Kozai and the Dance of Duality
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AI Suggested Keywords:
The talk investigates the concept of kozai in Zen, emphasizing its dualistic aspects and its connection to fundamental Buddhist teachings. It explores the story between Hyakujo and a transformed fox, illustrating the relationship between dualistic perception and enlightenment, and extends the discussion to the interaction of master-disciple dynamics with reference to Hyakujo and Obaku. The talk underscores Shikantaza practice, emphasizing the unity and interdependency of existence within dualistic expressions of life and death, good and bad, and the transcendence of discrimination through total immersion in practice.
- Hyakujo and the Fox Story: An allegory illustrating the enlightenment attained through understanding the dual aspects of existence (kozai), integrating duality into practice.
- Hyakujo and Obaku Interaction: Highlights master-disciple relationships, demonstrating how a student can surpass a teacher in realization, akin to the flickering nature of dualities.
- Shikantaza: A meditation practice embodying the reconciliation of dual aspects, demonstrating the integration of affirmation and negation.
- Dogen's Teachings: Discussed as a non-sectarian approach to understanding life and causality, promoting liberation through comprehensive engagement with teachings rather than attachment.
AI Suggested Title: Kozai and the Dance of Duality
Side: 3
Speaker: Katagiri Roshi
Possible Title: Lecture
So, taking that will release me from transmigrating, then the old man said, is one who attains great practice, still subject to kozai. Hyakujo said, no one can set aside kozai. So, Hyakujo anyway showed the other aspects of total picture of kozai. Then the old man was enlightened, then old man understood total picture of kozai, showing always the two aspects, affirmative and negative, as flickering lights, appearing, disappearing. Then he said, anyway, the old man was enlightened, prostrated himself before Hyakujo and said,
thanks to you I am finally liberated from the body of a wild fox, become a fox and be free from fox. This is also two aspects. Fox is Buddha. Buddha shows fox, and they become fox, always become fox, become karagi, become zenzera in San Francisco, become zenzera in Green Gorge, always. When go to Minneapolis, karagi becomes fox and Minneapolis. So, always show, but on the other hand, no fox, no fox. So, then, I am finally liberated from the body, I am presently living behind this monkey and have one more request. Please hold funeral service for me and my customary for deceased monks.
Anyway, that means, anyway, fox is enlightened person, as a Buddha, because he understands two aspects of total picture of kozai. That two aspects are not something wrong, even though that is dualistic world. Dualistic world comes from, anyway, total picture of kozai as Buddha nature. So, that is complete beyond human speculation. That's why, he has to deal with fox as a Buddha, as a funeral service. And then he did it, and then his body was cremated, that means completely no trace of Buddha nature. Which is called Buddha or no Buddha, because fox is completely alive in his daily living. That's why he disappeared in the court.
Then next, anyway, that fox is cremated, doesn't mean to make it ashes. It is, anyway, make fox alive in his daily living. That is conversation between Obaku and Hyakujo. Obaku was, anyway, disciple of Hyakujo. There is no discrimination, anyway. Obaku hit, slap, the Hyakujo's face. Then Hyakujo laughed, clapped his hands, and said, this translation is not good, anyway, I thought, I thought, how can I say, this is difficult to translate, anyway. He said, I thought, I thought the barbarian, barbarian had red beard, red beard, but here is, red bearded, here is another, red bearded barbarian.
That means, that means, I should explain, that means, I thought, I thought, I thought barbarian, barbarian had red beard is Hyakujo Zen Master himself. Hyakujo Zen Master himself believes, believes himself, I am great Zen Master, okay? I am great Zen Master because I saved, anyway, this old man. So, I am great Zen Master. But on the other hand, anyway, Obaku came, anyway, Hyakujo told Obaku, if you want to know real answer, okay, real answer, real meaning of causality, please come here, I will show you. Then immediately Obaku hit, slapped, that means, anyway, Obaku is more than Hyakujo, more than Hyakujo.
Obaku is a disciple, but this disciple is more than teacher. So, anyway, he said, oh, I realize, another red bearded barbarian means you are great, you are great. That is sort of proof, do you understand? According to this translation, you don't understand, what do you mean? That is not funny. Well, I don't mean that you should hit your teacher, anyway. Story is story. You are you. I don't mean that. Anyway, in many ways, you can show, you can show, as a disciple, who is more than teacher. More than teacher. Even though you don't say anything, you don't do anything, just sit down, just talk. You can do this. In this realm, you can show. Anytime, anywhere, whatever you do, there is always, disciple more than teacher.
You can do. Disciple must be more than teacher, anyway, okay? That is, if you become, anyway, disciple more than teacher, teacher is really happy. Really happy. What you should be. So, finally, anyway, that means, slapping the teacher's face means, anyway, causality. It is completely loose, disappearing its own trace. Not ideal. Anyway, causality is completely working in every level, always. Showing front and back, front and back. There is no chance to discriminate front or back. All you have to do is working, working. Just like ballet dance. If you perform ballet dance, can you discriminate? I am doing this, or I am doing that.
You cannot say so. There is no discrimination. All you have to do is just dance, just move. Becoming one with your body and mind, audience and the whole universe. Pianist and pianist and also composers, anyway. All become one. At that time, you can dance. That dance is very attractive. But if you dance by yourself, ignoring audience or composers, you cannot dance, even though you dance. That dance doesn't make sense. Anyway, you have to dance. If you want to show real ballet, anyway, you have to ballet. Becoming what? One. With piano, audience, your feeling, your past life, present, future, and composer who existed in the past. That composer is not that dead person. Anyway, it is really alive with you. So, just dance.
Where is it? Within. Total activity, dancing. At that time, it is working. He is alive. That is, anyway, whatever kind of idea of Buddhism. It must be alive, like this. This is the third part of the course. This course teaches us what is spiritual security. How we should feel peaceful and harmonious day after day. Anyway, all you have to do is just sit down there. Total picture of causality, total picture of nirvana, total picture of life, total picture of death. Whatever happens, anyway, you have to stand up there.
And then, you can see, anyway, flickering lights, two lights. All is good or bad, like, dislike. But, there is no chance to hang on, to hold fast. Because, that is flickering light. Like, dislike. Well, you will understand sooner or later. It is very soon. Always, flickering lights. And then, you are completely confused by those flickering. But, there are levels of them. That's all. All you have to do is just sit down. When you have to sit down. But, many flickering lights come up. And then, when you completely stumble over those flickering lights, you immediately create cramping, complaints, lots of things. That is what is called human problems. But, all you are aware of is, should you feel peaceful and harmonious?
Well, just there. Total picture of causality. Life or death. And then, if you stand up there, immediately you can see both. Affirmation and negation. Like, dislike, good or bad. Those are just flickering lights. Continually, you have to sit down and stand up there. That is Shikantaza. So, Shikantaza is very simple. But, not simple. Because, you have to see both. But, if you don't understand this total picture, Well, you cannot sit down. You cannot settle yourself in here. Total picture of Zazen. Including you and past, present, future, anywhere. You are always moving in affirmation and negation. But, you cannot ignore those. You have to see them.
As what? Not fixed idea. As flickering light. If you let go of them, they very naturally disappear. For instance, if you sit down, take a breath, and concentrate on breath. They naturally disappear. Don't you think so? Disappear. All you have to do is, from the beginning to the end, whatever happens, just sit down. This is Buddhism. Not Zen Buddhism. This is not a particular teaching mentioned by Dogen. If I say, if I use Dogen's teaching, you say, Oh, you belong to a certain school of Buddhism. Not sectarian. I don't think so. When I was in Los Angeles, one of the young American schoolmates, because I always used Dogen's teaching. Then he said, you belong to the sectarian.
I don't like sectarian. I don't think so. I just use. I just follow Dogen's teaching. But, I am always free from anyway Dogen's teaching, because Dogen's teaching anyway shows us, without attaching to any school of Buddhism, anyway, how can you deal with human life? You cannot understand your life by yourself, without following any teaching. If you do it, your life is always just like a cat chasing after your own tail. It doesn't make sense. Anyway, follow a certain teaching. That's okay. But the important point is, anyway what it is, total picture, real total picture of causation, total picture of life or death.
Whatever happens. This is very important.