Forgiveness Talks

Showing 214 talks

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Title Speaker

July 5th, 2008, Serial No. 01146

American, Building, Interdependence, War, Priest, Harmonizing, Forgiveness, Diversity...
Jul 05 2008

May 16th, 2008, Serial No. 01132

Karma, Forgiveness, Interview, Hindrances, Family Practice, Light-and-Darkness, Anger...
May 16 2008


Forgiveness, Desire, Lotus Sutra, Zendo, Buddha Ancestors, Addiction, true dharma,...
May 02 2008
Minnesota Zen Center

Overview of Practice Period

Serial: BZ-01127

Requirements - Intention - Commitment, Saturday Lecture

Practice Period, Intention, Practice Period, Commitment, Daily Life, Family Practice...
Apr 26 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

March 15th, 2008, Serial No. 01120

Don't Know Mind, Emotions, Vow, Precepts, Culture, Anger, Forgiveness,...
Mar 15 2008

Blue Cliff Record: Case #63

Serial: BZ-01113

Nansen Kills the Cat, Saturday Lecture

Nansen, BCR-63, Karmic Consequences, Karma, Buddha Nature, Silence, Forgiveness,...
Feb 09 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

May 26th, 2007, Serial No. 01437, Side D

Heart Sutra, Practice Period, Posture, Don't Know Mind, Bowing, Birth-and-Death...
May 26 2007


Serial: NC-00770

Retreat Conference. Openess

OSB Cam, Openness, resistance, Intuition, Forgiveness, Intention, Enemies
May 2007
Part 4 (of 5)
New Camaldoli Hermitage


Serial: NC-00767

Retreat Conference. Openess

OSB Cam, Openness, Breath, Emotions, Forgiveness, Emptiness, Offering
May 2007
1 of 5
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Nothing Outside of Practice

Serial: BZ-01420

"Treasury of Radiant Light Samadhi" by Koun Ejô, Sesshin Day 2

Samadhi, Dream World, Darkness and Light, Renunciation, Samadhi, Chanting, resistance...
Feb 18 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

January 5th, 2007, Serial No. 00092

Forgiveness, Freedom, Evil
Jan 05 2007
Mt. Saviour Monastery

January 4th, 2007, Serial No. 00091

Forgiveness, Peace, Patience
Jan 04 2007
Mt. Saviour Monastery

September 9th, 2006, Serial No. 01385

Humility, training, Forgiveness, Karma, Platform Sutra, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Culture...
Sep 09 2006

July 29th, 2006, Serial No. 01176, Side B

Heart Sutra, Anger, Forgiveness, Precepts, Practice Period, Patience, Hate, Karma,...
Jul 29 2006

State of the World Address: Causes and Excuses

Serial: BZ-01175

Power: Manipulation Through Maintaining Chaos, Saturday Lecture

Politics, Religion, War, Peace, Evil, Emotions, Anger, Attachment, Forgiveness,...
Jul 22 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Suffering: How We Create It

Serial: BZ-01171

The Meaning of Forgiveness and How We Free Ourselves, Saturday Lecture

Suffering, Forgiveness, Forgiveness, Anger, Emotions, Hate, War, training,...
Jun 24 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

June 20th, 2006, Serial No. 00140

Serial: MS-00140

Given to Benedictine Juniorates

Forgiveness, Evil, Freedom
Jun 20 2006
Mt. Saviour Monastery

May 25th, 2006, Serial No. 01042, Side A

Karma, Berkeley Zen Center, Forgiveness, Ego, Nirvana, Daily Life, Emotions, Don...
May 25 2006

January 18th, 2006, Serial No. 00100

Peace, Priest, Forgiveness
Jan 18 2006
Mt. Saviour Monastery


Precepts, Nirvana Sutra, Vow, Culture, Samsara, Lay, Forgiveness, confusion, Sangha,...
Nov 03 2005

Saving Sentient Beings of Your Own Mind

Serial: BZ-01191

Review of Sojun's List of Mental Formations, Saturday Lecture

Gaining Mind, Anger, Buddha Nature, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Forgiveness, Intuition,...
Oct 01 2005
Berkeley Zen Center

Hui Neng, Sixth Ancestor

Serial: BZ-01189

Gatha of the Platform Sutra, Saturday Lecture

Hui Neng, Platform Sutra, Composure, training, Platform Sutra, Attachment, Hate,...
Sep 24 2005
Berkeley Zen Center

August 20th, 2005, Serial No. 01342

Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Buddha Ancestors, Commitment, Priest, Addiction,...
Aug 20 2005

August 4th, 2005, Serial No. 03167

Forgiveness, Monastic Practice, Evil, Separation, training, Religion, Conversation,...
Aug 04 2005

Guidelines for Practice Period

Serial: BZ-01318B

One-Day Sitting

Practice Period, Practice Period, Commitment, Forgiveness, Daily Life, Precepts,...
Apr 16 2005
Berkeley Zen Center

Hokyo Zammai Class

Precepts, Intuition, Forgiveness, Faith, Patience, Buddha Nature, Letting Go, Five...
Feb 17 2005

February 17th, 2005, Serial No. 00773

Precepts, Intuition, Forgiveness, Buddha Nature, Absolute-and-Relative, Repentance,...
Feb 17 2005

January 15th, 2005, Serial No. 00833

Big Mind, Ego, Daily Life, Dharma Transmission, Lineage, Forgiveness, Equanimity,...
Jan 15 2005

Life Is Like Sesshin: Use of Kyusaku: Being Reborn

Serial: BZ-01297

Forgiveness. Renewal for the New Year, Rohatsu Day 7

New Year, Heart Sutra, Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Renewal,...
Dec 05 2004
Berkeley Zen Center

December 5th, 2004, Serial No. 01565

New Year, Heart Sutra, Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Renewal,...
Dec 05 2004

October 30th, 2004, Serial No. 01287

Dana, Soto Zen, Aspects of Practice, Practice Period, Lay, Forgiveness, Rinzai,...
Oct 30 2004

September 8th, 2004, Serial No. 01109

Blue Cliff Record, Delusion, Commitment, Sangha, Patience, Forgiveness, Teacher-and-...
Sep 08 2004
City Center

July 27th, 2004, Serial No. 00283

Serial: MS-00283


Intimacy, Forgiveness, Priest
Jul 27 2004
Mt. Saviour Monastery

Which Is The Real Seijo?

Serial: SF-00967

One-day sitting lecture: when our "soul is split", what is true? Just sitting in the midst of samsara.

Letting Go, Four Noble Truths, Suzuki Roshi, Big Mind, Subject-and-Object, Buddha...
Jun 19 2004
Green Gulch

June 3rd, 2004, Serial No. 01025, Side B

Emotions, Birth-and-Death, Equanimity, Posture, Hate, Passions, confusion,...
Jun 03 2004

March 27th, 2004, Serial No. 01257

Impermanence, Berkeley Zen Center, Silence, Diversity, Birth-and-Death, Practice...
Mar 27 2004

January 4th, 2004, Serial No. 00081

Intimacy, Passions, Forgiveness
Jan 04 2004
Mt. Saviour Monastery

June 7th, 2003, Serial No. 01107

Faith, Vow, Bodhisattva Vow, Suzuki Roshi, Patience, Forgiveness, Practice Period,...
Jun 07 2003

World Peace

Serial: BZ-00133A

Anti-Iraq War/Peace March Talk, One-Day Sitting

Peace, War, Current Events, stubbornness, Forgiveness, War, Peace, Religion,...
Mar 16 2003
Berkeley Zen Center

February 22nd, 2003, Serial No. 00182, Side A

Confession-and-Repentance, Separation, Patience, Emotions, Conversation, Culture,...
Feb 22 2003


Continuous Practice, Buddha Mind, Sangha, Attachment, difficulty, Forgiveness,...
Feb 17 2003

January 7th, 2003, Serial No. 00029

Peace, Oneness, Forgiveness
Jan 07 2003
Mt. Saviour Monastery

January 4th, 2003, Serial No. 00023

Forgiveness, Repentance, Intuition
Jan 04 2003
Mt. Saviour Monastery

Six Properties of Mind

Serial: BZ-00150A

Sesshin Day 1

Posture, Peace, Dragons, resistance, Daily Life, Forgiveness, Rinzai, Intuition, Bell...
Jun 19 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

May 2nd, 2002, Serial No. 00447

Right Speech, Conversation, Precepts, Silence, Happiness, New Year, Culture,...
May 02 2002

March 2nd, 2002, Serial No. 00140, Side A

Oneness, Forgiveness, Ego, Anger, American, Enemies, Attachment, Silence, Chanting,...
Mar 02 2002


Serial: BZ-00061B

Saturday Lecture

Forgiveness, Anger, Forgiveness, Equanimity, Evil, Attachment, Precepts, Politics,...
Jan 26 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Sunday Lecture

Two Truths, Four Noble Truths, Humility, Buddha Ancestors, New Year, Liberation,...
Dec 30 2001
Green Gulch

September 8th, 2001, Serial No. 00090

Vow, Buddha Ancestors, training, Priest, Patience, American, Forgiveness, Repentance...
Sep 08 2001


Big Mind, Rumi, Sutra, Death, Forgiveness
Jul 16 2001
