Culture Talks

Showing 473 talks

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No Abode Meeting - Succession Plan - May 20th 2023

A meeting of the No Abode Board and community, to present and discuss the succession plan for No Abode. 

Sangha, Community, Culture, Money, Ceremony
May 20 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Women Ancestors Class

Blue Cliff Record, Gratitude, Soto Zen, Lineage, Vow, Transmission, Culture,...
Nov 30 2020
3 of 3

Yogacara Deconstructs Whiteness

cognitive process, Subject-and-Object, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Precepts, training,...
Nov 28 2020

Way-Seeking Mind Talk

zen meditation, War, Conversation, Vow, Sanctuary, Zoom, Culture
Nov 23 2020

Looking Back To Look Forward

Emotions, Blue Cliff Record, Diversity, Culture, Enemies, New Year, Dharma...
Nov 14 2020

New Members Meeting

Offering, Berkeley Zen Center, Sangha, Aspects of Practice, Zoom, Practice Period,...
Sep 14 2020

Appropriate Action

Avalokiteshvara, Right Speech, Lotus Sutra, Book of Serenity, Diversity, Hindrances,...
Sep 12 2020

Public Dokusan 8

Nirvana Sutra, Buddha Nature, Happiness, War, Priest, Nirvana, Conversation, Anger,...
Sep 11 2020

Dongshan Class 2

Five Ranks, Duality, Global Warming, Zazen Mind, Light-and-Darkness, Samadhi,...
Sep 01 2020

Dongshan Class 2

Five Ranks, Duality, Global Warming, Zazen Mind, Light-and-Darkness, Platform Sutra,...
Aug 31 2020

July 21st, 2020, Serial No. 02759

Karma, Don't Know Mind, Fox, Culture, Bodhisattva Vow, Ego, Big Mind, Heart...
Jul 21 2020

Closely Watched 3

Karma, Dependent Origination, Ordinary Mind, Culture, Separation, Conversation,...
Jul 14 2020

Joyful Effort

Sangha, War, Enthusiasm, Politics, Patience, Silence, Bell, Culture, Lay
Mar 01 2020

Skillful Communications

Precepts, Culture, War, training, Happiness, Karma, Fox, Funeral, Silence
Feb 29 2020

Historical Context and the Evolution of Buddhist Understanding of Karma

Karma, causation, Mahayana, Religion, Greed, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Vow,...
Feb 15 2020

Effortless Effort

Serial: BZ-02724

 IPHONE recording


Posture, Continuous Practice, Right Effort, Birth-and-Death, Mindfulness, Karma,...
Jan 11 2020

Joshu's Quotes: Preference, Non-Preference

Passions, American, Politics, Intuition, Duality, Culture, Doubt, War, Lay
Dec 04 2019

The Meaning of Shakymuni Buddha's Enlightenment, Part 2: Hsin Hsin Ming

Subject-and-Object, Aspects of Practice, confusion, Offering, Doubt, Peace, Duality,...
Dec 03 2019

Stories of Enlightenment

In our class this fall we will contemplate and converse about several stories of Zen practice and enlightenment. Our contemplation and conversations will naturally bring up questions and concerns...

YRB-2019-Fall, Observe, Book of Serenity, Interview, Culture, Suzuki Roshi, Priest,...
Nov 07 2019
The Yoga Room

Stories of Enlightenment

In our class this fall we will contemplate and converse about several stories of Zen practice and enlightenment. Our contemplation and conversations will naturally bring up questions and concerns...

YRB-2019-Fall, Passions, Doubt, Birth-and-Death, Interview, Culture, japanese...
Oct 24 2019
The Yoga Room

Together Action

Intimacy, Four Noble Truths, Aspects of Practice, Culture, Hindrances, Bell,...
Oct 05 2019

Making a Buddha

training, Daily Life, Separation, Hate, War, Bell, Culture, Building, Anger, Priest...
Sep 20 2019

Striding Off The Hundred-Foot Pole

Hindrances, Culture, Silence, Passions, confusion, Vow, War, Peace, training...
Aug 17 2019

The Blue Mountain and the White Cloud

American, Teacher-and-Student, Interdependence, Lotus Sutra, Culture, Priest, Big...
Jul 27 2019

Practice Like A Fool, Like An Idiot, Like A Fool On The Hill

Half-Smile, Culture, Silent Illumination, Samadhi, resistance, Mahayana, Continuous...
Apr 13 2019

Taking What is Good

Right Speech, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Vow, Offering, Liberation, Precepts, Patience,...
Mar 23 2019

Let the Mystery Be

training, Heart Sutra, Skandas, Daily Life, Practice Period, Silence, Posture,...
Mar 09 2019

This Sesshin was Wonderfully Done

Serial: BZ-02653

Rohatsu Day 6


Silence, Big Mind, Priest, Vow, Offering, Doubt, Culture, Lay, Ego
Dec 07 2018

Introduction to Joshu

Ordinary Mind, Passions, Hindrances, Patience, confusion, Culture, Karma, Gratitude,...
Nov 24 2018

Silent Sitting & Social Action

Zen students often ask how our practice of silence and stillness relates to injustice and our environmental crisis. In this class we explore this question and study the intimate interplay of...

YRB-2018-Fall, Silence, Bodhidharma, cognitive process, Observe, Fundraising, Lay,...
Nov 13 2018
5 of 7
The Yoga Room

Calling Out Hungry Ghosts

Six Realms, Demons, Culture, Peace, Liberation, Mahayana
Oct 27 2018

Zazen Posture and the Problem of Touch

Posture, Big Mind, Conversation, Instruction, Silence, Manjushri, Passions, Culture...
Sep 08 2018

Teachings and Meditations On Our True Nature

Our true nature is that we fully possess the wisdom and virtues of the buddhas. But because of misconceptions and attachments we do not realize our buddha nature. Therefore, teachings are given to...

YRB-2018-Summer, Evil, resistance, Karmic Consciousness, Attachment, confusion,...
Aug 07 2018
The Yoga Room

No Recipe

Passions, Mindfulness, Dharma Transmission, Anger, Happiness, Transmission,...
Jul 21 2018

The Position of Shuso

Practice Period, Big Mind, Hate, Intimacy, Conversation, Culture
May 25 2018

Witness to the Rohingas

Religion, Greed, Liberation, Culture, American, Peace, Fox, Patience, resistance,...
Mar 31 2018

The Therigata

Right Speech, Right Effort, Ordination, Humility, Mahayana, Discrimination,...
Mar 03 2018

Right Speech

Right Speech, Vow, Precepts, Karma, Four Noble Truths, Mindfulness, Bodhisattva Vow,...
Feb 10 2018

Defying Gravity 2

Birth-and-Death, Dharma Transmission, Composure, Rinzai, Transmission, Culture, Lay,...
Dec 16 2017

Open Your Intuition

Intuition, Posture, Right Speech, Forgiveness, Demons, Subject-and-Object, Aspects of...
Nov 04 2017

The Self in Times of Turmoil

Conversation, Hate, Evil, Culture, Sanctuary, Instruction, Emotions, Interview,...
Aug 26 2017


Mindfulness, Monkey Mind, Current Events, Dragons, Enemies, Culture, Enthusiasm,...
Aug 19 2017

Mindfulness and How We Get Along

Mindfulness, Four Foundations, Culture, Peace, Gratitude, Vimalakirti, Enemies,...
Aug 12 2017

Working with Our Mind

Mindfulness, Ego, Peace, Hate, Anger, Continuous Practice, Culture, Lay
Jul 15 2017

The Zen of Going to the Restroom

Addiction, Culture, Attachment, Patience, Precepts, Monastic Practice, Bodhisattva...
Jul 08 2017

The Four Vows and the Four Resolves

Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Peace, Buddha Nature, Liberation, Dharma Transmission,...
Jun 17 2017

Precepts Class 5

Serial: BZ-02550

PP Class

Precepts, Ego, Culture, Anger, Renunciation, Heart Sutra, Mahayana, Emotions, Lay...
Jun 01 2017

Precepts Class 1

Serial: BZ-02542

PP Class

Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Mahayana, Nirvana, Evil, Bodhisattva Vow, Lotus Sutra...
May 04 2017

Not Always So

Religion, Priest, Gratitude, Ordination, Teacher-and-Student, Enemies, Culture,...
Mar 18 2017

Practice in Community

Practice Position, Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Lay Practice...
Feb 18 2017
