Offering Talks

Showing 537 talks

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Title Speaker

Surangama Sutra Class

Precepts, Don't Know Mind, Commitment, Ceremony, Birth-and-Death, Ordination,...
May 02 2000
Green Gulch

April 26th, 2000, Serial No. 03919

Right Speech, Precepts, Monastic Practice, Priest, Vow, Separation, Ego, Silence,...
Apr 26 2000
City Center

Sunday Lecture

Ceremony, Manjushri, Offering, Heart Sutra, Zendo, Perfect Wisdom, Buddha's...
Apr 02 2000
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Letting Go, Ceremony, Freedom, Zazen, Bodhidharma, Interview, Mindfulness, Silence,...
Mar 05 2000
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Dragons, New Year, Offering, Ceremony, Renewal, Suzuki Roshi, Ordination,...
Feb 06 2000
Green Gulch

Religion and Culture in This Century and the Next.

Serial: BZ-00201B

Saturday Lecture

New Year, Religion, Culture, American, Offering, Cultivation, Interview, Evil, Vow,...
Dec 30 1999
Berkeley Zen Center


Conversation, Buddha's Birthday, Dragons, Offering, Don't Know Mind...
Nov 07 1999

Wednesday Lecture

Bowing, Emptiness, Koan, Suzuki Roshi, Soto Zen, Chanting, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Oct 06 1999
City Center

One-day Sitting Lecture

Greed, Offering, Lotus Sutra, Bodhidharma, Liberation, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center...
Sep 18 1999
Green Gulch


New Year, Precepts, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Offering, Silence, realization, Desire...
Sep 04 1999


Bowing, Buddha Nature, Desire, Offering, Letting Go, Faith, Observe, Discrimination,...
Aug 12 1999


Bowing, Buddha Nature, Observe, Desire, Offering, Letting Go, Discrimination, Faith,...
Aug 12 1999

Buddha's Birthday

Serial: SF-03241

Sunday Lecture

Buddha's Birthday, Ceremony, Renewal, Liberation, Vow, Happiness, Peace,...
Apr 04 1999
Green Gulch

February 13th, 1999, Serial No. 00054

Posture, Instruction, Diversity, resistance, Bell, Offering, training
Feb 13 1999

January 24th, 1999, Serial No. 00183, Side A

Silence, Offering, Beginners, Instruction, training, Attachment, Diversity, Sangha,...
Jan 24 1999

Shikantaza: "To Forget The Self"

Serial: BZ-00190A

Saturday Lecture

Shikantaza, Birth-and-Death, Continuous Practice, Soto Zen, Offering, Renunciation,...
Jan 16 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

On His Health & BZC's Future

Serial: BZ-00186

Rohatsu Day 6

Sojun Mel Weitsman, Doubt, Emotions, Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Dec 05 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

November 30th, 1998, Serial No. 00167, Side A

Continuous Practice, Buddha Ancestors, Demons, Mindfulness, Concentration, Offering,...
Nov 30 1998

November 19th, 1998, Serial No. 00837

Chanting, Separation, Harmonizing, Lotus Sutra, Subject-and-Object, Offering,...
Nov 19 1998

Sunday Lecture

Anger, Book of Serenity, Karma, Precepts, Evil, Duality, Emptiness, Offering, Fasting...
Oct 04 1998
Green Gulch

October 3rd, 1998, Serial No. 00439, Side B

Serial: BZ-00439B


Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Berkeley Zen Center, Precepts, Religion, Priest,...
Oct 03 1998

Way Seeking Mind/Dharma Entrustment

Serial: BZ-01068

Saturday Lecture

Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Precepts, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Bowing,...
Oct 03 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

September 12th, 1998, Serial No. 00437, Side A

Vow, Obstacles, Offering, Anger, New Year, Transmission, Bodhisattva Vow, Dharma...
Sep 12 1998

Elucidating Sesshin Guidelines

Serial: BZ-00351B

Sesshin Day 1

Sesshin, Don't Know Mind, Commitment, Dragons, Bowing, Silence, Observe, Bell,...
Jun 24 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Origins of Zen

Lotus Sutra, Ordination, Faith, Mahayana, Evil, Karma, Freedom, Separation, Offering...
May 17 1998

Origins of Zen

Silent Illumination, Transmission, Lineage, training, Ordination, Mahayana, Offering...
May 16 1998

Green Gulch History

training, Fox, Offering, Lay, Zendo, Priest, Doubt, Religion, realization, Peace...
May 10 1998
Green Gulch

May 9th, 1998, Serial No. 00348, Side B

Heart Sutra, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Gratitude, Vow, Offering, Chanting, Continuous...
May 09 1998

April 18th, 1998, Serial No. 00347, Side A

Practice Period, Concentration, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Offering, Posture, Commitment,...
Apr 18 1998

April 8th, 1998, Serial No. 00294

Serial: NC-00294

Liturgy Class

Instruction, Chanting, Offering, Bell, Lineage
Apr 08 1998

March 7th, 1998, Serial No. 00343, Side A

Interdependence, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Culture, Offering, Peace, Emotions,...
Mar 07 1998

The Mark of Impermanence

Serial: SF-03980

Sunday Lecture: the mark of impermanence is expressed in many ways - everything changes, nothing remains the same

Impermanence, Ceremony, Birth-and-Death, Offering, Priest, Emotions, Nirvana Sutra,...
Mar 01 1998
Green Gulch

February 7th, 1998, Serial No. 00342, Side A

Offering, Bodhisattva Vow, Obstacles, Big Mind, Daily Life, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Feb 07 1998

Sunday Lecture

Precepts, Emptiness, Offering, Bodhisattva Precepts, New Year, Observe, Ceremony,...
Jan 04 1998
Green Gulch

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Seminar 4

Serial: SF-03055

Copyright 1998 by Peter Matthiessen - Unedited Preview Cassette

Politics, Conversation, Doubt, Faith, Ceremony, Equanimity, Obstacles, Ego, Offering...

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Seminar 2

Serial: SF-03512

Copyright 1998 by Gary Snyder - Unedited Preview Cassette

Sixth Patriarch, Lotus Sutra, Religion, Priest, Mahayana, Samsara, Sangha, Offering,...


Serial: BZ-00339B

Saturday Lecture

Forgiveness, Forgiveness, Anger, Buddha Nature, New Year, Karma, confusion, Samsara,...
Dec 13 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Preparing for Sesshin/Introducing Tantos

Serial: BZ-00346B

Rohatsu Day 1

Sesshin, Tanto, Admonitions, Precious Mirror, Instruction, Samadhi, Discrimination,...
Dec 01 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Majjhima Nikaya Class

Serial: SF-03222

Middle-length Discourses

Impermanence, Passions, Karma, Faith, Nirvana, Letting Go, Offering, Attachment,...
Sep 15 1997
Green Gulch

Questions and Answers

Serial: SF-04820

Commercially Produced cassette: Sounds True - - Pain, Love and Happiness with Thich Nhat Hanh - September 1-6 1997 Sponsored by the Community of Mindful Living

Happiness, Bell, Freedom, Peace, Daily Life, Birth-and-Death, Mindfulness, Offering,...
Sep 01 1997

June 17th, 1997, Serial No. 00124

Offering, Manjushri, Vimalakirti, causation
Jun 17 1997


Serial: BZ-00535

Class 6 of 6

Offering, Precepts, Buddha Nature, Attachment, Six Realms, Interdependence, Gratitude...
Jun 12 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

June 12th, 1997, Serial No. 01462, Side A

Precepts, Attachment, Offering, Buddha Nature, Six Realms, Interdependence, Gratitude...
Jun 12 1997


Serial: BZ-00539

Class 2 of 6

Precepts, Offering, Evil, Buddha Nature, Anger, Sixth Patriarch, Emotions, Addiction...
May 15 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

May 15th, 1997, Serial No. 01457

Precepts, Offering, Evil, Anger, Buddha Nature, Emotions, Addiction, Sixth Patriarch...
May 15 1997

Think Neither Good Nor Bad

Sangha, resistance, Suzuki Roshi, Anger, Nirvana, Offering, Lay, confusion, Peace...
Apr 30 1997

Interdependence/Temple Volunteers

Serial: BZ-00782A

Saturday Lecture

Interdependence, Community, Sangha, Interdependence, Monastic Practice, Aspects of...
Feb 01 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Bound For Glory: Transfiguration Spirituality

Serial: NC-00071

Part of "Bound For Glory: Transfiguration Spirituality"

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, Commitment, Conversation, Gratitude, Renewal, Offering
1 of 4
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Getting Caught in the Dream

Anger, Dream World, Separation, Conversation, Happiness, Offering, Culture, Building...
Dec 14 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #17

Serial: BZ-00807A

Rohatsu Day 6

BCR-17, Obstacles, First Principle, Lay, Evil, Peace, Bodhidharma, Continuous...
Dec 07 1996
Berkeley Zen Center
