Concentration Talks

Samādhi (Pali and Sanskrit: समाधि), in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and yogic schools, is a state of meditative consciousness. In many Indian religious traditions, the cultivation of Samādhi through various meditation methods is essential for the attainment of spiritual liberation (known variously as nirvana, moksha).
In Buddhism, it is the last of the eight elements of the Noble Eightfold Path. In the Ashtanga Yoga tradition, it is the eighth and final limb identified in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. In Jain meditation, samadhi is considered one of the last stages of the practice just prior to liberation.
In the oldest Buddhist sutras, on which several contemporary western Theravada teachers rely, it refers to the development of an investigative and luminous mind that is equanimous and mindful. In the yogic traditions and the Buddhist commentarial tradition, on which the Burmese Vipassana movement and the Thai Forest tradition rely, it is interpreted as a meditative absorption or trance attained by the practice of dhyāna.
Title | Speaker | |
Ngon Dro, Serial 00086 Culture, Bell, Passions, Nirvana, Concentration |
Apr 06 1980 1 and 2 New York City |
Ngon Dro Nyam Len, mandala offering, Serial 00044 Greed, Ceremony, difficulty, Hindrances, Renunciation, Building, Sutra, Concentration... |
Mar 30 1980 Session 5 New York City |
Ngon Dro con't, mandala offering, Serial 00091 japanese, Culture, Japan, Commitment, Hate, Building, Beginners, Sutra, Mahayana,... |
Mar 30 1980 New York City |
Lam Dre: Final Teaching, Serial 00067 Nirvana, Enthusiasm, Renunciation, Concentration, Cultivation, Demons, confusion,... |
Feb 26 1980 |
Lam Dre: On Achieving the Goal, Serial 00068 Subject-and-Object, New Year, Delusion, Sutra, Passions, Concentration, Chanting,... |
Feb 12 1980 |
The Nature of Mind, Serial 00069 Buddha Nature, Sutra, Non-duality, Concentration, true dharma, Right Effort,... |
Feb 05 1980 |
Lam Dre: The Three Visions, Serial 00065 Observe, Precepts, Daily Life, Concentration, Impermanence, confusion, Nirvana, Monks... |
Jan 29 1980 |
The Nature of Mind, Serial 00066 Non-duality, Concentration, Observe, lecture, Renunciation, Duality, Peace, Ceremony... |
Jan 22 1980 New York City? |
Embrace Reality Through Simple Breath Breath, Concentration |
Dec 21 1979 |
Beyond Thought: Embrace Zen Intuition Pain, Intuition, Consciousness, realization, Beginners, Subject-and-Object, Don'... |
Dec 17 1979 |
Unity in Zazen: Embrace Reality realization, Concentration, Buddha Nature, Right Effort, Building, Subject-and-Object... |
Dec 13 1979 |
Mountains of Mindful Unity Concentration, Emotions, Right Effort, Separation, realization, Suffering, Oneness,... |
Dec 13 1979 |
The Weight of Emptiness in Zen Buddha Nature, Samsara, Nirvana, Practice Period, Concentration |
Dec 04 1979 |
Beyond Duality in Zen Practice Funeral, Concentration, Practice Period, Chanting, Buddha Nature |
Dec 02 1979 |
April 5th, 1979, Serial No. 00606 Monkey Mind, Breath, Non-thinking, Posture, Concentration |
Apr 05 1979 |
Zazen and Everyday Mindfulness Religion, Concentration, Issan, Pain, Truth |
Apr 04 1979 |
Zen Presence in Modern Life Big Mind, Truth, Concentration, Compassion, Death |
Apr 02 1979 |
April 1st, 1979, Serial No. 00602 War, Buddha Nature, Building, Concentration, Money |
Apr 01 1979 |
April 1st, 1979, Serial No. 00617 Intention, Concentration, Building, Daily Life, Buddha Nature |
Apr 01 1979 |
Few Desires, Eternal Peace Concentration, Consciousness, Evil |
Mar 02 1979 |
Desireless Zen: Path to Peace Concentration, Evil, Consciousness |
Mar 02 1979 |
Harmonious Being Through Zen Presence Hindrances, Posture, Balance, Teacher-and-Student, realization, Samadhi, Oneness,... |
Feb 28 1979 |
Embracing the Interconnected Self Ego, Concentration, Breath, Death, Joshu |
Dec 03 1978 |
Embracing Zen's Traceless Lightness Darkness and Light, Samadhi, Ego, Concentration |
Jun 26 1978 |
Zen Paradoxes in Daily Life Zendo, Concentration, Love, Bodhidharma, Patience |
Apr 02 1978 |
Embracing Moments in Zen Practice Posture, Ego, Instruction, Freedom, Concentration |
Apr 01 1978 |
Hakuin Bodhidharma, Demons, training, Greed, Concentration, Passions, Bell, Lay, Hate... |
Mar 23 1978 Tassajara |
Zen Concentration for Harmonious Life Gutei, Concentration, Breath, Obstacles, Tozan |
Mar 08 1978 |
Heart of Prayer: Echoes of DavidSerial: NC-00552 Vina Retreat OSB Cam, Emptiness, Duality, Concentration, zen |
Feb 1978 |
November 16th, 1977, Serial No. 00597 causation, Sesshin, Doubt, Rinzai, Concentration |
Nov 16 1977 |
Satori and the Eighth Consciousness Happiness, realization, Buddha Nature, Transmission, Consciousness, Beginners,... |
Aug 1977 |
July 13th, 1977, Serial No. 00056 Beginners, Study Period, Politics, Concentration, War |
Jul 13 1977 |
Voices of Things Uninterpreted Emotions, Samadhi, Way-Seeking Mind, Concentration, Conversation |
Jul 10 1977 |
Embracing Presence Through Active Inquiry Silence, Addiction, Concentration |
Aug 29 1976 |
Transcending Limits Through Zen Practice Baso, Religion, Oneness, Concentration, Non-discrimination |
Jun 13 1976 |
Finding Truth Within Zen Practice Truth, Concentration, Blue Cliff Record, Sesshin, Samadhi |
Jun 12 1976 |
The Ultimate Path of No Choice Intention, Joshu, Concentration, Transmission, Dharma Transmission |
Apr 18 1976 |
Zen and the Art of Non-Choosing Intention, Joshu, Concentration, Transmission, Dharma Transmission |
Apr 18 1976 |
Innate Enlightenment Interconnected Histories Manjushri, Dragons, Intention, Concentration, Vow |
Apr 07 1976 |
Embracing Your Inner Buddha Nature Manjushri, Intention, Dragons, Vow, Concentration |
Apr 07 1976 |
Live With Right Intention Concentration, Intention, Right Speech, Humility, Joshu |
Apr 05 1976 |
Zen Effort and Mindful Presence Gutei, Mindfulness, Concentration, Evil, Love |
Dec 06 1975 |
Consciousness and Unconditional Being Posture, Concentration, heart, Don't Know Mind, Sixth Patriarch |
Dec 01 1975 |
Zen Awareness and Body Consciousness Posture, Concentration, heart, Don't Know Mind, Sixth Patriarch |
Dec 01 1975 |
November 13th, 1975, Serial No. 00020 Concentration, Practice Period, Chanting, Vow |
Nov 13 1975 |
Crafting Consciousness Through Vows Vow, Composure, Concentration, Doubt |
Nov 02 1975 |
Zen State of Artful Vows Vow, Composure, Concentration, Doubt |
Nov 02 1975 |
October 27th, 1975, Serial No. 00015 Composure, Concentration, Passions, Compassion, Doubt |
Oct 27 1975 |
October 27th, 1975, Serial No. 00562 Composure, Concentration, Passions, Compassion, Doubt |
Oct 27 1975 |
Zen in Everyday Moments Intention, Concentration, Vow, Oneness, Greed |
Oct 26 1975 |