Precepts Talks

The Bodhisattva Precepts (Skt. bodhisattva-śīla, traditional Chinese: 菩薩戒; ; pinyin: Púsà Jiè, Japanese: bosatsukai) are a set of ethical trainings (śīla) used in Mahāyāna Buddhism to advance a practitioner along the path to becoming a bodhisattva. Traditionally, monastics observed the basic moral code in Buddhism, the prātimokṣa (such as that of the Dharmaguptaka), but in the Mahāyāna tradition, monks may observe the Bodhisattva Precepts as well. The Bodhisattva Precepts are associated with the bodhisattva vow to save all beings and with bodhicitta.

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Showing 876 talks

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Title Speaker

Unknown Date, Serial 00757, Side B

Practice Period, Attachment, Precepts, Monastic Practice, Karma, Non-duality,...

Unknown Date, Serial 00020

Precepts, Greed, Concentration, Delusion, difficulty, Samadhi, Lotus Sutra, causation...

Unknown Date, Serial 00363

Precepts, Impermanence, Continuous, Oneness, Buddha Nature, Beginners, Fifth Precept...

Unknown Date, Serial 00366

Precepts, Buddha Nature, Fifth Precept, Don't Know Mind, Greed, Lay, Emotions,...

Unknown Date, Serial 00387

Lineage, Culture, Vows, Ordination, Conversation, Liberation, Intention, Ego,...

Unknown Date, Serial 00390

Meditation, Heart Sutra, Mindfulness, Precepts, Non-duality, Culture, Lay,...

Unknown Date, Serial 00396

Precepts, Heart Sutra, Community, Meditation, Instruction, Non-duality, Pain, Teacher...
