Buddha Nature Talks

In Buddhist philosophy and soteriology, Buddha-nature (Chinese: fóxìng 佛性, Japanese: busshō, Vietnamese: Phật tính, Sanskrit: buddhatā, buddha-svabhāva) is the innate potential for all sentient beings to become a Buddha or the fact that all sentient beings already have a pure Buddha-essence within themselves. "Buddha-nature" is the common English translation for several related Mahāyāna Buddhist terms, most notably tathāgatagarbha and buddhadhātu, but also sugatagarbha, and buddhagarbha. Tathāgatagarbha can mean "the womb" or "embryo" (garbha) of the "thus-gone one" (tathāgata), and can also mean "containing a tathāgata". Buddhadhātu can mean "buddha-element", "buddha-realm", or "buddha-substrate".
Buddha-nature has a wide range of (sometimes conflicting) meanings in Indian Buddhism and later in East Asian and Tibetan Buddhist literature. Broadly speaking, it refers to the belief that the luminous mind, "the natural and true state of the mind", which is pure (visuddhi) mind undefiled by afflictions, is inherently present in every sentient being, and is eternal and unchanging. It will shine forth when it is cleansed of the defilements, that is, when the nature of mind is recognized for what it is.
The Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra (2nd century CE), which was very influential in the Chinese reception of these teachings, linked the concept of tathāgatagārbha with the buddhadhātu. The term buddhadhātu originally referred to the relics of Gautama Buddha. In the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra, it came to be used in place of the concept of tathāgatagārbha, reshaping the worship of physical relics of the historical Buddha into worship of the inner Buddha as a principle of salvation.
The primordial or undefiled mind, the tathāgatagārbha, is also often equated with the Buddhist philosophical concept of emptiness (śūnyatā, a Mādhyamaka concept); with the storehouse-consciousness (ālāyavijñāna, a Yogācāra concept); and with the interpenetration of all dharmas (in East Asian traditions like Huayan). The belief in Buddha-nature is central to East Asian Buddhism, which relies on key Buddha-nature sources like the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra. In Tibetan Buddhism, the concept of Buddha-nature is equally important and often studied through the key Indian treatise on Buddha-nature, the Ratnagotravibhāga (3rd–5th century CE).
Title | Speaker | |
TransiencySerial: BZ-02585 Day 3
Composure, Nirvana, Enemies, Big Mind, Buddha Nature, Ego, Bodhidharma, resistance,... |
Dec 05 2017 |
Birth And Death Birth-and-Death, Karma, Emotions, Death-and-Dying, Funeral, Continuous Practice,... |
Dec 02 2017 |
Wherever you are Enlightenment is Here Big Mind, First Principle, Commitment, Buddha Nature, Practice Period, Ego,... |
Oct 14 2017 |
Non-Duality: Freedom from Extremes Intuition, Emotions, Non-duality, Duality, Buddha Nature, Anger, Ego, Funeral,... |
Sep 16 2017 |
Two Approaches to the Regulation of Posture, Breath, and Mind Instruction, Posture, Birth-and-Death, Gaining Mind, training, resistance, Buddha... |
Sep 09 2017 Berkeley Zen Center |
Jewel Mirror Samadhi Part 2Serial: BZ-02570 Part 2 of 2 Five Ranks, Buddha Nature, Blue Cliff Record, Transmission, Oneness, Mindfulness,... |
Sep 02 2017 2 |
The Four Vows and the Four Resolves Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Peace, Buddha Nature, Liberation, Dharma Transmission,... |
Jun 17 2017 |
Heart SutraSerial: BZ-02555 Sesshin Day 4
Discrimination, Four Noble Truths, Buddha Nature, Teacher-and-Student, Heart Sutra,... |
Jun 10 2017 |
Sei Jo's Reunion Diversity, Big Mind, Absolute-and-Relative, Oneness, Three Treasures, Buddha Nature,... |
May 27 2017 |
Precepts Class 3Serial: BZ-02546 PP Class
Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Chanting, Nirvana, Mahayana, Lotus Sutra, Buddha... |
May 18 2017 |
Practice with Earth Day Anger, true dharma, Attachment, Hate, Building, Avalokiteshvara, Buddha Nature,... |
Apr 22 2017 |
A Sanctuary Is Built Right Here, Right NowBuddha's 'a good place to build a sanctuary'; buddha mind is intimately transmitted - Sandokai; undergoing surgery; baby developing a self; Transmission, Buddha Nature, Sanctuary, Conversation, intimate communication,... |
Apr 01 2017 AM No Abode Hermitage |
Joshu Cuts the Cat Duality, Buddha Nature, Book of Serenity, Hate, Demons, Peace, Priest, Evil,... |
Mar 04 2017 |
Zen Training training, Buddha Nature, Ego, Soto Zen, Greed, true dharma, Oneness, Anger, Absolute-... |
Feb 25 2017 |
Dogen's Uji: Time Being Part 3 Duality, Buddha Nature, training, Nirvana, Rinzai, Lotus Sutra, Culture, Religion,... |
Feb 12 2017 |
Dogen's Uji: Time Being Part 1 Doubt, Posture, Buddha Nature, training, Demons, Commitment, Interview, Impermanence... |
Feb 11 2017 |
The Self Buddha Mind, Buddha Nature, Instruction, Posture, confusion, Precepts, Doubt,... |
Feb 04 2017 |
Intuition and the Cosmic OrderSerial: BZ-02520 Rohatsu Day 7
Dragons, Buddha Nature, Interdependence, Intuition, Heart Sutra, Continuous Practice... |
Dec 10 2016 |
IntuitSerial: BZ-02519 Rohatsu Day 6
Intuition, Discrimination, Building, Emotions, Four Noble Truths, Composure, Buddha... |
Dec 09 2016 |
Zen Mind, Beginners Mind: Attachment, Non-Attachment, or Universal Friendliness Big Mind, Oneness, Attachment, Hate, Instruction, Absolute-and-Relative, Forgiveness... |
Nov 12 2016 |
The Bodhisattva Chaplaincy Lotus Sutra, training, Evil, First Principle, Buddha Nature, Book of Serenity, Lay,... |
Aug 27 2016 |
Practice is the Details of My Life Buddha Nature, Humility, Dharma Transmission, Soto Zen, Offering, Gratitude, Samadhi... |
Aug 13 2016 |
Universal Spiritual Friendship and Practice of Bravery Gratitude, Non-violence, training, zen meditation, Buddha Nature, Peace, Right Effort... |
Jul 02 2016 |
State of the Union: How Buddhists Respond to the Burning World Composure, Addiction, Big Mind, Greed, Bodhisattva Vow, Lotus Sutra, Buddha Nature,... |
Jun 25 2016 |
Hsin Hsin MingSerial: BZ-02477 Class 2 PP
Composure, Oneness, Duality, Discrimination, Demons, Emotions, Birth-and-Death,... |
May 12 2016 |
Practice of No Self Practice Period, Monastic Practice, Happiness, Buddha Nature, Attachment, Lay... |
May 07 2016 |
Leaving Home Demons, Platform Sutra, Ordination, Lay, Birth-and-Death, Vow, Buddha Nature,... |
Apr 09 2016 |
Yunmen's JewelSerial: BZ-02463 Koan Class Blue Cliff Record Case 62
BCR-62, Book of Serenity, Buddha Mind, Duality, Subject-and-Object, Soto Zen, Blue... |
Mar 07 2016 |
Women's Roles and Attitudes in the 21st Century Priest, training, Lay, Discrimination, Politics, Ego, Non-duality, Vow, Culture,... |
Mar 06 2016 |
Blue Cliff Record Case 53Serial: BZ-02460 Class BCR-53, Buddha Nature, Don't Know Mind, Composure, Heart Sutra, Doubt, Intimacy... |
Feb 27 2016 |
Joshu's Wash Your Bowl Greed, Sixth Patriarch, Ordinary Mind, Bell, Buddha Mind, Repentance, Aspects of... |
Feb 20 2016 |
ZazengiSerial: BZ-02450 Rohatsu Day 3
Concentration, training, Diversity, Posture, Duality, Heart Sutra, Practice Period,... |
Dec 01 2015 |
2015.08.23-serial.00161 Subject-and-Object, Practice Period, Family Practice, Chanting, Enemies, Heart Sutra... |
Aug 23 2015 |
2015.08.19-serial.00153 Buddha Nature, Buddha Mind, Don't Know Mind, Happiness, Nirvana Sutra,... |
Aug 19 2015 |
2015.08.18-serial.00152 Heart Sutra, Don't Know Mind, confusion, Buddha Nature, Bell, Duality, Patience... |
Aug 18 2015 |
Every Day Is A Good Day - 3 Offering, Chanting, Daily Life, Conversation, Ordinary Mind, Patience, Practice... |
Jun 12 2015 |
Everything Changes Composure, Silence, Nirvana, Practice Period, Soto Zen, Greed, Precepts, Buddha... |
May 23 2015 |
Ummon's Every Day Is A Good Day Blue Cliff Record, Buddha Nature, Practice Period, Zazen Mind, Silence, Posture,... |
May 16 2015 |
What Is Our Self Continuous Practice, Renunciation, Anger, Birth-and-Death, Doubt, Buddha Nature,... |
May 09 2015 |
Seeing and Non-Seeing Buddha Nature, Impermanence, Monastic Practice, Aspects of Practice, Platform Sutra,... |
Apr 12 2015 |
One Continuous Mistake Continuous Practice, Buddha Nature, Composure, Silent Illumination, Don't Know... |
Mar 14 2015 |
We All Cover the Ground Equally Oneness, Four Noble Truths, Practice Period, Buddha Nature, Heart Sutra, Duality,... |
Feb 07 2015 |
Joshu's Newborn Baby Discrimination, Buddha Nature, Ego, Don't Know Mind, Subject-and-Object, Teacher... |
Aug 23 2014 |
Differences in Zen and Psychotherapy Big Mind, Commitment, Conversation, Buddha Ancestors, Vow, Sangha, Discrimination,... |
Jul 05 2014 |
Teaching for the Tenzo Evil, Hindrances, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, Dragons, Continuous Practice,... |
Jun 22 2014 4 |
Pilgrimage, Intimacy, Chaplaincy Four Noble Truths, Intimacy, Precepts, Buddha Nature, Book of Serenity,... |
Apr 19 2014 |
Taking Refuge In the Three Bodies of Buddha Peace, Big Mind, Religion, Buddha Nature, Mandala, Heart Sutra, Demons, Sangha,... |
Mar 08 2014 |
Just Enough Problems Berkeley Zen Center, Daily Life, Buddha Nature, training, Interdependence, Commitment... |
Mar 01 2014 |
Dogen's Uji: Being Time Big Mind, Doubt, Discrimination, Darkness and Light, Demons, Continuous Practice,... |
Feb 23 2014 |
Lotus Sutra and Bodhisattva Practice Lotus Sutra, Practice Period, Precepts, Buddha Nature, Liberation, Mahayana,... |
Sep 21 2013 |