Fox Talks
Title | Speaker | |
November 30th, 1998, Serial No. 00167, Side A Continuous Practice, Buddha Ancestors, Demons, Mindfulness, Concentration, Offering,... |
Nov 30 1998 |
Green Gulch History training, Fox, Offering, Lay, Zendo, Priest, Doubt, Religion, realization, Peace... |
May 10 1998 Green Gulch |
Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Seminar 1Serial: SF-03052 Copyright 1998 by Peter Matthiessen - Unedited Preview Cassette Dragons, Evil, Rinzai, Ego, Fox, Discrimination, Greed, Balance, Bell, Instruction... |
1998 Unknown |
Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Poems 1Serial: SF-03521 Copyright 1998 by Gary Snyder - Unedited Preview Cassette Zendo, Continuous Practice, Politics, Religion, Ceremony, Fox, Patience, Mahayana,... |
1998 Unknown |
Mountains And Rivers Without EndSerial: SF-03583 Mountains And Rivers Workshop, Mark Gonnerman, Stanford Humanities Center, Kresge Auditorium Heart Sutra, New Year, Funeral, Emptiness, Gratitude, Fox, Bowing, Dragons, Obstacles... |
Oct 09 1997 Stanford University |
What Is The Ember You Carry With You?Serial: SF-00086 One Day Sit Practice Period, Blue Cliff Record, Non-duality, Fox, Bodhidharma, First Principle,... |
Sep 27 1997 |
Is An Enlightened Person Free of Cause and Effect?Serial: BZ-00313A Saturday Lecture Hyakujo, Enlightenment, Cause-and-Effect, Fox, causation, Karma, Funeral, Precepts,... |
Jun 14 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Recollections of Early Zen Lotus Sutra, Precepts, Priest, training, Lineage, Lay, Zendo, Rinzai, Fox, Demons... |
Feb 08 1997 1 of 3 Green Gulch Farm |
Monkey Mind & Controlling the PassionsSerial: BZ-00783B Saturday Lecture Monkey Mind, Intention, Monkey Mind, Demons, Greed, Lay Practice, Passions,... |
Jan 18 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
January 12th, 1997, Serial No. 00048 Evil, Fox, Priest |
Jan 12 1997 Mt. Saviour Monastery |
John of the Cross, The Interior Mountain & Our Contemplative Prayer (Part 2) / ConclusionSerial: NC-00032 Part of "St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross and Our Vocation to Contemplative Prayer" 4. John of the Cross, The Interior Mountain & Our Contemplative... OSB Cam, Commitment, Letting Go, Hindrances, Fox |
1997 4 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Shosan and Shuso Ceremony PreparationSerial: BZ-00800B Appropriate Question and Respons, Sesshin Day 5 Shosan, Shuso, Ceremony, Practice Period, Karma, Commitment, Conversation, Ego,... |
Jun 23 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
May 22nd, 1996, Serial No. 00129Serial: NC-00129 Rule of Benedict Novice Class # 1 - 1990s OSB Cam, Commitment, Concentration, Vow, Fox, Transmission |
May 22 1996 |
1996.02.10-serial.00278A Dragons, Fox, Doubt, Rumi, Emotions |
Feb 10 1996 |
KarmaSerial: BZ-00829A Saturday Lecture Karma, Fox, Karma, Buddha Nature, Funeral, Birth-and-Death, Continuous Practice,... |
Jul 08 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
May 17th, 1995, Serial No. 01073Serial: SF-01073 NB - no cassette visible in photo Fox, Dharma Transmission, Ceremony, Blue Cliff Record, Funeral, Suzuki Roshi,... |
May 17 1995 Unknown |
Jewel of SanghaSerial: SF-03102 Sunday Lecture Three Treasures, Gratitude, Sangha, Fox, zen meditation, Happiness, Teacher-and-... |
Jan 29 1995 Green Gulch |
January 27th, 1995, Serial No. 00110Serial: NC-00110 Archival Photo, Lecture #5 OSB Cam, Compassion, Commitment, Anger, Balance, Fox |
Jan 27 1995 4 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Chiji Shingi and Metta Sutta: Chiji ShingiSerial: BZ-00758 Class 3 of 10 Fox, true dharma, Priest, Instruction, Lay, Transmission, Demons, Chanting, Sixth... |
Jan 24 1995 3 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #27Serial: BZ-00954B Indulgences, Saturday Lecture BCR-27, Vow, Bodhidharma, Fox, Renunciation, Precepts, Peace, Priest |
Nov 26 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Contemplative Prayer: Practice of the Presence of GodSerial: NC-00930 Contemplative Prayer class. Practice of the Presence of God. Bell, Commitment, Fox, Mindfulness, Mandala |
Nov 02 1994 7 of 7 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Sunday Lecture Ceremony, Practice Period, Four Noble Truths, Funeral, Fox, Bell, Six Realms, Demons... |
Oct 30 1994 Green Gulch |
Mumonkan: Case #12Serial: BZ-00934B Zuigan Calls Himself, Saturday Lecture Zuigan, MM-12, Demons, Big Mind, Continuous Practice, Buddha Nature, Birth-and-Death... |
Sep 24 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Contemplative PrayerSerial: NC-01101 Contemplative Prayer Class OSB Cam, Hate, Fox, MM-12, Addiction, Intuition |
Aug 1994 11 of 11 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplative PrayerSerial: NC-01097 Contemplative Prayer Class OSB Cam, Fox, Ego, Balance, Attachment |
Jul 26 1994 8 of 11 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplative PrayerSerial: NC-01096 Contemplative Prayer Class OSB Cam, zen, Intuition, Fox |
Jul 13 1994 7 of 11 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
June 21st, 1994, Serial No. 00075 Fox, Dana, Continuous Practice, Funeral, Tenzo |
Jun 21 1994 |
The Meeting of American Culture and BuddhismSerial: SF-00103 Lecture Series Right Speech, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Fox, Half-Smile, Lay, Emptiness,... |
Mar 01 1994 City Center |
Contemplation and Inner ExperienceSerial: NC-00839 Class on contemplative prayer using Thomas Merton's The Inner Experience. Class XI (Class X not recorded) Contemplative Prayer Set 2 of 2 ...OSB Cam, Hate, Fox, Addiction, Intuition |
1994 10 of 10 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplation and Inner ExperienceSerial: NC-00836 Class on contemplative prayer using Thomas Merton's The Inner Experience. Class VII Contemplative Prayer Set 2 of 2 OSB Cam, zen, Intuition, Fox |
1994 7 of 10 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplation and Inner ExperienceSerial: NC-00837 Class on contemplative prayer using Thomas Merton's The Inner Experience. Class VIII Contemplative Prayer Set 2 of 2 OSB Cam, Fox, Ego, Balance, Attachment |
1994 8 of 10 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Modern Poetry, Sophia, and the Rebirth of Christian WisdomSerial: NC-00062 Part of "Spirituality in a Secular World: Poetry and Wisdom" 4. Modern Poetry, Sophia, and the Rebirth of Christian Wisdom Archival Photo OSB Cam, Fox, Darkness and Light, Separation, Breath, Hindrances |
1993 4 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Participative Knowledge in Religion and in PoetrySerial: NC-00059 Part of "Spirituality in a Secular World: Poetry and Wisdom" 1. Participative Knowledge in Religion and in Poetry Archival Photo OSB Cam, Fox, Oneness, Liberation |
1993 1 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Day Off ClassSerial: BZ-01482 Class 3 of 6 Dragons, Karma, Fox, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Repentance, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Doubt,... |
Oct 19 1992 3 |
Shusho HossenSerial: BZ-00630 Ceremony Giving-and-Taking, Bodhidharma, Absolute-and-Relative, Dragons, stubbornness,... |
Jun 28 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sunday Lecture Observe, Cultivation, Balance, Fox, Conversation, Don't Know Mind, Emptiness,... |
Feb 09 1992 Green Gulch |
Zazen InstructionSerial: BZ-00682B Instruction Zazen, Instruction, Priest, Bowing, Posture, Passions, Concentration, Anger,... |
Jan 09 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sunday Lecture Gratitude, Dragons, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, New Year, Obstacles, Renewal,... |
Dec 01 1991 Green Gulch |
Why Do We Do Zazen?Serial: BZ-00714B Just Say "Yes!", Sesshin Day 3 Zazen, Offering, Birth-and-Death, Ego, Ordinary Mind, Fox, Doubt, Priest, Demons,... |
Sep 02 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
“Engaged”: Webster’s as a Buddhist TextSerial: BZ-00972B Lecture Fox, Four Noble Truths, Priest, Right Speech, Right Effort, Funeral, Vow, Soto Zen,... |
Aug 17 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen’s “Zenki”: Undivided Activity; Zenki and ShojiSerial: BZ-00275 Class 3 of 3 Birth-and-Death, Equanimity, Separation, Teacher-and-Student, Fasting, Fox, Funeral,... |
Jun 13 1991 3 Berkeley Zen Center |
Still Looking for HomeSerial: BZ-00695B Saturday Lecture Religion, Bell, Building, Karma, Enthusiasm, Fox, Politics, Interview, Bowing,... |
Nov 17 1990 Berkeley Zen Center |
Morality and Right Action Fox, causation, Precepts, Karma, Right Speech, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Right Effort,... |
Nov 03 1990 Berkeley Zen Center |
Three Worlds: Living Forward with Courage and BuddhanatureSerial: BZ-00492A Lecture Buddha Nature, Building, Aspects of Practice, Separation, Culture, Fox, Rinzai, Soto... |
Sep 15 1990 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sunday Lecture Forgiveness, stubbornness, Bodhisattva Way, Cultivation, Enemies, Fox, Equanimity,... |
Nov 12 1989 Green Gulch |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #7: Pt. 2Serial: BZ-00382 "You Are, Echo", Sesshin Day 2 BCR-7, Buddha Nature, Pure Existence, Big Mind, Fox, Bodhidharma, Precepts, Anger,... |
Sep 04 1989 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mumonkan: Case #12Serial: BZ-00373A "Master?" "Yes.", One-Day Sitting MM-12, Samadhi, Birth-and-Death, Demons, Buddha Nature, Fox, Separation, Daily Life,... |
May 20 1989 Berkeley Zen Center |
Anger and GreedSerial: BZ-00890A One-Day Sitting Anger, Greed, Anger, Karma, Fox, Platform Sutra, Vow, Greed, Attachment, Bodhisattva... |
Jul 17 1988 Berkeley Zen Center |
Guru Yoga Lineage, Buddha Nature, Chanting, Don't Know Mind, Transmission, Offering,... |
Apr 08 1988 SFZC |
Tightrope LectureSerial: BZ-00902A Lecture Heart Sutra, Hindrances, Practice Position, Don't Know Mind, Posture, Lay, Fox,... |
Dec 12 1987 Berkeley Zen Center |