Conversation Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Participation and Poetry in the New TestamentSerial: NC-00061 Part of "Spirituality in a Secular World: Poetry and Wisdom" 3. Participation and Poetry in the New Testament Archival Photo OSB Cam, Enlightenment, Forgiveness, Conversation, Koan |
1993 3 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Iron Flute: Heat in Summer, Head Cold in WinterSerial: BZ-00643A The recording photo shows two titles. Getting Real: After Putting Another Head on Your Head Iron Flute: Heat in Summer, Head Cold in Winter... |
Nov 14 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
Wednesday Lecture Equanimity, Don't Know Mind, Heart Sutra, Suzuki Roshi, Conversation,... |
Sep 30 1992 Green Gulch |
Paramitas: Dana (Giving) and Sila (Virtue)Serial: BZ-00611 Class 2 of 6 Precepts, Addiction, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Heart Sutra, Right Speech, Hindrances,... |
Sep 24 1992 2 Berkeley Zen Center |
Family, Friends, and PracticeSerial: BZ-00636A Sesshin Day 1 Family Practice, Mundane Life, Family Practice, Daily Life, American, Anger,... |
Sep 05 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sunday Lecture Book of Serenity, Mill Valley, Gratitude, Buddha Ancestors, Lotus Sutra, Patience,... |
Jun 07 1992 Green Gulch |
Title UnknownSerial: BZ-00712B Lecture Silence, confusion, Emotions, Anger, Greed, Funeral, Discrimination, Conversation,... |
May 09 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sunday Lecture Observe, Cultivation, Balance, Fox, Conversation, Don't Know Mind, Emptiness,... |
Feb 09 1992 Green Gulch |
Introduction to Buddhism: Precepts and Self/No SelfSerial: BZ-00280 Class 3 of 5 Right Speech, Four Foundations, Bell, Precepts, Mindfulness, Right Effort, Karma,... |
Jan 30 1992 3 Berkeley Zen Center |
All We Have to Do is Wash Our BowlSerial: BZ-00682A Saturday Lecture Bell, Interview, Instruction, training, Big Mind, Conversation, Duality, Enemies,... |
Jan 04 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
Prayer & the Rule of St. BenedictSerial: NC-00036 Part of "Prayer and the Rule of St. Benedict" Archival Photo OSB Cam, Ego, Constancy, Breath, Money, Conversation |
1992 4 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Deep Ecology and InterconnectednessSerial: BZ-00705A Lecture Conversation, Intimacy, Interdependence, Culture, American, training, Ego, Mahayana,... |
Nov 23 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
Zen Words, Harmonious Connections Precepts, Abhidharma, Conversation, Thich Nhat Hanh, Bell |
Nov 08 1991 |
Retreat Conferences #1 and #2Serial: NC-00521 Retreat Conference #1 - #2, hosted by Fr Robert Hale OSB Cam, Monastic Practice, Conversation, resistance, Daily Life, Compassion... |
Aug 04 1991 1-2 of 7 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Theology and Lectio DivinaSerial: NC-00486 Theology and Lectio, Conference #5, (Conference #2 not recorded) OSB Cam, Monastic Practice, Daily Life, Conversation |
Jul 02 1991 5 of 6 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Tara Rinpoche's Memorial Heart Sutra, Bell, Lineage, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Happiness, training, Impermanence,... |
Jun 30 1991 Green Gulch Farm |
Mindfulness Mindfulness, Four Foundations, Concentration, Bodhisattva Vow, Zazen, Impermanence,... |
Jun 15 1991 City Center |
Mumonkan: Case #10Serial: BZ-00701A Sesai is "Poor" and Asks Sozan for Help, Saturday Lecture MM-10, Culture, Teacher-and-Student, resistance, Birth-and-Death, Priest, Soto Zen,... |
Apr 27 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
Shuso Way-Seeking Mind TalkSerial: SF-01077 #shuso-talk Zendo, Suzuki Roshi, Bell, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, zen meditation, Zazen,... |
Feb 20 1991 Unknown |
Sunday Lecture Cultivation, Happiness, Conversation, Daily Life, Attachment, Equanimity, Vow,... |
Jan 20 1991 Green Gulch |
Gratitude and GenerositySerial: SF-03928 Sunday Lecture Gratitude, Obstacles, Hindrances, Daily Life, Offering, Zazen, Continuous Practice,... |
Oct 26 1990 Green Gulch |
Dharma Positions and Preference I Conversation, Soto Zen, Aspects of Practice, Mindfulness, Emotions, Lay, Enthusiasm,... |
May 05 1990 I Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record Case #2Serial: BZ-00498B Lecture Mill Valley, Bell, Practice Period, Conversation, Priest, Karma, Discrimination,... |
Feb 17 1990 Berkeley Zen Center |
Taking Refuge Sangha, Three Treasures, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Precepts, Transmission,... |
Jan 10 1990 |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #1Blue Cliff Record, Buddha Mind, Posture, Offering, Avalokiteshvara, Repentance,... |
Dec 11 1989 Berkeley Zen Center |
AnxietySerial: BZ-00383A Saturday Lecture Birth-and-Death, Absolute-and-Relative, Offering, Bodhidharma, Continuous Practice,... |
Sep 01 1989 Part 1 of 1 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sunday Lecture Impermanence, Cultivation, Daily Life, Birth-and-Death, Conversation, Intimacy,... |
Aug 20 1989 Green Gulch |
December 12th, 1988, Serial No. 01469Serial: BZ-01469 Fourth day of Rohatsu sesshin at Tassajara. Duality, Posture, Composure, Pure Existence, Harmonizing, Emotions, Daily Life,... |
Dec 12 1988 5 of 7 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Suzuki Roshi Memorial service Bowing, American, Instruction, Priest, Humility, Gratitude, Lineage, Tassajara Zen... |
Dec 03 1988 Berkeley Zen Center |
Embrace Simplicity, Find Presence Culture, Religion, Conversation, Tozan, Composure |
Sep 25 1988 |
Sesshin LectureSerial: BZ-00892A Sesshin Day 2 Duality, Darkness and Light, Light-and-Darkness, Oneness, Anger, Birth-and-Death,... |
Sep 04 1988 Berkeley Zen Center |
Trust Yourself to YourselfSerial: BZ-00891A Lecture, sesshin day 3 Gratitude, Posture, Daily Life, Conversation, Nirvana, Concentration, Tassajara Zen... |
Jun 17 1988 Berkeley Zen Center |
Contemplative Prayer in the Modern WorldSerial: NC-00267 Contemplative Prayer in the Modern World Darkness and Light, Enemies, Conversation |
May 28 1988 2 of 3 San Luis Obispo |
YontenzotSerial: SF-01838 "Chhoje Tulku" Karma, Attachment, Samsara, Duality, realization, Lotus Sutra, Obstacles, Light-and-... |
May 01 1988 SFZC |
Sunday Lecture Cultivation, Conversation, Anger, Bodhisattva Vow, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period,... |
Mar 13 1988 Green Gulch |
SandokaiSerial: BZ-00301 Lecture Sandokai, Fundraising, Lotus Sutra, Sixth Patriarch, Mill Valley, Oneness, confusion... |
Feb 04 1988 |
Eyes Open: Engaged Presence in Zazen Suzuki Roshi, Letting Go, Liberation, Conversation, confusion, Non-duality, Duality,... |
Dec 01 1987 SFZC |
Setting The Tone For Practice PeriodPractice Period, Monastic Practice, Conversation, Discrimination, Harmonizing,... |
Oct 16 1987 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Buddha Nature: Interconnected Enlightenment realization, Lotus Sutra, Discrimination, Bodhisattva Way, Delusion, Conversation,... |
Jun 13 1987 SFZC |
Practicing with Intention and Vows Vow, Ordination, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Dharma Transmission, Daily Life, Posture,... |
May 23 1987 Berkeley Zen Center |
Compassionate Balance in Zen LivingSerial: SF-03987 Monday Precepts, Sixth Patriarch, Anger, Observe, Conversation, Instruction, Cultivation,... |
Feb 16 1987 SFZC |
Transformative Journey of Spiritual DesireOSB Cam, Intention, training, Conversation, Concentration, Enemies |
1987 3-4 of 14 |
Living the Zen ConnectionSerial: SF-03977 May be part of sesshin series Freedom, Dragons, Teacher-and-Student, Intimacy, Heart Sutra, Practice Period,... |
1987 SFZC |
Awakening in Mountains and Rivers Emotions, Intention, Posture, Consciousness, Ego, Passions, Oneness, Discrimination,... |
Dec 07 1985 |
December 7th, 1985, Serial No. 00364 Emotions, Intention, Posture, Consciousness, Oneness, Ego, Subject-and-Object,... |
Dec 07 1985 |
Death and Dying: Compassion MeditationSerial: BZ-00867B Lecture Buddha Nature, Building, Heart Sutra, Priest, Happiness, Conversation, Hate, War,... |
Nov 23 1985 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mindfulness Practice in SesshinSerial: BZ-01523A Vipassana and Samadhi, Saturday Lecture Mindfulness, Vipassana, Samadhi, Concentration, Mindfulness, Attachment,... |
Jan 19 1985 Berkeley Zen Center |
Infinite Mind: Beyond Form and Practice Concentration, Compassion, Lay, Soto Zen, Mindfulness, Don't Know Mind,... |
Jan 14 1985 |
What Shall We Do in the New Year? (discussion)Serial: BZ-00408B Psychology/Women's Practice, Saturday Lecture New Year, Psychology, Women's Practice, Mindfulness, New Year, Beginners,... |
Dec 22 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |
Gospel of John and the Christian Wisdom TraditionSerial: NC-00559 Retreat on the Gospel of John OSB Cam, Breath, Conversation |
Dec 14 1984 5 of 5 Utah |