equanimity, Attachment, Conversation, Cultivation, Liberation... |
Mar 28 1993 Green Gulch |
Introduction to BuddhismSerial: BZ-00262 Class 2 of 6 Four Noble Truths, Culture, Attachment, Impermanence, Dependent Origination, Right... |
Mar 18 1993 2 Berkeley Zen Center |
The First Noble Truth, The Three Kinds of SufferingSerial: BZ-00648B The Suffering of Impermanence, Saturday Lecture Impermanence, Four Noble Truths, Bodhisattva Vow, Attachment, Impermanence, Emotions... |
Feb 06 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
What is Meant by Saving All Beings?Serial: BZ-00648A Hui Neng, The Platform Sutra, One-Day Sitting Hui Neng, Bodhisattva Vow, Platform Sutra, Vow, Four Noble Truths, Buddha Nature,... |
Jan 31 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Ten Precepts: First and Second PreceptsSerial: BZ-00617 Class 2 of 6 Precepts, Giving-and-Taking, Mahayana, Attachment, Passions, Buddha Mind, Emotions,... |
Jan 21 1993 2 Berkeley Zen Center |
Shakyamuni BuddhaSerial: BZ-00645B Lecture Concentration, Nirvana, Culture, Buddha Nature, Attachment, Beginners, Posture,... |
Dec 12 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
Iron Flute: Heat in Summer, Head Cold in WinterSerial: BZ-00643A The recording photo shows two titles. Getting Real: After Putting Another Head on Your Head Iron Flute: Heat in Summer, Head Cold in Winter... |
Nov 14 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sunday Lecture Equanimity, Heart Sutra, Peace, Attachment, Precepts, Cultivation, Interview,... |
Oct 25 1992 Green Gulch |
Paramitas: Prajna (Wisdom)Serial: BZ-00615 Class 6 of 6 Four Noble Truths, Dependent Origination, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Heart Sutra... |
Oct 22 1992 6 Berkeley Zen Center |
Paramitas: Virya (Effort)Serial: BZ-00613 Class 4 of 6 Right Effort, Enemies, Attachment, Patience, Birth-and-Death, confusion, Practice... |
Oct 08 1992 4 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #44Serial: BZ-00638A Hoshan's Knowing How to Beat the Drum, Saturday Lecture BCR-44, Daily Life, Attachment, Buddha Mind, Don't Know Mind, Teacher-and-... |
Sep 19 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
GenjokoanSerial: BZ-00709B Sesshin Day 2 Genjokoan, Buddha Nature, Duality, Samsara, Birth-and-Death, Nirvana, Non-duality,... |
Jun 25 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
GenjokoanSerial: BZ-00709A Sesshin Day 1 Genjokoan, Duality, Birth-and-Death, Non-duality, Emotions, Practice Period,... |
Jun 24 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
Tozan’s Five Ranks: Tozan’s Five Poems in 3 TranslationsSerial: BZ-00609 Class 4 of 4 Dragons, Five Ranks, Attachment, Birth-and-Death, Culture, Ego, Buddha Nature, New... |
Jun 11 1992 4 Berkeley Zen Center |
Harmonizing Body, Breath, and MindSerial: BZ-00680A One-Day Sitting Posture, Harmonizing, Concentration, Separation, Don't Know Mind, Subject-and-... |
Apr 26 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
Compassionate Practice with Tibetan FlavorSerial: BZ-00681B Lecture Attachment, Bodhisattva Vow, Bodhisattva Way, Vow, Offering, Ego, Bodhisattva... |
Dec 21 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
Anticipation, Apprehension and FearSerial: BZ-00731B Rohatsu Day 3 Hindrances, Discrimination, Big Mind, Concentration, Posture, Karma, Ego, Attachment... |
Dec 15 1991 |
Vimalakirti Sutra; Oneness and DualitySerial: BZ-00707A Rohatsu Day 4 Vimalakirti, Oneness, Duality, Duality, Silence, Manjushri, Discrimination, Non-... |
Dec 04 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Fire, Suffering, and Relationship With JapanSerial: BZ-00702B Saturday Lecture Japan, Current Events, Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Demons, Birth-... |
Oct 26 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #20Serial: BZ-00694B Nansen's Flower; Dreaming, Sesshin Day 1 Nansen, BCR-20, Dream World, Separation, Intuition, Attachment, Precepts, American... |
Aug 31 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |