Concentration Talks

Samādhi (Pali and Sanskrit: समाधि), in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and yogic schools, is a state of meditative consciousness. In many Indian religious traditions, the cultivation of Samādhi through various meditation methods is essential for the attainment of spiritual liberation (known variously as nirvana, moksha).
In Buddhism, it is the last of the eight elements of the Noble Eightfold Path. In the Ashtanga Yoga tradition, it is the eighth and final limb identified in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. In Jain meditation, samadhi is considered one of the last stages of the practice just prior to liberation.
In the oldest Buddhist sutras, on which several contemporary western Theravada teachers rely, it refers to the development of an investigative and luminous mind that is equanimous and mindful. In the yogic traditions and the Buddhist commentarial tradition, on which the Burmese Vipassana movement and the Thai Forest tradition rely, it is interpreted as a meditative absorption or trance attained by the practice of dhyāna.
Title | Speaker | |
Life of BuddhaSerial: BZ-00849 Class 2 of 6 Four Noble Truths, Renunciation, Vow, Lay, Lay Ordination, Concentration, Mindfulness... |
Mar 20 1997 2 Berkeley Zen Center |
Zazengi: Mindfulness, Concentration, EquanimitySerial: BZ-00360A One-Day Sitting Zazengi, Mindfulness, Concentration, Equanimity, Concentration, Subject-and-Object,... |
Mar 16 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen's ZazengiSerial: BZ-00359B Saturday Lecture Zazengi, Concentration, Lotus Sutra, Pure Existence, Duality, Posture, Buddha... |
Mar 15 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Life of BuddhaSerial: BZ-00850 Class 1 of 6 Religion, Buddha's Birthday, Renunciation, Vow, Lotus Sutra, Concentration,... |
Mar 13 1997 1 Berkeley Zen Center |
ShikantazaSerial: BZ-00357B One-Day Sitting Shikantaza, Posture, Beginners, Bowing, resistance, Concentration, Pure Existence,... |
Feb 16 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Song of Jewel Mirror SamadhiSerial: SF-00072 5:00 class Buddha Ancestors, Four Noble Truths, Absolute-and-Relative, Emptiness, Samadhi,... |
Feb 04 1997 |
Stories and their Significance Attachment, American, Emotions, Interview, Non-duality, Concentration, Separation,... |
Jan 25 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mindfulness SutraSerial: SF-00069 January PP Class; introduction of Mindfulness Sutra; quotes from Henry David Thoreau and Walt Whitman; Walden and Leaves of Grass. Mindfulness, Four Foundations, Four Noble Truths, Forgiveness, Concentration, Letting... |
Jan 08 1997 Green Gulch Farm |
Title UnknownSerial: BZ-00808A Rohatsu Day 4 Instruction, Concentration, Buddha Nature, Sixth Patriarch, Continuous Practice,... |
Dec 05 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
SandokaiSerial: SF-03106 Sunday Lecture Manjushri, Samadhi, Oneness, confusion, Darkness and Light, Perfect Wisdom, Intimacy... |
Dec 01 1996 Green Gulch |
Being Open To Life's Process As It IsSerial: SF-03216 One-day sitting Posture, Intimacy, Zazen, resistance, Ego, Greed, Concentration, Instruction, Zendo,... |
Oct 19 1996 Green Gulch |
Five Lords or PowersSerial: BZ-00792A Saturday Lecture Concentration, Mindfulness, Buddha Nature, Offering, Bowing, Ego, Samadhi, Daily Life... |
Sep 06 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Monastic Obedience: Tradition and TransformationSerial: NC-00129 Rule of Benedict Novice Class # 1 - 1990s OSB Cam, Commitment, Concentration, Vow, Fox, Transmission |
May 22 1996 |
Work Practice (Fushin Samu)Serial: BZ-00804B Saturday Lecture Work, Monastic Practice, Aspects of Practice, Daily Life, Samadhi, Concentration,... |
May 11 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #50Serial: BZ-00806B One-Day Sitting BCR-50, Birth-and-Death, Lotus Sutra, Samadhi, Separation, Doubt, Dragons, Oneness,... |
Apr 21 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #17Serial: BZ-00806A Saturday Lecture BCR-17, First Principle, Bodhidharma, Samadhi, resistance, Concentration, Separation... |
Apr 20 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
ParinirvanaSerial: BZ-00749 Eight Awarenesses, Lecture Eight Awarenesses, Eight Awarenesses, Nirvana, Eight Aspects, Mindfulness, Samadhi,... |
Feb 15 1996 |
Rite of Passage - Ceremony and RitualSerial: BZ-00813A Saturday Lecture Ceremony, Family Practice, Karma, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Repentance, Bell,... |
Jan 06 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Greek Hesychasts and English Mystics / Our ChristificationSerial: NC-00006 Session 3 & 4 of "Continual Prayer in Eastern and Western Christianity" Talk 3: The Jesus Prayer in the Middle Ages: Greek Hesychasts and English Mystics... OSB Cam, Duality, Continuous Practice, Sanctuary, Renunciation, Concentration... |
1996 2 of 2 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Samadhi and PrajnaSerial: BZ-00786A Evening Lecture 1 sesshin in rohatsu tapes Samadhi, Attachment, Mundane Life, Posture, Non-attachment, Sixth Patriarch,... |
1996 |
Body, Breath, Mind, StickSerial: BZ-00821B Saturday Lecture Kyosaku, Posture, Concentration, Right Effort, Harmonizing, Bodhisattva Ceremony,... |
Oct 08 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen's Five PointsSerial: BZ-00827B Saturday Lecture Four Methods of Guidance, Instruction, Thoroughness, Hindrances, Absolute-and-... |
Aug 12 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Emptying Yourself To Receive The Gift To Give It Away AgainSerial: SF-03096 Sunday Lecture Interview, Humility, Emotions, Concentration, Posture, Soto Zen, Teacher-and-Student... |
Jun 25 1995 Green Gulch |
Shantideva ClassSerial: SF-03204 Practice of Concentration Obstacles, Concentration, Faith, Family Practice, Instruction, Absolute-and-Relative... |
May 16 1995 Unknown |
Shantideva Class Anger, Enemies, Letting Go, Renunciation, Happiness, Concentration, Patience, Aspects... |
May 02 1995 Unknown |
EffortSerial: BZ-00909A Beginners' Sitting Talk Buddha's Birthday, Right Speech, Beginners, Four Noble Truths, Right Effort,... |
Apr 09 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Title UnknownSerial: BZ-00741 Lecture Practice Period, Gratitude, Discrimination, Daily Life, Samadhi, Concentration,... |
Mar 01 1995 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Parinirvana and Our Own Death Nirvana, Birth-and-Death, Four Noble Truths, Nirvana Sutra, Darkness and Light, Light... |
Feb 11 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Bendowa I: Bendowa and ThoughtsSerial: BZ-00953A Rohatsu Day 1 uchiyama, Lotus Sutra, Samadhi, Vow, Posture, Mahayana, Instruction, Equanimity,... |
Dec 04 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #44Serial: BZ-00954A Becoming One with the Drum, Saturday Lecture Oneness, BCR-44, Subject-and-Object, Daily Life, Concentration, Buddha Mind,... |
Nov 19 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
EffortSerial: SF-00155 Sunday talk Vow, Birth-and-Death, Suzuki Roshi, Zendo, Impermanence, Ceremony, Concentration,... |
Sep 04 1994 |
Four Foundations of Mindfulness #4Serial: BZ-00943B Sesshin Day 5 Four Foundations, Observe, Liberation, Mindfulness, Impermanence, Continuous Practice... |
Jun 12 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Hakuin’s Critique of Soto versus RinzaiSerial: BZ-00943A Sesshin Day 4 Silent Illumination, Mindfulness, Concentration, Practice Period, Offering, Four... |
Jun 11 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Four Foundations of Mindfulness #3Serial: BZ-00944 Sesshin Day 3 Four Foundations, Equanimity, Subject-and-Object, Anger, Daily Life, Attachment,... |
Jun 10 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Perfection of WisdomSerial: BZ-00231 Class 4 of 5 American, Bodhidharma, Blue Cliff Record, Interdependence, Happiness, Mahayana,... |
Apr 14 1994 4 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sesshin Shuso LectureSerial: SF-02732 #shuso-talk - Zazen instruction and general encouragement for sesshin - Sesshin Day 1 Concentration, Faith |
Apr 13 1994 Unknown |
The Meeting of American Culture and BuddhismSerial: SF-00135 Lecture Series New Year, confusion, Suzuki Roshi, Peace, Diversity, Continuous Practice,... |
Apr 05 1994 7 City Center |
Mumonkan Case #19: Mind is the WaySerial: BZ-00962A Lecture Ordinary Mind, First Principle, Blue Cliff Record, Practice Period, Bodhidharma,... |
Apr 02 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Full Awareness of Breathing; On illuminating ThoughtsSerial: BZ-00736 Sesshin Day 4 Posture, Anger, Observe, Intuition, Concentration, Enemies, Discrimination, Daily... |
Mar 27 1994 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
The Meeting of American Culture and BuddhismSerial: SF-00103 Lecture Series Right Speech, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Fox, Half-Smile, Lay, Emptiness,... |
Mar 01 1994 City Center |
What We Bring to Practice: Dharma Transmission, Being on the Path; Waking Up; How’s it FeelSerial: BZ-00658A Lecture Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Mindfulness, Ordination, Lay Ordination, War,... |
Oct 16 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mind and Body in Zen and Yoga PracticeSerial: BZ-00627A Lecture Posture, Concentration, Instruction, Anger, Lay, Duality, training, Beginners, Sangha... |
Aug 21 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Fukan Zazen-gi: Dust and Cataracts are the Flowers of EmptinessSerial: BZ-00654A Lecture Anger, Instruction, Emotions, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Concentration,... |
Jul 24 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Tassajara Summer and PracticeSerial: BZ-00107 Lecture Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Practice, Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain... |
Jul 21 1993 |
Dogen's Zazengi IISerial: BZ-00652A Sesshin Day 3 Fukanzazengi, Concentration, Posture, Subject-and-Object, Observe, Samadhi, Daily... |
Jun 11 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen's Fukanaazengi: Zazen InstructionsSerial: BZ-00653A Sesshin Day 1 Fukanzazengi, Zazen, Posture, Concentration, Anger, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,... |
Jun 09 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Fire Sermon Passions, Four Noble Truths, Dependent Origination, Delusion, Greed, realization,... |
May 19 1993 City Center |
A Reworking of the Prajna Paramita Sutra in 8000 LinesSerial: BZ-00666A Lecture Perfect Wisdom, Buddha Nature, Heart Sutra, Buddha Mind, Subject-and-Object,... |
May 17 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Shakyamuni's Enlightenment as a Guide to PracticeSerial: SF-00075 Saturday Lecture Fasting, Hate, Chanting, Concentration, Delusion, Vow, confusion, Zazen |
Apr 24 1993 |
Introduction to BuddhismSerial: BZ-00271 Class 5 of 6 Mindfulness, Right Speech, Right Effort, Concentration, Four Noble Truths, Mahayana,... |
Apr 15 1993 5 Berkeley Zen Center |