Peace Talks

Showing 750 talks

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Title Speaker

The Brain and Enlightenment

Enlightenment, Dependent Origination, Monkey Mind, Peace, Bodhisattva Vow, Subject-...
Aug 02 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

June 28th, 2008, Serial No. 01144

Discrimination, Practice Period, Anger, Non-discrimination, Funeral, Enemies,...
Jun 28 2008

May 17th, 2008, Serial No. 01133

Nirvana Sutra, Bodhisattva Way, Bodhisattva Precepts, Bodhisattva Ceremony,...
May 17 2008

April 19th, 2008, Serial No. 01126

Karma, Right Speech, Soto Zen, Conversation, Culture, Peace, Cultivation, Silence...
Apr 19 2008

March 8th, 2008, Serial No. 01119

Impermanence, Book of Serenity, Culture, Conversation, Gratitude, Lineage, confusion...
Mar 08 2008


Serial: BZ-01111

Teaching Retreat

part 2 of 2

Offering, Silence, New Year, Hate, Passions, Separation, Conversation, Peace,...
Jan 26 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

January 5th, 2008, Serial No. 01107

Emotions, Nirvana Sutra, Impermanence, Hindrances, Nirvana, Mindfulness, Liberation,...
Jan 05 2008

December 7th, 2007, Serial No. 01104, Side B

Renunciation, Monastic Practice, Book of Serenity, Peace, Bell, War, Ego, Greed,...
Dec 07 2007

Our Sphere of Practice

Serial: BZ-01103

Nonseparation of Zazen and Worldly Activity, Rohatsu Day 5

Practice, Politics, Zazen, War, SER-12, War, Diversity, Evil, Religion, Building,...
Dec 06 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

November 24th, 2007, Serial No. 01097

Hsin Hsin Ming, Oneness, Ego, Peace, Karma, Addiction, Hate, Doubt, Subject-and-...
Nov 24 2007

August 25th, 2007, Serial No. 00991

War, Patience, Practice Period, training, Lay Practice, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center...
Aug 25 2007

Intelligence of the Natural World

Serial: SF-00941

Sesshin Lecture: frog chorus; silence and activity; pain and fear of pain; Bodhidharma

Bodhidharma, Sesshin, Prajna Paramita, Silence, Buddha Ancestors, Composure, Buddha...
Apr 07 2007
Green Gulch Farm

March 17th, 2007, Serial No. 01425

Demons, Happiness, Daily Life, Anger, Priest, Greed, Passions, Evil, Conversation,...
Mar 17 2007

Alignment With The Great Way

Serial: SF-00944

Sunday Lecture - Children's Lecture: waging peace; taking up a practice

Zhaozhou, Suzuki Roshi, Buddha Mind, Peace, Ordinary Mind, Zazen, Lineage, Posture,...
Mar 04 2007
Green Gulch

February 5th, 2007, Serial No. 01417

Practice Period, Vow, Precepts, Teacher-and-Student, Evil, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Feb 05 2007

Ryokan’s Poetry

Serial: BZ-01412

Teaching Retreat, part 1 of 2

Discrimination, Non-discrimination, Instruction, Peace, training
Jan 20 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

Ryokan’s Poetry

Serial: BZ-01413

Teaching Retreat, part 2 of 2

Branching Streams, Subject-and-Object, Lotus Sutra, Peace, Dragons, Discrimination,...
Jan 20 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

January 4th, 2007, Serial No. 00091

Forgiveness, Peace, Patience
Jan 04 2007
Mt. Saviour Monastery

January 3rd, 2007, Serial No. 00090

Freedom, Silence, Peace
Jan 03 2007
Mt. Saviour Monastery

Just Showing Up

Skillful Means, Big Mind, Instruction, Peace, Rumi, Don't Know Mind
Nov 12 2006

November 11th, 2006, Serial No. 01397

Subject-and-Object, Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, training, Liberation, Enthusiasm...
Nov 11 2006

August 19th, 2006, Serial No. 01179

Death-and-Dying, Bell, Birth-and-Death, Nirvana, Vow, Addiction, Gratitude, Duality,...
Aug 19 2006

State of the World Address: Causes and Excuses

Serial: BZ-01175

Power: Manipulation Through Maintaining Chaos, Saturday Lecture

Politics, Religion, War, Peace, Evil, Emotions, Anger, Attachment, Forgiveness,...
Jul 22 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

July 1st, 2006, Serial No. 01172, Side B

Ego, American, War, Happiness, Humility, Peace, Fasting, Evil, Patience, Culture...
Jul 01 2006

June 23rd, 2006, Serial No. 00146

Serial: MS-00146

Given to Benedictine Juniorates

Peace, Politics, Evil
Jun 23 2006
Mt. Saviour Monastery

June 22nd, 2006, Serial No. 00144

Serial: MS-00144

Given to Benedictine Juniorates

Priest, Peace, Religion
Jun 22 2006
Mt. Saviour Monastery

The Paramitas: Meditation

Serial: BZ-01169A

Sesshin Day 3

Samadhi, Composure, Renunciation, Right Effort, Big Mind, Monastic Practice, Peace,...
Jun 16 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Heart Sutra: Dealing with a Problematic Public Library Patron

Serial: BZ-01236D

Saturday Lecture

Heart Sutra, Practice Period, Anger, Practice Position, Interview, Lay Practice, Soto...
May 20 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Have Some Tea

Serial: SF-00965

Sunday Lecture: "Have you been here before? Have some tea"; judgment and conduct; Four Noble Truths; Eightfold Path; ethics and etiquette

Four Noble Truths, Right Effort, Three Treasures, Right Speech, Liberation, Renewal,...
May 07 2006
Green Gulch

April 22nd, 2006, Serial No. 01230

Dragons, zen meditation, Four Noble Truths, Zoom, Peace, Humility, Intimacy, War...
Apr 22 2006

Gazing at Flowers on the Roof of Hell

Serial: SF-00914

Sunday Lecture: learning zazen with Soen Roshi in Jerusalem - interfaith practice; Easter - rebirth; Issa "Walking together on the roof of hell, looking at flowers";...

Faith, Buddha's Birthday, Dragons, Peace, zen meditation, Gratitude, Don't...
Apr 16 2006
Green Gulch

March 25th, 2006, Serial No. 01225

Demons, Ordinary Mind, Peace, Offering, Instruction, Intimacy, Obstacles, Liberation...
Mar 25 2006


Serial: SF-00115

Taking refuge; our true place; funzo; placing robe on the head; story from vinaya about silk.

Discrimination, Doubt, Offering, Attachment, Peace, Patience, Transmission, Letting...
Feb 01 2006

January 18th, 2006, Serial No. 00100

Peace, Priest, Forgiveness
Jan 18 2006
Mt. Saviour Monastery

Sutra on Breathing

Serial: BZ-01210D

One-Day Sitting

Breath, Happiness, Four Foundations, Birth-and-Death, Mindfulness, Subject-and-Object...
Jan 14 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Zhaozhou's No

Serial: SF-00963

Sunday Lecture: Milton's 'Paradise Lost'; myth of Narcissus; Four Noble Truths; Zhaozhou's "No": Marin Organizing Committee/Seniors for Peace

Perfect Wisdom, Four Noble Truths, Buddha Nature, Peace, Freedom, Mill Valley,...
Nov 20 2005
Green Gulch


Practice Period, Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace, Don't Know Mind
Nov 13 2005


Practice Period, Teacher-and-Student, Don't Know Mind, Peace, Bell, Commitment,...
Nov 13 2005

September 7th, 2005, Serial No. 03947

Letting Go, Peace, Oneness, Dragons, Offering, Attachment, Emotions
Sep 07 2005

August 27th, 2005, Serial No. 01343

Peace, War, Vow, Six Realms, Avalokiteshvara, Bell, Soto Zen, Chanting, Conversation...
Aug 27 2005

August 4th, 2005, Serial No. 03167

Forgiveness, Monastic Practice, Evil, Separation, training, Religion, Conversation,...
Aug 04 2005

Rootedness, Relatedness, Responsibility

Serial: SF-01013

Wednesday Lecture: zen practice and ecology

Don't Know Mind, Bell, Lotus Sutra, Separation, confusion, training, Peace,...
Jul 27 2005
Green Gulch

On Embracing “Total Dynamic Working”

Serial: BZ-01337B

One day sitting lecture

Birth-and-Death, Right Effort, Peace, Practice Period, Offering, Buddha Nature, Zoom...
Jul 17 2005
Berkeley Zen Center

The Steps of the Buddha Way: Kids Zendo

Serial: BZ-01336


Concentration, Impermanence, Four Noble Truths, Right Speech, Hindrances, Right...
Jul 16 2005
Berkeley Zen Center

Zendo Lecture

Zazen Mind, Precepts, Karma, Hindrances, Priest, Peace, Practice Period, Freedom,...
Jul 15 2005

Beans, Gratitude, Generosity

Serial: SF-01014

Sunday Lecture - Children's Lecture

Interdependence, confusion, Don't Know Mind, Commitment, Darkness and Light,...
Jul 03 2005
Green Gulch

Zazen Tips

Serial: BZ-01330

Dealing with Pain and Sitting in a Chair, Sesshin Day 2

Zazen, Pain, Posture, Discrimination, resistance, Don't Know Mind, Non-...
Jun 23 2005
Berkeley Zen Center

Zendo Lecture

Suzuki Roshi, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Big Mind, Diversity, Bowing, Ego,...
Jun 10 2005

May 21st, 2005, Serial No. 01324

Discrimination, Peace, resistance, Instruction, American, Anger, Greed, confusion,...
May 21 2005

Wheel of Birth and Death

Serial: SF-00969

Sunday Lecture: Children's stories: earth moving around the sun is one year; "stone soup"; thinking and not thinking; Tibetan wheel of birth and death - six realms, twelve-fold...

Peace, Dependent Origination, Six Realms, Demons, Birth-and-Death, Liberation,...
Apr 10 2005
Green Gulch
