Precepts Talks
The Bodhisattva Precepts (Skt. bodhisattva-śīla or bodhisattva-saṃvāra, traditional Chinese: 菩薩戒; ; pinyin: Púsà Jiè, Japanese: bosatsukai; Tibetan: byang chub sems dpa’i sdom pa) are a set of ethical trainings (śīla) used in Mahāyāna Buddhism to advance a practitioner along the path to becoming a bodhisattva. These sets of "restrains" (saṃvāra) are the main ethical code in Mahāyāna Buddhism and as thus also sometimes called "Mahāyāna precepts" (Ch: 大乘戒).
Traditionally, monastics observed the basic moral code in Buddhism, the monastic prātimokṣa or five precepts for laypersons, but in the Mahāyāna tradition, Buddhist monastics and laypersons commonly observe the Bodhisattva Precepts as well. The Bodhisattva Precepts are associated with the bodhisattva vow to save all beings and with bodhicitta.
Title | Speaker | |
Joshu Asks: “Use or Be Used”Serial: BZ-00206B Sesshin Day One Ordinary Mind, Anger, Lay, Evil, Posture, Interdependence, Rinzai, Patience, Vow,... |
Mar 24 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Branching Streams Flow in the DarknessSerial: BZ-00205B Saturday Lecture Sandokai, Branching Streams, Precepts, Subject-and-Object, Buddha Nature, Observe,... |
Mar 11 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Zen Steps to Spiritual Awakening Vow, Big Mind, Bodhisattva Vow, Bodhisattva Way, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Four Noble... |
Mar 01 2000 City Center |
Branching Streams Flow in the DarknessSerial: BZ-00202A Zen Words, Saturday Lecture Sandokai, Branching Streams, Branching Streams, Blue Cliff Record, Don't Know... |
Jan 22 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Faith as a Journey in ZenSerial: SF-00033 Sunday dharma talk. Dragons, Faith, New Year, Doubt, Mahayana, Karma, Four Noble Truths, Precepts, Three... |
Jan 02 2000 |
Sunday Lecture resistance, Repentance, Precepts, Balance, Manjushri, New Year, Peace, Anger, zen... |
Dec 26 1999 Green Gulch |
Embracing Groundless Spaciousness in Zen Separation, Practice Period, Patience, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Silence,... |
Dec 09 1999 City Center |
Marathon Practice of IntentionSerial: BZ-00199B Saturday Lecture Practice, Intention, Renunciation, Subject-and-Object, Big Mind, Zazen Mind,... |
Nov 06 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
Branching Streams Flow in the DarknessSerial: BZ-00197A The Spirit of Practice Period, Saturday Lecture Practice Period, Branching Streams, Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,... |
Oct 16 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
Precious Mirror Samadhi, 2 0f 8Serial: BZ-00860 Fall practice period Precious Mirror, Samadhi, Five Ranks, Anger, vexations, five aspects, Big Mind,... |
Sep 30 1999 2 of 8 |
September 30th, 1999, Serial No. 01009, Side A Precious Mirror, Big Mind, Five Ranks, Liberation, Nirvana Sutra, Non-duality,... |
Sep 30 1999 |
Precious Mirror Samadhi, class 2 of 8Precious Mirror, Liberation, Five Ranks, Non-duality, Samadhi, Big Mind, Precepts,... |
Sep 30 1999 2 of 8 BZC |
Sunday Lecture Precepts, Balance, Bodhisattva Precepts, Evil, Vow, Renunciation, Non-duality, Bowing... |
Sep 26 1999 Green Gulch |
Sunday LectureSerial: SF-01872 Duplicate Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Balance, Vow, Evil, Renunciation, Non-duality,... |
Sep 26 1999 Green Gulch |
1999.09.05-serial.00151A Sangha, Precepts, Greed, Building, realization, Ordination, Evil, Equanimity,... |
Sep 05 1999 |
1999.09.04-serial.00149B New Year, Precepts, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Offering, Silence, realization, Desire... |
Sep 04 1999 |
Sunday Lecture Right Speech, Freedom, Precepts, Happiness, Buddha Nature, Conversation, Priest,... |
Jul 04 1999 Green Gulch |
Zen and Pschotherapy Birth-and-Death, Sanctuary, Lay Ordination, Ego, Hate, Family Practice, Book of... |
May 22 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sunday Lecture Precepts, Birth-and-Death, Dharma Transmission, Impermanence, Posture, Ceremony,... |
May 16 1999 Green Gulch |
Thoughts on Modern Western Buddhist Practice Priest, Ordination, Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Practice Position, Bodhisattva... |
May 15 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
Suzuki Roshi: His Way as Others Told Me Priest, Culture, War, American, Precepts, Religion, Peace, Emotions, Anger, Rinzai... |
Apr 24 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
Buddhist Perspectives On War: Sangha ViewsSerial: BZ-00072B Saturday Lecture War, Buddhism, War, Evil, Culture, Don't Know Mind, Interview, Birth-and-Death,... |
Apr 17 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sunday Lecture Emptiness, Nirvana Sutra, Zazen Mind, Posture, Sangha, Mindfulness, Teacher-and-... |
Mar 07 1999 Green Gulch |
Sunday Lecture Lotus Sutra, Samsara, Precepts, training, Four Noble Truths, Hate, Vow, Right Effort... |
Jan 31 1999 Green Gulch |
Warm-hearted PracticeSerial: BZ-00190B Saturday Lecture Precepts, stubbornness, Composure, Bodhisattva Precepts, Posture, Religion, American... |
Jan 23 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
World Faiths’ Dialogue with the World Bank War, Precepts, Separation, Culture, Religion, Building, Renunciation, Hate, Doubt,... |
Jan 09 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
Practicing With The Precepts/Dogen's CommentarySerial: BZ-00189A Saturday Lecture Precepts, Dogen, Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, New Year, Sangha, Bodhisattva... |
Jan 02 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dana Paramita and Relinquishment Demons, Priest, Interview, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Precepts, Religion, Non-... |
Dec 03 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sunday Lecture Practice Period, Precepts, Dragons, Six Realms, Liberation, Ceremony, Forgiveness,... |
Nov 29 1998 Green Gulch |
Sunday Lecture Religion, Priest, Buddha Mind, Vow, Precepts, Zazen, Chanting, Hate, Freedom, Soto... |
Nov 22 1998 Green Gulch |
2nd Precept: Take Not What is Not Given Precepts, Vow, Liberation, Dependent Origination, Lineage, Renunciation, Conversation... |
Nov 21 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen’s Guidelines for Studying the WaySerial: BZ-00838 Class 3 of 4 Happiness, Intimacy, Equanimity, Instruction, New Year, Obstacles, Don't Know... |
Nov 12 1998 3 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Feeling Of Practice PeriodSerial: SF-00148 Wednesday talk; the heart and determination to study - to support and appreciate the practice period. Practice Period, Impermanence, Mindfulness, Precepts, Zazen Mind, Silence, Big Mind,... |
Oct 21 1998 Green Gulch Farm |
Sunday Lecture Anger, Book of Serenity, Karma, Precepts, Evil, Duality, Emptiness, Offering, Fasting... |
Oct 04 1998 Green Gulch |
October 3rd, 1998, Serial No. 00439, Side BSerial: BZ-00439B #duplicate-please-hide Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Berkeley Zen Center, Precepts, Religion, Priest,... |
Oct 03 1998 |
Way Seeking Mind/Dharma EntrustmentSerial: BZ-01068 Saturday Lecture Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Precepts, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Bowing,... |
Oct 03 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sesshin Lecture Ceremony, Buddha Mind, Practice Period, Precepts, Transmission, Lineage |
Aug 20 1998 Green Gulch |
Penetrate the Unknown, Bear Witness, Heal Self and Others Precepts, Vow, Discrimination, Evil, Daily Life, American, Addiction, Greed, Bell,... |
Aug 09 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sunday Lecture Four Noble Truths, Anger, Ordination, Right Effort, Right Speech, Letting Go, Peace,... |
Jul 12 1998 Green Gulch |
Wednesday Lecture Suzuki Roshi, Four Noble Truths, Chanting, Funeral, Conversation, Precepts, Anger,... |
Jul 01 1998 Green Gulch |
Father's Day Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Ceremony, Hate, Bodhisattva Precepts, Freedom,... |
Jun 21 1998 Green Gulch |
Zaikke Tokudo (Jukai)Serial: BZ-00351A Saturday Lecture Zaike Tokudo, Jukai, Ordination, Precepts, Lay Ordination, Lineage, Karma, Buddha... |
Jun 20 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sunday Lecture Teacher-and-Student, Ceremony, Karma, Heart Sutra, Skandas, training, Three Treasures... |
Jun 14 1998 Green Gulch |
Wednesday Lecture Precepts, Impermanence, Separation, resistance, Mindfulness, Emotions, Suzuki Roshi,... |
May 20 1998 City Center |
One-day Sitting Lecture Posture, Precepts, Samsara, Ceremony, Zendo, Emotions, Suzuki Roshi, Freedom,... |
May 16 1998 Green Gulch |
Relinquishment and Renunciation Precepts, Impermanence, resistance, Right Effort, Renunciation, Interdependence,... |
May 16 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sunday Lecture Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Ceremony, Lineage, resistance, Zazen, Bodhisattva Way... |
May 09 1998 Green Gulch |
Buddhist Images/Bodhisattva Way Heart Sutra, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Gratitude, Vow, Offering, Chanting, Continuous... |
May 09 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Second Paramita: Sila Precepts, Bodhisattva Vow, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Evil, Vow, Practice Period,... |
May 03 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Working with Forms and Precepts Precepts, Evil, Practice Period, Bodhisattva Vow, Attachment, Diversity, Lineage,... |
Apr 25 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |