Posture Talks

Showing 820 talks

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Going Deeper into our Bodhisattva Samadhi

A talk given to the No Abode Community on October 7th, 2023


Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Samantabhadra, Samadhi, Bodhisattva Vow,...
Oct 07 2023
No Abode Hermitage

No Abode Dharma Talk - September 9th, 2023

A talk given to the No Abode Community on September 9th, 2023. Begins with a brief overview of Books One and Two.  In Book Three, 

Samantabhadra, Samadhi, Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Zazen, Priest, Evil...
Sep 09 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Yoga Room Class - October 12th, 2021

#YRB-2021-Autumn, Observe, Greed, Conversation, Hate, Posture
Oct 12 2021
The Yoga Room

Birth and Death, Part 1

Birth-and-Death, Don't Know Mind, Blue Cliff Record, Light-and-Darkness, Posture...
Dec 19 2020

Public Dokusan 11

Subject-and-Object, Intuition, Heart Sutra, Conversation, Posture, Karma, Birth-and-...
Oct 30 2020

Letting Go

Oneness, Emotions, Commitment, Book of Serenity, Five Ranks, Instruction, Posture,...
Sep 26 2020

Zazen Refresher

Posture, Instruction, Concentration, Beginners, Bowing, Chanting, American, Building...
Sep 04 2020

Virtual Skit Night

Offering, Zoom, Hate, Posture, American, Lay, Transmission, Discrimination,...
Jul 13 2020

Notes From The Abbot

Birth-and-Death, Discrimination, Intimacy, Continuous Practice, American, Non-...
Apr 18 2020

Effortless Effort

Serial: BZ-02724

 IPHONE recording


Posture, Continuous Practice, Right Effort, Birth-and-Death, Mindfulness, Karma,...
Jan 11 2020

Jewel Mirror Zazen Instructions; You've Got to Serve Somebody

Serial: TL-00627

ADZG Rohatsu Sesshin,
Sesshin Talk

Precious Mirror, Bodhisattva Way, Doubt, Bodhidharma, Posture
Dec 05 2019
ADZG Temple

Awareness of and Responsiveness to the Body

Emotions, Bodhisattva Vow, Posture, Vow, Offering, Instruction, Politics, Gratitude,...
Nov 30 2019

Words of My Perfect Teacher

Samsara, Nirvana, Mindfulness, Posture, Interdependence, Mahayana, Passions,...
Nov 23 2019

The Mutual Influence of the Environment and Awakening Self

Serial: TL-00611

ADZG Sesshin Talk,
Dharma Talk

Letting Go, Liberation, Six Realms, Posture, Repentance
Oct 20 2019
ADZG Temple

Together Action

Intimacy, Four Noble Truths, Aspects of Practice, Culture, Hindrances, Bell,...
Oct 05 2019

About the Shuso

Serial: BZ-02688

Sesshin Day 5


Practice Period, Bell, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Posture, Cultivation,...
Jun 23 2019

Shoji Part 2

Serial: BZ-02678

PP Class

Birth-and-Death, Death-and-Dying, War, Subject-and-Object, Posture, Peace, Commitment...
May 23 2019

Buddha's Birthday

Buddha's Birthday, Buddha Nature, Peace, Posture
Apr 06 2019

March 10th, 2019, Serial No. 00596

Pain, Posture, Intimacy, Observe, Concentration
Mar 10 2019

Let the Mystery Be

training, Heart Sutra, Skandas, Daily Life, Practice Period, Silence, Posture,...
Mar 09 2019

Innermost Request

Heart Sutra, Instruction, Nirvana, Intimacy, Mahayana, Posture, training
Feb 02 2019

Zen Training

training, Practice Position, Posture, Instruction, Gaining Mind, New Year, Bell, Evil...
Jan 05 2019

Arousing the Thought of Enlightenment

Serial: BZ-02650

Rohatsu Day 3


Instruction, Lotus Sutra, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Don't Know Mind, Subject-and-...
Dec 04 2018

Six Qualatative Factors as Applied to Zazen

Serial: BZ-02648

Rohatsu Day 1


Posture, Big Mind, Nirvana, Peace, Anger, Equanimity, stubbornness, Instruction, War...
Dec 02 2018

Zazen Posture and the Problem of Touch

Posture, Big Mind, Conversation, Instruction, Silence, Manjushri, Passions, Culture...
Sep 08 2018

Adjusting Posture

Posture, Instruction
Sep 07 2018

The Six Qualitative Factors That Keep Us Balanced and Centered

Serial: BZ-02617

Sesshin Day 1


Daily Life, Posture, Composure, Building, Heart Sutra, Hindrances, Mahayana, Karma,...
Jun 13 2018

Nirvana Study Sesshin Day 2 Lecture 3

Composure, Bell, Nirvana, Daily Life, Ego, Heart Sutra, Two Truths, Chanting, Posture...
Feb 18 2018


Fukanzazengi, Dragons, Berkeley Zen Center, Instruction, zen meditation, Posture,...
Jan 28 2018


Big Mind, Building, Heart Sutra, Beginners, Interview, Separation, Posture, Doubt,...
Nov 25 2017

Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Mindfulness, Equanimity, Concentration, Ego, Samadhi, Enthusiasm, Happiness,...
Nov 11 2017

Open Your Intuition

Intuition, Posture, Right Speech, Forgiveness, Demons, Subject-and-Object, Aspects of...
Nov 04 2017

Not Always So

Composure, resistance, Soto Zen, Gratitude, Posture, training, Dragons, Liberation...
Oct 21 2017

Two Approaches to the Regulation of Posture, Breath, and Mind

Instruction, Posture, Birth-and-Death, Gaining Mind, training, resistance, Buddha...
Sep 09 2017
Berkeley Zen Center

Zazen as Creative Expression

Serial: TL-00476

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Balance, Letting Go, Platform Sutra, Posture
Jul 23 2017
ADZG Temple

The Shuso Question: Full Spontaneous Encounter

Practice Period, Hindrances, Patience, Aspects of Practice, Conversation, Gratitude,...
Jul 01 2017

Zazen Practice, Sei Jo Practice

Serial: BZ-02554

Sesshin Day 3


Separation, Precepts, Heart Sutra, Anger, Practice Period, training, Posture,...
Jun 09 2017

The Blessings of Failure

Impermanence, Practice Period, Continuous Practice, Precepts, Commitment, Big Mind,...
Apr 15 2017

Dogen's Uji: Time Being Part 1

Doubt, Posture, Buddha Nature, training, Demons, Commitment, Interview, Impermanence...
Feb 11 2017

The Self

Buddha Mind, Buddha Nature, Instruction, Posture, confusion, Precepts, Doubt,...
Feb 04 2017

Intuition and the Cosmic Order

Serial: BZ-02520

 Rohatsu Day 7


Dragons, Buddha Nature, Interdependence, Intuition, Heart Sutra, Continuous Practice...
Dec 10 2016

Problems With Zazen

Serial: BZ-02515

Rohatsu Day 2


Instruction, Posture, Nirvana, Practice Period, Harmonizing, Oneness, Conversation,...
Dec 05 2016

Fundamentals of Zazen: Being in Time

Serial: BZ-02514

Rohatsu Day 1


Posture, Big Mind, Bell, Beginners, resistance, Chanting, Discrimination, Offering,...
Dec 04 2016

Original Buddhism and Beyond Consciousness

Karma, Fox, Posture, Aspects of Practice, Soto Zen, Religion, Mindfulness, Subject-...
Nov 19 2016


training, Vow, Practice Period, Posture, Aspects of Practice, Intuition, Precepts,...
Nov 05 2016

Accept Yourself, Stand On Your Own Two Feet

Precepts, Posture, Vow, Lotus Sutra, Liberation, Bodhisattva Precepts, Ordination,...
Oct 22 2016

The Four Postures

Mindfulness, Posture, Four Foundations, Gaining Mind, Instruction, Dharma...
Jul 30 2016

Effort: The Book of Serenity and Not Forcing Things

Book of Serenity, Right Effort, American, Gaining Mind, Duality, Posture, Harmonizing...
Jul 09 2016

The Balance of Focus and Openness in Zazen and Skillful Means

Serial: TL-00423

ADZG Sesshin,
Dharma Talk

Lotus Sutra, Posture, Bodhisattva Precepts, Heart Sutra, Balance
Jun 03 2016
ADZG Temple

Hsin Hsin Ming

Serial: BZ-02477

Class 2 PP


Composure, Oneness, Duality, Discrimination, Demons, Emotions, Birth-and-Death,...
May 12 2016
