Lovingkindness Talks

Showing 33 talks

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Title Speaker

Compassion with the Controlling Impulse

Emphasizing compassion and de-emphasizing trying to control. Compassion with the impulse to try to control. Being careful without trying to control. Impartiality towards the outcome; for example,...

Compassion, control, non-grasping, Lovingkindness, Avalokiteshvara, Avalokiteshvara,...
Feb 04 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Protecting and Liberating All Beings

A residential retreat at Mount Madonna.

#MtMadonna-2021-Fall, unconscious process, Lovingkindness, Conversation, Karmic...
Nov 20 2021
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Mount Madonna Center

Practicing Compassion with Beings in Suffering

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community

Great compassion, Lovingkindness, Happiness, Patience, Fox
Jul 31 2021

Public Dokusan 6

Six Realms, Teacher-and-Student, Nirvana, Politics, Zoom, Doubt, War, Sangha, Dragons...
Aug 14 2020

The Womb of the Tathagata #5

Torei's vow; bowing in humility in the face of cruelty; meeting monsters with lovingkindness.

Confession-and-Repentance, Lovingkindness,
Aug 11 2018
No Abode Hermitage

Topography of Bodhisattva Practices: Zazen

Serial: TL-00523

ADZG Sesshin,
Dharma Talk

Vimalakirti, Lovingkindness, Manjushri, Letting Go
Jun 01 2018
ADZG Temple

Maitreya Bodhisattva

Serial: TL-00516

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Lovingkindness, Patience, Mahayana, Aspects of Practice
Apr 22 2018
ADZG Temple

Traditional Sources for Buddhist Social Action

Serial: TL-00483

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Branching Streams, Lotus Sutra, Priest, Lovingkindness
Aug 28 2017
ADZG Temple

Awakening Lives In Silence And Stillness

In the midst of stillness there is the awakened activity of liberating beings; lovingkindness and politics; becoming Buddha by realizing causation; not being possessive of anything, even the dharma,...

Lovingkindness, Zazen, Cause-and-Effect, Liberation, causation, Lovingkindness, zen...
Jan 02 2017
No Abode Hermitage

Faces of Compassion - Part 3

Serial: TL-00348

Two Arrows Zen telephone course,

Lovingkindness, Manjushri, Duality, Balance, Vasubandhu
Aug 09 2014
Two Arrows Zen

The Self Settling the Self on the Self

Birth-and-Death, Aspects of Practice, Chanting, Posture, Teacher-and-Student,...
Nov 10 2012

The Question of Love

Serial: BZ-02243

Zen Lesson in the Art of Leadership, Saturday Lecture

Partiality and Impartiality


Lovingkindness, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy, Equanimity, Attachment, Big Mind,...
May 26 2012
Berkeley Zen Center


The pursuit of happiness vs. wanting others to be happy; happiness from absorption in activity

Teachings on Happiness for Dancing Mountains Sangha newsletter
Date: February 3, 2007...

Lovingkindness, Desire, zen meditation, Religion, Emptiness
Feb 03 2007
No Abode Hermitage

Zendo Lecture

training, Instruction, Attachment, Equanimity, Impermanence, Lovingkindness,...
Aug 24 2005

Buddhism and War

Serial: BZ-00133B

The Six Realms and What Bodhisattvas Do in Each One, Saturday Lecture

Buddhism, War, Bodhisattva, Six Realms, War, Demons, Greed, Peace, Current Events,...
Mar 22 2003
Berkeley Zen Center

October 3rd, 2002, Serial No. 00457

Attachment, Impermanence, Lovingkindness, Commitment, Cultivation, Anger, Hate,...
Oct 03 2002


Serial: SF-04014

Summer intensive

Constancy, Birth-and-Death, Emotions, Delusion, Lovingkindness, Letting Go, Doubt,...
Aug 02 2002
City Center

Eight Social Practices of the Buddha

Serial: SF-03230

One-day sitting lecture: 1 - Guided meditation; 2 - eight ways of activity and cultivation: 1-4 inward, 5-8 ways to be in the world; four unlimited practices

Letting Go, Happiness, Cultivation, Monastic Practice, Equanimity, Peace,...
Jul 20 1998
Green Gulch

Questions and Answers

Serial: SF-04820

Commercially Produced cassette: Sounds True - - Pain, Love and Happiness with Thich Nhat Hanh - September 1-6 1997 Sponsored by the Community of Mindful Living

Happiness, Bell, Freedom, Peace, Daily Life, Birth-and-Death, Mindfulness, Offering,...
Sep 01 1997

Contemplative Prayer: Practice of the Presence of God

Serial: NC-00931

Contemplative Prayer class. Practice of the Presence of God

Commitment, Breath, Continuous Practice, Intention, Lovingkindness
Oct 18 1994
6 of 7
New Camaldoli Hermitage


Lovingkindness, Equanimity, Skandas, Letting Go, Emotions
Oct 02 1994


Gratitude, Lovingkindness, Passions, Intimacy, Big Mind
Nov 21 1993

Metta Sutta

Serial: BZ-00715A


Enemies, Anger, Mahayana, Equanimity, Greed, Lovingkindness, Happiness, Peace,...
Sep 07 1991
Berkeley Zen Center


Lovingkindness, Gratitude, Peace, Enemies, Observe
Nov 22 1990


Lovingkindness, Thich Nhat Hanh, Passions, Sixth Patriarch, Hindrances
Nov 22 1990


Religion, zen meditation, Demons, Liberation, Lovingkindness
Jan 27 1990

April 3rd, 1988, Serial No. 01807

Religion, Aspects of Practice, New Year, Hate, Lovingkindness, Attachment, Happiness...
Apr 03 1988

Rule of St. Benedict

Serial: NC-01065

Rule of St. Benedict lecture series

OSB Cam, training, Letting Go, Daily Life, Lovingkindness, Concentration
Dec 17 1987
6 of 6
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Buddhist Perspective on Love and Relationships

Serial: BZ-00394A

Sesshin Day 3

Love, Passions, Desire, Emotions, Liberation, New Year, Hate, Teacher-and-Student,...
Sep 03 1984
Berkeley Zen Center

The Four Unlimited Abodes

Enemies, Equanimity, Emotions, Lovingkindness, Happiness, Greed, Passions, Hate,...
May 21 1983
Berkeley Zen Center

On Love: The Four Unlimited Abodes

Serial: BZ-00001B

Saturday Lecture

Love, Enemies, Equanimity, Emotions, Lovingkindness, Happiness, training, Politics,...
May 21 1983
Berkeley Zen Center

Lama Govinda’s Paper

Serial: SF-00010


Religion, Emptiness, Sanctuary, Dragons, Birth-and-Death, Lovingkindness, Passions,...
Aug 05 1978

Foundation for Inter-Faith Dialogue

Serial: NC-00249

Archival Photo, Foundation for Inter-Faith Dialogue (for Community Use)

OSB Cam, Inter-faith Dialogue, Lovingkindness, Buddhism, zen meditation, Bell, Breath...
4 of 5 (#3 missing)