Current Events Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Martin Luther King Day and the Assault on the CapitolSerial: TL-00685 ADZG Monday Night, Evil, Current Events, Thich Nhat Hanh, Prajna Paramita, Equanimity |
Jan 18 2021 Zoom |
Ending Racism Mindfulness, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Current Events, American, Happiness, Precepts,... |
Aug 25 2018 |
School Shootings, Endless Wars, and Dan Ellsberg's warning of Nuclear DoomsdaySerial: TL-00504 ADZG Monday Night, Bodhisattva Precepts, Current Events, Conversation, Money |
Feb 19 2018 ADZG Temple |
Presence Mindfulness, Monkey Mind, Current Events, Dragons, Enemies, Culture, Enthusiasm,... |
Aug 19 2017 |
Seijiki and HalloweenSerial: BZ-02211 Feeding the Hungry Ghosts, Saturday Lecture Hungry Ghosts, Seijiki, Demons, Current Events, Evil, Culture, Religion, Practice... |
Oct 29 2011 Berkeley Zen Center |
Japan CatastropheSerial: BZ-02165 Earthquake, Tsunami, Nuclear Fallout, One-Day Sitting Karma, Japan, Current Events, Karma, Repentance, Vow, Renewal, Composure, Interview,... |
Mar 19 2011 Berkeley Zen Center |
Hokyo Zammai Class Discrimination, Diversity, Current Events, Intuition, Five Ranks, Absolute-and-... |
Mar 25 2010 3 |
The Gift that Doesn't Stop GivingSerial: BZ-02077 Greed, Virtue and Practice, Saturday Lecture Monks, Addiction, Current Events, Dragons, Building, War |
Jan 16 2010 Berkeley Zen Center |
Class 2 Komyo Divine Light Transmission, Current Events, Silent Illumination, Discrimination, Conversation,... |
May 21 2009 |
George W. Bush and a Dogen FascicleSerial: BZ-01263B Saturday Lecture Dogen, Current Events, Politics, Anger, Birth-and-Death, War, Greed, Buddha Ancestors... |
May 15 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
Wednesday LectureSerial: SF-01023 Linda Ruth with her sick mother. The mountain lion. The bobcat. The rat. New film, "The Passion of Christ". Self-restraint. Mindfulness of the body. Angulimala. Hate, Current Events, First Principle, Passions, Precepts, Doubt, training,... |
Mar 17 2004 Green Gulch |
Martin Luther King TributeSerial: BZ-01380 Saturday Lecture Martin Luther King, Current Events, Discrimination, American, War, Culture, Monastic... |
Jan 17 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
Just Being Alive Is EnoughSerial: SF-01094 The season. Vows. New Year's Resolution Suzuki Roshi, Current Events, Vow, stubbornness, Faith, Continuous Practice, Politics... |
Dec 28 2003 Green Gulch |
Zen Transformation: Living with Presence Zazen Mind, Current Events, Buddha Mind, Bodhisattva Way, Bodhisattva Vow |
Nov 22 2003 |
November 22nd, 2003, Serial No. 00162 Zazen Mind, Current Events, Buddha Mind, Bodhisattva Way, Bodhisattva Vow |
Nov 22 2003 |
Buddhism and WarSerial: BZ-00133B The Six Realms and What Bodhisattvas Do in Each One, Saturday Lecture Buddhism, War, Bodhisattva, Six Realms, War, Demons, Greed, Peace, Current Events,... |
Mar 22 2003 Berkeley Zen Center |
World PeaceSerial: BZ-00133A Anti-Iraq War/Peace March Talk, One-Day Sitting Peace, War, Current Events, stubbornness, Forgiveness, War, Peace, Religion,... |
Mar 16 2003 Berkeley Zen Center |
February 8th, 2003, Serial No. 00180, Side B Mindfulness, Concentration, Birth-and-Death, Doubt, Separation, Current Events, Death... |
Feb 08 2003 |
State of the Union; First Anniversary of September 11.Serial: BZ-00209B Saturday Lecture Current Events, War, Current Events, Peace, Evil, American, Politics, Composure,... |
Sep 07 2002 Berkeley Zen Center |
Tenth PreceptSerial: BZ-00140B "Shoes Outside the Door", Saturday Lecture Precepts, Richard Baker, Religion, Sangha, Birth-and-Death, Buddha Nature, Intuition... |
Mar 09 2002 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Events of September 11, 2001Serial: BZ-00091 What To Do, Saturday Lecture Current Events, Greed, Patience, Aspects of Practice, Karma, Practice Period,... |
Sep 22 2001 Berkeley Zen Center |
Transforming Hate Into Global CompassionSerial: SF-00051 Sunday talk. Hate, Current Events, Mill Valley, Peace, Bell, Interdependence, Sanctuary, Chanting... |
Sep 16 2001 |
Sunday Lecture Hate, Current Events, Mill Valley, Peace, Bell, Interdependence, Sanctuary,... |
Sep 16 2001 Green Gulch |
Monks Training in Thailand Concentration, Lineage, training, Current Events, Culture, Instruction, War,... |
Oct 21 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Buddhist Perspective On The Littleton TragedySerial: BZ-00075 Saturday Lecture Current Events, War, Evil, Greed, Passions, Culture, Emotions |
May 08 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
Vimalakirti SutraSerial: BZ-00246 Class 3 of 5 Liberation, Manjushri, Evil, Current Events, Dependent Origination, Lotus Sutra,... |
Mar 14 1996 3 Berkeley Zen Center |
1993 Parliament of World ReligionsSerial: BZ-00628A Seeking Common Ground, Sesshin Day 1 Religion, Current Events, Religion, American, Politics, Separation, Buddha Nature,... |
Sep 04 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Transmission of Light: The 38th Ancestor Seigen Gyoshi; Not Getting Caught in StagesSerial: BZ-00666B Saturday Lecture Seigen Gyoshi, Liberation, Lineage, Buddha Nature, Bodhidharma, Current Events, Don... |
May 22 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Day Off ClassSerial: BZ-01484 Class 5 of 6 Precepts, Buddha Ancestors, Transmission, Silent Illumination, Buddha Nature, Current... |
Nov 14 1992 5 |
After the King VerdictSerial: BZ-00712A Saturday Lecture Current Events, Karma, Culture, Peace, War, training, Offering, American, confusion,... |
May 02 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Death Penalty (discussion)Serial: BZ-00679B Saturday Lecture Current Events, Precepts, cognitive process, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Diversity, Priest... |
Apr 18 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Fire, Suffering, and Relationship With JapanSerial: BZ-00702B Saturday Lecture Japan, Current Events, Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Demons, Birth-... |
Oct 26 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
Persian Gulf WarSerial: BZ-00689B Saturday Lecture Current Events, War, Politics, Precepts, training, Priest, Peace, Addiction,... |
Feb 23 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mideast CrisisSerial: BZ-00687B Discussion led by Alan Senauke, Saturday Lecture Current Events, War, Peace, Avalokiteshvara, Enemies, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Building... |
Jan 12 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dzögchen TeachingsSerial: SF-02716 Commercially produced cassette Bodhisattva Vow, Emptiness, Transmission, Commitment, Vow, Current Events, Lineage,... |
Oct 09 1989 San Jose |
Being in the MomentSerial: BZ-00879A Saturday Lecture Current Events, Gratitude, Bowing, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Building, Ego... |
Jun 21 1986 Berkeley Zen Center |
August 7, 1982, Serial No. 01528ASerial: BZ-01528A Saturday Lecture Peace, Non-violence, Current Events, Peace, Non-violence, Greed, War, Hate, Karma,... |
Aug 07 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dining Room class Silence, Current Events, Religion, Monastic Practice, Faith, Sanctuary, Fox, Patience... |
Jun 14 1981 1 Tassajara |
Ngon Dro, Serial 00057 Passions, Current Events, Commitment, Bell, lecture, Duality, Intention, Hate,... |
Mar 23 1980 New York City |
Browning's Sordello Religion, Current Events, Enthusiasm, Lay, Faith, Peace, Intuition, Demons, Dragons,... |
Feb 10 1980 SFZC |
SF SeminarSerial: SF-00024 The problems with celibacy Current Events, Politics, Fasting, Demons, Obstacles, Patience, Attachment, Religion... |
Mar 09 1973 2 |
Some QuestionsSerial: SF-05087A Roshi's Lectures - 2 of them - Aug 21 Side 2 Q&A session Q1 - explain 12 links of causation, Q - war - striving for a cause - even peace is necessary though futile (on... Question-and-Answer, causation, Current Events, Passions, Fox, Gratitude, Commitment... |
Aug 21 1969 Tassajara |
Emptiness is FormSerial: SF-05968 Sunday, June 29, 1969 Newly uploaded version has speed adjustments made; should be a little clearer for transcript - not just end, but correcting... Heart Sutra, Emptiness, Current Events, Balance, Faith, Beginners, Continuous... |
Jun 29 1969 Tassajara |
Don't Be Bothered By Your Mind / Science of Philosophy is Like a DissectionSerial: SF-05104C Tape 5 Summer sesshin 1965 Thursday July 29th Side 2: 5:45 meditation, 9:00 AM lecture [Case replaced 12/95. Original notes were transcribed verbatim - WKR] Sesshin, Peace, Buddha Nature, Current Events, Bodhidharma, Passions, Instruction,... |
Jul 30 1965 A-B Sokoji |