On the Second Sesshin

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Certificate given participants in the Second Sesshin of Sokoji

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transcribed by DC 6-16
File name: 60-08-22: On the Second Sesshin From Sesshin Certificate. See:www.cuke.com/Cucumber Project/sr letters/2nd-sesshin.htm; #no-audio


On February 20 and 21, 1960, we had the first Sesshin of this Temple, and we will have the second sesshin on August 22 - 28, 1960.

Just to join this Sesshin is incomparably deep, no matter what your state of mind may be.

We don't expect anything of this Sesshin but to practice as a Buddhist.

I wish we will be an eternal friend of the student of Buddhism.

(kanji - Suzuki Shunryu)

Rev. Shunryu Suzuki
Sokoji Temple

San Francisco
August 22, 1960