Mother's Day: Jewish and Christian Traditions

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Today is the last Friday we were invited by some friends to go to Cornelian to attend a lecture. And all these friends, students, who have no longer saved yet, have finally been invited to have a meal. And we had a very pleasant, good, exchange together in good spirits and we went and into the library and it was a television. Moving on, I encountered one saying, we don't have a television, but if you display a light before your nose, it can help to at least one eye to glance. And this time it was rather exciting, the usual picture of the police plowing around, too.


And I was wondering where it was, and I discovered it was in Jerusalem, it was the Hebrew University, and it was the occasion of the visit of Adenauer in that city, evidently a small we can only guess, and it stays autistically in the clique or poem, and there was one ballad which struck in my mind which stayed with me, and we shall never forget, and we shall never forget, and that's tropical, because that is one of those expressions which he finds certainly not only in Jerusalem, but everywhere in the world, all over the world. Expression of that what we call irrational hatred.


You just cause so much sorrow and bloodshed all over the world. Then yesterday another New York Times just happened to come my way I usually keep records on that too. This time I couldn't help to see their kind of juicy bits of news. And it was on the most decorated war hero of Vietnam. And he had killed his wife. And it was said there that The pair had made the headline when he and his wife together marched out to fight the Viet Cong. And that he had a great career of war glory behind him.


And in this camp, that means his wife had discovered that he was a faithful servant. And she drew the dagger, but his foot was also at hand. So, I mention these two things because you can see they are one. Water, the vegetable, enemy of the human race, rising out of the depths of the earth. irrational hatred. I see on the other hand another power rising again out of the uncontrolled depth of the heart, and that is passion. I say that because today we celebrate Mother's Day. And to us as Christians, as we do that and celebrate Mother's Day, we do it as Christians.


We do it therefore not simply out of some superficial, sentimental reasons. But we celebrate a day like this, we really, interiorly, we penetrate the mystery of Mother Earth. Because we know that is the very root of our own existence. It could not exist without children. And so, therefore, it is clear already, in the merely natural way, and especially in these days, well, Sonic Ornansis shows us more and more the tremendous importance of motherly love. which it has in order to and for the inner wholeness of the child, before even the child has come into this world, before the child is born.


The mother stands for us as the exact opposite of any irrational hatred or any unbridled The Mother Spanish between us, and it's the one who is the fountain of life, and not only in that way fountain of life, but the keeper, and it's the one who watches, and the one who takes the life, and feeds it, and nurses it. so that the child may grow into what we call peace, that means wholeness of body and of mind. But that is not only clear in the natural realm, it is even more clear as soon as we enter into the realm of revelation, where we see already in the chosen people a very special


and you need veneration for the Mother. The Jewish people always have this deep inner feeling, one can say, for the glory of Mother. It is one of these touching, one of these significant sermons. That in a Jewish poem, it is the mother's office to light the candles on Friday evening, that illumine the Sabbath day, introduce the Sabbath joy, the joy and the peace of God into the talk. That is the office of the mother. Why? Because in the context of the mission and the history of the Chosen Ones, the Mother is, and every woman is, potentially the Mother of the Messiah.


The history, the inner meaning of the history of the Chosen Ones is peace, the establishment of the Kingdom of Peace, of that Kingdom where the Lion and the Lamb can go together without doing any harm to one another. Where the little lady can play with the rapper's neck in peace. That is the picture, that is the desire, that is the great wish of the history of the Jewish people, the Chosen. And that is the root of our own Messianic hope. Wherever the innermost dreams, or the spirit drives towards peace, there it seems the mother rises into a new glory, into a new life, as the mediator of this peace, as the mother of the king who brings peace to the world.


esteemed people of sin, this is true in Christianity. Our Christianity is the word of God, the word of God made man, the incarnation, that is the root of our joy, of our hope, and of our peace, that the wall that separates God and man is torn down. that the Jew, as it were, become woman. In the word, income. The word made flesh. In thee, new man, the headspan of his mystical body, the church. And he is born, not of the will of man, but he is born through the grace of God, through the Spirit, and the author of Rome and Persia. That is our idea.


That is the idea of a mother, which is so deeply ingrained in our Christian faith, and is the reason why the Church has this special devotion to our Lady, the Mother. The Mother that gave birth to the Sacred. and accompanied the Savior on His way to the cross, died as it were with Him when the Son was here, and rose with Him when He rose. The mother of death is for us Throughout the history of the Church, it holds an inspiration to seek after peace, to move the strength up to a sphere of mercy, to forgive and forgive seven times seven people.


That is what we celebrate today, and that is what we remember. We enter the mystery of a Christian, and this mystery which gives to us holiness, which is the root, in that way, of our peace. There is a little story of a Jewish father, which I think we can all apply to ourselves today. And that is when he heard his mother approaching, he rose from his seat. And when those who were with him asked him, why would you do this? And he said, I rise because I see the glory of God the Father. That is exactly our feeling towards the Lord. First of all to the Mother of God, and then to every Christian mother, to all of you wives, and so let us also use this Sunday in charity to wives, and to meet in our mothers to glorify.

