Beginner's Mind, Boundless Possibility

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AI Summary: 

The talk examines the concept of Shoshin or "beginner's mind" in Zen practice, emphasizing its significance in fostering motivation, aspiration, and enlightenment. The speaker likens beginner's mind to an inner freedom where the mind is not stuck, comparing true mind and delusion as two states of the same mind. The discussion addresses the application of beginner's mind in various life stages, advocating for a refreshing attitude regardless of age, allowing individuals to engage fully with life's experiences.

  • Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki: Discussed as a seminal text that lays the foundation for understanding the concept of Shoshin or beginner's mind in Zen practice.
  • Taekwondo Zen Master's Teachings: Cited for insights on true mind and delusion, illustrating the importance of a free and non-abiding mind.
  • No Prayer in Japanese Arts: Referenced in relation to maintaining a beginner's mind in judgment and creativity, calling for an open and refreshed mind continuously throughout life.

AI Suggested Title: Beginner's Mind, Boundless Possibility

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AI Vision Notes: 

Side: A
Speaker: Unknown
Location: Green Gulch
Possible Title: Sunday
Additional text: Side 1 only, COPY



I'm glad to see you again this morning. Can you hear me? I'm glad to see you again here today. Thank you. This morning I would like to talk as short as I can. This afternoon, as you know already, we will have Memorial Service of Suzuki Roshi, 9th Memorial Service. Probably most of you may read the book by Suzuki Roshi, The Beginner's Mind, Zen Mind, The Beginner's Mind. So this morning I would like to talk about The Beginner's Mind.


In Japanese we call Sho Shin. Sho is the beginning. Shin is mind. The beginning mind. Well, beginner's mind and the beginning mind. In Buddhism, the beginning mind is very important. Well, in other words, motivation. If you want to do something, probably you have motivation. Motivation is very important. In Buddhism, enlightenment is already attained in the beginning of your mind.


In the beginning of arousing the body mind. Body mind means aspiration. Aspiration from your heart. Certain aspiration comes up. In the beginning of arousing the aspiration for the truth, enlightenment is already attained. So the beginning mind is very important. Before I became a monk, right after the Second World War, I was in the countryside of Japan with my father who was already blind in the war anyway.


So I took a big responsibility for taking care of him. At that time, one of my friends recommended me to go to the Buddhist temple. Not the Zen temple, but the Sin School temple. In the Sin School, are you familiar? Pure Land School. They emphasize the two practices, repetition of Amitabha. My father and my mother were very serious Sin School followers. One of my friends recommended me to go to that temple. But at that time, I was not interested in any Buddhism. So I thought, well, okay, I can go.


So I went. But my friend expected me to continue to go to that temple in order to help me. He really wanted to help me, because at that time I was a little bit suffering from humiliation. So he knew my feelings. He tried to help me, so I went anyway, but I couldn't continue. Because there was no particular strong aspiration or motivation. Just my friend invited me to go to the temple. Okay, let's go. So it's pretty easy to get into, but it's pretty easy to get out. Don't you think so? So I have a group. I have a small group in many houses. Many people come in. Many people come to have the instruction of Zazen.


Some of them have very strong aspiration, seeking for the truth. Some of them, well, let's check what the Zen is. Well, after the instruction, well, not many people come back. One or two. Sometimes one a year. One person a year can come back to the group and start to do Zazen. But in the whole year, I don't know how many people I gave instructions. Many people, but only one or two. That's interesting, isn't it? So if you have a motivation to get into something pretty easily, remember, it is pretty easy to get out. If you have a very strong, hard motivation to get into, at that time, it's very hard to get out.


It is very true. This is anyway motivation. Motivation or beginner's mind. But if you don't have such a motivation, don't worry about it. But basically you should know what is a motivation or what is a beginner's mind. This is very basic. If you get into pretty easily, well, without suffering, you can get out pretty easily. This is a very basic understanding of the beginner's beginning mind. But some people create or develop a beginner's mind, a beginner's mind gradually in the process of practicing. So this is also another meaning of beginner's mind. Even though you don't have a definite beginner's mind, strong or weak, that's okay.


Then if you start to do something, anyway, let's continue to do. Then in the process of practicing or studying, whatever it is, strong motivation comes up. So that's why the beginner's mind is very important, because it is an opportunity that enlightenment is attained. But whatever kind of beginner's mind you take, strong or not strong, or neutral, it doesn't matter. But it is a real fact. When you start to do, it is a real fact that there is a beginner's mind. When you start to do something, when you start to do something, do you understand? But anyway, here is a mind. When you do something, here is a mind. Without mind, you cannot do anything with your body. So that's why if you start to do as much as possible, anyway, let's go.


With stable and calm mind, continually walk on the path. That's pretty nice. That is the meaning of the beginner's mind. Taekwondo Zen Master said about mind, when the mind doesn't abide in a certain place, certain place, and penetrates every inch of your doings, that is called true mind, real mind, or inner freedom. Okay? Inner freedom. Inner freedom mind. But when the mind is stuck,


when the mind is stuck, by pondering moodily, by pondering moodily, do you understand? Pondering. Overwhelming. When the mind is stuck at a certain place, by pondering moodily, it is called delusion. Delusion. So between the real mind and delusion, there is no difference. No difference. The same mind. You have always the same mind. That mind is what is called the Buddha mind or inner freedom of the mind. So only when your mind is not in abode, in no abode,


at a certain place, and penetrates every inch of your body and mind and universe, at that time, it is called real mind. Real mind or true mind. But when the same mind you have, okay, same mind is stuck at a certain place, it is called delusion. So when you have a delusion, don't hate your mind. Because same mind. That mind is called Buddha mind. Do you understand? But what do you mean when the mind is in no abode at a certain place and penetrates every inch of your body and mind? Penetrate means, I always give instructions, Zazen or Zen practice to the beginner. When you stand up, anyway stand up,


not with your two feet, with two feet of course, and also you have to stand up with two hands, and also you have to stand up with two eyes, you have to stand up with a nose, you have to stand up with your ears, with your emotions, with your body, and with all environments. And then that is called standing posture of standing up. But usually we don't. We just stand up with two feet. Ignoring your hands, your eyes, your nose, your emotions. But actually you cannot ignore, don't you think so? So important point is take care, your nose, your eyes, your mouth, your emotions, your past life, your future life, your present life, and also environments. Well, as best as you can with your consciousness.


You should be aware of it. It is pretty nice. So I always tell the students, your kind, compassionate attention penetrates from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. This is what is called practice in preciseness. Preciseness. Very clear practice. Every movement is very clear, but your mind is not stuck there. Your mind is very smooth. Just like water, going smooth. But mind is very clear, awakening to what's going on there. So I tell them always, please, your compassionate attention should penetrate from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. So this is not the abstract way of life. This is very concrete. So when you play the guitar, you should play the guitar well, with not two hands,


or of course two hands, but you should play guitar, the guitar with two hands, two eyes, nose, ears, mind, emotions, and composer in the past, and audience, and also whole universe. At that time, you can really play the guitar. A wonderful playing guitar. Don't you think so? If you play that guitar just with two hands, it doesn't make sense. It's just dead. No one is interested in such music. Don't you think so? So anyway, you have to play the guitar, whatever kind of instrument you play, you should play with your whole body, and also with composers, with audience, with audience emotions, with audience nose, eyes, and all environments. At that time, all come together into the prayer. At that time, you can play wonderful music. That is called the concert.


This is beautiful. That is called, when mind is in, nor aboard, at a certain place, and penetrates every inch of your doing, it is called real mind. Real mind. When your mind is stuck there, in a wonderful moment, well, at that time, it is called delusion. During eating the pizza, you say, I am eating a pizza, I am eating a pizza, next time I would like to eat the same pizza, two pieces of pizza more. Well, that is stuck. That is called delusion. But your mind must be clear. What kind of food do you eat? Delicious, wonderful. That's okay. But there is no reason to let your mind be stuck at the pizza. In the pizza. Or in your bar. Or in the restaurants. Anyway, if you go to Green, go to Green.


Enjoy yourself. Enjoy your dinner. Enjoy your lunch. What do you mean to enjoy? Enjoy your lunch. Enjoy your lunch. Doesn't mean that your mind should be stuck there always. So, go there. Just have a eat. Meal. But you should know what kind of dishes you eat. Your mind is very clear. But your mind is not stuck there. Always going smooth. So that is Zen practice. Zen practice. This is a mind. This is a mind. Shoshin, the beginner's mind, or the beginning mind. One of the masters of no prayer in Japan. Are you familiar with no pray? One of the arts, Japanese arts.


No prayer. Said, do not forget the beginner's mind of right or wrong. Do not forget beginner's mind from moment to moment. Do not forget the beginner's mind at the old age. Once life has its end, but no pray is endless. So, do not forget the beginner's mind of right or wrong. That means your mind shouldn't be stuck in the judgment, in the sphere of your doing, judged, evaluated by your consciousness, which is called right or wrong. But usually,


if you do something, you don't realize the result. You can judge, you can think what you have done. But that's why in the sphere of right or wrong, you shouldn't forget the beginner's mind. Beginner's mind means inner freedom or refreshing. So, right in the middle of right or wrong, if you see the right, that's enough. All you have to do is your mind must go forward from moment to moment toward future. If you see the mistake wrong, something wrong, oh, I'm sorry. Mistake is very nice for you. Mistake makes you feel bad and simultaneously feel good in deep sense because you know what you will


and you it lets you know what you would do in the next moment because you made a mistake. Now, you don't want to make a mistake again in the future. Mistake anyway helps you realize what to do next. Very nice hint. Mistake is a very nice hint. In other words, mistake is a very sweet signal what to do next. What to do next. But usually we don't accept mistake like this. We are completely confused and nervous by the pondering moodily. So, that is called delusion. Delusion. So, that's why the Master's prayer said do not forget the beginner's mind in the sphere of right or wrong. If you do something right, good.


But if you stuck there, right is not always right. Do you think so? Good is not always good. Good is something sometimes appearing as evil. So, you cannot stuck there. Whatever kind of things you have, good or bad, you shouldn't forget beginner's mind. Your mind must be refreshing in the sphere of right or wrong, good or bad, mistake or not mistake, stumbling over, whatever you do. And the next he said do not forget beginner's mind from moment to moment. From moment to moment is let's learn let's learn the backward step. Backward step is turn your right turn your right


to illuminate you. Usually if you do something right your mind is stuck. What do you mean mind by being stuck? That means you completely see something mistake or good seeing objectively, criticizing, analyzing. But actually you cannot do this because basic of nature is always going moving changing constantly. So whatever you think anyway in your everyday life many things come up and going here and there going back and forth always many things come. So there is no time to be stuck. But mind always stuck. When your mind is stuck your body is stuck. Because body is not something separate from mind. If your mind is stuck there it's very difficult to do something physically. So


let's learn backward step. Backward step means which turn your right to illuminate you. Anyway instead of criticizing looking at the mistake objectively anyway let's see let's see yourself. Let's see yourself means let's do, let's be present. Let's be alive from moment to moment right now right here anyway. It means don't hate mistake or don't love mistake. Well just take care. Just take care mistake when you see. That is do not forget beginner's mind from moment to moment. That means your mind is always refreshing complete refreshing from moment to moment. The third he said do not forget the beginner's mind at the old age. Well this is


little bit problem. Well if you if you live in this world for 30 years and 40 years and 50 years well you believe you believe yourself who understand human world pretty well even youngsters. So what I am my understanding of human world is right. So youngsters please follow me. Your understanding is immature. My understanding is pretty so you should follow me. This is at that time that mind the mind at the old age stuck. It's very difficult old man with young man. Don't you think so? It's very difficult. That is a problem now in the United States anyway in the family life. Your father is always father


I am father to you kids. Follow me. If they don't follow you really want to use monk powers. It's not good. So that's why youngsters mind at the old age I am now 51 old year. If you become 51 over 50 if you become over 50 you can taste a little bit what human life is. Well that is it seems to me I feel 50 years old anyway old man is just like a kindergarten kindergarten I feel old I am a kindergarten when you become over 60 well maybe you will be maybe first grade


first grade when you become 70 over 70 maybe you finish grade school and become and when you become 80 maybe you become senior high school and when you become over 90 maybe you can enter into university but it's very difficult to graduate from university if you are lucky man if you are lucky boy maybe by chance you can graduate but most people don't graduate from university I feel that so even though you live to 96 years old 98 years old well there is no guarantee whether you can graduate


from university or not if you are lucky man you can do but you can graduate so that is old age but 50 years old 60 years old when you become older and older well you feel a little bit what human life recently I feel what is human life I feel that human life is sort of wandering in space wandering in space I feel this can you feel that human life is just like wandering in space well this is kindergarten experience from kindergarten but anyway it doesn't matter old age and young age there is no particular pattern so all you have to do


is not forget beginner's mind refreshing so myself how old I am I feel always I am young boy but when I look at when I see my son my son 18 years old wow my goodness little 18 so kids children grow quick but I forget I forget how old I am so anyway that means you should you should be always refreshing whatever the age the age you are 60 and 50 or 40 and 30 but don't don't believe yourself I am old man I go to the Omaha and there is a very interesting couple the husband is


50 55 wife is 20 29 so very interesting couple and recently he has a very cute baby and the husband always tease to his wife oh you are getting into 30 you are old woman he always teasing her like this you are already old woman but 30 is very young don't you think so you are still young 60 oh pretty young 70 pretty young because you understand the human life deeply and you can get more energies to live how to live how to stand up so 70 years old pretty nice 80 years old very calm like forgetting I have a strong energy or not


just look at the old people 70 and 80 I love them very much because even though they don't say anything I can feel them I can feel something from them very calm just like a water have you ever met such a person you can meet those people so anyway we should respect that's why we should respect all the people anyway we should respect

