Taigen Dan Leighton Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Expressing the Dream within a DreamSerial: TL-00205 ADZG Monday Night, Dream World, Samsara, Buddha Ancestors, Bodhisattva Precepts |
Jan 25 2010 ADZG Temple |
Dogen's Four Basic TeachingsSerial: TL-00204 ADZG Sunday Morning, Letting Go, Oneness, Attachment, Intention, Monastic Practice |
Jan 24 2010 ADZG Temple |
Meditation-Wisdom & the Platform SutraSerial: TL-00203 ADZG Sunday Morning, Concentration, Platform Sutra, zen meditation, Oneness, Transmission |
Jan 10 2010 ADZG Temple |
The Sixth Ancestor's Original FaceSerial: TL-00202 ADZG Monday Night, Dharma Transmission, Faith, Transmission, Evil, Discrimination |
Jan 04 2010 ADZG Temple |
The Fox Koan; Not Ignoring KarmaSerial: TL-00201 ADZG Sunday Morning, Fox, Funeral, Cultivation, Addiction, Bodhisattva Precepts |
Dec 20 2009 ADZG Temple |
Buddhas Merging with Temple PillarsSerial: TL-00200 ADZG Sunday Morning, Book of Serenity, Lotus Sutra, Tenzo, Bell |
Dec 06 2009 ADZG Temple |
The Misunderstandings of Many LifetimesSerial: TL-00199 ADZG Sunday Morning, Hindrances, Hongzhi, Posture, Abhidharma, Intimacy |
Nov 22 2009 ADZG Temple |
Ryokan Dealing with Each thing ChangingSerial: TL-00198 ADZG Sunday Morning, Emotions, Religion, Desire, Diversity, Happiness |
Nov 15 2009 ADZG Temple |
Practicing Three Thousand Worlds in a single Thought-momentSerial: TL-00197 ADZG Monday Night, Lotus Sutra, Patience, Six Realms, Mindfulness, Religion |
Nov 09 2009 ADZG Temple |
Positive and Negative FeelingSerial: TL-00196 ADZG Sunday Morning, Observe, Skandas, Desire, Posture, Zazen Mind |
Sep 27 2009 ADZG Temple |
Lotus Sutra and the Dragon girl's enlightenmentSerial: TL-00195 ADZG Sunday Morning, Bodhisattva Way, Desire, Mahayana, Manjushri, Offering |
Aug 23 2009 ADZG Temple |
Lotus Sutra underground bodhisattvas and Buddha's life-spanSerial: TL-00194 ADZG Monday Night, Lotus Sutra, Evil, Faith, Offering |
Aug 17 2009 ADZG Temple |
Lotus Sutra Stupa on Mid-airSerial: TL-00193 ADZG Monday Night, Bodhisattva Way, Offering, Mahayana, Rinzai, Dharma Transmission |
Aug 10 2009 ADZG Temple |
Lotus Sutra parables on skillful meansSerial: TL-00192 ADZG Sunday Morning, Lotus Sutra, Bodhisattva Way, Peace, Diversity, Faith |
Aug 09 2009 ADZG Temple |
Other Power and Self PowerSerial: TL-00191 ADZG Sunday Morning, Chanting, Buddha Mind, uchiyama, Lay Ordination, Dharma Transmission |
Jun 21 2009 ADZG Temple |
The Practice of GenerositySerial: TL-00190 ADZG Sunday Morning, Gratitude, Berkeley Zen Center, Letting Go, Dana |
May 24 2009 ADZG Temple |
The Gateway to Repose and JoySerial: TL-00189 ADZG Monday Night, Peace, Balance, Letting Go, zen meditation, Bodhidharma |
May 18 2009 ADZG Temple |
Mother's Day: Grandmother Zen and the Mother of All BuddhasSerial: TL-00188 ADZG Sunday Morning, Peace, Rinzai, training, Perfect Wisdom |
May 10 2009 ADZG Temple |
The Growth of OnenessSerial: TL-00187 ADZG Sunday Morning, Oneness, Buddha Ancestors, Lotus Sutra, Separation |
Apr 12 2009 ADZG Temple |
Transmitting the Pierced NostrilsSerial: TL-00186 ADZG Monday Night, training, Rinzai, Thich Nhat Hanh, Bodhidharma, Lay Ordination |
Apr 06 2009 ADZG Temple |
Right ViewSerial: TL-00185 ADZG Sunday Morning, Thich Nhat Hanh, Right Effort, Diversity, Non-attachment, Right Speech |
Mar 22 2009 ADZG Temple |
Almost Not Confused By SelfSerial: TL-00184 ADZG One Day Sitting, Intimacy, Letting Go, Zendo, Bowing |
Mar 15 2009 ADZG Temple |
Japanese culture and engaged BuddhismSerial: TL-00183 ADZG Monday Night, Rinzai, Mindfulness, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Vimalakirti, Religion |
Mar 09 2009 ADZG Temple |
The Chicago Koan - Dongshan's Place Between Hot and ColdSerial: TL-00182 ADZG Monday Night, Passions, Skandas, Desire, Silence, Rinzai |
Feb 09 2009 ADZG Temple |
Zendo Opening and Martin Luther King DaySerial: TL-00181 ADZG Monday Night, Tenzo, Way-Seeking Mind, Right Effort, Intention |
Jan 19 2009 ADZG Temple |
The Meaning of Buddha's EnlightenmentSerial: TL-00180 ADZG One Day Sitting, Attachment, Lotus Sutra, Book of Serenity, Paramitas, Nirvana |
Dec 07 2008 Cenacle Chciago |
Engaging the MysterySerial: TL-00179 ADZG Monday Night, Intention, Thich Nhat Hanh, Global Warming, Lay Ordination, Buddha Ancestors... |
Nov 17 2008 Cenacle Chicago |
Gary Snyder on the Mountains and Water Sutra: The Rhythm of Zen PracticeSerial: TL-00178 ADZG Monday Night, Diversity, Mandala, Oneness, Bowing, Fox |
Aug 18 2008 Cenacle Chicago |
Mary Oliver: Making yourself into a LightSerial: TL-00177 ADZG Monday Night, Dharmakaya, Daily Life, Samsara, Doubt, Silence |
Aug 04 2008 Cenacle Chicago |
Dongshan's Meeting Suchness; Rimbaud's 'I is an Other'Serial: TL-00176 ADZG Three Day Sesshin, Ego, Posture, Silence, Separation, Letting Go |
Jun 28 2008 Cenacle Chicago |
Dogen's five-part notes on ZazenSerial: TL-00175 ADZG Monday Night, Aspects of Practice, Letting Go, Intimacy, Bodhisattva Vow, Five Ranks |
May 13 2008 Cenacle Chicago |
The Awesome Presence of Active BuddhasSerial: TL-00174 Clouds in Water Dharma Talk, Letting Go, Lotus Sutra, Pain, Happiness, Bowing |
Nov 04 2007 St. Paul, MN |
Rumi's 800th BirthdaySerial: TL-00173 ADZG Monday Night, Rumi, Silence, Practice Period, Letting Go, Religion |
Oct 01 2007 Cenacle Chicago |
Cyprus Tree in the YardSerial: TL-00172 ADZG Sesshin , Bodhidharma, Ordinary Mind, Intention, Book of Serenity, Don't Know Mind... |
Jul 22 2007 Cenacle Chicago |
Silent Illumination and the Upright CauldronSerial: TL-00171 ADZG Three Day Sesshin, Letting Go, Hongzhi, Darkness and Light, Silent Illumination |
Jun 16 2007 Cenacle Chicago |
Serene Illumination Practice and the Backward StepSerial: TL-00170 ADZG Three Day Sesshin, Silent Illumination, Posture, Silence, Eko |
Jun 15 2007 Cenacle Chicago |
The Worldview of Dogen and the Lotus SutraSerial: TL-00169 SFZG Talk, Mahayana, Evil, true dharma, Buddha Ancestors, Nirvana |
May 19 2007 SFZC City Center |
Bob Dylan's Song About Zen MindSerial: TL-00167 ADZG Monday Night, Sesshin, Platform Sutra, Practice Period |
Apr 02 2007 Cenacle Chicago |
Zazen MindSerial: TL-00166 ADZG Monday Night, Posture, Heart Sutra, Big Mind, Zazen Mind, Ego |
Mar 12 2007 Cenacle Chicago |
Buddhist Visions of American Independence Happiness, Freedom, Liberation, Enemies, Interdependence |
Jul 02 2006 |
Manifesting Truth Through Interconnected Living Separation, Blue Cliff Record, Building, Practice Period |
Apr 29 2006 |
Dogen - Being Familiar With The Entire BodySerial: SF-00039 Sunday talk. realization, Buddha Ancestors, Delusion, Precepts, true dharma, Lotus Sutra, Oneness... |
May 18 2003 |
Hongzi (Zen Master) Silent Illumination, Instruction, Daily Life, Cultivation, confusion, Branching... |
Feb 24 2001 Berkeley Zen Center |
Bodhisattva Archetypes Evil, Manjushri, Vow, Lotus Sutra, Aspects of Practice, Heart Sutra, Practice Period... |
May 02 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Zazen confusion, Enemies, Balance, Bell, Attachment, Delusion |
Aug 20 1997 |