Zen Meditation Retreat
Sesshin Talks
A sesshin (接心, or also 摂心/攝心 literally "touching the heart-mind") is a period of intensive meditation (zazen) retreat in a Japanese Zen monastery, or in a Zen monastery or Zen center that belongs to one of the Japanese Zen traditions outside of Japan.
While the daily routine in the monastery requires the monks to meditate several hours a day, during a sesshin they devote themselves almost exclusively to zazen practice. The numerous 30- to 50-minute-long meditation periods are interleaved with short rest breaks, meals, and sometimes short periods of work (Japanese: 作務 samu) all performed with the same mindfulness; nightly sleep is kept to a minimum, at six hours or fewer. During the sesshin period, the meditation practice is occasionally interrupted by the master giving public talks (teisho) and individual direction in private meetings (which may be called dokusan, daisan, or sanzen) with a Zen Master.
In modern Buddhist practice in Japan and the West, sesshins are often attended by lay students and are typically one, three, five, or seven days in length. Seven-day sesshins are held several times a year at many Zen centers, especially in commemoration of the Buddha's awakening to full enlightenment (anuttarā-samyak-saṃbodhi). At this Rohatsu sesshin, practitioners seek to relax and quiet the mind to the point of cessation of mental chatter and emotional impulse, samadhi, kensho, or satori.
Title | Speaker | |
Rohatsu Day 5 - Radiance as Creative EnergySerial: TL-00820 ADZG Rohatsu - Sunday Morning, Koun Ejô, Komyozo Zammai, Sesshin, Intimacy, Discrimination, resistance |
Dec 10 2023 Hybrid |
Gratefulness and GenerositySerial: TL-00817 ADZG Sunday Morning, Gratitude, Paramitas, Precepts, Three Treasures, American, Sesshin |
Nov 26 2023 Hybrid |
Sangha Renewal with Practice Period and SesshinSerial: TL-00798 ADZG Monday Night, Sesshin, Vimalakirti Sutra, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Patience, Berkeley Zen... |
May 22 2023 Hybrid |
Bodhisattvas’ Four Integrative DharmasSerial: TL-00797 ADZG Sesshin Day 3, Vimalakirti Sutra, Sesshin, Shobogenzo, Dogen, Generosity, Patience, Freedom,... |
May 21 2023 Hybrid |
The Buddha WorkSerial: TL-00796 ADZG Sesshin Day 2, Sesshin, Vimalakirti Sutra, Bodhisattva Precepts, Precepts, Patience |
May 20 2023 Hybrid |
Bodhisattva Inconceivable practiceSerial: TL-00795 ADZG Sesshin Day 1, Vimalakirti Sutra, Sesshin, Lineage, Hate, Patience |
May 19 2023 Hybrid |
The Pandemic and Blossoms on a Withered TreeSerial: TL-00662 ADZG Sunday Morning, Buddha's Birthday, Sesshin, Zoom, Silent Illumination, Zendo |
Apr 12 2020 Zoom |
Dogen's Arousing the Vow and "The Nature of Things" of LucretiusSerial: TL-00493 ADZG Monday Night, Bodhisattva Vow, Commitment, Sesshin, true dharma |
Oct 23 2017 ADZG Temple |
Zenki in the Fiery WorldSerial: TL-00492 ADZG Monday Night, Zenki, Sesshin, Freedom, Global Warming, Money |
Oct 16 2017 ADZG Temple |
Zenki sesshin III: Functioning CompletedSerial: TL-00491 ADZG Sesshin, Zenki, Sesshin, Freedom, Letting Go |
Oct 15 2017 ADZG Temple |
Zenki sesshin II: Totality weaving in particulars in the karmic boatSerial: TL-00490 ADZG Sesshin, Zenki, Freedom, Blue Cliff Record, Daily Life, Sesshin |
Oct 14 2017 ADZG Temple |
Zenki sesshin I: the Whole Works in Zazen undivided and non-separatedSerial: TL-00489 ADZG Sesshin, Zenki, Zendo, Sesshin, Freedom |
Oct 13 2017 ADZG Temple |
The Deep Source Undisturbed by ConditioningSerial: TL-00467 ADZG Sesshin, Silent Illumination, Practice Period, Silence, Chanting, Sesshin |
Jun 02 2017 ADZG Temple |
Our Leper Ancestor and Clarifying KarmaSerial: TL-00394 ADZG Sesshin, Pain, Bodhidharma, Rumi, Sesshin, Bodhisattva Precepts |
Dec 03 2015 ADZG Temple |
Not Always So and Problems EnoughSerial: TL-00360 ADZG Sunday Morning, resistance, Letting Go, Patience, Right Speech, Sesshin |
Feb 08 2015 ADZG Temple |
Societal Response PracticeSerial: TL-00356 ADZG Sunday Morning, Sesshin, Money, resistance, Observe, Silence |
Dec 14 2014 ADZG Temple |
SesshinSerial: BZ-02314 zazen, Sesshin Sesshin, Breath, Separation, Mundane Life, Oneness, Daily Life, Conversation, Posture... |
Jun 20 2013 Berkeley Zen Center |
ZazenSerial: BZ-02313 Review of Zazen, Sesshin Effort, Zazen, Sesshin, Nirvana, Mindfulness, Practice Period, resistance, Mahayana,... |
Jun 19 2013 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Bodhisattva's Creativity and Freedom Fox, Bodhisattva Vow, Sesshin, Suzuki Roshi, Attachment |
Dec 08 2011 The Yoga Room |
Mind's Emptiness, Buddha's RealitySerial: EB-00236 Dogen's Genjo Koan; things and their attributes; mind itself is Buddha; we can't fix our minds. Delusion, realization, Death, Sesshin |
Aug 10 2009 |
Sesshin as a Koan for the BodySerial: SF-00990 Sesshin Lecture: Easter/Buddha's Birthday; enlightenment experiences; dharmakaya; not doing anything; nirmanakaya; this is your life Sesshin, Enlightenment, San Quentin, Zazen, Buddha's Birthday, Birth-and-Death,... |
Apr 08 2007 Green Gulch |
Intelligence of the Natural WorldSerial: SF-00941 Sesshin Lecture: frog chorus; silence and activity; pain and fear of pain; Bodhidharma Bodhidharma, Sesshin, Prajna Paramita, Silence, Buddha Ancestors, Composure, Buddha... |
Apr 07 2007 Green Gulch Farm |
Sesshin LectureSerial: SF-00994 Strategies, gaining ideas; "paying it forward"; close investigation of the self; Orpheus and Eurydice; Rilke; hidden anger - staying with the emotion Dongshan, Sesshin, Suzuki Roshi, Monkey Mind, Vow, Buddha Nature, Emotions, Manjushri... |
Apr 05 2007 Green Gulch |
Sesshin PracticesSerial: SF-00992 Sesshin Lecture: ordinary mind is the Tao; practice of confession; guilt/shame; Self-Receiving and -Employing Samadhi Sesshin, Zhaozhou, Ordinary Mind, Suzuki Roshi, Right Effort, Posture, Buddha Nature... |
Apr 03 2007 Green Gulch |
Living in Accord with Birth and DeathSerial: SF-00991 Sesshin Lecture: confirming Buddha nature; sesshin: gathering of heart/mind; what's the business under the patchwork robe?; story of Patacara Sesshin, Buddha Nature, Patacara, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, Lineage, training... |
Apr 02 2007 Green Gulch |
Bob Dylan's Song About Zen MindSerial: TL-00167 ADZG Monday Night, Sesshin, Platform Sutra, Practice Period |
Apr 02 2007 Cenacle Chicago |
The Gift of NothingSerial: SF-00929 Sunday Lecture Children's Lecture: one who is not busy, one reality; the gift of nothing; sesshin, from Suzuki Roshi; our mind is the same as Buddha's; all things are... Buddha's Enlightenment, Sesshin, Koan, Daowu, Keizan, Suzuki Roshi, Nirvana... |
Dec 03 2006 Green Gulch |
Encouragement for Upcoming SesshinSerial: BZ-01215 Thoughts on his early days, Saturday Lecture Sesshin, Sojun Mel Weitsman, Pure Existence, Karma, Monastic Practice, Soto Zen,... |
Feb 11 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
Resuming Big MindSerial: BZ-01202 Sesshin Practice, Rohatsu Day 2 Sesshin, Big Mind, Monkey Mind, Pure Existence, Posture, Buddha Mind, Mindfulness,... |
Nov 29 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
October 30th, 2005, Serial No. 00057 Patience, Sekito Kisen, Bodhisattva Way, Sesshin, Happiness |
Oct 30 2005 |
Sesshin: Tips on Serving, Eating, Kinhin, ZazenSerial: BZ-01329 Sesshin Day 1 Sesshin, Oryoki, Kinhin, Zazen, Instruction, Bell, Posture, Passions, Concentration,... |
Jun 22 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
Preparing/Not Preparing for SesshinSerial: BZ-00124B Saturday Lecture Sesshin, Ego, Demons, Emotions, Posture, Equanimity, Buddha Nature, Obstacles,... |
Dec 02 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Elucidating Sesshin GuidelinesSerial: BZ-00351B Sesshin Day 1 Sesshin, Don't Know Mind, Commitment, Dragons, Bowing, Silence, Observe, Bell,... |
Jun 24 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Preparing for Sesshin/Introducing TantosSerial: BZ-00346B Rohatsu Day 1 Sesshin, Tanto, Admonitions, Precious Mirror, Instruction, Samadhi, Discrimination,... |
Dec 01 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sesshin Is Great Patience: Letting Go Of PainSerial: BZ-00314B Sesshin Day 3 Sesshin, Patience, Pain, Happiness, Patience, Discrimination, Demons, Duality,... |
Jun 20 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Embodied Awareness in Everyday Life Blue Cliff Record, Sutra, Sesshin, Offering, Religion |
Jun 30 1993 |
Early Days of Suzuki-rôshiSerial: BZ-00750B Tokubetsu Sesshin: Japanese and American, Saturday Lecture Suzuki Roshi, Sesshin, Tokubetsu, Practice Period, American, Transmission, training,... |
Sep 28 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
What is Sesshin?Serial: BZ-00967B Sesshin Day 4 Sesshin, Pure Existence, Building, Peace, Birth-and-Death, Nirvana, Karma, Happiness... |
Jun 29 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
Effort During SesshinSerial: BZ-00326 Sesshin Day 5 Effort, Sesshin, Equanimity, Concentration, Repentance, Big Mind, resistance,... |
Feb 22 1989 |
Seven Factors of Enlightenment: Part ISerial: BZ-00868B Mindfulness and Effort in Sesshin, Rohatsu Day 4 Enlightenment, Effort, Sesshin, Mindfulness, Posture, Concentration, Equanimity,... |
Dec 04 1985 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sitting Sesshin as a BeginnerSerial: BZ-00425B Sesshin Day 1 Sesshin, Zazen, Peace, Intuition, Hate, Posture, Anger, Silence, Concentration, Bell... |
Mar 16 1985 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dropping the Buddha BowlSerial: BZ-00407B Combining Sesshin with Outside Work and Family, Rohatsu Sesshin, Daily Life, Repentance, Practice Period, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Precepts,... |
Dec 08 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |
What's the Use of Sesshin?Serial: BZ-00407A Difficulty and Ease, Rohatsu Sesshin, Buddha Nature, Nirvana, Peace, Daily Life, Doubt, training, Equanimity,... |
Dec 07 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sesshin and Daily Life; Questions and DiscussionSerial: BZ-00406A Rohatsu Sesshin, Daily Life, Daily Life, Mindfulness, Harmonizing, Don't Know Mind,... |
Dec 05 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |
Vigor During SesshinSerial: BZ-00007A Soto and Rinzai Practice Compared, Sesshin Day 3 Sesshin, Soto Zen, Rinzai, Rinzai, Soto Zen, Composure, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center... |
May 21 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Seeing Beyond the Sitting Self Lotus Sutra, Sesshin, Ego, Shuso Ceremony, Lineage |
Dec 04 1978 |
December 2nd, 1978, Serial No. 00634 Dragons, Breath, Zendo, Sesshin |
Dec 02 1978 |
November 16th, 1977, Serial No. 00597 causation, Sesshin, Doubt, Rinzai, Concentration |
Nov 16 1977 |
Zen Form and Emptiness Practice Period, Gratitude, Sesshin, Pain |
Sep 10 1977 |
July 14th, 1977, Serial No. 00057 Ceremony, Beginners, Bowing, Truth, Sesshin |
Jul 14 1977 |