Instruction Talks
Title | Speaker | |
August 7th, 1973, Serial No. 00137 Anger, Emotions, Compassion, Instruction, Bodhisattva Vow |
Aug 07 1973 |
1973, Serial No. 03016Serial: SF-03016 8411-2 Dragons, Bodhidharma, Light-and-Darkness, First Principle, Ceremony, Instruction,... |
1973 Unknown |
December 5th, 1972, Serial No. 00499, Side B Tozan, Sixth Patriarch, Freedom, Baso, Instruction |
Dec 05 1972 |
Discovering Zen in Daily Life Buddha Nature, Posture, Karma, Instruction |
Oct 08 1972 |
August 7th, 1972, Serial No. 00245 Birth-and-Death, Suffering, Happiness, Community, realization, Instruction, Pain... |
Aug 07 1972 |
Zen Mind Balanced Body Posture, Composure, Instruction, Sambhogakaya, Bodhidharma |
Apr 01 1972 |
Allen Ginsberg and MusiciansSerial: SF-00105 Musical event. Attachment, Instruction, Obstacles, Offering, Vow, Anger, Religion |
Feb 22 1972 1 City Center |
Allen Ginsberg and MusiciansSerial: SF-00107 Musical event Obstacles, Vow, Instruction, Greed, Chanting, Passions, Offering, Attachment, Karma... |
Feb 22 1972 1 City Center |
December 5th, 1971, Serial No. 00218 Posture, Vow, Delusion, Transmission, lecture, training, Evil, Instruction, Beginners... |
Dec 05 1971 |
October 26th, 1971, Serial No. 00064 Concentration, Mahayana, Samadhi, Instruction, Beginners, Posture, Attachment,... |
Oct 26 1971 |
October 2nd, 1971, Serial No. 00059 Four Noble Truths, stubbornness, Suffering, Soto Zen, Instruction, Nirvana,... |
Oct 02 1971 |
October 2nd, 1971, Serial No. 00060 stubbornness, Suffering, Four Noble Truths, Soto Zen, Instruction, Posture, Nirvana,... |
Oct 02 1971 |
August 31st, 1971, Serial No. 00055 Buddha Nature, Birth-and-Death, Pain, Building, Instruction, Discrimination,... |
Aug 31 1971 |
August 7th, 1971, Serial No. 00258 Hindrances, Discrimination, Birth-and-Death, Instruction, difficulty, training,... |
Aug 07 1971 |
August 3rd, 1971, Serial No. 00264 Consciousness, confusion, lecture, Birth-and-Death, difficulty, Discrimination, Evil... |
Aug 03 1971 |
July 31st, 1971, Serial No. 00263 Consciousness, Evil, Ego, Interdependence, Constancy, Continuous Practice,... |
Jul 31 1971 |
July 15th, 1971, Serial No. 00260 American, Karma, Instruction, Consciousness, Culture, Lay, Emotions, Discrimination... |
Jul 15 1971 |
July 6th, 1971, Serial No. 00257 Monastic Practice, Lotus Sutra, Instruction, Culture, Ceremony, American, Mahayana,... |
Jul 06 1971 |
The Teaching Just for YouSerial: SR-00147 Sesshin Lecture No. 1 Sesshin, Precepts, Dragons, Bodhidharma, Truth, sitting, Buddha Nature, Politics,... |
Jun 05 1971 City Center |
May 8th, 1971, Serial No. 00293 Concentration, Right Effort, Instruction, Pain, Composure, Mindfulness, Observe,... |
May 08 1971 |
May 5th, 1971, Serial No. 00333 training, Breath, Offering, Pain, Demons, Instruction, Composure, Interdependence,... |
May 05 1971 |
April 25th, 1971, Serial No. 00330 Breath, Perfect Wisdom, Building, Instruction, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Lay,... |
Apr 25 1971 |
April 2nd, 1971, Serial No. 00321 Breath, Posture, Buddha Nature, Evil, Instruction, Meditation, lecture |
Apr 02 1971 |
April 1st, 1971, Serial No. 00320 Breath, Posture, Don't Know Mind, Instruction, Building, confusion, Delusion,... |
Apr 01 1971 |
Humor Is More Real Than ReallitySerial: SR-00274 Sesshin Lecture No. 5 Sesshin, Discrimination, Dragons, Observe, Emotions, Instruction, confusion |
Feb 09 1971 City Center |
December 1970 talk, Serial No. 00216 Transmission, Meditation, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Hindrances, Samadhi,... |
Dec 1970 |
Open Your IntuitionSerial: SF-05587-B Sesshin Meeting Sesshin, Intuition, Instruction, Beginners |
Jul 31 1970 City Center |
July 30th, 1970, Serial No. 00299 Bell, Breath, Buddha Nature, Posture, lecture, American, Instruction, Building... |
Jul 30 1970 |
Mudra Practice and How to Accept Instructions from Various TeachersTatsugami, Yoshida, Beginners, Posture, Instruction, difficulty |
Jul 26 1970 City Center |
Our Everyday Life Is Like A Movie Anger, Instruction, Meditation, Posture, Observe, sitting |
Mar 15 1970 City Center |
Our Effort In Our Practice Instruction, lecture, Observe, difficulty, sitting |
Jan 31 1970 City Center |
September 3rd, 1969, Serial No. 00029 Instruction, Concentration, Samadhi, difficulty, training, lecture, Meditation,... |
Sep 03 1969 |
Some QuestionsQuestion-and-Answer, Breath, Buddha Nature, Posture, sitting, Tassajara Zen Mountain... |
Aug 28 1969 Tassajara |
Our Way To Attain LiberationSerial: SF-05087-B Monday Evening, August 18, 1969 Story of the Sixth Patriarch. Practice with everyone else at the monastery, without self-centered ideas. Answering... Sixth Patriarch, Monastic Practice, Japan, Aspects of Practice, Discrimination, Faith... |
Aug 18 1969 Tassajara |
July 22nd, 1969, Serial No. 00028 Concentration, Monastic Practice, Ceremony, Delusion, Meditation, Instruction,... |
Jul 22 1969 |
Suzuki's 65th BirthdaySerial: SR-00018 Sunday Morning, May 18, 1969 Priest, Building, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Beginners, Instruction, Anger,... |
May 18 1969 Sokoji |
OLD - Suzuki's 65th Birthday Building, Priest, Beginners, Instruction |
May 18 1969 Sokoji |
April 17th, 1969, Serial No. 00012 New Year, Lotus Sutra, Instruction, Buddha Nature, resistance, Demons, Mindfulness,... |
Apr 17 1969 |
At The End Of The Year We Clean Up Our HouseSerial: SF-05970-B Dec 1968 New Year Lecture Beginner’s Mind, Dogen, Japan, New Year, Beginners, Transmission, Instruction, Priest... |
Dec 29 1968 Sokoji |
The True DragonDogen, Baso, Dragons, Freedom, Soto Zen, Emptiness, Bodhidharma, Instruction, Zazen... |
Oct 12 1968 B Sokoji |
Shikantaza, Tenryu's One FingerSerial: SR-00236 Sesshin Lecture Sesshin, Gutei, Yaoshan, Community, Pain, sitting, Monks, Obstacles, Instruction,... |
Oct 12 1968 A Sokoji |
What is Soto and what is Rinzai?Serial: SF-05144A SR024 Tass July 26/68 Roshi Sectarianism copied; July 21 Chino Sensei; July 24 Chino Sensei - also many handwritten notes on the content Soto Zen, Rinzai, Buddha Nature, Bodhidharma, Evil, Bowing, Mahayana, Gratitude, Ego... |
Jul 26 1968 Tassajara |
OLD - What is Soto and what is Rinzai? Buddha Nature, Bodhidharma, Family Practice, Mahayana, Bowing, Death, Diversity,... |
Jul 21 1968 Tassajara |
Become More Direct and HonestSerial: SF-05276 Protection Master: re-recording from cassette marked "Suzuki Roshi talk with background music: no date, original copied" (Sony C60 side A); recorded: 7 1/2 ips, bias... Posture, Instruction, Religion |
1968 Unknown |
OLD - Become More Honest and DirectSerial: 68-00-00-B ± 1968 Audio Problem Set Question-and-Answer, Suffering, sitting, Instruction, Posture, Hate, zen, Building,... |
Jan 01 1968 B |
Nature of Our PracticeSerial: SF-05141-B Tuesday, December 5, 1967, Lecture B Sesshin, Dogen, Fukanzazengi, Dragons, Daily Life, Observe, Freedom, training,... |
Dec 05 1967 B Tassajara |
Inner Power of PracticeSerial: SF-05137A SR017 - Track 1 - slow - Roshi Lecture - 12/2/67 - afternoon - copied Sesshin, Blue Cliff Record, Concentration, Precepts, Monastic Practice, New Year,... |
Dec 02 1967 Tassajara |
OLD - Inner Power of PracticeSerial: SF-05828 SR-67-12-04-A (start) (finish) - This tape repeated 67-12-02, but section at end was missing section of 67-12-01 and -02! Monastic Practice, Concentration, Precepts, Buddha Nature, Conversation, Beginners,... |
Dec 02 1967 Tassajara |
Practice Zazen With Your Whole Mind And BodySerial: SF-05131B This is lecture D from these notes on the reel boxes (05132-B was added to this) Instruction, Zazen, Posture, Beginners, Funeral, Religion, Instruction, Emotions,... |
Sep 08 1967 Morning Tassajara |
In the first instruction of ten instructions in Gakudō-yōjin-shūSesshin, Dogen, Shobogenzo, Sixth Patriarch, Platform Sutra, training, Instruction,... |
Dec 17 1966 A Sokoji |