Berkeley Zen Center Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #80Serial: BZ-00033 Does a Baby Have the 6th Consciousness?, Saturday Lecture Consciousness, Storehouse Consciousness, Monastic Practice, Discrimination, Buddha... |
Jul 31 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Trust in One’s Self and the Eightfold PathSerial: BZ-01516B Saturday Lecture Heart Sutra, Mindfulness, Eight Aspects, Concentration, Aspects of Practice,... |
Jul 24 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
ZazenSerial: BZ-00034B Posture, Attention, Resistance, Naming, One-Day Sitting Posture, Harmonizing, resistance, Fox, Composure, Duality, Religion, Peace, Karma... |
Jul 16 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #35Serial: BZ-00034A Manjushri's "3's" and "3's"; Nondiscrimination, Saturday Lecture BCR-35
Non-discrimination, Koan, Manjushri, Dragons, Conversation, Sixth Patriarch, Monastic... |
Jul 03 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mumonkan: Case #19Serial: BZ-00036A "Nansen's Everyday Mind in the Way", Saturday Lecture MM-19
Nansen, Absolute-and-Relative, Koan, Ordinary Mind, Non-violence, confusion,... |
Jun 26 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mindfulness and Care: Adapting to ConditionsSerial: BZ-01516A Sesshin Mindfulness, Lay Practice, Composure, Lay, Bell, Daily Life, Non-discrimination,... |
Jun 01 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Problems in PracticeSerial: BZ-00008B Calm Mind in Daily Activities, Saturday Lecture Daily Life, Non-violence, training, Continuous Practice, confusion, Daily Life,... |
May 28 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #17Serial: BZ-00029B "Sitting Long and Getting Tired", Sesshin Day 5 BCR-17
Composure, Zazen, Koan, First Principle, Ordinary Mind, Samadhi, Composure,... |
May 23 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Fundraising for the New ZendoSerial: BZ-00007B What is Our Basis?, Sesshin Day 4 Fundraising, Zendo, Berkeley Zen Center, Sangha, Building, Samadhi, Fundraising, Non-... |
May 22 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Vigor During SesshinSerial: BZ-00007A Soto and Rinzai Practice Compared, Sesshin Day 3 Sesshin, Soto Zen, Rinzai, Rinzai, Soto Zen, Composure, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center... |
May 21 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Essence of Mind: The Fifth ParamitaSerial: BZ-00008A Subject and Object--Buddhanature, Saturday Lecture Subject-and-Object, Duality, Buddha Nature, Buddha Nature, Daily Life, Subject-and-... |
May 15 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Composure: The Third ParamitaSerial: BZ-00009B Saturday Lecture Kshanti, Composure, Happiness, training, Monastic Practice, Demons, confusion, Daily... |
May 01 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Effort: The Fourth Paramita (Virya)Serial: BZ-00009A Blue Cliff Record: Case #5(?) "Beating the Drum", Saturday Lecture
Virya, Koan, Buddha Mind, Patience, Concentration, Chanting, Monastic Practice,... |
Apr 24 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Bodhisattva Ceremony RecordingSerial: BZ-00010A Recording of BZC's monthly Bodhisattva Ceremony. The Kokyo is Fran Tribe. Bodhisattva Ceremony, Bodhisattva Way, Hate, Greed, Karma |
Apr 18 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Practicing Wholeheartedly with ChangeSerial: BZ-00010B Saturday lecture. Attachment, Lay Practice, Bendowa, Impermanence, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Lay, Monastic... |
Apr 18 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dana: The First ParamitaSerial: BZ-00011B Saturday Lecture Dana, Study Period, Precepts, Posture, confusion, Concentration, Mindfulness, Daily... |
Apr 17 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Meaning of DevotionSerial: BZ-00011A Saturday Lecture Buddha Nature, Emotions, Mahayana, Religion, Heart Sutra, Avalokiteshvara, Ego,... |
Apr 03 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Fukudo LessonSerial: BZ-00012A Instruction Instruction, Zendo, Doanryo, Chanting, Intuition, Interview, Happiness, Bell, Vow,... |
Apr 01 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Celebration of Spring--This Shore, The Other ShoreSerial: BZ-00014B Keepng Your Place, One-Day Sitting Sixth Patriarch, Heart Sutra, Nirvana, Happiness, Observe |
Mar 20 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Soto and Rinzai Practice: KoansSerial: BZ-00014A Sesshin Day 2 Teacher-and-Student, Rinzai, Daily Life, Interview, Soto Zen, Concentration, Building... |
Feb 27 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Rinzai Zen Sixth Patriarch, Soto Zen, Lotus Sutra, Heart Sutra, Platform Sutra, Doubt, Buddha... |
Feb 26 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Hyakujo and the FoxSerial: BZ-00016B Form and Emptiness, Karma, Sesshin Day 2 Hyakujo, Karma, Form-and-Emptiness, Karma, Fox, Priest-and-Lay, Priest, Daily Life,... |
Feb 21 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo -- Endless DimensionSerial: BZ-00016A Ten Phrase Avalokiteshvara Sutra, Sesshin Day 1 Dharani, Buddha Nature, Birth-and-Death, Sangha, Big Mind, Evil, Karma, Manjushri,... |
Feb 20 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Buddha's ParinirvanaSerial: BZ-00017 Eight Aspects of Enlightenment, One-Day Sitting Parinirvana Sutra, Enlightenment, Eight Aspects, Buddha, Eight Aspects, Right Effort... |
Feb 13 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Importance of StudySerial: BZ-00018 Saturday Lecture Religion, Study Period, Lotus Sutra, Concentration, Daily Life, Rinzai, Dragons,... |
Jan 23 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Participating CompletelySerial: BZ-00019B Posture, Breath, Body, Mind, Zazen, Kinhin, Eating, One-Day Sitting Zazen, Kinhin, Oryoki, Schedule, Posture, Harmonizing, Fox, Concentration,... |
Jan 16 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
New Year/ A Time to Renew PracticeSerial: BZ-00019A Time: Continuous Time, Continuous Practice, One-Day Sitting New Year, Time, Continuous Practice, Enemies, Interview, training, Priest |
Jan 09 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Pure Effort In Everyday Busy LifeSerial: BZ-00020 Saturday Lecture Posture, New Year Celebration, Pure Effort, Don't Know Mind, Practice Period,... |
Jan 02 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Not Taking What is Not GivenSerial: BZ-00021B Saturday Lecture Precepts, giving, Freedom, caretaking, Lay, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Doubt,... |
Dec 11 1981 Berkeley Zen Center |
Four Kinds of HorsesSerial: BZ-00021A Reading from a Suzuki-rôshi Lecture, Rohatsu Day 7 Agama Sutra, Posture, Continuous Practice, Dharma Transmission, American, Beginners,... |
Dec 1981 Part 3 of 3 Berkeley Zen Center |
Ideal vs. Actual PracticeSerial: BZ-00022B Rohatsu Day 6 Commitment, Priest-and-Lay, Lay Practice, Priest, Lay, Hindrances, Bell, Instruction... |
Dec 1981 Part 2 of 3 Berkeley Zen Center |
How to Sit SesshinSerial: BZ-00022A Rohatsu Day 5 Zazen, Effort, Chanting, Emotions, Building, Anger, Conversation, Religion, Doubt... |
Dec 1981 Part 1 of 3 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Three TreasuresSerial: BZ-00023 Saturday Lecture Three Treasures, Precepts, Effort, Sangha, Monastic Practice, Lotus Sutra, Daily Life... |
Nov 14 1981 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Stages of Practice IISerial: BZ-00024B Saturday Lecture resistance, Daily Life, Samadhi, Mindfulness, Aspects of Practice, Doubt, American,... |
Apr 04 1981 Berkeley Zen Center |
April 4th, 1981, Serial No. 01064 resistance, Daily Life, Samadhi, Mindfulness, Doubt, Aspects of Practice, Priest, Ego... |
Apr 04 1981 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Stages of Practice ISerial: BZ-00024A One-Day Sitting Study Period, Heart Sutra, Obstacles, Chanting, Daily Life, Posture, Beginners, Doubt... |
Mar 28 1981 Berkeley Zen Center |
March 28th, 1981, Serial No. 01063 Study Period, Heart Sutra, Chanting, Daily Life, Posture, Beginners, Doubt, Bowing,... |
Mar 28 1981 Berkeley Zen Center |
Learning How To SitSerial: BZ-00025 Saturday Lecture Technique, Posture, Instruction, Complete activity, Passions, Samadhi, American... |
Dec 20 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Life of a Zen MonkSerial: BZ-00026B Saturday Lecture Freedom, Daily Life, Water, Unsui, resistance, Precepts, Patience, Hindrances,... |
Nov 29 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 29, 1980, Serial No. 01062 Precepts, resistance, Daily Life, Patience, Hindrances, confusion, Ego, Attachment... |
Nov 29 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
Right Effort and Right ThoughtSerial: BZ-00026A Saturday Lecture Right Effort, Right Thought, Noble Eightfold Path, Study, Focus, Right Effort,... |
Nov 15 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 15, 1980, Serial No. 01061 Right Effort, Monastic Practice, Sixth Patriarch, Soto Zen, Daily Life, American,... |
Nov 15 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 8, 1980, serial no. 00027BSerial: BZ-00027B Saturday Lecture Right Effort, Discrimination, Concentration, Gratitude, Dragons, Liberation, Greed... |
Nov 08 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 8,1980, Serial No. 01060 Study Period, Eight Aspects, Right Effort, Discrimination, Concentration, Samadhi,... |
Nov 08 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
Study Period and SesshinSerial: BZ-01511B Saturday Lecture Study Period, Eight Aspects, Right Effort, Eight Awarenesses, Discrimination,... |
Nov 08 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Meaning of Study PeriodSerial: BZ-00027A Lecture, 30 Day Study Period Study Period, Subject-and-Object, New Year, Daily Life, Absolute-and-Relative,... |
Nov 03 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 3rd, 1980, Serial No. 01059 Study Period, Subject-and-Object, Daily Life, Absolute-and-Relative, Funeral,... |
Nov 03 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 3rd, 1980, Serial No. 01511, Side A Study Period, Subject-and-Object, Daily Life, New Year, Absolute-and-Relative,... |
Nov 03 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
Diversity Diversity, Separation, Hate, War, Right Speech, Culture, training, Gratitude, Non-... |
The Book of SerenitySerial: BZ-00239 Class 1 of 5 Duality, Intimacy, Ego, Sixth Patriarch, Subject-and-Object, Non-duality, Four Noble... |
1 Berkeley Zen Center |