difficulty Talks

Showing 148 talks

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No Abode Dharma Talk - July 10th, 2021, Morning

The first in-person meeting at No Abode since 2020

Emotions, Suzuki Roshi, difficulty, Vimalakirti
Jul 10 2021
No Abode Hermitage

Teachings for the Welfare of the World

In this summer series, teachings will be offered for those who aspire to embrace and sustain the great earth and all living beings in order to realize peace and freedom in our troubled world

YRB-2019-Summer, Evil, Priest, Balance, American, Building, War, japanese, difficulty...
Jul 30 2019
The Yoga Room

Teachings for the Welfare of the World

In this summer series, teachings will be offered for those who aspire to embrace and sustain the great earth and all living beings in order to realize peace and freedom in our troubled world.

YRB-2019-Summer, Silence, Transmission, true dharma, Religion, Passions, Suzuki Roshi...
Jul 02 2019
The Yoga Room

Silent Sitting & Social Action

Zen students often ask how our practice of silence and stillness relates to injustice and our environmental crisis. In this class we explore this question and study the intimate interplay of...

YRB-2018-Fall, Silence, Attachment, Daily Life, Desire, Duality, Tassajara Zen...
Nov 27 2018
7 of 7
The Yoga Room

Silent Sitting & Social Action

Zen students often ask how our practice of silence and stillness relates to injustice and our environmental crisis. In this class we explore this question and study the intimate interplay of...

YRB-2018-Fall, Impermanence, Building, Passions, Funeral, Beginners, Duality, Doubt,...
Nov 06 2018
4 of 7
The Yoga Room

Silent Sitting & Social Action

Zen students often ask how our practice of silence and stillness relates to injustice and our environmental crisis. In this class we explore this question and study the intimate interplay of...

YRB-2018-Fall, Silence, Bodhisattva Vow, Ego, Priest, Breath, Letting Go, difficulty...
Oct 30 2018
3 of 7
The Yoga Room

Guidance or Control

Control is antithetical to enlightenment; NASA control center and GPS guidance systems; granddaughter's pacifier

Birth-and-Death, difficulty, Transmission, Zendo, American, Patience
Feb 03 2018
No Abode Hermitage


Family Practice, Teacher-and-Student, Nirvana Sutra, Bodhidharma, Samsara, difficulty...
Aug 22 2015


Samadhi, Impermanence, Vow, Fasting, Intention, lecture, difficulty
Aug 22 2015


Manjushri, Subject-and-Object, Impermanence, Offering, Dragons, difficulty, Vow,...
Aug 20 2015

Facing Change and Realizing Peace 

Commitment, Soto Zen, difficulty, Obstacles, Buddha Nature
Aug 09 2012
The Yoga Room

Facing Change and Realizing Peace 

Commitment, difficulty, Japan, Funeral
Aug 02 2012
The Yoga Room


Oneness, Attachment, Subject-and-Object, Forgiveness, Intimacy, Non-discrimination,...
Aug 01 2012


Greed, Subject-and-Object, Posture, Dragons, difficulty, Addiction, Commitment,...
Jul 31 2012


Dharma Transmission, Breath, Bodhidharma, Passions, Manjushri, Happiness, difficulty...
Jul 29 2012

The Bodhisattva's Creativity and Freedom 

Monkey Mind, Practice Period, Hindrances, difficulty, Bodhisattva Way
Dec 01 2011
The Yoga Room

Zen Stories 

Intimacy, Koan, Interview, difficulty, Zendo
Apr 28 2011
The Yoga Room

Training for the Selfless Heart 

Bodhidharma, Addiction, difficulty, Enthusiasm, Bodhisattva Way
Apr 15 2010
The Yoga Room


Culture, Hindrances, Fox, Chanting, Enemies, Religion, Lay, zen, difficulty
Oct 04 2008


difficulty, Precepts, Passions, Samadhi, Samsara, Intention, Daily Life, Subject-and-...
Oct 03 2008


Subject-and-Object, training, Monastic Practice, Dependent Origination, Oneness,...
Oct 02 2008


Posture, Oneness, Dharma Transmission, Bodhidharma, Big Mind, Heart Sutra, difficulty...
Jan 24 2008


Four Noble Truths, Don't Know Mind, Samsara, Buddha Ancestors, difficulty, Fox,...
Jan 23 2008


Duality, Non-duality, Samsara, Oneness, Non-discrimination, difficulty, Teacher-and-...
Jan 22 2008


Daily Life, Buddha Nature, Oneness, Buddha Ancestors, difficulty, Impermanence,...
Jan 22 2008

Zen Meditation as Bodhisattva Vow

During this course, we will study the bodhisattva vow, to see how the compassionate intentions of enlightening beings generate, work, and play with the mind of enlightenment to promote peace and...

Nirvana, Bodhisattva Vow, resistance, Faith, Buddha Nature, difficulty
Aug 14 2007
The Yoga Room

Enlightenment is the Silent Bond 

Discrimination, Religion, Desire, difficulty
Apr 01 2007
Green Gulch Farm


Hindrances, Beginners, difficulty, Vow, Interdependence, Nirvana Sutra, Buddha...
Jan 15 2007


Anger, Happiness, Gratitude, Dragons, Attachment, Chanting, Greed, Enemies, Sangha,...
Feb 03 2006


Bodhidharma, Four Noble Truths, Attachment, Precepts, Sangha, resistance, Vinaya,...
Feb 02 2006


Demons, Compassion, Dragons, Balance, Vow, Buddha Mind, difficulty, Offering,...
Feb 01 2006


Precepts, Vinaya, Ordination, Culture, Interview, difficulty, Enemies, Happiness,...
Jan 31 2006


Offering, Hindrances, Gratitude, New Year, Sangha, difficulty, Chanting, Daily Life,...
Jan 30 2006


Soto Zen, Dharma Transmission, Sangha, Ordination, Enemies, lecture, zen, difficulty...
Jan 29 2006


Buddha Ancestors, Family Practice, difficulty, Continuous Practice, Buddha Mind,...
Nov 05 2005


Buddha Nature, Nirvana Sutra, Heart Sutra, Impermanence, New Year, Subject-and-Object...
Feb 27 2004


Meditation, Sixth Patriarch, Dharma Transmission, Religion, Instruction, Breath,...
Feb 20 2003


Continuous Practice, true dharma, Gratitude, Intention, difficulty, Offering,...
Feb 18 2003


Continuous Practice, Buddha Mind, Sangha, Attachment, difficulty, Forgiveness,...
Feb 17 2003


Continuous Practice, true dharma, Dharma Transmission, Buddha Ancestors, Instruction...
Feb 15 2003


Ego, Zazen, Attachment, difficulty, Precepts, Passions
Mar 10 2002


Repentance, Daily Life, Vow, Practice Period, Culture, lecture, difficulty, Precepts...
Aug 10 2001


Posture, Big Mind, Emotions, difficulty, Sangha, Attachment, Passions
Apr 26 1997


Four Noble Truths, Heart Sutra, Posture, Don't Know Mind, Bodhidharma, Daily...
Apr 26 1997

Green Tara Serial 00020

Demons, Evil, Enemies, Peace, Continuous Practice, Ego, difficulty
Oct 19 1991
Tape 2
Cupertino California

Visualization and Mantra in Buddhist Meditation Serial 00035

Buddha Nature, Commitment, Mahayana, Daily Life, Bodhisattva Vow, Duality, Ceremony,...
Nov 11 1988
Tape 1?

Benefits of Meditation for Self and Others Serial 00004

Posture, Commitment, Emotions, Culture, Letting Go, Cultivation, difficulty, Hate,...
Apr 18 1988
Tape 1

Visualization in Vajrayana Practice Serial 00002

Culture, Politics, Intention, difficulty, Beginners
Apr 16 1988
Tape 2

The Spirit of the Mahayana Serial 00031

Bodhisattva Vow, difficulty, Monks, Mindfulness, Sanctuary, Interview, Manjushri...
May 17 1984
2nd session (1st intro)
New York City

The Spirit of Mahayana Buddhism, Serial 00032

Four Noble Truths, difficulty, New Year, Monks, Nirvana, Intuition, Conversation,...
May 15 1984
4th session
New York City
