Rinzai Talks

The Rinzai school (Japanese: 臨済宗, romanized: Rinzai-shū, simplified Chinese: 临济宗; traditional Chinese: 臨濟宗; pinyin: Línjì zōng), named after Linji Yixuan (Romaji: Rinzai Gigen, died 866 CE) is one of three sects of Zen in Japanese Buddhism, along with Sōtō and Ōbaku. The Chinese Linji school of Chan Buddhism was first transmitted to Japan by Myōan Eisai (1141 –1215). Contemporary Japanese Rinzai is derived entirely from the Ōtōkan lineage transmitted through Hakuin Ekaku (1686–1769), who is a major figure in the revival of the Rinzai tradition.
Title | Speaker | |
Transmitting the Pierced NostrilsSerial: TL-00186 ADZG Monday Night, training, Rinzai, Thich Nhat Hanh, Bodhidharma, Lay Ordination |
Apr 06 2009 ADZG Temple |
Japanese culture and engaged BuddhismSerial: TL-00183 ADZG Monday Night, Rinzai, Mindfulness, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Vimalakirti, Religion |
Mar 09 2009 ADZG Temple |
The Chicago Koan - Dongshan's Place Between Hot and ColdSerial: TL-00182 ADZG Monday Night, Passions, Skandas, Desire, Silence, Rinzai |
Feb 09 2009 ADZG Temple |
Just This - Dogen's Fukanzazengi: Have Know KidzendoSerial: BZ-01161C Saturday Lecture Fukanzazengi, Dogen, Duality, Dragons, Posture, Non-duality, Instruction, Buddha... |
Sep 27 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
September 27th, 2008, Serial No. 01564 Non-duality, Duality, Dragons, Posture, Buddha Nature, confusion, Instruction, Lay,... |
Sep 27 2008 |
March 22nd, 2008, Serial No. 01121 Silent Illumination, Discrimination, Intuition, Duality, Teacher-and-Student, Non-... |
Mar 22 2008 |
Find Out the Root of the Problem for YourselfSerial: BZ-01118 Dokan and Gyoji: Let one teacher help you find your solution, Saturday Lecture Continuous Practice, Aspects of Practice, Continuous Practice, training, Intuition,... |
Mar 01 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
2008.01.25-serial.00113E Silence, Buddha Nature, Non-duality, Big Mind, Oneness, Duality, Teacher-and-Student... |
Jan 25 2008 |
The Shape of Buddhanature: Essence in FormSerial: BZ-01100 Clarifying Illumination of Enlightenment, Rohatsu Day 2 Practice, Enlightenment, Humility, Buddha Nature, Buddha Mind, Don't Know Mind,... |
Dec 03 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Seigen Gyoshi asks Daikan Eno about:Serial: BZ-01441 Falling Into Classifications, Sesshin Day 2 Seigen Gyoshi, Daikan Eno, Discrimination, Gaining Mind, Four Noble Truths, Teacher-... |
Jun 21 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Six Factors of ZazenSerial: BZ-01431 One-Day Sitting Zazen, Concentration, Birth-and-Death, Daily Life, Emotions, Samadhi, Posture,... |
Apr 15 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen's Acupuncture Point of Zazen: Beating the cart or beating the horseSerial: BZ-01423 Saturday Lecture Zazenshin, Dogen, Lineage, Separation, Dharma Transmission, Dogen, Transmission,... |
Mar 03 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Enlightenment as Everyday Life; "Nothing Special"Serial: BZ-01421 Koun Ejô and Suzuki-roshi commentaries, Sesshin Day 3 Enlightenment, Koun Ejô, Samadhi, Daily Life, Thoroughness, Continuous Practice,... |
Feb 19 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
2007.01.18-serial.00117C Oneness, Silent Illumination, Buddha Nature, Meditation, Soto Zen, Buddha Ancestors,... |
Jan 18 2007 |
Commentary on "Brown Rice is Just Right"Serial: BZ-01401 Suzuki-rôshi's lecture in "Not Always So", Rohatsu Day 1 Suzuki Roshi, Teacher-and-Student, Pure Existence, Monastic Practice, Sixth Patriarch... |
Nov 27 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
Aspects of PracticeSerial: BZ-01392 Fall 2006, Saturday Lecture Aspects of Practice, Practice Position, Daily Life, Offering, Aspects of Practice,... |
Oct 14 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
September 24th, 2006, Serial No. 01388 Intimacy, Dharma Transmission, Blue Cliff Record, Lineage, Transmission, Lotus Sutra... |
Sep 24 2006 |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #10Serial: BZ-01384 "You Empty-Headed Fool", Sesshin Day 2 BCR-10, Darkness and Light, Buddha Nature, Duality, Rinzai, Birth-and-Death, Daily... |
Sep 03 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
April 1st, 2006, Serial No. 00097 Faith, Continuous Practice, Tenzo, Rinzai, Lay Practice |
Apr 01 2006 |
March 2006 talk, Serial No. 00054 Silent Illumination, Rinzai, Five Ranks |
Mar 2006 |
FukanzazengiSerial: BZ-01217 Part I, Sesshin Day 2 Fukanzazengi, Silent Illumination, Lineage, Discrimination, Daily Life, Sanctuary,... |
Feb 19 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
“Poems are not Poems”: The Poetry of RyokanSerial: BZ-01213 Teaching Retreat, part 1 of 2 Priest, Silence, Discrimination, Aspects of Practice, Practice Period, Beginners,... |
Feb 04 2006 1 Berkeley Zen Center |
BellsSerial: BZ-01211 Saturday Lecture Bell, Bell, Chanting, Subject-and-Object, Separation, Buddha Nature, Bodhisattva... |
Jan 21 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #86: "Everyone Has Their Light"Serial: BZ-01205 Temple Storehouse, Temple Gate, Rohatsu Day 5 Ummon, BCR-86, Doubt, Buddha Nature, Darkness and Light, Buddha Ancestors, Hindrances... |
Dec 02 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
Faith and Doubt TypesSerial: BZ-01203B Rohatsu Day 3 Faith, Doubt, Doubt, Soto Zen, Rinzai, Karma, Sixth Patriarch, Platform Sutra,... |
Nov 30 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
October 23rd, 2005, Serial No. 01195 Practice Period, Mahayana, Aspects of Practice, Hindrances, Ego, Intimacy, Rinzai,... |
Oct 23 2005 |
Mumonkan: Case #3Serial: BZ-01194B Gutei's One Finger, Saturday Lecture Gutei, MM-3, Renewal, Sanctuary, Rinzai, Bodhidharma, Hindrances, confusion, Hate,... |
Oct 22 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
September 25th, 2005, Serial No. 01190 Lineage, Chanting, Rinzai, Lay Practice, Dharma Transmission, Teacher-and-Student,... |
Sep 25 2005 |
Breathing OutSerial: BZ-01186 Sesshin Day 2 Breath, Pure Existence, Renunciation, Buddha Nature, Karma, Don't Know Mind, Big... |
Sep 04 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
July 23rd, 2005, Serial No. 01338 Continuous Practice, Intuition, Big Mind, Heart Sutra, Bodhisattva Way, Soto Zen,... |
Jul 23 2005 |
Stand Up from the GroundSerial: BZ-01567 Saturday Lecture Form-and-Emptiness, Continuous Practice, Intuition, Big Mind, Bodhisattva Way, Soto... |
Jul 23 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
GenjokoanSerial: BZ-01035A Class 5 of 5 Daily Life, Offering, Monastic Practice, Soto Zen, Birth-and-Death, Tassajara Zen... |
Jun 16 2005 5 Berkeley Zen Center |
2005.05.08-serial.00184 Buddha Nature, Mindfulness, Posture, Observe, Dependent Origination, confusion,... |
May 08 2005 |
March 19th, 2005, Serial No. 00126 Monkey Mind, Attachment, Buddha Ancestors, Rinzai |
Mar 19 2005 |
March 2005 talk, Serial No. 00058 Monkey Mind, Attachment, Rinzai, Letting Go |
Mar 2005 |
Make Your Vow and Root it Deeply Vow, Bodhisattva Vow, Greed, Mahayana, Daily Life, Religion, American, Priest, Rinzai... |
Feb 26 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sesshin LectureSerial: SF-03651 Sesshin 1 Day 4 (date on cassette - 1.29 - is inconsistent with the previous dates in this sesshin) Suzuki Roshi, Practice Period, Bell, Zendo, Passions, Posture, Emptiness, Rinzai,... |
Jan 28 2005 Tassajara |
The Eighth Characteristic of an Enlightened PersonSerial: BZ-01298 No Babbling (Idle Talk), Saturday Lecture Enlightenment, Precepts, Right Speech, Dream World, Subject-and-Object, Silence, Ego... |
Dec 11 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
Heart SutraSerial: BZ-01291D Rohatsu Day 1 Heart Sutra, Form-and-Emptiness, Dependent Origination, Impermanence, Samadhi,... |
Nov 29 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 18th, 2004, Serial No. 01030, Side A Dragons, Transmission, Fox, Buddha Ancestors, Lineage, Interview, Lotus Sutra,... |
Nov 18 2004 |
November 11th, 2004, Serial No. 01029, Side A Lay Practice, Lay, Buddha Ancestors, Aspects of Practice, Transmission, Rinzai,... |
Nov 11 2004 |
November 4th, 2004, Serial No. 01028, Side A Five Ranks, Heart Sutra, Teacher-and-Student, Rinzai, Aspects of Practice, Blue Cliff... |
Nov 04 2004 |
October 30th, 2004, Serial No. 01287 Dana, Soto Zen, Aspects of Practice, Practice Period, Lay, Forgiveness, Rinzai,... |
Oct 30 2004 |
Gakudo Yojunshu, Point #7Serial: BZ-01267 Turning Dharma and Being Turned by Dharma, Sesshin Day 1 Gakudo Yojin-Shu, Dogen, Lotus Sutra, Dragons, Buddha Mind, Obstacles, Silent... |
Jun 16 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen's BendowaSerial: BZ-01253 Saturday Lecture Bendowa, Repentance, Samadhi, Six Realms, Offering, Oneness, Lineage, Demons, Rinzai... |
Mar 06 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 13th, 2003, Serial No. 01016, Side B Ordinary Mind, Hindrances, Practice Period, Rinzai, Dragons, Dharma Transmission,... |
Nov 13 2003 |
November 8th, 2003, Serial No. 01366 Dragons, Interdependence, Rinzai, Samadhi, Bell, Duality, Vow, Posture, Instruction... |
Nov 08 2003 |
June 14th, 2003, Serial No. 00136 Lay, Rinzai, Avalokiteshvara, Blue Cliff Record, Priest |
Jun 14 2003 |
April 24th, 2003, Serial No. 00296 Book of Serenity, Silent Illumination, Posture, Practice Period, Rinzai, Dragons,... |
Apr 24 2003 |
Light in Buddhism: Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi: Bells, Lightness and FaithSerial: BZ-00542 Class 7 of 7 Bell, Doubt, Daily Life, Attachment, Religion, Anger, Rinzai, Chanting, Mindfulness,... |
Apr 01 2003 7 Chapel Hill Zen Center |