confusion Talks

In medicine, confusion is the quality or state of being bewildered or unclear. The term "acute mental confusion" is often used interchangeably with delirium in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems and the Medical Subject Headings publications to describe the pathology. These refer to the loss of orientation, or the ability to place oneself correctly in the world by time, location and personal identity. Mental confusion is sometimes accompanied by disordered consciousness (the loss of linear thinking) and memory loss (the inability to correctly recall previous events or learn new material).

From confusion on Wikipedia

Showing 587 talks

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Title Speaker

Consistency and the Path to Destiny

Serial: BZ-00669A

Saturday lecture 

Berkeley Zen Center, Constancy, confusion, Practice Period, Chanting, Passions,...
Jun 19 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Shakyamuni's Enlightenment as a Guide to Practice

Serial: SF-00075

Saturday Lecture

Fasting, Hate, Chanting, Concentration, Delusion, Vow, confusion, Zazen
Apr 24 1993

Bringing Practice into Everyday Life

Serial: BZ-00664A


Right Speech, American, confusion, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, Precepts,...
Apr 24 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Self Esteem, No Self: Personality and Enlightenment

Serial: BZ-00663A

Saturday Lecture

Teacher-and-Student, Bodhisattva Way, Bodhisattva Vow, confusion, Bell, Conversation...
Apr 17 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Zendo Opening Ceremony

Lay Practice, Perfect Wisdom, confusion, Ceremony, Offering, Practice Period, Priest...
Nov 22 1992
Green Gulch

Iron Flute: Heat in Summer, Head Cold in Winter

Serial: BZ-00643A

The recording photo shows two titles. 

Getting Real: After Putting Another Head on Your Head

Iron Flute: Heat in Summer, Head Cold in Winter...

Hate, Teacher-and-Student, Attachment, Transmission, Daily Life, Conversation,...
Nov 14 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Hongzhi (Zen Master)

Serial: BZ-00642A

Saturday Lecture

Hongzhi, Priest, Priest-and-Lay, Silent Illumination, Lay, Practice Period,...
Oct 31 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Paramitas: Dhyana (Meditation)

Serial: BZ-00614

Class 5 of 6

Concentration, Hindrances, Mindfulness, Instruction, Death-and-Dying, zen meditation...
Oct 15 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Paramitas: Virya (Effort)

Serial: BZ-00613

Class 4 of 6

Right Effort, Enemies, Attachment, Patience, Birth-and-Death, confusion, Practice...
Oct 08 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Mumonkan: Case #19

Serial: BZ-00711A

Ordinary Mind Is the Way, Saturday Lecture

Ordinary Mind, MM-19, Ordinary Mind, Doubt, confusion, Religion, Hate, Culture,...
Jun 07 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Title Unknown

Serial: BZ-00712B


Silence, confusion, Emotions, Anger, Greed, Funeral, Discrimination, Conversation,...
May 09 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

After the King Verdict

Serial: BZ-00712A

Saturday Lecture

Current Events, Karma, Culture, Peace, War, training, Offering, American, confusion,...
May 02 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Attention, Thought, Faith, Knowledge

Serial: BZ-00679A


Concentration, Daily Life, Don't Know Mind, Observe, Anger, Patience, Enemies,...
Apr 04 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Shen Shu and Daikan Eno: Enlightenment Poems

Serial: BZ-00678B

Relative and Ultimate Reality; Sudden and Gradual Enlight., Saturday Lecture

Daikan Eno, Enlightenment, Sixth Patriarch, Four Noble Truths, Daily Life, Priest,...
Mar 28 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Continuous Zazen

Serial: BZ-00684B

Saturday Lecture

Zazen, Priest, Daily Life, Mindfulness, Intimacy, Instruction, Liberation, Equanimity...
Feb 01 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

The Inner Monk

Serial: NC-00075B

Part of "The Inner Monk"

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, Emptiness, Monastic Practice, Money, confusion, realization
3 of 3

The Child

Serial: NC-00070

Part of "The Spirituality of John's Gospel" retreat.

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, confusion, Mandala, Ego, resistance
4 of 4

Song of the Jewel Mirror Samadhi

Serial: BZ-00734

Sesshin Day 7

Absolute-and-Relative, confusion, Five Ranks, Sixth Patriarch, Discrimination,...
Dec 19 1991

Tozan's Five Ranks

Serial: BZ-00731A


Five Ranks, training, Ego, Absolute-and-Relative, Non-duality, Silence, Mahayana,...
Dec 14 1991
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Avatamsaka Sutra: The Ten Stages, 9th and 10th Stages

Serial: BZ-00283

Class 4 of 4

Concentration, Liberation, Offering, Karma, confusion, Six Realms, American,...
Dec 12 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Green Tara Serial 00023

Lineage, Patience, Letting Go, Teacher-and-Student, Priest, Mindfulness, Demons,...
Oct 20 1991
Tape 3
Cupertino California

Green Tara Q&A Serial 00024

Emotions, confusion, Lineage
Oct 20 1991
Tape 4
Cupertino California

Talk to Tokubetsu Sesshin

Serial: BZ-00624


Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Building, Gratitude, confusion,...
Oct 13 1991

Sandokai; All Equal

Serial: BZ-00751B


Instruction, Darkness and Light, Book of Serenity, Right Speech, Precepts,...
Oct 12 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Saturday Lecture

Precepts, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Practice Period, Suzuki Roshi, Ceremony,...
Sep 21 1991

Blue Cliff Record: Case #43

Serial: BZ-00970A

Tozan's "Neither Hot Nor Cold", One-Day Sitting

Tozan, BCR-43, Absolute-and-Relative, Five Ranks, Samsara, Nirvana, training, Enemies...
Jul 14 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Zen and Excitement

Serial: BZ-00968B

Saturday Lecture

Suzuki Roshi, Daily Life, Building, Constancy, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Priest...
Jul 06 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Theology and Lectio Divina

Serial: NC-00485

Theology and Lectio, Conference #4, (Conference #2 not recorded)

OSB Cam, Happiness, confusion, Intuition, Enlightenment, zen
Jun 28 1991
4 of 6
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Fundamentals and Practicality of Zazen

Serial: BZ-00700B

One-Day Sitting

Zazen, Harmonizing, Posture, Buddha Nature, Peace, resistance, confusion, Instruction...
Apr 21 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Buddha's Mother saves Tibet

Peace, Delusion, Balance, Samsara, Liberation, confusion, Freedom, Concentration, Don...
Apr 14 1991
Green Gulch Farm

One-Day Sitting

Serial: SF-01078


Precepts, Vow, Nirvana, Buddha Nature, Bodhisattva Vow, Suzuki Roshi, Attachment,...
Mar 09 1991

Karma Peace

Serial: BZ-00688B

Saturday Lecture

Karma, Peace, Karma, Peace, War, Precepts, Greed, Non-violence, American, Politics,...
Jan 26 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Bodhisattva’s Four Ways of Guidance: Reasonableness and Responsiveness

Serial: BZ-00687A


confusion, Blue Cliff Record, Bodhidharma, Evil, Aspects of Practice, Silence, Right...
Jan 05 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

December 29th, 1990, Serial No. 00921

New Year, Vow, Forgiveness, confusion, Anger, Ordinary Mind, Ego, Instruction,...
Dec 29 1990

Avatamsaka Sutra

Serial: BZ-00258

Class 5 of 5

confusion, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Offering, Concentration, Attachment,...
Nov 29 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

November 3rd, 1990, Serial No. 01478

Serial: BZ-01478

Lecture sesshin day 5

Dragons, Posture, Sixth Patriarch, Buddha Nature, Karma, Hindrances, confusion,...
Nov 03 1990
Unknown Location

Mumonkan Case #19: Nansen’s Ordinary Mind; Monk/Lay Practice

Serial: BZ-00494B


Ordinary Mind, Priest, Priest-and-Lay, Lay, Attachment, Commitment, Samsara, Non-...
Oct 20 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

Gospel of John Class

Serial: NC-00270

Monastic formation class on the Gospel of John

OSB Cam, Mandala, confusion, Intuition, Obstacles
Sep 15 1990
1 of 4
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Mumonkan Case 19: Ordinary Mind is the Way

Ordinary Mind, Big Mind, Practice Period, Buddha Nature, Dragons, Teacher-and-Student...
Aug 03 1990
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Ungan and Yakusan

Serial: BZ-00514B

Sesshin day 3

Birth-and-Death, Hate, Teacher-and-Student, confusion, Practice Period, Attachment,...
Jun 22 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #2

Serial: BZ-00514A

The True Way Is Not Difficult, Sesshin Day 2

BCR-2, Hate, Duality, Hsin Hsin Ming, Discrimination, confusion, Dragons, Attachment...
Jun 21 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

Ordinary Mind is the Way

Serial: BZ-00506B

One-Day Sitting

Ordinary Mind, Ordinary Mind, Posture, Ego, Practice Period, Eight Aspects, Doubt,...
May 12 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

Faith to Doubt

Serial: BZ-00497A


Doubt, Buddha Nature, Gratitude, Sixth Patriarch, Cultivation, Mahayana, confusion,...
Feb 24 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

Nirvana and Parinirvana

Serial: BZ-00498A

Saturday Lecture

Parinirvana, Nirvana, Nirvana, Hate, Greed, Birth-and-Death, confusion, Four Noble...
Feb 10 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

Dzögchen Teachings

Serial: SF-02718

Commercially produced cassette

Emptiness, realization, Delusion, Two Truths, Subject-and-Object, Enemies, Emotions,...
Oct 08 1989
San Jose

Blue Cliff Record: Case #7: Pt. 1

Serial: BZ-00381

"You Are, Echo", Sesshin Day 1

BCR-7, Buddha Mind, Karma, Dragons, Absolute-and-Relative, Big Mind, confusion, Daily...
Sep 03 1989
Berkeley Zen Center

Sunday Lecture

Impermanence, Cultivation, Daily Life, Birth-and-Death, Conversation, Intimacy,...
Aug 20 1989
Green Gulch

What Is It?

Serial: BZ-00376B

Sesshin Day 2

Practice Period, Absolute-and-Relative, confusion, Subject-and-Object, Equanimity,...
Jun 22 1989
Berkeley Zen Center

June 10th, 1989, Serial No. 00375, Side A

resistance, Posture, Instruction, Buddha Nature, Hindrances, Continuous Practice,...
Jun 10 1989

Zen Leadership

Serial: BZ-00374

Saturday lecture

Concentration, Buddha Nature, Mindfulness, Interdependence, Intuition, Passions,...
Jun 03 1989
Berkeley Zen Center
