Observe Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Parables: CosmologySerial: NC-00065 Part of "The Kingdom in Parables: New Testament, Cosmology and Contemporary Poetry" 3. Parables: Cosmology Archival Photo OSB Cam, realization, Intuition, Duality, Observe, Renewal |
1998 3 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Poems 1Serial: SF-03521 Copyright 1998 by Gary Snyder - Unedited Preview Cassette Zendo, Continuous Practice, Politics, Religion, Ceremony, Fox, Patience, Mahayana,... |
1998 Unknown |
WisdomSerial: BZ-00325A Saturday Lecture Wisdom, Five Ranks, Ego, Karmic Consciousness, Eight Awarenesses, Right Speech,... |
Nov 15 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Precepts ClassSerial: SF-03532 Brief Review of Class 1 - the Three Refuges Precepts, Emptiness, Three Treasures, Bodhisattva Precepts, Vow, Buddha Nature,... |
Oct 27 1997 Green Gulch |
Sunday LectureSerial: SF-03240 Date on box 10-19-97, date on cassette 10-12-97, not corrected Commitment, Priest, Zazen, Peace, Observe, Concentration, Passions, confusion,... |
Oct 12 1997 Green Gulch |
Majjhima Nikaya ClassSerial: SF-03194 Middle-length Discourses Attachment, Evil, Delusion, Hate, confusion, Don't Know Mind, Observe, Letting... |
Oct 07 1997 Green Gulch |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #48Serial: BZ-00323A Fish In Net, Saturday Lecture BCR-48, Commitment, Teacher-and-Student, Priest, Lay, Ego, Rinzai, Interview, Observe... |
Oct 04 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
PreceptsSerial: BZ-00537 Class 4 of 6 Right Speech, Precepts, Attachment, Sixth Patriarch, Conversation, Observe, Bell,... |
May 29 1997 4 Berkeley Zen Center |
May 29th, 1997, Serial No. 01460 Right Speech, Precepts, Attachment, Sixth Patriarch, Conversation, Sangha, resistance... |
May 29 1997 |
Practicing With the PreceptsSerial: BZ-00363A One-Day Sitting Precepts, Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Birth-and-Death, Vinaya, Observe, Practice... |
May 04 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Parinirvana: Buddha’s Life/Our Life Nirvana, Precepts, Family Practice, Greed, Buddha's Birthday, Four Noble Truths... |
Mar 01 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Expounding the Dharma with This BodySerial: SF-02710A Rohatsu Sesshin Practice Period, Suzuki Roshi, Patience, Gratitude, Observe, Balance, Anger |
Dec 02 1996 Unknown |
Vimalakirti Sutra: Suffering, Interdependence Manjushri, Interdependence, resistance, Evil, Instruction, Anger, Gratitude, Mahayana... |
Nov 02 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Jewel Mirror Samadhi Class Five Ranks, Delusion, Lotus Sutra, Soto Zen, Observe, Forgiveness, Separation,... |
Oct 07 1996 Green Gulch |
Cultivating A Spiritual CuriositySerial: SF-03937 Sunday Lecture - that helps us see clearly what's in front of us - inside and outside Observe, Conversation, Happiness, Equanimity, Cultivation, Anger, Suzuki Roshi,... |
Jul 07 1996 Green Gulch |
Unknown TitleSerial: BZ-00119 Lecture First Principle, Aspects of Practice, Practice Period, Observe, Teacher-and-Student,... |
Jul 02 1996 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
ComposureSerial: BZ-00801A Sesshin Day 2 Composure, Composure, Anger, Emotions, Don't Know Mind, Subject-and-Object,... |
Jun 20 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Lotus Sutra ClassSerial: SF-03193 Chapters 15, 16, 25, 26, 2t Lotus Sutra, Gratitude, Demons, Birth-and-Death, Religion, Manjushri, Faith, Ceremony... |
May 28 1996 Green Gulch |
Serial 00786, Side B Intuition, Karmic Consequences, Attachment, Buddha Nature, Continuous Practice, Big... |
1996 |
Finding Our Real Seat In ZazenSerial: SF-03217 One-day sitting Zazen, Posture, Balance, Vow, Dragons, Observe, Instruction, Avalokiteshvara,... |
Nov 18 1995 Green Gulch |
Causes and ConditionsSerial: SF-03660 One-day sitting Emptiness, Posture, Book of Serenity, Subject-and-Object, realization, Buddha Nature... |
Oct 14 1995 Green Gulch |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #11Serial: BZ-00823A Sesshin Day 3 BCR-11, Teacher-and-Student, Attachment, Hate, Doubt, American, Anger, Politics,... |
Sep 04 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Self Healing zen meditation, Subject-and-Object, Mindfulness, Blue Cliff Record, Mundane Life,... |
Aug 05 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Early Days: Maezumi-rôshi & Suzuki-rôshiSerial: BZ-00977A Saturday Lecture Suzuki Roshi, Maezumi Roshi, Teacher-and-Student, Zoom, Priest, Soto Zen, New Year,... |
May 27 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
1995.04.10-serial.00044 Mindfulness, Repentance, Emotions, Monastic Practice, Don't Know Mind, Posture,... |
Apr 10 1995 |
Tokubetsu Sesshin Transmission, Posture, Delusion, Right Effort, Zazen, Daily Life, Observe, Silence,... |
Mar 27 1995 |
Life is Suffering resistance, Emotions, Four Noble Truths, Separation, Observe, Beginners, Offering,... |
Mar 19 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record Case #1 Mindfulness, Four Foundations, Bodhidharma, Perfect Wisdom, Practice Period, Mahayana... |
Mar 11 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sandokai and Soto PracticeSerial: BZ-00947A Lecture Big Mind, Branching Streams, Practice Period, Light-and-Darkness, Oneness, Ordinary... |
Jan 14 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Awakening Beyond Words: Truth Unbound New Year, Observe, Rumi, Chanting, training, Ego, Offering, confusion, Zazen... |
Jan 07 1995 Unknown |
Taoist Meditation Practice and the Hesychast Tradition / "Stillness-Contemplation": Lao Tzu, Evagrius, EckhartSerial: NC-00012 Session 3 & 4 of "Trinity and Tao: Christian and Taoist Spirituality" Talk 3: Taoist Meditation Practice and the Hesychast Tradition Talk 4: "... OSB Cam, Emptiness, Observe, Posture, Buddhism, Enlightenment |
1995 2 of 2 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Mumonkan Case #46: The Mumonkan and Social ActionSerial: BZ-00957B Lecture Silence, War, Teacher-and-Student, Observe, Birth-and-Death, Attachment, Demons,... |
Oct 22 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #69Serial: BZ-00936B Nansen Draws a Circle, Sesshin Day 2 Nansen, BCR-69, Manjushri, Obstacles, New Year, Doubt, Gratitude, resistance, Observe... |
Sep 04 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Four Foundations of Mindfulness #4Serial: BZ-00943B Sesshin Day 5 Four Foundations, Observe, Liberation, Mindfulness, Impermanence, Continuous Practice... |
Jun 12 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Book of SerenitySerial: BZ-00234 Class 1 of 5 Manjushri, Book of Serenity, Big Mind, First Principle, Observe, Discrimination,... |
May 05 1994 1 Berkeley Zen Center |
Monastic HistorySerial: NC-00318 Monastic History Class, Spain OSB Cam, Money, Vow, War, Politics, Observe |
Mar 29 1994 32 of 34 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Full Awareness of Breathing; On illuminating ThoughtsSerial: BZ-00736 Sesshin Day 4 Posture, Anger, Observe, Intuition, Concentration, Enemies, Discrimination, Daily... |
Mar 27 1994 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Uniting Body, Breath and MindSerial: BZ-00050A Sesshin Day 3 Posture, Birth-and-Death, Right Effort, Demons, Samadhi, Building, Harmonizing,... |
Mar 26 1994 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Perfection of WisdomSerial: BZ-00228 Class 1 of 5 Perfect Wisdom, Heart Sutra, Four Noble Truths, Birth-and-Death, Lotus Sutra,... |
Mar 24 1994 1 Berkeley Zen Center |
Monastic HistorySerial: NC-00347 Monastic History Class OSB Cam, Money, Observe, Mandala, resistance, Bell |
Mar 09 1994 25 of 34 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Chaos Theory, Hierarchy TheorySerial: BZ-01515B Lecture Mill Valley, Observe, Culture, Mindfulness, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,... |
Jul 03 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen's Zazengi IISerial: BZ-00652A Sesshin Day 3 Fukanzazengi, Concentration, Posture, Subject-and-Object, Observe, Samadhi, Daily... |
Jun 11 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Non-Attachment as Distinct from DetachmentSerial: BZ-00662B One-Day Sitting Non-attachment, Attachment, Peace, Commitment, Passions, Pure Existence, Observe,... |
Apr 10 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mindfulness: the Satipattana SutraSerial: BZ-00662A Lecture Mindfulness, Observe, Daily Life, Separation, Concentration, Posture, Duality,... |
Mar 27 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Spiritual Teaching of the Brief Rule of Saint RomualdSerial: NC-00037 Part of "Spiritual Teaching of the Brief Rule of Saint Romuald" Talk #1 is missing. Archival Photo OSB Cam, Emotions, Monastic Practice, Compassion, Intimacy, Observe |
1993 2 of 4 (#1 missing) New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Paramitas: Sila (Virtue) and Kshanti (Patience)Serial: BZ-00612 Class 3 of 6 Anger, Precepts, Patience, Ordinary Mind, Enemies, Emotions, Dependent Origination,... |
Oct 01 1992 3 Berkeley Zen Center |
Wednesday Lecture Equanimity, Don't Know Mind, Heart Sutra, Suzuki Roshi, Conversation,... |
Sep 30 1992 Green Gulch |
Mumonkan Cases #30 & 33: Baso’s Two Responses: Buddha is Mind, Buddha is not MindSerial: BZ-00708B Lecture Intuition, Culture, Transmission, Ordinary Mind, Subject-and-Object, Teacher-and-... |
Jun 20 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
Attention, Thought, Faith, KnowledgeSerial: BZ-00679A Lecture Concentration, Daily Life, Don't Know Mind, Observe, Anger, Patience, Enemies,... |
Apr 04 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sunday Lecture Observe, Cultivation, Balance, Fox, Conversation, Don't Know Mind, Emptiness,... |
Feb 09 1992 Green Gulch |