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i'm finally i
oh well there has been various reason to have a day like this
honestly when i decided to do the town
layered nation he then in november the end of november
i thought they would be nice and the events leading up to that pencil chance that some opportunity for the people
it come in
i'm going to get together to talk about the precepts and days
and aspects about germany
oh and then elena offers a chance to get it might be nice to have a m
come when they didn't think and pretty much per person and clue
oh and then enter such a pathetic can pay after the when they seem to green that since she could come from chicago and can be both the went into the a jams and they had
sorry we are sunday in one in october
anyway i think even know whether or not to
oh i'm planning to do the ordination in november in turn the tap i beg you to turn you know or
perks associated with better you don't have to be doing our nation and and you'll be interesting to the talks are defined in our prayers for
whenever you would probably find an opera used to by not get any none other factors
oh me what's involved in the delay recognition ceremony is what we'd cooking with in traditional of sixteen belief that the offensive
the picked england had the patients include the three refugees
ah i take refuge in the i think that which and gonna take refuge in the stronger
a will way has got the three pure coincidence
the p three to visit in some ways are the most confusing because it
the person and not to not to do evil
the second is to do good and thirty to benefit all things are to like nothing
this is problematic of course because editors one identify able
for good and impact duggan said and one of his writing
it's not really possible to identify what table but don't do it
it can't really put your finger right on it
and go anyway and then there would have and most commonly the ten prohibitory other although sometimes the card the ten way thinking mind research
for the ten clear mind princess to their birth name
oh and the piano
i'm not to kill that the deal
there's one about sexual misconduct which people have period ideas from consideration for man
ah not to lie and use an intoxicant
poor contented said that dude
buddy of mine
how so we'll talk about all the eventually i think today i'm going to
focus on and the which isn't perfect movie except for the future patient anyway there's five others and
hey return instead instead to
slanted again
then there's one not to play so well
you know the meaning of it
can you know not to pay a wow
then there's will not be presented
can could you know again depending on can improve teaching and civil in appointing emphasis will be nice to be presented even for teaching
the or present they will include you know not been prepared to about the right
and then there's one not to harbor farewell
which is kind of nice because
it doesn't say not to have a well to sit down hybrid
don't take to there well earth
and then there's an
the do an encrypted him now
when the matter is not to abuse or not to
in mean and then the three treasures the three treasures are buddha dharma and sangha
i suppose as the sixteen three around
her kitchen three proprioception ten to
there's actually a lot to taliban
how in that sense for point of mean said
the serious didn't
interview and like name may actually be tasting
i say
yesterday someone asked me being nuts
it will live at been a rip apart from and treat them been doing method practice mean kitty day not be any ga bracket
someone might actually be doing that period
and metaphysics of
i know it can that they had the underlying something or other there
but e t t a which is been i weren't for loving kindness from philly during a loving kindness and fail
can i realized and never actually been teaching
two things firstly it's one of the main emphasis of
that is to break the and kind of fight club considerate compassionate attention to detail
didn't japanese name and for your capital
anyway i realized i don't do that
very well
i thought for the ashamed remembering the different
the fundamental teachings of the center for
and building says on at brain
take care of the food is once you're on eyesight
well present day one is perfect fun loving kindness with a wimp i'd say
i fell in addition to take your food with run kind of friend
can take care of
oh and of course the i didn't benefit to wait and take care of your breath of running kind of and
the floor in the kitchen know
the brown thing
the council classical chairs and everything
we may not need to carefully know we may only need in a one percent
but anyway we have been sixteen to talk about
so but when i turn it to say anyway period table you know and you can study the pickups are the life
which is someone to look into her life
an exam and thing
so we will have that many ways to examined on many perspectives a point of view are ways to look at her life
and part of this is to understand than the bed
a not checked one way to look at
an office at me
to stick to any particular way of
hello the first anyway or the to refugees and they are taking their pitch and didn't and condition
quite fundamental to the point i know every stone
at the battle a partner
survival things
samantha lizards from a thing in life
when you know defining characteristic for one thing i finished school
and depending on and know how won't understand it
so funny they will pack about know when it's put away down a when it's younger one would it mean to take benefit
and a coin
in this regard and you know
the situation other people identified
oh that studying the bishops are studying buddhism should be about setting yourself
and if it's not about getting yourself and security said at one point financial to do something that is
so the point of the teaching you know it and to getting online bulletin and to have them
you know you're teaching with jury and the been having with you on
and it makes you can the already you're getting into the precepts and know how would you have a buddhism is your if you understand it new on an increasingly will be presented at the people don't have it he do you pacing yourself at the expense of others
ah you know how great i am and and other people don't care
to help
this is problematic to say
to have any kind of for teaching
what would be the point of it
also a nice return of course and and this comes out the sentence we look at what is it
i was just the thing yesterday the initial tapes to three tape and they've been religious figures and time
tapes that were in spanning understand about finds his anguish and they not to
scattered over the touch of rather scared
because he's kind of feeling is when i turned the sentence about three times
initiative by treated that way
actually when a nice knowing you listening to it and in person by winning a little to have a temper and he would immediately
oh but he said
in a strictly speaking each of your buddha so you don't need any teaching
nine hundred dollar bill
ha as i've mentioned to over the years is similar to saying and new
no you're already enlightened are you already are human being what would you add new content to add teaching your instruction incentive particular be catching a woman and get fresh
so we try to be only i try to be conscious about
given teachings
i'm not sure what people
think they'll they'll do with them
and you know one of the name and problems in an attempt to bed
he initially we have some way of going to life and when it doesn't work we look around percent spirits of burning to pakistan
to reassert the way when wanted to do things until we wanted to be
i you know and i'll get to the pitches in
general replied five page of the rewinding the shadow and the first and fit you
you have to project
no onto somebody else
oh and there they feel with them
and they're really smart on they really have it together
whether a positive or negative projection know it he don't have it they do
and to them the second stage in
maybe they're not together she
or maybe they an damage of fat and
thank you
i agree
anyway the projections start to ran around on that and they don't think of is taking on equipment
the third stage the stage of he tried to in really turn out to reinstate the projection
men can interested to know women are ethical
whenever you can approve
have you tried to reassert protection and then you get a kind as perjury that can poison the tobacco and apartment in a spiritual turn to do with
can i tell if you're sitting out to be good and you find that is bad and minor he said out i'm going to be compassionate and kind and or look at that person they're greedy
here take it me a lot then at some point in common is perjury enforcement to make sure that you're not going be like oregano
to the precept and don't be angry now don't be greedy people that him open it and when i do that
the some really for the pilot them and oh i've got a green out
so is
it really doesn't stick in an kind mashes together aren't know temple together
have agreed isn't just over there the anger as to repairing new
turns her you've got a junior in a big scoop to elicit stages you eat it
i'm an owner to
they trade that you know
all of being urged if you're a competent people your income the person you
you have it together you don't have it together in
come in a touch of the on a crystal a competent capable your company can provide much of a person's angry feeding your anything
come anyway this is how in a several
since we got to for into any number of things in their life for awning
aspects of myself that we have previously separate it off
oh we had set up our identity and separate crown
i'm not a the prisoner not a name in principle
i'm not very confident or look at how skillful they are
hi i'm lily skillful look at how incompetent know each other personally
i so we set up with set up identity to be you know where a certain kind of person which is no i'm understanding of good and then they will try to keep away from each other assets
the dog gets further
i'm finding out where
much more in his siblings to have it in owning owning up to
i capabilities than we felt we had and are greater difficulty handling that we didn't have
so anyway in some way this in town
if it's possible that people were practice buddhism to try to reassert their original south
this is one of the hazards and in fact you know it's what people find out about furniture painted that
ah as preacher practice can be a wide eyed
i know many people can be spiritual practice it's because and
as a group people in speech patterns are in i try to avoid conflict when won't have to confront anybody wouldn't have to confront every while agree with you know just a korean get along and
then what an expected
the way we should do it we should just get along with anybody in we are living on the man
daddy the has done
and they're the kind of thing no myth them in a so to speak at the word you meditate it is and than that will take care of everything are you need to do is to just concentrate on feeling you don't need to learn from your
occasional skills in our economy into their professional skills you know you don't need to actually be able to say anything he don't need to be able to take care of receptive to thousand
sometimes and
and so sometimes anyway people take teaching senate
it becomes just another way to go on and being
come in a to reinforce and support the person and thing
so we don't know exactly know what we're doing here
and you know over many years and another we were we can have some teaching in work ahead and we will find ourselves in various relationships to me teaching
ah and very understanding and not understanding know
fill all in all anyway something to deal with getting myself
now and finding one's way in one life
the film how many were coming to a buddha dharma sangha
i take refuge in buddha originally to the is
you know someone who realize enlightenment up a the print you know that to town that his family went off into the jungle wild practice activities
for six or seven years and then
finally sat down and
i'm known as and tradition traditionally traditionally continues to the editor for seven four night so and is educationally have week long intensive meditation
and the important one you know of the
in december and
because traditionally in the town a world to the eighth of buddhism might one day which is the day look different than mine stone
the lights flashed or whatever happened to know
don't know i didn't
whatever the added
but anyway
and included realization that you know i and are being i'll think i'm mind
here we understand the history of a person that we also understand that it another way that situation didn't talk and read to each a virgin buddha so
when we can take refuge in buddha is often said i'd take refuge in by on enlightened nature
the january we can say something about and now i might nature or so we can say undivided nature
one i
in a nature which is not
how limited to what we can describe
they can save very think about herself
oh but actually no nothing we say by name of pick they can pay i'm reading
you know from the bullet point of view actually that means on particular occasions
i was aware of greed and and you know to be aware of green and particular occasions in different than i am reading
who at the whenever you say about yourself it's not something that can stick and stay and we don't understand in buddhism that is anything that can do that you know that finding defines you or any others
and in indiscriminately and attentive discursive
is a description of it had no clue particular occasion
i nodded than that i was lazy i didn't take care of that people do what i said i do or
i couldn't
i could have set up a little earlier here
we will all the time take information about the things that happened in make it mean something about our town
our but this is not in a subsistence what we call on your own personal and the is has no fixed nature
i'm very nature can a tree pay each of his has name
no there's nothing fixed during had to burn it was tablet
that we have to do something about
they use they would think if you know once you
been angry and a number of instances maybe for just one time and you had the idea i'm an angry person
now you have to marry or something you need to do something about it as eradicated
and then how much evidence will you need you know how many years we have to go about getting angry before you will be convinced i got rid of that
it's a big problem now
they have i did a better job
how quite from comparisons with beckwith
and we feel and unlimited by with herself this is so i am
and we forget the doctor were some money now unconditioned undivided
i've already won with everything
ah not tell him that we have to
cajole or fix and improve
a manned and you know i censored
ah been straightened out in some way
her to take refuge in we can figure out for them to
on one hand you could a tenner practices were you at the convention buddha
shockingly buddha or other good
ah and june or conditioner fan
how did they weren't them
visualize here thank you a conviction visualizing visualized or you think about all the purchase of buddha a pitcher and at some point you would identify with the kitchen
but we can also understand that and and further contact they're taking refuge in yourself or in your own good and nature
in a rather than getting dark and
ah the idea of yourself as an ordinary crystals who needs to be
get over the air
now here that their way have and they said it upright can carry around a ticket now
so to take refuge in building and something
we'll need to
straighten out the ordinary person in or didn't take her picture below
remind herself in off for somebody who free of the incident
this the go in a single father had something to carbon lineman
the civic or she goes on in the talk about good and crystal as so when you're enlightened he won't care so much when people say
oh i'm an ordinary person can find i'm an impressive
player yeah that's i'd rather than your stupid in the right and stupid
egypt degree you can agree with everything that a problem
we can agree with everything into the kids you know you understand your true nature that
any a big designations it true nature is already free an epic resignation
and you don't have to fight against anybody but even designate into one way or another
our fight against herself
i it
do they can't see one way i got it
anyway i'm undecided nature on
original nature and sense a the original things you know what was your page
the for your pants or boy
hooper has this kind of idea
cambria also you know
exposed especially in the and tradition of the concept to put it is made even wider
that includes everything
how and there are some an arrow these kinds of is and traditional i'm not big
never particularly
and never
i don't spend a lot of my time i haven't spent much time setting kinds of personal conn
it seems my to do that with somebody who tend to have
i'll bet you know they're on his collins wouldn't put it and the cypress tree
a further three pounds of flag
when it further never should take her otherwise known as toilet paper
it will be the experience kinds of ideas in minnesota for the idea of court
you know how could you point out buddha
how could you designate anything
because the detonating anything including something was not included
he then put it and then if anything that's not better
so now you have divided
if it's undivided nature and we have an independent insurance presenting something is so called consciousness you know that includes everything
and our consciousness might include everything is renting a good and bad right and how brutal sentient beings the conscious that includes on that
well we're kind buddha and undivided so now we're pointing at everything has been danger
so if we pointed everything of but better and with the relevant forbid
if everything is a while i have a word for it
he has no we don't actually have worked for things around the phone
if everything everything is like that
i'm there
the written till we have a word will never point because and otherwise we will forget
and you only would think
it is something
oh but another way to say that is dead
anyway the problem will be know that
as soon as we point out something that further we will try to you know get them happen to keep that or
back and we will start to reject anything that we don't feel good
so this is the kind of grounds and some people than thing
you know there's no good
or went to cut them in murder he explained it
so and then there's the take the thing that they can make the buddha the word
you know kill them kill him kill him since and has given will never get enough he made the particular her
but the idea of killing the buddha is the to actually believe that the burger separate from the things that are photo
be made something that you find a claim to anyone get rid of good like of clinging to the poor
anyway been so be it as a buddha would be something problematic word senators have been only a special
our perfect or third we will tend to want to have it
and defended against what isn't it
he serve somebody fit and know
and they think are you container everything now i'm not
i'm good and bad and getting interdependent
computer and arguments with their support everything
hog subreddit answering no offensive than that there's no inherent reality
and we can actually grasp
her take refuge in that
don't take refuge and something that you apart
how okay well
am i going you avoid going on
a while i am i couldn't
murder case expanded that nothing would just getting started
ha is the summer than one more comment about this before we go to time because tapping on charges turn down the with falconer
get her pilot had fan
another way to think about the center and much like same vein endothelial cells found i think it's an avenger con
what is translated sentences manifesting our actualizing a fundamental point
i said pick learn about and know that deciding you look around
here's like circular and the line of the horizon the current
i'm so he says you will see it finds your eye or practice for free
can come to know he didn't turn on the oven
can't thank you
a gym spring is beginning in and sitting veils is simply why he did up
many people i need to put in my oven and employed to going to be about half an hour until we know which had done his with line his thing of kind in the oven and wanted about happen
what's stopping you now have about fifteen minutes to set up lunch and he thinks
no the ocean will look a certain way
he says for him
if you look at the ocean you realize it have no fixed characteristics
it looks circular when you look at it a certain point of view
some things to look to whenever you know pharmaceutical perspective and it is the dead from limit in the ocean and initially said an infant characteristics and down the friendship
so this is another way to say no one good
in my character and take them down as virtue
so you can focus in on a particular thing the ocean with circular
in addition to the think in earlier angularity you should remind yourself that notion has been think enter into compounds that your business on true with you
there was an issue have some characteristic in focus than i am sad
i'm only i'm scared
it's not the whole picture if not the whole story
have you have other in owner anthony characteristics and down as a junior just that you just don't have to say right now
this kind of thing is the author a way to remind yourself to take refuge in buddha to take refuge in
or to remind yourself to the infinite characteristic as virtue can use whatever you're saying is not the whole picture of time
ha and ha need to
can you know find the problem of course and our life as we tried to do we want to straighten out on these
paula things to come up until we make our manifested my perfect we tried to become real by and have never been sad never been found and never been scared never been on our boss and then find the i can say i'm for the because
nothing idea breathe it in a way actually obtain burger
and it's kind of real manifested way
i know hippie there's a casing to manage it
but it seems committed to have that way you know
a thing amendment
come the thanks they read about you know
are they just think of most efficient your son and know from early on milligram the since to one of the steps since he was no carson did some black magic for wound council uncle half times in the people i said crops to sacrifice
and then he had to in a very thing to
he worked at a long time but all these people like i'm a christian faith permitted similarly enough of an early age and a bitch to have it and then to like one of them to an hour to get there
so take refuge in this
ah said before we here for lunch and a little bit about dharma and sangha perhaps the other service know anyways moving know the most gentle thing to say that time according to each food is teaching
the damn is the teaching of the buddha of enlightened one
in the narrow sense there are the teaching that you can look up and books and even hear from people that the good at times
so that done
then there's thing and then there's another
understanding of dharma which is
everything in your life is done on our teaching
but of course to have a be dollar teaching you would have to drink and german teaching
he would have to receive it as a teacher so when you say
i'm sitting in a teaching
it's not the family exactly except that we can also understand that the teachers
the i'm train training for teachers
else and her
i'm never forget to check the coming servers technical means of journalists to you know one does it take the command to term acquaintances said
in a journal with a small gain onto the capital t is know there were some of the early bird ticket you know what waiting to be reality and
what specifically know what characterizes and protect them as a plan
what a true the existing things
so a person for instance to truly existing in this kind of camera was churning within his as color and his form and you see a particular shape and then another aspect of mine says that's a percent
but that jimmy her allen and i felt there very certain functions to mind are seeing a form and is another function of mine called perception which prison identity on that particular form as being that form is the thing from in the surroundings
so we can their perception
you know the terminal things
we call that perception new we may affairs consequent the person said the different of mine
so no one any person than ever and was seen and known as identifying and villain now having failing marriage insurance limited scope of advanced but there was an accident personal
the kind of technically a true they exist in the them are compounded
put some point and then we think other than any maturing in the anything he said were true the to think
and in tanga is thing
again in the technical sense founded and think community
i which they weren't thinking for his lungs and then
when they put a falcon
send an audience we understand like this but you know nowadays there's this
mirrored and then there's the saga which is a group of people packed symbolism
you know for instance as the founder thirst imperfection and thirty nine protesting i've found them
and is a clean got of stronger
then there's the song about the people packed for beautiful and then you know the widest sense as well to thing
everything must be
during the field together
and earth and sky and trees and everything but in a week we can call everything good and we can call it time i didn't call it stronger
the i have three different names from the same thing
i find me in kindle
a lion king
typically basically you know sometimes i think about it is in addition i unlike the thing every day and there was a zen master and and every day as a good day
i think it was a man
hurricane the country
hum and you know a difference to me know
the context of returning founder brewing ambitious
but you can't compare it to know them to the bad days
every day is a good thing compared to which had the diverted of fifth day
vickery sr said everything that day it doesn't mean you can't complain
it doesn't mean you can have problems and once the difference between knowing that attention of everything is shit
and every day a good day from language rise of things to have a different turn
if everything know which is it
oh we tried to have written consent to try to create from language for
shifting are aware is shifting i'm thinking putting unconscionable
how said that with somehow can me
ah the the absent down on the thing cursing
the my life
in in the contact the pan
awakening of really like realization of right mentor improve our and the filed under pilot
when we can appreciate our life and be paid for firelight even know it's not
working out perfectly
i think what i'd like to do is stop now
i don't know maybe we can take ten minutes for you have some questions or comments or of countries
because it won't help me and township
if nothing else it will have been chosen and what direction going fifteen
and then was that for lunch or take a minute ten happen
could you have any comments
what's the nearest to the way down and play
and you
read written down
are there it is and has somewhat related to the last thing i was saying about
a we can forget
we can't forget that we have an unconditioned ensures was a conditional nature
i forget that were more than just evaded neighbor that somebody's to a week but our town
and because we forget them when china have some language during mind
for me
we tend to believe in germany as
it's related to it back in her day in the protection of lethal centers in says and always been out a reality recreated story and then we fell down it
in history that was hidden from the didn't ax they didn't actually the truth isn't actually reality
we make up history and then when vivid it we found down there
and it said and it said that the bodhisattva was unskilled
tuesday it took it to be a bodhisattva but you know when i say like well sometimes it's governance good a separate sentences curve an ordinary common foolish person
makes up stories and in federal funding and then treat them with the real
i believe them
this a conditionally him
and we believe what we pay about of and what others say about answer know mr with pad
construction vehicle
there was suggesting you can he knows if you start believing in the unconditional ensuring his dribbling and better than you don't have to anymore settle down
so understanding
a attack
the other six it in various lion people's lives that end up charging
i'm not actually in a lake
out there
bring your
you can have a
who said he was a
fully identify
what's taking you from theme everyone ran from other languages
have have
if i can move up the that
you know
do you think of there is between in and being in heaven
here they take it burns and it will lift is also why britain as in a like the reprise their work in and in destroying you don't mention i at all ages punching anger
ah interpretation
joy equanimity
aged pencil thinking kitchen and you the that the i the have the animal
and visit this author had to do with
you know kid
stupid thinking wouldn't pick and noted
what you can catch they noted is angered and you can't actually find at that time the i it has for the i that is
you know the anger separate from the anger you can't actually find them so you know that example of
in a dynamic they time alternately thinking we couldn't say i am i have either although i have would be slightly more accurate or in or not at finding are not in identifying
as you say a gp and know we can't find an item with it would be doing the having morning pointing the me
and we can't find a and we can't find the having or the aiming you know
there are we can find it oh anger
a person join
and know even feeling i is feeling a vector
it it will take a breath of thirteenth anger
and and
and then
they that the having the doing the being the i
if we can actually get hold of it we can actually like pulmonary areas
am from
i'm in a physical thing that you know used to you and knowing in this kind of our language can venue in say something about characterizing typical patient is in the category of touch
when seeing hearing smelling pixel touching in the category of touch a chord
a hard soft
aim a trembling tingling
com burning know
it's been a kind of thing and then you and then you can say oh yeah and that cut out the be characterized as anger from
then you're shifting the the language you know because he has some things we can see and physical channels or emotional channels and we could have and knowing any moment of experience is considered to have
know a certain ranger
that's what the pipes gonna return tended to do for one it
there's an a sensory aspects at tage badly as said there's a feeling town of presenter and and and all this is arrival together and there's dependability of identifying something as anger
her sadness and then and then there's no way job
concentration in mind for nothing
and anyway and big category others i'm scared for the shaping involved in france are factors that shape consciously to give councils it's particular characteristics the not include and anger and greed and lack of trade and
rack of anger and thing
anna jane
that's the biggest group and in his conscience and so-called cases which might be pregnant but we can't actually find a know it's considered big are facing to the and of teaching and that touched on they arrived as with characteristic would never arise and sisters conferences and we can't actually find the consciousness apart
from the characteristics
but we figured it must be there
are we wouldn't have the gators six degrees
but conscious seen there and different than what we used to identify the guy
this was identified as i eyes narrowing a person
and it changed the way we define a guided identify with to cater to the thing i
granted they can with conscience the thing i have consensus that may include everything but i am it on an certain things as a person is anything
also constantly felt can be characterized and i
and i want to enter sometimes and since the caterer at the guy in the sense that i am entire universe
for the entire you know the south in internal so nothing
councils could be identified a guy but then how can the designation can do relevant i am the entire universe i mentioned it will because i used to think that i'm not
a pack of hot rod
i'm really just
the that
the when i'm proud of right
we are
until the stars
hence refuge
okay i'd like to step in ourselves and i think what would do thank you