Lay Talks

Showing 565 talks

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The Way-Seeking Mind

Serial: SF-05116-C

March sesshin, only 1pm lecture. Evening lecture goofed up during recording.
SR 007

Dogen, Forgiveness, Addiction, Greed, Interview, Attachment, Conversation, Lay...
Mar 26 1966

On Chanting, Sokei-An

Serial: SF-01131B

Tape 4 copy 1

Rinzai, Chanting, Intuition, Continuous Practice, Bell, Lay, Zazen, Freedom,...
Mar 01 1966

On Japanese Zen, Christians and Zen, Various Roshis

Serial: SF-01130

Tape 6 copy 1

Dana, Lay, Priest, Zazen, Religion, Zendo, Mahayana, training, Soto Zen,...
Mar 1966

On Sokei-An

Serial: SF-01133

Tape 9 copy 1

Lay, Ceremony, Peace
Mar 1966

On Sokei-An, Harada-Roshi, Yasutani-Roshi

Serial: SF-01139

Tape 5 copy 1

Priest, Soto Zen, Lay, Rinzai, training, Sanctuary, Transmission, Zendo, Continuous...
Mar 1966

On Nanshin-Ken, Sokatsu-Shaku

Serial: SF-01137B

Tape 2 copy 1

Lay, Priest, Rinzai, Doubt, Religion
Feb 25 1966

On Sokatsu-Shaku, Goto-Roshi, Sokei-An

Serial: SF-01124

Tape 3 copy 2 - duplicate

Priest, Lay, Zendo, training, Ceremony, Freedom, Interview, Concentration, Passions,...
Feb 25 1966

On Sokatsu-Shaku, Goto-Roshi, Sokei-An

Serial: SF-01138

Tape 3 copy 1

Priest, Lay, training, Ceremony, Zendo, Freedom, Doubt, Soto Zen, Concentration,...
Feb 25 1966

On Nanshin-Ken, Sokatsu-Shaku

Serial: SF-01128

Tape 2 copy 2 - duplicate

Lay, Priest, Zendo, Doubt, Ceremony, Bowing, Zazen, Religion
Feb 22 1966

On Nanshin-Ken, Sokatsu-Shaku

Serial: SF-01137A

Tape 2 copy 1

Priest, Lay, Zendo, Ceremony, Bowing, Transmission, Emotions, Doubt, Peace
Feb 22 1966

1966, Serial No. 03507

Serial: SF-03507

Re: Various roshis; Sokei-An history - copy 1

Priest, Dragons, Nirvana, Lay, Sanctuary, Rinzai, Conversation, Zendo, Ceremony...

On Sokei-An, Harada-Roshi, Yasutani-Roshi

Serial: SF-01123

Tape 5 copy 2 - duplicate

Priest, Soto Zen, Lay, Rinzai, Sanctuary, training, Interview, Transmission, Zendo...

On Various Roshis, Sokei-An History

Serial: SF-01125

Tape 7 copy 2

Priest, Dragons, Nirvana, Sanctuary, Rinzai, Bell, Evil, Conversation, Lay, Faith...

On Japanese Zen, Christians and Zen, Various Roshis

Serial: SF-01126

Tape 6 copy 2 - duplicate

Religion, Priest, New Year, Lay, Mahayana, Dana, Zendo, Zazen, training, Rinzai...

Buddhism and Psychotherapy

Impermanence, Teacher-and-Student, resistance, Daily Life, Enemies, Lay, Precepts,...

Buddhism and Psychotherapy

Four Foundations, Mindfulness, Precepts, Peace, Happiness, Daily Life, Observe,...

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Buddhism and the Western Poetic Imagination

Serial: SF-01844

Commercially Produced cassette: Conference Recording Service 1308 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA 94706 - duplicate

Silence, Conversation, Faith, Darkness and Light, Enemies, Freedom, Letting Go, Lay,...

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Buddhism and the Western Poetic Imagination

Serial: SF-01847

Commercially Produced cassette: Conference Recording Service 1308 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA 94706

Silence, Conversation, Darkness and Light, Faith, Enemies, Freedom, Lay, Letting Go,...

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Seminar 4

Serial: SF-03514

Copyright 1998 by Gary Snyder - Unedited Preview Cassette

Politics, true dharma, Daily Life, Interview, Offering, Lay, Avalokiteshvara,...

Unknown Date, Serial 00019

Discrimination, Meditation, Chanting, Oneness, Lay, Religion, Hate

Unknown Date, Serial 00298

Practice Period, New Year, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Building, Gratitude, Zendo...

Unknown Date, Serial 00366

Precepts, Buddha Nature, Don't Know Mind, Greed, Lay, Emotions, American,...

Unknown Date, Serial 00381

Lay, Heart Sutra, Commitment, Religion, Culture, Community, Happiness, Sangha,...

Unknown Date, Serial 00390

Meditation, Heart Sutra, Mindfulness, Precepts, Non-duality, Culture, Lay,...

Unknown Date, Serial 00391

Precepts, American, Ordination, Lineage, Culture, Liberation, Vow, Community, Lay,...

Unknown Date, Serial 00393

Subject-and-Object, Culture, Mindfulness, realization, Compassion, Heart Sutra,...

Unknown Date, Serial 00394

Attachment, Religion, Community, Meditation, Addiction, Heart Sutra, Four Noble...

Unknown Date, Serial 00395

Lay, Commitment, Heart Sutra, Happiness, Monastic Practice, Culture, Community, Vow,...


Lay, Meditation, Offering, Monastic Practice, Compassion, Funeral, Lineage, Chanting...


Practice Period, training, Silence, Family Practice, Oneness, Buddha Nature, Lineage...


Gratitude, causation, Dependent Origination, Oneness, Culture, Zazen, Breath, Enemies...


Dharma Transmission, Buddha Ancestors, Non-discrimination, Precepts, Teacher-and-...

Unknown Date, Serial 00291, Side B

Precepts, Buddha Nature, Priest, Lay, Bodhisattva Precepts, Ordination, Transmission...

Unknown Date, Serial 00379, Side B

Lotus Sutra, Hindrances, Gratitude, Silence, Instruction, War, Mahayana, Bell, Peace...
Berkeley Zen Center

Unknown Date, Serial 00526

Observe, Dragons, Enemies, Fox, Bell, Posture, Instruction, War, Peace, Lay

Passage to Japan

Serial: BZ-00553

Part 1 of 3

Practice Position, Culture, Lay, Heart Sutra, Transmission, Dragons, Intuition,...

Transmitting the Light

Serial: BZ-00778


true dharma, Monastic Practice, Transmission, Teacher-and-Student, Continuous...

OLD - Stand Up by the Ground

Serial: SR-00131

Sesshin, Second Night Lecture
September, 1969

Continuous Practice, Freedom, Pain, reality, Ego, Lay, Emptiness, Hate

Unknown Date, Serial 00004, Side B

Passions, Bodhisattva Way, Anger, Karma, Lay, Happiness, confusion, Vow

Veil of Thoughts

Politics, Passions, Evil, Lay, Freedom, training, Religion, realization

Where Many Rivers Meet

Silence, Faith, Darkness and Light, Vow, Right Speech, Passions, Bodhisattva Vow,...

The Fifth Precept

Serial: SF-04085

Note: the Sixth Precept is not included in series - (did not reproduce well)

confusion, Don't Know Mind, Conversation, Faith, Greed, Transmission,...

Lecture on Tibet

Serial: SF-05340

Not Suzuki Roshi - lecture on Tibet-in-exile and HH Dalai Lama (both sides)

Interview, Faith, New Year, Buddha Nature, Transmission, Instruction, Lay, training,...

Where Many Rivers Meet

Silence, Doubt, Conversation, Faith, Bell, Lay, Funeral, Interview, Ego, Freedom...

The Third Grave Precept (do not misuse sex)

Precepts, Teacher-and-Student, Commitment, Attachment, training, realization, Lay,...

Do You Do It?

Politics, Ego, Birth-and-Death, Religion, Humility, Faith, Oneness, Bodhidharma,...

The Joker Part 3

Serial: SF-03042A


Darkness and Light, Ego, Lay, realization, Passions, Offering, Bell, Attachment,...

Aesthetics of Chinese and Japanese Art

Serial: SF-03029B


Conversation, Separation, Ego, Delusion, Lay, Anger, Freedom

Death and Rebirth Part 2

Serial: SF-03029A


Dependent Origination, Mahayana, Evil, Conversation, Impermanence, Ego, Enemies,...

The Philosophy of Nature

Serial: SF-03048B

Man's Place in Nature

Light-and-Darkness, Observe, Emotions, Samadhi, Nirvana, Ego, Passions, Lay, Religion...
