Offering Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Bodhisattva Ceremony: Renewing Our WaySerial: BZ-00006A Saturday Lecture Bodhisattva Ceremony, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Vow, Eka, Offering, Daily Life,... |
Feb 26 1983 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mumonkan: Case #35 -- Seijo's Soul SeparatedSerial: BZ-00046B Unifying Body, Mind and the Way, Saturday Lecture MM-35
Koan, Birth-and-Death, War, Peace, Dragons, Offering, Instruction, Doubt, Emotions,... |
Jan 22 1983 Berkeley Zen Center |
Pathways of Penitence and SolitudeSerial: NC-00549 Monastic Orientation Set 2 of 2 Fasting, Offering, Separation, Discrimination |
Jan 11 1983 |
Monastic Life: Tradition Meets TransformationSerial: NC-00415 Monastic Orientation Set 1 of 2 Renewal, Balance, Liberation, Offering, Commitment |
Dec 29 1982 |
Home for the Holidays Practicing Our Koan: "What Is This?" Religion, Precepts, Dana, Big Mind, Offering, Duality |
Dec 18 1982 |
Unifying Paths: The Lotus Sutra Journey Lotus Sutra, Happiness, Subject-and-Object, Discrimination, Politics, Offering,... |
May 28 1982 |
Embracing Bodhisattva Challenges with Compassion Lotus Sutra, Intimacy, Compassion, difficulty, Evil, Discrimination, Offering,... |
Apr 23 1982 |
Eternal Guardians of the Lotus Sutra Lotus Sutra, Repentance, training, Evil, Offering, Vow, Transmission, Community,... |
Apr 16 1982 |
Transformative Enlightenment and Equality Repentance, Dragons, Lotus Sutra, Offering, Compassion, Hindrances, Don't Know... |
Apr 12 1982 |
Not Taking What is Not GivenSerial: BZ-00021B Saturday Lecture Precepts, giving, Freedom, caretaking, Lay, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Doubt,... |
Dec 11 1981 Berkeley Zen Center |
Application of the Practice - Feminism and Buddhism in the Diamond Sangha Ceremony, Lotus Sutra, Silence, Anger, Passions, Offering, Balance, Doubt, Peace... |
Aug 14 1981 3 |
Heart Repentance, Don't Know Mind, Sanctuary, Ego, Offering |
Feb 1981 9 of 14 |
History of Christian SpiritualitySerial: NC-01209 Part of "The History of Christian Spirituality" class OSB Cam, Instruction, Observe, Offering, Commitment |
Dec 1980 5 of 7 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
History of Christian SpiritualitySerial: NC-01210 Part of "The History of Christian Spirituality" class OSB Cam, Obstacles, Offering, Happiness, Hate |
Dec 1980 6 of 7 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Poetry's Mystical Tapestry Unveiled Continuous Practice, Demons, Interview, Silence, Passions, Offering, Bell, confusion... |
Apr 13 1980 SFZC |
Perfect Causality: Unity in Zen Practice Fox, Funeral, realization, Separation, Consciousness, Birth-and-Death, Rinzai,... |
Mar 06 1979 |
Becoming Zen: Path to Ego-Free Harmony Compassion, Fox, causation, lecture, Anger, Teacher-and-Student, Buddha Nature,... |
Sep 01 1977 |
Discovering Buddhism Within Yourself Truth, Offering, Way-Seeking Mind, Renewal, Buddha Nature |
Jul 11 1977 |
**Budgeting Harmony for Zen Center** Money, Community, Tenzo, Balance, Offering |
Nov 22 1975 |
Zen Mastery in Everyday Details Greed, Hate, Delusion, Bell, Offering |
Oct 06 1975 |
February 17th, 1975, Serial No. 00283 Vow, Baso, Posture, Sesshin, Offering |
Feb 17 1975 |
February 7th, 1974, Serial No. 00259 zen meditation, Right Effort, Lotus Sutra, Chanting, Offering |
Feb 07 1974 |
February 6th, 1974, Serial No. 00261 Priest, Joshu, confusion, Offering, Vow |
Feb 06 1974 |
Zazen and the Pursuit of Tranquility Money, Offering, Religion, Non-thinking |
Feb 28 1973 |
Buddha Nature Beyond Ideas Buddha Nature, Buddha's Birthday, Sangha, Ceremony, Offering |
Apr 08 1972 |
Nourishing All: Zen's Communal Offering Demons, Offering, Precepts, Balance, Patience, Evil |
Mar 30 1972 |
Living Enlightenment Through Continuous Practice Offering, Patience, Discrimination, Nirvana, Community, training, Lotus Sutra,... |
Mar 15 1972 |
Seeing Reality Through Restraint Offering, Right Effort, Heart Sutra, Sixth Patriarch, Buddha Nature |
Mar 04 1972 |
Allen Ginsberg and MusiciansSerial: SF-00105 Musical event. Attachment, Instruction, Obstacles, Offering, Vow, Anger, Religion |
Feb 22 1972 1 City Center |
Allen Ginsberg and MusiciansSerial: SF-00107 Musical event Obstacles, Vow, Instruction, Greed, Chanting, Passions, Offering, Attachment, Karma... |
Feb 22 1972 1 City Center |
Buddhism Thrives in Community Diversity, Priest, Offering, Shikantaza, resistance |
Jan 29 1972 |
Obon DaysCeremony, Big Mind, Nishiari Bokusan, Offering, Suffering, American, Faith |
Aug 12 1971 Tassajara |
Because Of Our Many Desires, We Do Not Have FreedomFreedom, Desire, Changsha, Suffering, Dana, Death, Lay, Offering, Bell, Truth... |
Aug 03 1971 Tassajara |
Unified Essence, Diverse Realities Consciousness, Offering, Intention, Beginners, difficulty |
Jul 10 1971 |
Interconnected Enlightenment: A Universal Awakening Precepts, Perfect Wisdom, Religion, Demons, Offering, Interview, lecture, American... |
Jun 20 1971 |
Eyes of Insight: Beyond Perception Hindrances, Happiness, Suffering, Attachment, Discrimination, Building, Offering,... |
Jun 1971 |
Nurturing Wisdom Through Dharma Rain Attachment, Nirvana, Hate, Demons, Dragons, Offering, Ceremony, lecture, American... |
Jun 1971 |
Embracing the Ordinary: Dogen's Zen Insight training, Breath, Offering, Pain, Demons, Instruction, Composure, Interdependence,... |
May 05 1971 |
Ekō Lecture 6Serial: SR-00230 The Fourth Morning Eko [This is the last in a series of six lectures by Suzuki on the four ekos chanted at the conclusion of... Eko, Chanting, Monks, Priest, Offering, Buddha Nature, Wisdom, Observe, Separation,... |
Jul 15 1970 Tassajara |
Sincere Practice and Way-Seeking MindSerial: SR-00043 Sesshin Lecture No. 3, Sunday, May 3, 1970 Sesshin, American, Transmission, stubbornness, Buddha Nature, Hate, realization,... |
May 03 1970 City Center |
Remarks at the Ceremony Officially Opening Beginner's Mind TempleSerial: SF-05996 These are Suzuki Roshi's words, edited together out of longer recording of ceremony. Ceremony, Offering |
Apr 25 1970 City Center |
Harmony in the Nature of Self Bell, Discrimination, Hate, lecture, Subject-and-Object, Addiction, Interdependence,... |
Feb 1970 |
What Is Our Practice?Serial: BZ-00028 Off site lecture Big Mind, Concentration, Building, Offering, Emotions, Anger |
Jan 04 1970 San Francisco Zen Center |
Respect for ThingsSerial: SR-00200 What Is Our Practice? Practice as taking care of everything. Not making a noise with the chairs. Practice with new... Zendo, Bodhisattva Way, Big Mind, Building, Concentration, difficulty, Sutra, Bowing... |
Jan 04 1970 City Center |
Miss Ransom Was A Teacher Of ConversationSerial: SR-00242 [Not an interview I think, but a question Peter asks at the beginning of the lecture, possibly pre-arranged with Suzuki. Got labeled as an interview because I had it grouped... Japan, Komazawa University, Buddhism, Shobogenzo, Obon, Conversation, Building,... |
Nov 09 1969 |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. III-4Serial: SR-00038 [Third Lotus Sutra Series] Lotus Sutra, First Principle, Wisdom, Buddha Nature, Sutra, Priest, Mahayana,... |
Oct 25 1969 Series 3, Talk 4 Tassajara |
Some QuestionsQuestion-and-Answer, Breath, Buddha Nature, Posture, sitting, Tassajara Zen Mountain... |
Aug 28 1969 Tassajara |
It Is Rather Difficult For Us To Figure Out Why We Started To Practice ZazenSerial: SR-00023 Tuesday, July 1, 1969 American, Freedom, Priest, zen, Offering, Religion, Culture, Ceremony, difficulty,... |
Jul 01 1969 Tassajara |
Beyond Perceptions: Embracing Buddha's World Monastic Practice, Patience, Offering, Buddha Mind, Lotus Sutra, Ceremony, Continuous... |
Apr 12 1969 |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-2Serial: SR-00233 Monday Morning, October 21, 1968 Lotus Sutra, Lotus Sutra, Sutra, Doubt, Precepts, Separation, Offering, Mahayana,... |
Oct 21 1968 Series 2, Talk 2 Tassajara |