Sokoji Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Why I Came to AmericaSerial: SR-00157 "Why I became a priest" Memories of his father as a temple priest. Wanting to be an unusual priest himself, to teach people. Training at a temple with Oka... Priest, Meiji, Japan, Dogen, Priest, training, New Year, Ceremony, Enemies, Monks,... |
Sep 16 1969 Sokoji |
Not Always SoSerial: SR-00124 August Sesshin Lecture Sesshin, Dogen, Interdependence, Freedom, Gratitude, Composure, Posture, Emptiness,... |
Aug 07 1969 Sokoji |
To Actually Practice SelflessnessSerial: SR-00125 August Sesshin Lecture Sesshin, Pain, Fox, Precepts, Freedom, Funeral, Monks, Liberation, difficulty,... |
Aug 06 1969 Sokoji |
I have nothing in my mind Emptiness, Forms, Zazen, Buddha Nature, Freedom, Passions, Interview, Beginners,... |
Jul 15 1969 Sokoji |
Eulogy For Trudy Dixon Given During Her Funeral CeremonySerial: SR-00028 Words from the funeral eulogy for Trudy Dixon. Magnanimous mind Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Dogen, Buddha Mind, Buddha Mind, Passions, Compassion... |
Jul 11 1969 Sokoji |
Question And Answer SessionSerial: SR-00025 Tuesday, July 8, 1969 Question-and-Answer, Don't Know Mind, Anger, Greed, Emotions, Zazen, Culture,... |
Jul 08 1969 Sokoji |
Rinzai Zen and Soto ZenSerial: SR-00033 July 1969 Morning. Dogen, Buddha Nature, Evil, Freedom, Priest, Ego, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,... |
Jul 1969 Sokoji |
Direct Experience of RealityBaso, Dogen, lecture, Sutra, Forms, Pain, sitting |
Jun 22 1969 Sokoji |
How should we establish our system of practice in San FranciscoSerial: SR-00019 Tuesday Evening, June 17, 1969 Just sit, and follow the teacher's instruction. Story of four kinds of horse. Humans go to the moon, but don't... Rinzai, Soto Zen, Dogen, Zazen, New Year, Concentration, Big Mind, Priest, Pain,... |
Jun 17 1969 Sokoji |
Suzuki's 65th BirthdaySerial: SR-00018 Sunday Morning, May 18, 1969 Priest, Building, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Beginners, Instruction, Anger,... |
May 18 1969 Sokoji |
How To Take Our Bodhisattva's VowSerial: SR-00017 Tuesday Morning, April 29, 1969 Bodhisattva Vow, Dogen, Agama Sutra, Precepts, Mahayana, Sutra, Observe, Freedom, Vow... |
Apr 29 1969 Sokoji |
Find Out for YourselfSerial: SR-00011 Find out what "buddha-nature" and "enlightenment" mean. Study without purpose. How his teacher in Japan treated him; trying to discover the right thing to do. Sesshin, Zazen, Eiheiji, Suffering, Buddha Nature, Freedom, Beginners, Posture, zen,... |
Mar 15 1969 Sokoji |
Sun-Faced Buddha, Moon-Faced BuddhaSerial: SR-00009 Sunday, March 9, 1969 Koan story of sun-faced buddha, moon-faced buddha. Practicing while well or while sick. Accepting what we don't like.... Baso, Koan, Blue Cliff Record, Attachment, Composure, Discrimination, difficulty,... |
Mar 09 1969 Sokoji |
At The End Of The Year We Clean Up Our HouseSerial: SF-05970B Dec 1968 New Year Lecture Beginner’s Mind, Dogen, Japan, New Year, Beginners, Transmission, Instruction, Priest... |
Dec 29 1968 Sokoji |
untitledSerial: SR-00007 Newly reprocessed recording should be a little clearer Lotus Sutra, Monks, Breath, Building |
Dec 24 1968 Sokoji |
True Happiness and Renewal of Practice at Year's EndSerial: SF-05970A Newly uploaded recording of this talk. Happiness, Buddha Nature, Happiness, Buddha Nature, Composure |
Dec 21 1968 Sokoji |
Shikantaza, Tenryu's One FingerSerial: SR-00236 Sesshin Lecture Sesshin, Gutei, Yaoshan, Community, Pain, sitting, Monks, Obstacles, Instruction,... |
Oct 12 1968 A Sokoji |
The True DragonDogen, Baso, Dragons, Freedom, Soto Zen, Emptiness, Bodhidharma, Instruction, Zazen... |
Oct 12 1968 B Sokoji |
The Ten Powers Of A BodhisattvaSerial: SF-05106 Sunday Morning, August 25, 1968 Bodhisattva, Dogen, Rinzai, Soto Zen, Emptiness, Five Ranks, Attachment, Posture,... |
Aug 25 1968 Sokoji |
Fragment |
Aug 04 1968 Sokoji |
Religion is a Cultural-Social Phenomena as well as a Personal ExperienceSerial: 67-05-31 Tony Artino notes |
May 31 1967 Sokoji |
True Activity Includes EverythingSerial: 67-05-28 Sunday, May 28, 1967 |
May 28 1967 Sokoji |
Correct Zazen Is Your HomeSerial: 67-05-21 Sunday, May 21, 1967 |
May 21 1967 Sokoji |
Zen Emphasizes the Simplest Way of PracticeSerial: 67-05-17 Wednesday, May 17, 1967 |
May 17 1967 Sokoji |
Our Human Nature and That of Buddha Are the SameSerial: 67-04-26 Wednesday, April 26, 1967 |
Apr 26 1967 Sokoji |
This Sesshin Was Wonderfully DoneSerial: SF-05100C Saturday, April 22, 1967 Sesshin, Priest, Evil, Doubt, training |
Apr 22 1967 B Sokoji |
You Must Give Up Worldly DesiresSerial: SF-05100B Saturday, April 22, 1967 Sesshin, Family Practice, Doubt, Dragons, resistance, Priest, Hate, Freedom |
Apr 22 1967 A Sokoji |
A Teaching Cannot Be Whole And PerfectSerial: 67-04-16 Sunday April 16, 1967 |
Apr 16 1967 Sokoji |
Give up all Preconceived Ideas and FeelingsSerial: 67-04-05 Wednesday, April 5, 1967 “Give up all preconceived ideas and feelings” Dogen, |
Apr 05 1967 Sokoji |
Our Pockets Are Full Of Treasure Right NowSerial: 67-04-02 Sunday April 2, 1967 “Our pockets are full of treasure right now.” Dogen, Beginner’s Mind, |
Apr 02 1967 Sokoji |
When Small Mind Finds Itself In Big MindSerial: 67-03-26 Sunday, March 26, 1967 Tony Artino notes |
Mar 26 1967 Sokoji |
Buddha NatureSerial: 67-03-22 Wednesday, March 22, 1967 |
Mar 22 1967 Sokoji |
We should Sit In The Middle Of Our ProblemsSerial: 67-03-12 Sunday, March 12, 1967 |
Mar 12 1967 Sokoji |
In the first instruction of ten instructions in Gakudō-yōjin-shūSesshin, Dogen, Shobogenzo, Sixth Patriarch, Platform Sutra, training, Instruction,... |
Dec 17 1966 A Sokoji |
The Need for Training in Buddhism without Self-Seeking MindSerial: SF-05121B Original recording Sesshin, Dogen, training, Buddha Nature, Hate, Observe, Instruction, Doubt |
Dec 17 1966 B Sokoji |
Give Up Gaining Ideas and Just SitSerial: 66-11-30 Notes by Tony Artino “Give up gaining ideas and just sit.” |
Nov 30 1966 Sokoji |
Ordinary Men Carry a Preconceived Idea of the SelfSerial: 66-11-20 Tony Artino notes on SS lecture |
Nov 20 1966 Sokoji |
Zazen Is Not For Gaining A Mystical SomethingSerial: 66-11-16 Tony Artino notes , |
Nov 16 1966 Sokoji |
Suffering Comes From DesiresSerial: 66-11-09 Wednesday, November 9, 1966 |
Nov 09 1966 Sokoji |
Blue Cliff Records Case 45Serial: SF-05097E Friday, August 19, 1966 Blue Cliff Record, Sesshin, Joshu, Eiheiji, Observe, Diversity, Duality |
Aug 19 1966 D Sokoji |
Embodying Full Function in ZenSerial: SF-05097I Sesshin Lecture 1966 Tape #2 Track 4 instruction by Rev Katagiri Friday morning Composure, Zazen |
Aug 19 1966 Sokoji |
This Fascicle of ShobogenzoSerial: SF-05097F Sesshin Lecture 1966 Tape #2 Track 2: Suzuki 1pm lecture Friday Sesshin, Dogen, Shobogenzo, Blue Cliff Record, Attachment, Instruction, Freedom,... |
Aug 19 1966 C Sokoji |
Don't Be Attached To Your AttainmentSerial: SF-05097H Sesshin Lecture 1966 Tape #2 Track 4 Friday lecture by Suzuki during morning zazen Friday Sesshin, Instruction, Attachment |
Aug 19 1966 B Sokoji |
This is the Fourth Day of our SesshinSerial: SF-05097C Reconstruction of Lecture from Second Zazen Period (Before Morning Service) [This tape is... Sesshin, Suzuki Roshi |
Aug 18 1966 A Sokoji |
OLD - This is the Fourth Day of our SesshinSerial: SF-05097C Sesshin Lecture 1966 Tape #2 ; Track 1 My reconstruction from memory and notes of Suzuki Roshi's beautiful lecture Thursday morning during 2nd period of zazen before morning... Sesshin, Suzuki Roshi |
Aug 18 1966 A Sokoji |
Shobogenzo (middle of talk only)Serial: SF-05097A Sesshin Lecture 1966 Tape #2; Track 1 Continuation and completion of 1pm lecture of Suzuki Roshi, Thursday. Looks like whole of this is lost, except near end and parts on... |
Aug 18 1966 B Sokoji |
ShobogenzoSerial: SF-05097D Sesshin Lecture 1966 Tape #2 Sesshin, Sixth Patriarch, Dogen, Subject-and-Object, Attachment, Buddha Nature,... |
Aug 18 1966 C Sokoji |
ShōbōgenzōSerial: SF-05093F Thursday, August 18, 1966 Sesshin, Buddha Mind, Birth-and-Death, Dana, Fasting, Interdependence |
Aug 18 1966 B Sokoji |
CausalitySerial: SF-05093J Suzuki lecture 6pm Weds Track 2, continued on Track 3 Sesshin, Time, Freedom, Happiness, Fox, Oneness, Enemies, Offering, Evil, Lay... |
Aug 17 1966 6:00pm Sokoji |
Our Mind Should Be CalmSerial: SF-05093L Tuesday, August 16, 1966 Sesshin, Instruction, |
Aug 16 1966 Sokoji |