confusion Talks
In medicine, confusion is the quality or state of being bewildered or unclear. The term "acute mental confusion" is often used interchangeably with delirium in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems and the Medical Subject Headings publications to describe the pathology. These refer to the loss of orientation, or the ability to place oneself correctly in the world by time, location and personal identity. Mental confusion is sometimes accompanied by disordered consciousness (the loss of linear thinking) and memory loss (the inability to correctly recall previous events or learn new material).
Title | Speaker | |
SandokaiSerial: BZ-00301 Lecture Sandokai, Fundraising, Lotus Sutra, Sixth Patriarch, Mill Valley, Oneness, confusion... |
Feb 04 1988 |
Sesshin LectureSerial: BZ-00900A One-Day Sitting Separation, Priest, confusion, Duality, Vow, Emotions, Lay |
Jan 23 1988 Berkeley Zen Center |
January 16th, 1988, Serial No. 00901, Side B Posture, resistance, Sanctuary, Addiction, confusion, Concentration, Mindfulness,... |
Jan 16 1988 Berkeley Zen Center |
December 1st, 1987, Serial No. 01005, Side A Suzuki Roshi, Letting Go, Liberation, Conversation, confusion, Non-duality, Duality,... |
Dec 01 1987 SFZC |
November 22nd, 1987, Serial No. 01003, Side B Addiction, Four Foundations, Discrimination, resistance, Mindfulness, Ego, Offering,... |
Nov 22 1987 SFZC |
November 21st, 1987, Serial No. 01003, Side A Lotus Sutra, Precepts, Heart Sutra, Birth-and-Death, Happiness, training,... |
Nov 21 1987 SFZC |
August 18th, 1987, Serial No. 00720Serial: BZ-00720 Sesshin Day 4 Ego, Don't Know Mind, Building, confusion, Mindfulness, Separation |
Aug 18 1987 |
Sunday Lecture Half-Smile, Soto Zen, Birth-and-Death, Letting Go, Instruction, Cultivation,... |
Jul 25 1987 Green Gulch |
No Title Practice Period, Pure Existence, Happiness, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Precepts,... |
Jul 06 1987 Green Gulch Farm |
Title unknownSerial: BZ-00905A Saturday Lecture Discrimination, Culture, Doubt, War, Mahayana, confusion, Peace, Emotions, Attachment... |
Jun 27 1987 Berkeley Zen Center |
June 13th, 1987, Serial No. 01006 realization, Lotus Sutra, Discrimination, Bodhisattva Way, Delusion, Conversation,... |
Jun 13 1987 SFZC |
Jewel Mirror Samadhi, Tozan's Five RanksSerial: BZ-00336 Lecture Jewel Mirror Samadhi, Five Ranks, Absolute-and-Relative, Aspects of Practice, Anger,... |
May 17 1987 |
No Title Five Ranks, Absolute-and-Relative, Family Practice, Aspects of Practice, Anger,... |
May 16 1987 Green Gulch Farm |
Ignorance Itself is the Immutable Knowledge of the BuddhasSerial: BZ-00894A Lecture Attachment, Bodhisattva Way, Soto Zen, Teacher-and-Student, Liberation, Lineage,... |
Nov 15 1986 Berkeley Zen Center |
Priest Practice Priest, Ordination, Lay, Lay Ordination, Precepts, Commitment, training, Monastic... |
May 1986 Berkeley Zen Center |
February 19th, 1986, Serial No. 00473Serial: NC-00473 Saint John OSB Cam, Intimacy, confusion, Mandala, resistance |
Feb 19 1986 |
November 10th, 1985, Serial No. 00987OSB Cam, Mindfulness, War, Renewal, Continuous Practice, confusion |
Nov 10 1985 |
Way-Seeking Mind Within Any CircumstancesSerial: BZ-00866A Lecture Doubt, confusion, Continuous Practice, Light-and-Darkness, Karma, Aspects of Practice... |
Nov 02 1985 Berkeley Zen Center |
Vajrayogini: Extraordinary Meditation beyond Thought and Q&A Serial 00097 Daily Life, Breath, confusion, Interview, Balance, Separation, Freedom, American,... |
Oct 30 1985 |
Vajrayogini Q&A, Serial 00093 Part B Teacher-and-Student, Evil, Intention, American, Continuous Practice, confusion, Monks... |
Oct 25 1985 B |
Hevajra Sadhana Serial 00007 Two Truths, Intention, confusion, Balance, Continuous Practice, Emotions, Duality,... |
Oct 15 1985 Tape 2 |
Hevajra Sadhana Serial 00038 Intention, confusion, Balance, Continuous Practice, Emotions, Duality, Hate, Bell,... |
Oct 14 1985 Tape 2 |
Teacher and Student RelationshipSerial: BZ-00864A Saturday Lecture Teacher-and-Student, Teacher-and-Student, Dharma Transmission, Karma, Transmission,... |
Oct 05 1985 Berkeley Zen Center |
Scripture and TraditionSerial: NC-00812 "Scripture & Tradition" OSB Cam, Transmission, lecture, confusion, Offering, Ego |
Oct 02 1985 |
Considering the Hindrances and Seeing the DharmasSerial: BZ-00884A Saturday Lecture Hindrances, Mindfulness, Concentration, Equanimity, Hindrances, Study Period, Sixth... |
Sep 21 1985 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sanshi Mompo: Ongoing Practice of Student and TeacherSerial: BZ-00408A Saturday Lecture Teacher-and-Student, Teacher-and-Student, Interview, Lineage, Instruction, Buddha... |
Dec 15 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |
Gospel of John and the Christian Wisdom TraditionSerial: NC-00557 Retreat on the Gospel of John OSB Cam, Renunciation, confusion, Forgiveness, Politics |
Dec 12 1984 3 of 5 Utah |
Breathing in ZazenSerial: BZ-00405B Rohatsu Zazen, Breath, Zazen Mind, confusion, Discrimination, Big Mind, Birth-and-Death,... |
Dec 04 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |
Third Paramita: Kshanti (Composure)Serial: BZ-00391A Saturday Lecture Kshanti, Composure, Happiness, Monastic Practice, Demons, training, Patience,... |
Nov 1984 Part 1 of 2 Berkeley Zen Center |
1984.04.04-serial.00262 Avalokiteshvara, Separation, Attachment, confusion, Building |
Apr 04 1984 |
How to Talk about Practice: Story of the Birds Nest MonkSerial: BZ-00433B Lecture Precepts, Evil, Instruction, Bowing, Chanting, confusion, Tassajara Zen Mountain... |
Apr 01 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Dream WorldSerial: BZ-00430 Realm of Desire versus Reality, One-Day Sitting Desire, Daily Life, Dream World, Lay Practice, Lay, Dragons, Interview, Enemies,... |
Feb 13 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |
August 25th, 1983, Serial No. 00704Serial: NC-00704 Monastic Spirituality Set 12 of 12 Instruction, Renewal, Obstacles, confusion, training |
Aug 25 1983 |
April 21st, 1983, Serial No. 00399Serial: NC-00399 Monastic Theology Series Set 1 of 3 Repentance, Balance, Happiness, confusion |
Apr 21 1983 |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #43Serial: BZ-00006B How Can We Avoid Heat and Cold?, Saturday Lecture BCR-43 Koan, resistance, Non-violence, Fasting, Anger, Dana, Daily Life, Building, training... |
Mar 05 1983 Berkeley Zen Center |
February 18th, 1983, Serial No. 00867Serial: NC-00867 Monastic Spirituality Set 10 of 12 OSB Cam, realization, Buddhism, Diversity, Renunciation, confusion |
Feb 18 1983 |
ExodusSerial: NC-00940 Class #3 (20 Jan 82) and #4 (20 Jan 83) on the Book of Exodus. OSB Cam, Transmission, Renewal, New Year, confusion, Letting Go |
Jan 20 1983 2 of 3 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
November 16th, 1982, Serial No. 00417Serial: NC-00417 Monastic Orientation Set 1 of 2 Precepts, confusion, Fasting, lecture, Vow |
Nov 16 1982 |
Pre-Practice versus PracticeSerial: BZ-00040A The "Gap", Saturday Lecture Attachment, Daily Life, Buddha Nature, Lay Practice, resistance, confusion,... |
Oct 02 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
1982.09.DD-serial.00101 Chanting, Emotions, confusion, Daily Life, Intimacy, Balance, Gratitude, Ego,... |
Sep 1982 |
1982.09.DD-serial.00102 Liberation, Buddha Nature, Concentration, Commitment, Zendo, Freedom, confusion,... |
Sep 1982 |
1982.08.18-serial.00105 Daily Life, Liberation, Happiness, Freedom, lecture, Breath, confusion, Passions,... |
Aug 18 1982 |
Mumonkan: Case #19Serial: BZ-00036A "Nansen's Everyday Mind in the Way", Saturday Lecture MM-19
Nansen, Absolute-and-Relative, Koan, Ordinary Mind, Non-violence, confusion,... |
Jun 26 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Heart of Practice Prajna as Compassionate WisdomSerial: BZ-00030B Remembering our deepest intention; noble friendship is the entirety of spiritual life; connection between Berkeley ZC and San Francisco ZC. Ordination, Heart Sutra, Precepts, Posture, Lotus Sutra, Mahayana, Buddha Nature,... |
Jun 11 1982 |
Problems in PracticeSerial: BZ-00008B Calm Mind in Daily Activities, Saturday Lecture Daily Life, Non-violence, training, Continuous Practice, confusion, Daily Life,... |
May 28 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Composure: The Third ParamitaSerial: BZ-00009B Saturday Lecture Kshanti, Composure, Happiness, training, Monastic Practice, Demons, confusion, Daily... |
May 01 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
April 30th, 1982, Serial No. 00994Serial: NC-00994 Monastic Spirituality, Set 7 of 12 OSB Cam, Ego, Enemies, First Principle, Karma, confusion |
Apr 30 1982 |
April 23rd, 1982, Serial No. 00155 Lotus Sutra, Intimacy, Compassion, difficulty, Evil, Discrimination, Offering,... |
Apr 23 1982 |
Dana: The First ParamitaSerial: BZ-00011B Saturday Lecture Dana, Study Period, Precepts, Posture, confusion, Concentration, Mindfulness, Daily... |
Apr 17 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
January 28th, 1982, Serial No. 00684Serial: NC-00684 Monastic Spirituality Set 5 of 12 Intention, Breath, confusion, Separation |
Jan 28 1982 |