Dana Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Sangha Jewel American, Building, Religion, Ordination, Dana |
Jun 19 2021 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Practice of Generosity: Mutuality of Giver and ReceiverSerial: TL-00636 ADZG Sunday Morning, Dana, Money, Conversation, Practice Period |
Dec 15 2019 ADZG Temple |
The Practice of Thanks GivingSerial: TL-00555 ADZG Sunday Morning, Gratitude, Dana, Money, Fundraising, Tenzo |
Nov 25 2018 ADZG Temple |
Ten Bodhisattva Practices: Giving and WisdomSerial: TL-00510 ADZG Sunday Morning, Dana, Paramitas, Heart Sutra, Manjushri, Two Truths |
Mar 25 2018 ADZG Temple |
Zazen and GenerositySerial: TL-00477 ADZG Monday Night, Gratitude, Money, Fundraising, Building, Dana |
Jul 24 2017 ADZG Temple |
Transforming the Three PoisonsSerial: TL-00224 ADZG Sunday Morning, Desire, Pain, Commitment, Fundraising, Dana |
Dec 12 2010 ADZG Temple |
The Practice of GenerositySerial: TL-00190 ADZG Sunday Morning, Gratitude, Berkeley Zen Center, Letting Go, Dana |
May 24 2009 ADZG Temple |
Prajna Paramita - DanaSerial: BZ-01233 Introduce Practice Period Shuso, One-Day Sitting Prajna Paramita, Dana, Shuso, Daily Life, Happiness, Practice Period, Precepts,... |
May 07 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
October 30th, 2004, Serial No. 01287 Dana, Soto Zen, Aspects of Practice, Practice Period, Lay, Forgiveness, Rinzai,... |
Oct 30 2004 |
Dining Room Lecture Right Speech, Sangha, Practice Period, Dana, Suzuki Roshi, Diversity, Intimacy,... |
Apr 27 2004 Tassajara |
Dogen Class: Miracles Zazen, Intimacy, Lineage, Dream World, Lotus Sutra, Teacher-and-Student, Don't... |
Nov 17 2003 Green Gulch |
Presence Beyond Ego: Path to Unity Four Noble Truths, Emotions, Letting Go, Right Effort, Right Speech, Separation, Ego... |
Apr 20 2002 City Center |
Hindrances: Fear Hindrances, Don't Know Mind, Letting Go, Dana, Anger, Emotions, Suzuki Roshi,... |
Dec 03 2000 City Center |
Saturday Lecture Right Speech, Dana, Precepts, Suzuki Roshi, Attachment, Intimacy, Duality, Non-... |
May 20 2000 City Center |
Wednesday Lecture Practice Period, Silence, Posture, Three Treasures, Mindfulness, Tassajara Zen... |
Apr 01 1998 Green Gulch |
Saturday Lecture Daily Life, Non-discrimination, Observe, Dana, realization, Emptiness, Discrimination... |
Jan 24 1998 City Center |
Saturday Lecture Two Truths, Attachment, Non-attachment, Separation, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,... |
Oct 25 1997 City Center |
Heart Sutra Practice Period, Conversation, Heart Sutra, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Oneness,... |
Jun 28 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dana & The ParamitasSerial: BZ-00788B Saturday Lecture Dana, Renunciation, Gratitude, Patience, Ego, Offering, Precepts, Attachment,... |
Nov 09 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
June 21st, 1994, Serial No. 00075 Fox, Dana, Continuous Practice, Funeral, Tenzo |
Jun 21 1994 |
Monastic HistorySerial: NC-00333 Monastic History Class, complete Palestinian monasticism and begin Syrian monasticism. OSB Cam, Dana, zen |
Jan 13 1994 10 of 34 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Obstacles as Pathways to Enlightenment Obstacles, Anger, Doubt, Enemies, Dana, Emotions, Observe, Bell, Vow, Instruction... |
Jul 23 1989 |
Direct Experience and Thinking about ExperienceSerial: BZ-00389A Lecture Peace, Silence, Birth-and-Death, Aspects of Practice, Intimacy, War, Subject-and-... |
Jul 13 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |
Book of Serenity: Case #2Serial: BZ-00418A The Highest Truth is Emptiness, Rohatsu Day 6 Emptiness, SER-2, Enlightenment, Bodhidharma, Two Truths, Four Noble Truths, Practice... |
Dec 1983 Part 1 of 2 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #43Serial: BZ-00006B How Can We Avoid Heat and Cold?, Saturday Lecture BCR-43 Koan, resistance, Non-violence, Fasting, Anger, Dana, Daily Life, Building, training... |
Mar 05 1983 Berkeley Zen Center |
Home for the Holidays Practicing Our Koan: "What Is This?" Religion, Precepts, Dana, Big Mind, Offering, Duality |
Dec 18 1982 |
Dana: The First ParamitaSerial: BZ-00011B Saturday Lecture Dana, Study Period, Precepts, Posture, confusion, Concentration, Mindfulness, Daily... |
Apr 17 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Ngon Dro Nyam Len, Serial 00051 Monks, Dana, Chanting, Peace, Bell, Enemies, Passions, Sangha, Evil |
Mar 09 1980 Session 2 New York City |
On Kechimyaku, Inka and RobesSerial: SF-00028 Interviewed by Kazuaki Tanahashi; brief history of studies in Rinzai dojo; nature of being a roshi. Hate, Dana, Religion, Intuition, Lineage, Evil, Happiness, Freedom, Doubt |
Jan 09 1977 |
Because Of Our Many Desires, We Do Not Have FreedomFreedom, Desire, Changsha, Suffering, Dana, Death, Lay, Offering, Bell, Truth... |
Aug 03 1971 Tassajara |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-13Serial: SR-00005 Fall 1968 Lotus Sutra, Wisdom, Monks, Sutra, Dana, Silence, Lay, Transmission, Karma, Breath,... |
Oct 1968 Series 2, Talk 13 Tassajara |
Lotus Sūtra No. I-3Serial: SR-00117 February 1968 Lotus Sutra, Wisdom, Dana, Perfect Wisdom, Intention, Monks, Sutra, Precepts,... |
Feb 1968 Series 1, Talk 3 Tassajara |
Reflections on the Prajna Paramita SutraSerial: SF-05135A ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #19, by Shundo David Haye ===== This is the talk that was chosen by the... Sesshin, Sengai, Time, Emptiness, Ego, Continuous Practice, Evil, Nirvana,... |
Aug 24 1967 Tassajara |
ShōbōgenzōSerial: SF-05093F Thursday, August 18, 1966 Sesshin, Buddha Mind, Birth-and-Death, Dana, Fasting, Interdependence |
Aug 18 1966 B Sokoji |
On Japanese Zen, Christians and Zen, Various RoshisSerial: SF-01130 Tape 6 copy 1 Dana, Lay, Priest, Zazen, Religion, Zendo, Mahayana, training, Soto Zen,... |
Mar 1966 Kyoto |
Manjushri Sapan, Serial 00062 Manjushri, true dharma, Bell, Dana, Delusion, Breath, Commitment, Renunciation,... |
On Japanese Zen, Christians and Zen, Various RoshisSerial: SF-01126 Tape 6 copy 2 - duplicate Religion, Priest, New Year, Lay, Mahayana, Dana, Zendo, Zazen, training, Rinzai... |