Fasting Talks

Showing 101 talks

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Title Speaker


Samadhi, Impermanence, Vow, Fasting, Intention, lecture, difficulty
Aug 22 2015

The Little Hare and the Fruit

Serial: BZ-02217

Seeing Things "As It Is", Saturday Lecture

Non-discrimination, Birth-and-Death, Impermanence, Bell, Birth-and-Death, Fasting,...
Dec 03 2011
Berkeley Zen Center

Zenki and Shoji

Serial: BZ-02202

Part 3 of 4, study sesshin

Birth-and-Death, Karma, Samsara, Nirvana, confusion, Fasting, Daily Life,...
Sep 04 2011

Five Ranks Class

Serial: BZ-02121

Katsuki Sekida's Commentary


Five Ranks, Cultivation, Passions, Karma, Concentration, Lotus Sutra, training,...
Aug 19 2010

Transformation of Consciousness into the Eight-fold Wisdom

Serial: BZ-02045

Be careful of estatic states', Sesshin Day 4

Homeless Kodo, Silent Illumination, Offering, Gratitude, Silent Illumination, Evil,...
Jun 20 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

3 Topics: Takuhatsu, Identity Action, Ryokan Plays with Children

Serial: BZ-01110

Part 1 of 2

teaching retreat

Separation, Soto Zen, American, Gratitude, Mahayana, Transmission, Discrimination,...
Jan 26 2008
Berkeley Zen Center


Fasting, zen, Culture, Impermanence, Soto Zen, Meditation, Vow, Compassion
Jan 19 2008

July 1st, 2006, Serial No. 01172, Side B

Ego, American, War, Happiness, Humility, Peace, Fasting, Evil, Patience, Culture...
Jul 01 2006


Buddha Nature, Continuous Practice, Beginners, Subject-and-Object, Dependent...
May 05 2005

February 2nd, 2003, Serial No. 00466

Four Noble Truths, Religion, Fasting, Renunciation, Demons, Interview, Chanting,...
Feb 02 2003


Teacher-and-Student, Buddha Ancestors, Meditation, Oneness, Fasting, Duality, Zazen,...
Mar 12 2002

November 18th, 2001, Serial No. 00095, Side A

Precepts, resistance, Repentance, Soto Zen, Observe, Lay Ordination, Birth-and-Death...
Nov 18 2001

Wednesday Lecture

Mill Valley, Peace, Fasting, Zendo, Faith, Commitment, Monastic Practice,...
Sep 26 2001
Green Gulch


Posture, Dragons, Teacher-and-Student, Repentance, Don't Know Mind, Samadhi,...
May 18 2001

Monk/Fox and The Law of Karma

Serial: BZ-00129A

One-Day Sitting

Hyakujo, Monks, Fox, Karma, Fox, causation, Karma, Dependent Origination, Birth-and-...
Jan 20 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Wednesday Lecture

Practice Period, Hate, Fasting, Nirvana, Conversation, Freedom, training
Oct 06 1999
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Anger, Book of Serenity, Karma, Precepts, Evil, Duality, Emptiness, Offering, Fasting...
Oct 04 1998
Green Gulch

How Can We Live The Next 10,000 Years?

Transmission, Fasting, Peace, Oneness, Politics, Gratitude, Commitment, Passions,...
Sep 10 1997

Wednesday Lecture

Karmic Consciousness, Separation, Fasting, Precepts, Karma, Religion, Balance,...
Jul 30 1997
Green Gulch

Way seeking Mind Talks

Politics, Religion, War, Fasting, Practice Period, Building, Peace, Emotions,...
Feb 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

May 16th, 1996, Serial No. 00137

Serial: NC-00137

Rule of Benedict Novice Class # 1 - 1990s

OSB Cam, Fasting, Patience, Enemies, Hate
May 16 1996

December 30th, 1995, Serial No. 04043

New Year, Six Realms, Karma, Religion, Renewal, Fasting, Beginners, Samsara, Chanting...
Dec 30 1995

Happiness and Love

Serial: BZ-00948B

Saturday Lecture

Happiness, Love, New Year, Happiness, Liberation, Equanimity, Attachment, Buddha Mind...
Jan 07 1995
Berkeley Zen Center

The Triple Good / Applications

Serial: NC-00016

Part of "Romualdian/Camaldolese/Benedictine Spirituality"

2. The Triple Good / Applications

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, Vow, lecture, Fasting, training, Intention
2 of 4
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Primitive Romualdian Spirituality / Applications

Serial: NC-00015

Part of "Romualdian/Camaldolese/Benedictine Spirituality"

1. Primitive Romualdian Spirituality / Applications

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, Demons, Intimacy, Fasting, Attachment, Continuous Practice
1 of 4
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Contemplative Prayer

Serial: NC-00927

Contemplative Prayer class

Fasting, Discrimination, First Principle, Intuition, Monastic Practice
Sep 14 1994
2 of 7
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Contemplative Prayer

Serial: NC-01098

Contemplative Prayer Class

OSB Cam, Emptiness, Renunciation, Obstacles, Fasting
Aug 02 1994
9 of 11
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00349

Monastic History Class, New Orders

OSB Cam, Money, Fasting, Renewal
Mar 16 1994
27 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00346

Monastic History Class, Monastic Reforms

OSB Cam, Thich Nhat Hanh, Money, Politics, Chanting, Fasting
Mar 03 1994
24 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00342

Monastic History Class, Spanish Monasticism

OSB Cam, Fasting, Lineage, War, japanese, Bell
Feb 17 1994
20 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00336

Monastic History Class, Augustinian monasticism

OSB Cam, Fasting, lecture, Ordination, training
Jan 26 1994
13 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00330

Monastic History Class

OSB Cam, Fasting, zen, Politics, Vow, Intention
Jan 05 1994
7 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Contemplation and Inner Experience

Serial: NC-00838

Class on contemplative prayer using Thomas Merton's The Inner Experience.

Class IX

Contemplative Prayer Set 2 of 2

OSB Cam, Emptiness, Renunciation, Obstacles, Fasting
9 of 10
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00326

Monastic History Class

OSB Cam, training, Money, Duality, Fasting
Dec 16 1993
3 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00324

Monastic History Class

OSB Cam, New Year, Fasting, Money, Chanting
Dec 15 1993
2 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Shakyamuni's Enlightenment as a Guide to Practice

Serial: SF-00075

Saturday Lecture

Fasting, Hate, Chanting, Concentration, Delusion, Vow, confusion, Zazen
Apr 24 1993

Practicing with Flexible Mind within Forms: The Practice of Recovering Zazen Mind

Serial: BZ-00649A


Family Practice, Don't Know Mind, Fasting, training, Diversity, Sangha,...
Feb 27 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

The Cloud of Unknowing

Serial: NC-00091

Part of "The English Mystics"

Conference 4: The Cloud of Unknowing

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, Intention, Ego, Intuition, Fasting, Offering
4 of 4
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Walter Hilton

Serial: NC-00090

Part of "The English Mystics"

Conference 3: Walter Hilton

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, Enthusiasm, Diversity, Monkey Mind, Intention, Fasting
3 of 4
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic Spirituality for the Christian in the World

Serial: NC-00081A

Monastic Spirituality for the Christian in the World

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, Repentance, Compassion, japanese, Fasting, Vow
3 of 6
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Introduction to Buddhism: Personal History

Serial: BZ-00282

Class 1 of 5

Four Noble Truths, Lay, Renunciation, Religion, Lineage, Fasting, Dependent...
Jan 16 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen’s “Zenki”: Undivided Activity; Zenki and Shoji

Serial: BZ-00275

Class 3 of 3

Birth-and-Death, Equanimity, Separation, Teacher-and-Student, Fasting, Fox, Funeral,...
Jun 13 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Mumonkan: Case #41

Serial: BZ-00492B

Bodhidharma Pacifying Eka's Mind, Saturday Lecture

Bodhidharma, Eka, MM-41, Bodhidharma, Ordinary Mind, Eka, Non-attachment, Attachment...
Sep 22 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

Lion's Roar

Letting Go, Mindfulness, Balance, Commitment, Samsara, Practice Period, Liberation,...
Dec 29 1988

Life and Death

Serial: BZ-00897A


Happiness, Birth-and-Death, Fasting, Nirvana, Evil, Heart Sutra, Tassajara Zen...
May 07 1988
Berkeley Zen Center

December 9th, 1987, Serial No. 00308

Serial: BZ-00308

Rohatsu Day 2

Intuition, Fasting, American, Anger, Impermanence, Hindrances, Nirvana, Offering,...
Dec 09 1987

Life of the Five Brothers

Serial: NC-00655

Seminar on Life of the Five Brothers

OSB Cam, Camaldolese History, Vow, Fasting, Monastic Practice, Politics, training...
Oct 1987
2 of 3
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Buddha’s Birthday

Serial: BZ-01485


Buddha's Birthday, Buddha Mind, Religion, Fasting, Offering, Renewal, Interview...
Apr 05 1987
Berkeley Zen Center

November 29th, 1986, Serial No. 00611

OSB Cam, Ego, Enthusiasm, Fasting, Buddha, Hate
Nov 29 1986
Shantivanam Ashram

Camaldolese History

Serial: NC-00520

Camaldolese History Class. Conference #11 (Mar 29, 1984) & Conference #12 (Apr 4, 1984)

OSB Cam, Money, Fasting, Ordination, Monastic Practice, Sanctuary
Mar 29 1984
6 of 6
New Camaldoli Hermitage
