Transfiguration: Divine Illumination Unveiled

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Transfiguration Sermon

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The talk explores the theme of transfiguration as depicted in the Gospel, emphasizing its spiritual significance and the intimate relationship between Christ and the apostles. It underscores the transformation experienced during the event on the mount and highlights the deep spiritual insights about faith, purity, and contemplation. The speaker elaborates on the meaning of prayer and divine revelation through the luminous transformation of Christ and emphasizes the importance of spiritual tradition in understanding and embodying these divine mysteries.

  • Gospel Narratives: Used to illustrate the intimacy and transformation experienced during the Transfiguration, highlighting the spiritual journey of the apostles.
  • Mount Hermon: Historically suggested location of the Transfiguration, symbolizing spiritual elevation and purity.
  • Plan of Salvation: Discussed in relation to the transfiguration and its prophetic foreshadowing of Christ’s death and resurrection.
  • Mount Sinai and Mount Horeb: Referenced as sites of divine revelation to Moses and Elijah, respectively, drawing parallels to the transfiguration experience.
  • St. Peter’s Confession: Analyzed to demonstrate the apostolic recognition of Jesus’ divine identity and the foundational aspect of Christian faith.
  • Second Epistle of St. Peter: Discussed for its authentication of the Transfiguration event and its theological implications for understanding divine revelation and tradition.

AI Suggested Title: Transfiguration: Divine Illumination Unveiled

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Speaker: Rev. Fr. Damasus Winzen, OSB
Possible Title: Transfiguration Sermon
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I feel a little closer to you, and I feel closer to the Lord, because this is beyond us, Montevideo, this is the place, this is the day, maybe we live that beautiful events that the Gospel has just told us about. If you listen to it and you think about it, then you realize that this story that we have just heard is full of the spirit of intimacy and of closeness. Our Lord takes three apostles, three of His disciples, with Him.


And they are those that are closest to Him, the Saviour, those whom He really loves, are His true friends. And He goes with them upon And if you follow, we are here, how you are here gathered round this altar, in this chapel, you have left the world, you have inculcated the invitations of our Lord Jesus Christ, and if one thinks about it, what does it mean to be taken by the Lord, apart? away from the usual pressure of greatness. I think it involves one thing, that is, that one is free from oneself, from one's usual expectations, that one is set and ready for a surprise.


Of what kind is that practice? I think that is indicated in the way of what they are doing now. The Lord, as it is said in the Gospel, takes mystery and Gospels out. He takes them out one time out, and especially which is specific for this story. to a high mount, so that taking up has a special meaning again. And I think Luke, and other places, other gospels, indicate what meaning this has. He says, he took him apart, he took him with him, in order to pray. Pray, in effect, is the height to which they aspire, upon which they are taken.


Where is the seeking of the faith of God? It illuminates through their exalt. You are my light and you are my salvation. Where is our light? Faith of God. of the space and grace of God's height and sprawl, His eternal absolute goodness and mercy. That's why He looks at us. The fact that He looks at us and turns not away His looks is the sign of His absolute mercy to us. So let us therefore prayer, seeking this, seeking that in life we may be formed with faith on the good law of all things, the firmament of our Lord Jesus Christ.


And let us stand walking across those deep streams suddenly filled with food. They see the face of Christ. And they suddenly see, and that is the greatness of Christ, that a change is coming over Him. And again we have to see that very clearly and take it seriously, I would say, literally. A change is coming over Him. And this change of Jesus His face is radiant like the sun. His face, it seems to me, is like the very essence of all the created light. The sun is and stands here, and our sky adds to these warm stars of all light and of all life.


When the sun rises, then life rises. When the sun rises, then the whole inner mood of man's changed. And he goes out in order to do his work, his service. So the face of the Lord is shining like the sun. That means in the creativity of his five persons, expressed in the face, in his very features, And his garments are whiter than snow. Snow, some people, as you know, think that the place, the historical place of this transfiguration may have been Mount Hermon. Mount Hermon, where there is snow, or in here, mountains, the water, mountain, there in the reach of Galilee, in the front, in the foreground, Palestine, it can't stay.


What in time is slow? What is the slow? The slow is of life in itself. It is not the moon, but it is the reflection, the reflected light. It is that kind of light which we call purity. Then purity that is proper to those, the purity of heart is proper to those who see the face of God. That purity is indicated here in the garments of the Lord, the garments that are we. Therefore, if you look at His feet in this light, then you see that His face, that is, the created beauty, we created part of His person. His governments are those who completely interiorly are open for that mercy.


That is purity, the purity of heart. That is what all Christians are seeking, especially what the monks are seeking. And, therefore, in him, in his figure as equator, the very essence of the act of contemplation is visible before us. And I say that because that is real and true in the context of this entire story. Because they can go on the year that now Moses and Daniel still kill each other. That is an authority. And what is going on? They are talking to him. Sylla Nund. And they are conversing with him. In an intimate way, conversing with him. Now, we should not think, no, we should not simply change that.


Certainly, I mean, if you only stop for a moment and think about it, it's clear that they are not just chatting about themselves. They are not simply wasting their time. Moses and Elias, I'm sure, to Christ, the Word of God and flesh, and they talk together what is and must be the very contents of their contestation, I simply think this to be a plan of salvation. That plan of salvation with which Dharma-ji misleads with mercy, he has these three justices, in his life and in his work. has decided to save mankind through the sacrifice, the deadly, salient love of his son, MacMahon, so that the cross and the resurrection would be, in reality, the object of this conversation.


in which Moses then recognizes that this is truly that back of the door that he was allowed to see on Mount Sinai, and in which Elias recognizes the still small voice that he heard when he was listening on Mount Hover, and recognizes that there is the presence of God, the Almighty One at rest, So that is certainly the topic, and I say that too, and I dare to say it, because St. Luke, the Evangelist, clearly points it out. There is speaking about His essence, about His leaving this world and His absolute homecoming in Jude, to the bright side of His Father, through His death and His resurrection. So that is what we are looking for, and that is what I would say, contemplation.


Contemplation means to bring all things together. And then is this figure Christ the Lord, and in all of this, and in His miracles, the whole of God's deepest saving desire, as it were, presented in the condensation, in the unanimity, the inner, the jubilant agreement of these three. And then, of course, if we turn around to St. Peter, then we realize that he, in fact, so he sees what is going on, he doesn't grasp what is really the meaning of this manifestation. He says, and as we And that is, of course, in some ways so true. And why? Because this is certainly, and that is what St.


Peter recognized, this is intimacy with the Republic. This means it is good to be here, and therefore it should go on forever and ever. There is no single equal on a sinful, blind soul. But there is one, if I may call it that way, and it is in each myth. We must recognize, and we must realize, that this story of the transfiguration is spatially biased in that you insert it in an affair only taken. And it didn't want to wait. And it's the center of, you know, let's just say, the turning point, the cover, the turning point of Christ's mission. It is inserted and it comes and it follows the famous question of Alexis Agrippina, who did the people think that I, the social man, am like?


And there Peter answers him, he says, you are the Christ, you are the Son of the Living God. And then you realize, you remember that this story continues. The confession of Peter is not really, let us say, the final But the hierarchy of churches follows. It follows because the Lord instead of them, our Father here, while he is in Peter's house, blessed by Peter. Because flesh and blood have not revealed this to you, but my Father, who is in heaven. And this is the rock upon which I will build my church. And then he continues, and he explains, this son of man just recognized as the Son of God, as Messiah.


He has to go up to Jerusalem, and then he has to be handed over into the hands of the enemies, and then he will be spit upon, and then he will be killed. And then the same people said, no, that will never happen. in this way, and I can listen. Not, you are blessed, Peter. But he says, the state kept And then he continues that, he implies that what happens in him, that he did go on to Jerusalem, and that he there may be held open to the hands of the enemies, and that also will be, let me say, the fate of Israel. He reveals it and makes it absolutely clear. The one who talks to gain his survival, the one who sets everything on gaining his life, he'll lose it.


The one who will lose his life, he will kill. And then after this manifestation, this true initiation, six days are evidently an allusion to the six days of the Passion Week of Montreux. And then the transfiguration, the scene of which we are speaking today, takes place. So what is it? It's the confirmation. And what does Peter not understand? He doesn't understand that this glowing, that this light that shines forth And there is an opening, and the Bible is read by Moses and Elias. It's the light of that God who dies for the sins of mankind. The manifestation of the stillness of the love of God in Christ Jesus.


Therefore, instead of the light, what descends, the cloud descends. As the Father's answer to Peter's, shall we call it, foolishness, the cloud descends. That sign of the Christ, that sign of the living, of the grace of God, which was in the temple, that flower of Christ, is the temple. And out of this cloud and the void, This is my Beloved Son, in whom I take my life. And this manifestation, just of this specific love, infinite love between Father and Son, which goes to the point that Father sings His Beloved Son in countenance of exaltation for our sins. Hear me, children.


Hear me, children. Listen to me. What is the murder of this cross? Why this upheaval? Listen. Hear it. Hear it. Does David not hear it? We see what was happening in these bodies that David carried. It was the realization and the glory of God will be covered by shame for ourselves, who carry our sin. And the glory of God will manifest itself as the Lamb of God. For Peter did not understand. There is, therefore, what the apostles and disciples are solemnly acknowledged by the Father to be, and this We want that you don't speak today about the tradition, and the idea of tradition, and the essence of Christian tradition is to us all of the latest importance, especially at the time when so many things are being changed, and when so many people are kind of become unsure


Now, if we say that in the Baselus, the little England, things are so unscheduled, what do we have to explain to the natives? In a time like this, tradition, and you can be young, be of western tradition, is vital. It endures, get on, on the track, not as the Parisians get so. identify tradition with external influences. Washing one's hands before one eats makes life better. But then we get free, and then we will see that authentic tradition, not the traditionness of habit, but the authentic tradition. And this authentic tradition you can just see before your eyes. He is Christ of the Father. He clearly shows to us this is our beloved Son.


That is that Jesus Christ, accompanied by the Holy Spirit, by the Lord and the Father. or three, giving testimony to the angels, to the dead, and the resurrection. And the cloud of the Holy Spirit, called by the Three, that is Thee, the Purge. That is the Father, Heaven, and all God, to all these three who are apostles, who are there before and have sinned. I had to realize I'd already, at the time, I'd have been struck down by fear. Still, the second epistle of St. Peter gave a shovel-stamp of bliss, then stumped, leaving a smile, and which he sought, as the sun told him, of our salvation.


For, after all, it really brought the apostles to ginger, after the Lord had died for them. Just through this my condition, he has to die in order to enter into his glory. That is, that in this world he may give us out of his glory his spirit. That is the tradition. My dear friends, let us all be celebrated. You are in this little stage, and I wish you all, from the bottom of my heart, I bless all cows, I use the Easter light when I cry out, I have to cry out. Thanks.

