Concentration Talks

Samādhi (Pali and Sanskrit: समाधि), in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and yogic schools, is a state of meditative consciousness. In many Indian religious traditions, the cultivation of Samādhi through various meditation methods is essential for the attainment of spiritual liberation (known variously as nirvana, moksha).
In Buddhism, it is the last of the eight elements of the Noble Eightfold Path. In the Ashtanga Yoga tradition, it is the eighth and final limb identified in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. In Jain meditation, samadhi is considered one of the last stages of the practice just prior to liberation.
In the oldest Buddhist sutras, on which several contemporary western Theravada teachers rely, it refers to the development of an investigative and luminous mind that is equanimous and mindful. In the yogic traditions and the Buddhist commentarial tradition, on which the Burmese Vipassana movement and the Thai Forest tradition rely, it is interpreted as a meditative absorption or trance attained by the practice of dhyāna.
Title | Speaker | |
October 26th, 1975, Serial No. 00561 Intention, Concentration, Vow, Oneness, Greed |
Oct 26 1975 |
Zen Posture and Inner Peace Posture, Concentration, Faith, Chanting, Breath |
Sep 30 1975 |
Zen Dynamism: Life as Reality realization, Birth-and-Death, Oneness, Meditation, Nirvana, Happiness, Separation,... |
Sep 02 1975 |
Embracing Zen Through Stories Baso, Concentration, resistance, Building, Sixth Patriarch |
Sep 02 1975 |
Intuitive Embrace of Zen Truths Baso, Concentration, resistance, Building, Transmission |
Sep 02 1975 |
Zenki: Living the Eternal Moment Birth-and-Death, Concentration, realization, American, Happiness, Separation,... |
Sep 01 1975 |
Embodied Zen Through Sincere Practice Concentration, Way-Seeking Mind, Sesshin, Shikantaza, training |
Sep 01 1975 |
Rediscovering Zen's True Essence Concentration, Way-Seeking Mind, Sesshin, Shikantaza, training |
Sep 01 1975 |
Serenity Through Balanced Zazen Posture, Concentration, Faith, Chanting, Breath |
Aug 30 1975 |
Harmonizing Within Universal Emptiness Bell, Subject-and-Object, Concentration, Interdependence, Buddha Nature, Suffering,... |
Aug 27 1975 |
Journey to Zen Mastery Concentration, Pain, Breath, Letting Go, Attachment |
Jun 11 1975 |
Seminar on PrajnaSerial: SF-00019 Prajna is beyond words and inexpressible; Joshu, Daishi and the broom; achieving the knowledge of not-knowledge. Duality, Mahayana, Lay, Cultivation, Concentration, Attachment, Vow, Freedom, Doubt... |
May 24 1975 |
December 5th, 1974, Serial No. 00289 Anger, Zazen Mind, Concentration, Samadhi, Sangha |
Dec 05 1974 |
December 5th, 1974, Serial No. 00540 Anger, Samadhi, Zazen Mind, Zendo, Concentration |
Dec 05 1974 |
Sesshin as Continuous Practice Posture, Concentration, Kinhin, Intimacy, Continuous Practice |
Nov 30 1974 |
Wholehearted Living Through Sesshin Posture, Concentration, Instruction, Kinhin, Intimacy |
Nov 30 1974 |
Thursday Night Lecture at Fireman's Fund AuditoriumSerial: SF-00127 Economics as if people matter. Fox, Politics, Concentration, Balance, Bell, Freedom, Doubt, training |
Sep 05 1974 2 Fireman's Fund Auditorium |
Bridging Breath and Intention in Zen Concentration, heart, First Principle, Posture, Sixth Patriarch |
Aug 1974 |
Embodied Mindfulness in Zazen Practice Concentration, heart, First Principle, Posture, Sixth Patriarch |
Aug 1974 |
Pathway to Enlightenment Through MahamudraSerial: SF-00021 Speaking on Mahamudra and translating old Mahamudra texts. realization, Concentration, Politics, Discrimination, Daily Life, Transmission,... |
Apr 23 1974 City Center |
Trusting Mind in Everyday Life Don't Know Mind, Concentration, Attachment, Anger, Ego |
Dec 05 1973 |
Entrusting Dharma in Daily Practice Way-Seeking Mind, Concentration, Gratitude, Samadhi, Faith |
Dec 03 1973 |
Embodied Enlightenment Through Posture Posture, Concentration, Lay, Ego, Shuso Ceremony |
Dec 01 1973 |
October 26th, 1973, Serial No. 00226 Faith, Doubt, Concentration, Perfect Wisdom, Freedom |
Oct 26 1973 |
October 26th, 1973, Serial No. 00644 Faith, Doubt, Concentration, Perfect Wisdom, Love |
Oct 26 1973 |
Buddhism: Falling in Love with Reality Love, Concentration, Perfect Wisdom, Manjushri |
Oct 25 1973 |
Love and Buddhism's Transformative Power Love, Concentration, Perfect Wisdom, Vimalakirti |
Oct 25 1973 |
Zen Paramitas: Embracing All Actions Concentration, Paramitas, Patience, Letting Go |
Oct 24 1973 |
Zen and the Five Perfections Concentration, Paramitas, Patience, Letting Go |
Oct 24 1973 |
Beyond Duality: Entering Samadhi Evil, Concentration, Compassion, Paramitas, Love |
Oct 22 1973 |
Boundless Bliss Through Samadhi Evil, Concentration, Samadhi, Paramitas, Love |
Oct 22 1973 |
August 4th, 1973, Serial No. 00136 Pain, Sangha, Posture, Concentration, Buddha Nature |
Aug 04 1973 |
Discussions Attachment, Balance, Concentration, resistance, Hindrances, Obstacles, Right Effort,... |
May 20 1973 Tassajara |
Consciousness - Second and Third Types Hindrances, Concentration, Mindfulness, Karma, Equanimity, training, Oneness, Sangha... |
May 18 1973 Tassajara |
Discussions Oneness, Mahayana, Concentration, Mindfulness |
May 17 1973 Tassajara |
Discussions Concentration, Happiness, Obstacles, Equanimity, Hindrances, resistance, Observe,... |
May 17 1973 Tassajara |
Mindful Liberation Through Buddhist WisdomSerial: SF-00995 "First 30 mins of 70 min lecture" Freedom, Concentration, Balance, Mindfulness, Liberation, Attachment, Karma, Doubt,... |
May 12 1973 Tassajara |
Unlocking Enlightenment Through Inner Clarity Right Speech, Right Effort, Concentration, Community, War |
Apr 22 1973 |
Path to Wisdom and Clarity Right Speech, Right Effort, Concentration, Community, War |
Apr 22 1973 |
Zen: The Eternal Shared Gift Practice Period, Letting Go, Samadhi, Concentration, Balance |
Apr 10 1973 |
Zazen: Beyond Sleep and Duality Don't Know Mind, Anger, Liberation, Faith, Concentration |
Jan 27 1973 |
Universal Pathways in Christ's NameSerial: MS-00418 Commitment to the Spirit, Convergence of Religions (Part 2) Religion, Consciousness, Concentration |
1973 Mt. Saviour Monastery |
Zen Transparency: Living Enlightenment Concentration, realization, Hate, Breath, lecture, Patience, Oneness, confusion,... |
Oct 1972 |
Zen in Each Moment Culture, Priest, Concentration, Commitment, Bell |
Jun 06 1972 |
Gyoji: The Heartbeat of Zen Practice Bell, Ceremony, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Discrimination, Chanting, Oneness,... |
Feb 08 1972 |
Wholehearted Presence in Everyday Life Concentration, Mahayana, Samadhi, Instruction, Beginners, Posture, Attachment,... |
Oct 26 1971 |
Frames of Presence in Zen Right Speech, Right Effort, Silence, Mindfulness, Hate, Balance, Patience,... |
Oct 1971 |
Awakening Here and Now Precepts, Silence, Suffering, Bell, Delusion, Zendo, Obstacles, Dragons, Anger,... |
Sep 23 1971 |
Sangaku: Path to Inner Freedom Evil, Precepts, Concentration, Mahayana, Breath, Happiness, Hate, Suffering,... |
Sep 21 1971 |
Finding the Absolute Within Zen Breath, Buddha Mind, Delusion, Addiction, Concentration, Building |
Aug 14 1971 |