Attachment Talks

Upādāna उपादान is a Sanskrit and Pali word that means "fuel, material cause, substrate that is the source and means for keeping an active process energized". It is also an important Buddhist concept referring to "attachment, clinging, grasping". It is considered to be the result of taṇhā (craving), and is part of the duhkha (dissatisfaction, suffering, pain) doctrine in Buddhism.

From Upādāna on Wikipedia

Showing 759 talks

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Title Speaker

June 19th, 2003, Serial No. 01344

Four Noble Truths, Liberation, training, Hindrances, Lineage, Karma, Attachment, Non-...
Jun 19 2003

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-01089

Feet, toes - funny introduction. Memorial Day - historical information. War. Relating Memorial Day to our practice.

Letting Go, Death-and-Dying, Attachment, Interdependence, Observe, Separation,...
May 25 2003
Green Gulch

True Concentration

Serial: BZ-01524A

From Suzuki-rôshi Book, Saturday Lecture

Concentration, Suzuki Roshi, Duality, Concentration, Non-duality, Gaining Mind, War,...
Apr 12 2003
Berkeley Zen Center

Light in Buddhism: Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi: Bells, Lightness and Faith

Serial: BZ-00542

Class 7 of 7

Bell, Doubt, Daily Life, Attachment, Religion, Anger, Rinzai, Chanting, Mindfulness,...
Apr 01 2003
Chapel Hill Zen Center

Light in Buddhism: Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi

Serial: BZ-00543

Class 5 of 7

Karma, Addiction, Anger, War, Demons, Intuition, Equanimity, Attachment, Interview,...
Mar 30 2003
Chapel Hill Zen Center

Light in Buddhism: Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi

Serial: BZ-00540

Class 4 of 7

Attachment, Absolute-and-Relative, Teacher-and-Student, Dragons, Instruction...
Mar 29 2003
Chapel Hill Zen Center

Light in Buddhism: Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi

Serial: BZ-00541

Class 3 of 7

Birth-and-Death, Discrimination, Non-duality, Attachment, Renunciation, Anger, Daily...
Mar 29 2003
Chapel Hill Zen Center

Light in Buddhism: Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi

Serial: BZ-00545

Class 2 of 7

Attachment, Non-attachment, Composure, Interview, Happiness, Discrimination, Emotions...
Mar 29 2003
Chapel Hill Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00132A

Saturday Lecture

Nirvana, Nirvana, Birth-and-Death, Ego, Attachment, Zazen Mind, Six Realms, Passions...
Mar 08 2003
Berkeley Zen Center

Sesshin Lecture

Fox, Practice Period, Precepts, Teacher-and-Student, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Mar 2003


Continuous Practice, Buddha Mind, Sangha, Attachment, difficulty, Forgiveness,...
Feb 17 2003

Title Unknown

Serial: BZ-00181A

Sesshin Day 1

Nirvana, Attachment, Birth-and-Death, Equanimity, Precepts, Liberation, Happiness,...
Feb 15 2003
Berkeley Zen Center

How to Maintain Our Composure in Uncertain Times

Serial: BZ-00180A

Saturday Lecture

Four Foundations, Satipattana Sutra, Composure, Mindfulness, Anger, Composure,...
Feb 02 2003
Berkeley Zen Center

Suzuki-rôshi Almost Drowning

Serial: BZ-00175

From "Not Always So", Rohatsu Day 5

Suzuki Roshi, Attachment, Happiness, Teacher-and-Student, Perfect Wisdom, Bell,...
Dec 06 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Everyday Life Is Like a Movie

Serial: BZ-00173B

The Movie and the Empty Screen, Rohatsu Day 2

Practice, Daily Life, Anger, Instruction, Posture, Emotions, Big Mind, Heart Sutra,...
Dec 03 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-00953

Witch puppet started giving the talk, humorous. Why do we practice? Because we are dissatisfied. Halloween, Seijiki, legend of Seijiki, general dharma talk - impermanence,...

Ceremony, Blue Cliff Record, Buddha Mind, Attachment, Hate, Emptiness, Demons, Greed...
Oct 27 2002
Green Gulch

The Process of Peace

Peace, Freedom, Attachment, Five Ranks, Zazen, Delusion, Offering, Zendo, Karma,...
Oct 26 2002
City Center

15 Sutras from the Old Way: Meghiya (Friendship)

Serial: BZ-00457

Class 4 of 5

Right Speech, Attachment, Impermanence, Lovingkindness, Commitment, Cultivation,...
Oct 03 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

15 Sutras from the Old Way: Kesaputta and Meghiya Sutta (Dharma Relationships)

Serial: BZ-00456

Clas 3 of 5

Cultivation, Happiness, Equanimity, Attachment, Intimacy, confusion, Karma,...
Sep 26 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

15 Sutras from the Old Way: Those of Kesaputta from Anguttara Nikaya

Serial: BZ-00455

Class 2 of 5

confusion, Mindfulness, Practice Period, Evil, Nirvana, Cultivation, Anger,...
Sep 19 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Suramgama Sutra

Serial: BZ-00478

Class 4 of 4

Demons, Cultivation, Karma, Attachment, confusion, Precepts, Skandas, Greed,...
Sep 12 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Summer Practice with Guests

Serial: BZ-00115


Practice Position, Attachment, Teacher-and-Student, Buddha Nature, Sangha, Daily Life...
Aug 08 2002

Suzuki Roshi New Book

Serial: BZ-00155B


Concentration, training, Posture, Anger, Beginners, resistance, Conversation,...
Aug 03 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Practice and Enlightenment

Serial: BZ-00154A

One-Day Sitting

Dogen, Practice, Enlightenment, Faith, Intuition, Posture, Doubt, Branching Streams,...
Jul 14 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Kinhin and Bowing

Serial: BZ-00151A

Sesshin Day 3

Kinhin, Bowing, Attachment, Monastic Practice, Priest, Lay, Practice Period, Anger,...
Jun 21 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Transmission of the Light Class

Serial: SF-00918

Upagupta (Ubakikuta), leaving home

Demons, Karmic Consciousness, Attachment, Karmic Consequences, Emptiness, Passions,...
May 28 2002
Green Gulch

Instructions for the Zen Cook: Tenzo Kyokun; Zen Cook, Tenzo

Serial: BZ-00449

Class 1 of 5

Composure, Daily Life, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Offering, Posture, Emotions,...
May 16 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

May 16th, 2002, Serial No. 01010, Side A

Soto Zen, Composure, Daily Life, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Offering, Emotions,...
May 16 2002

Four Noble Truths: Causes of Suffering

Serial: BZ-00469

Class 2 of 4

Karma, Birth-and-Death, Attachment, Six Realms, Precepts, Renewal, Nirvana,...
Mar 21 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Harmonizing Breath, Body, Mind and Feeling

Serial: BZ-00142A

Sesshin Day 3

Posture, Zazen, Ordinary Mind, Composure, Harmonizing, Attachment, Soto Zen, Nirvana...
Mar 17 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Cultivating the Ground

Serial: BZ-00141B

Comentary on Suzuki Roshi Lecture, Sesshin Day 2

Emptiness, Silence, Buddha Nature, causation, Big Mind, Ego, Karma, Attachment,...
Mar 16 2002
Berkeley Zen Center


training, Practice Period, Religion, Continuous Practice, zen, Fundraising, Rinzai,...
Mar 15 2002


Buddha Ancestors, Buddha Nature, Daily Life, Attachment, Impermanence, Subject-and-...
Mar 14 2002

Four Noble Truths: Dukka (Suffering)

Serial: BZ-00468

Class 1 of 4

Four Noble Truths, Ego, Heart Sutra, Karmic Consequences, Nirvana, Karma, Attachment...
Mar 14 2002
Berkeley Zen Center


Intimacy, Anger, Greed, Dependent Origination, confusion, Subject-and-Object,...
Mar 13 2002


Dependent Origination, Intimacy, confusion, Anger, Subject-and-Object, Addiction,...
Mar 13 2002


Ego, Zazen, Attachment, difficulty, Precepts, Passions
Mar 10 2002

Guarding the Garden: Lessons from Islam

Serial: BZ-00140A


Oneness, Forgiveness, Ego, Anger, American, Enemies, Attachment, Silence, Chanting,...
Mar 02 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen’s Kokyo: the Eternal Mirror

Serial: BZ-00470

Class 4 of 4

Passions, Attachment, Gratitude, Intuition, Concentration, Instruction, Religion,...
Feb 14 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Embrace Perseverance Through Basic Goodness

Vow, Practice Period, Delusion, Letting Go, Attachment, Suzuki Roshi, Equanimity,...
Jan 30 2002
City Center


Serial: BZ-00061B

Saturday Lecture

Forgiveness, Anger, Forgiveness, Equanimity, Evil, Attachment, Precepts, Politics,...
Jan 26 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Sixth and Seventh Precepts and Contention

Serial: BZ-00066B

One-Day Sitting

Precepts, Anger, Precepts, stubbornness, Separation, Subject-and-Object, Attachment,...
Jan 12 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Father’s Passing

Serial: BZ-00093A


Birth-and-Death, Attachment, Offering, Buddha Nature, Conversation, Rinzai, Aspects...
Oct 20 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

The Essence of Continuous Practice

Book of Serenity, Non-attachment, Samsara, Hongzhi, Attachment
Jun 04 2001


Serial: BZ-00102A

Saturday Lecture

Emptiness, Heart Sutra, Interdependence, Ego, Chanting, Duality, Composure,...
May 26 2001
Berkeley Zen Center


Posture, Daily Life, Don't Know Mind, Ego, Four Noble Truths, Silent...
May 19 2001


Posture, Silence, Don't Know Mind, Buddha Ancestors, Diversity, Patience,...
May 19 2001


Serial: BZ-00101A

Saturday Lecture

Breath, Maylie Scott, Daily Life, Liberation, Harmonizing, Practice Period, Don'...
May 19 2001
Berkeley Zen Center


Attachment, lecture, Greed, Dragons, Posture, Teacher-and-Student, Dharma...
May 18 2001

Releasing Ourselves in Life and Death

Serial: BZ-00100B

Saturday Lecture

Birth-and-Death, Posture, Emotions, Karma, Attachment, Zoom, Continuous Practice,...
Apr 28 2001
Berkeley Zen Center
