Deshung Rinpoche Talks

Showing 52 talks

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Title Speaker

Third Turning of the Wheel of Dharma Serial 00013

Subject-and-Object, Buddha Nature, Don't Know Mind, Equanimity, Monks, lecture,...
Feb 08 1985

Second Turning of the Wheel of Dharma Serial 00015

Four Noble Truths, Two Truths, Mahayana, Freedom, Sutra, Ego, Monks, resistance,...
Feb 06 1985

First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma Serial 00014

Four Noble Truths, Freedom, Concentration, Lay, Six Realms, Precepts, Mahayana,...
Feb 04 1985

Interviews with Dezhung Rinpoche, Serial 00010

Subject-and-Object, Culture, Peace, Concentration
Jan 01 1985

Amitabha Sleep Yoga Serial 00077

Posture, Passions
Jul 31 1984

Tsembupa Avalokitesvara, Serial 00080

Hate, Renunciation, Culture, Posture, Concentration
Jul 19 1984

Tsembupa Avalokitesvara, Serial 00081

Posture, Breath, Concentration, Letting Go, Renunciation, Mahayana, Mindfulness, Non-...
Jul 17 1984

Tsembupa Avalokitesvara, Serial 00078

Non-duality, Bodhisattva Vow, Lineage, Buddha Nature, Posture, Avalokiteshvara, Greed...
Jul 12 1984
Tape 3

Tsembupa Avalokitesvara, Serial 00079

Bell, Lineage, Sangha, Delusion, Observe, Commitment, Renunciation, Posture, Building...
Jul 10 1984

The Spirit of the Mahayana Serial 00031

Bodhisattva Vow, difficulty, Monks, Mindfulness, Sanctuary, Interview, Manjushri...
May 17 1984
2nd session (1st intro)
New York City

The Spirit of Mahayana Buddhism, Serial 00032

Four Noble Truths, difficulty, New Year, Monks, Nirvana, Intuition, Conversation,...
May 15 1984
4th session
New York City

The Spirit of the Mahayana, Serial 00033

Two Truths, Evil, Diversity, Intention, Peace, American
May 13 1984
3rd session
New York City

The Spirit of Mahayana Buddhism Serial 00034

Concentration, Dragons, Funeral, Sutra, Passions, Delusion
May 03 1984
1st session
New York City

Deshung Rinpoche Q&A with David Flood Serial 00076

Ceremony, New Year, Manjushri, Sutra, Passions
Feb 16 1983

Gorampa's Zhenpa Zhidel, Serial 00083

difficulty, Sutra, Manjushri, Delusion, Impermanence, Daily Life, Precepts, Interview...
Dec 11 1982
Part I DR66

Gorampa's Zhenpa Zhidel, Serial 00084

Birth-and-Death, Delusion, Six Realms, Concentration, Enemies, Impermanence,...
Dec 11 1982
Part II DR67

Ngon Dro Nyam Len & bio of Gaton Ngawang Legpa, Serial 00009

Monks, Lineage, Conversation, Manjushri, Bodhisattva Vow, Hate, Sutra, Precepts,...
Apr 13 1980
final teaching of this book
New York City

Ngon Dro, Serial 00086

Culture, Bell, Passions, Nirvana, Concentration
Apr 06 1980
1 and 2
New York City

Ngon Dro, Serial 00087

Lineage, Japan, Bell, Nirvana, Sangha, Monks
Apr 06 1980
1 and 2?
New York City

Ngon Dro, Serial 00088

Funeral, Interview, Building, Sutra, Passions, Evil
Apr 06 1980
3 (and 4?)
New York City

Ngon Dro, Serial 00089

Apr 06 1980
3 and 4?
New York City

Ngon Dro Nyam Len, mandala offering, Serial 00044

Greed, Ceremony, difficulty, Hindrances, Renunciation, Building, Sutra, Concentration...
Mar 30 1980
Session 5
New York City

Ngon Dro, mandala, Serial 00045

Greed, Ceremony, difficulty, Mandala, Impermanence, Hindrances, Renunciation,...
Mar 30 1980
New York City

Ngon Dro, Serial 00090

Greed, difficulty, Gratitude, Hindrances, Renunciation, Ceremony, Manjushri
Mar 30 1980
A and B
New York City

Ngon Dro con't, mandala offering, Serial 00091

japanese, Culture, Japan, Commitment, Hate, Building, Beginners, Sutra, Mahayana,...
Mar 30 1980
New York City

Ngon Dro, Serial 00012

Passions, Chanting, Commitment, lecture, Precepts, Duality, Intention, Bell,...
Mar 23 1980
New York City

Ngon Dro, Serial 00057

Passions, Current Events, Commitment, Bell, lecture, Duality, Intention, Hate,...
Mar 23 1980
New York City

Ngon Dro Nyam Len, Serial 00053

Precepts, Teacher-and-Student, Evil, Peace, Chanting, Hindrances, Non-duality,...
Mar 16 1980
Session 3

Ngon Dro: Vajrasattva, Serial 00055

Precepts, Mindfulness, Balance, Patience, Hindrances, Intention, Non-duality, Bell,...
Mar 15 1980

Ngon Dro: Vajrasattva, copy, Serial 00056

Japan, Intention, Passions, Evil, Precepts, Breath, Hindrances, Commitment, Non-...
Mar 15 1980

Ngon Dro, Serial 00049

Monks, Impermanence, Teacher-and-Student, Sangha, Delusion, lecture, Emotions,...
Mar 09 1980
Sides 1 and 2
New York City

Ngon Dro, Serial 00050

Impermanence, Teacher-and-Student, Right Effort, Birth-and-Death, Mahayana, Delusion...
Mar 09 1980
Session 2, Tape 1
New York City

Ngon Dro, chanting only, Serial 00052

Monks, Chanting, Peace, Enemies, Passions
Mar 09 1980
Side 3
New York City

Ngon Dro Nyam Len, Serial 00051

Monks, Dana, Chanting, Peace, Bell, Enemies, Passions, Sangha, Evil
Mar 09 1980
Session 2
New York City

Ngon Dro, Serial 00054

Monks, Impermanence, Birth-and-Death, Delusion, lecture, Emotions, confusion,...
Mar 09 1980
New York City

Ngon Dro Nyam Len, Lecture 1, Serial 00047

Monks, Sangha, Lineage, Diversity, Separation, American, Nirvana, Evil
Mar 02 1980
Session 1, Tape 2

Ngon Dro Nyam Len: Lecture 1, Serial 00048

Six Realms, Don't Know Mind, Lineage, Posture, Enemies, American, Nirvana,...
Mar 02 1980
Session 1, Tape 3?

Ngon Dro Nyam Len, Lecture 1: Refuge, Serial 00046

Monks, Japan, Lineage, Separation, Commitment, Intention, Hate, American, Nirvana,...
Mar 02 1980
Session 1, Tape 1

Lam Dre: Final Teaching, Serial 00067

Nirvana, Enthusiasm, Renunciation, Concentration, Cultivation, Demons, confusion,...
Feb 26 1980

Lam Dre: On Achieving the Goal, Serial 00068

Subject-and-Object, New Year, Delusion, Sutra, Passions, Concentration, Chanting,...
Feb 12 1980

The Nature of Mind, Serial 00069

Buddha Nature, Sutra, Non-duality, Concentration, true dharma, Right Effort,...
Feb 05 1980

Lam Dre: The Three Visions, Serial 00065

Observe, Precepts, Daily Life, Concentration, Impermanence, confusion, Nirvana, Monks...
Jan 29 1980

The Nature of Mind, Serial 00066

Non-duality, Concentration, Observe, lecture, Renunciation, Duality, Peace, Ceremony...
Jan 22 1980
New York City?

Chenrezig, practice chanting, Serial 00043

Lineage, Mahayana, Chanting, Bell, Delusion
Jan 31 1977

Introduction to Vajrayana II, Serial 00040

Buddha Nature, Sutra, Delusion, Non-duality, Birth-and-Death, Nirvana, Mahayana,...
Part II

Introduction to Vajrayana, Serial 00041

Birth-and-Death, Buddha Nature, Mahayana, Ceremony, Subject-and-Object, Breath,...
Part I

Introduction to Vajrayana I, Serial 00042

Birth-and-Death, Mahayana, Buddha Nature, Ceremony, Subject-and-Object, Breath, Peace...

Dedication of Jetsun Sakya shrine room, Serial 00060

Ceremony, Peace

Manjushri Sapan, Serial 00062

Manjushri, true dharma, Bell, Dana, Delusion, Breath, Commitment, Renunciation,...

Manjushri Sapan, Serial 00063

Right Effort, true dharma, Bodhisattva Vow, Birth-and-Death, Delusion, Six Realms,...
