Darkness and Light Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Zen Meditation on the Great Flower Adornment Scripture, Class 3In this series of meetings, we will study and see how Zen is the key unlocking the innumerable meanings of this oceanic scripture. We will also explore how the sutra opens and illuminates our simple... #YRB-2023-Fall, Letting Go, Enlightenment, Lotus Sutra, Faith, Darkness and Light... |
Oct 17 2023 3 of 8 The Yoga Room |
Introducing Flower Adornment Book TwoA Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Koun Ejô, Bodhisattva Way, Gratitude,... |
Jul 15 2023 PM No Abode Hermitage |
Zen Meditation on Our Original Nature, Class 8In this series of gatherings we will explore and perhaps realize our original nature, and how to apply such a discovery to all of our daily activities. #YRB-2023-Spring1, Original Nature, Sangha, Zazen, Gratitude, Darkness and Light... |
May 09 2023 8 of 8 The Yoga Room |
Master Ummon's Everybody has Their Own Light Darkness and Light, Light-and-Darkness, Buddha Nature, Duality, Demons, Concentration... |
Aug 03 2019 |
Just This Is: the Avatamsaka Sutra in the Zen Tradition Perfect Wisdom, Discrimination, Buddha Mind, Practice Period, Karmic Consciousness,... |
Apr 13 2019 AM No Abode Hermitage |
What Do We Call the World, and the Vast, Living UnderworldSerial: TL-00571 ADZG Monday Night, Duality, Darkness and Light, Intention, Bodhisattva Precepts |
Dec 10 2018 ADZG Temple |
Winter Solstice Poetry and Dr. King's InterconnectednessSerial: TL-00501 ADZG Sunday Morning, Darkness and Light, Letting Go, Balance, New Year, Priest |
Dec 24 2017 ADZG Temple |
Let Go, Accept Your Function, and Mutually RespondSerial: TL-00462 ADZG Sunday Morning, Letting Go, Darkness and Light, Practice Period, Mandala |
May 07 2017 ADZG Temple |
Yunmen's Medicine and Sickness Heal Each OtherSerial: BZ-02469 Class Blue Cliff Record 67
BCR-67, Cultivation, Heart Sutra, Birth-and-Death, Darkness and Light, Light-and-... |
Mar 28 2016 |
Performance of the Undivided MindSerial: TL-00386 ADZG Sunday Morning, Evil, Darkness and Light, Chanting, Buddha Mind, Desire |
Sep 20 2015 ADZG Temple |
What Is Acceptance Forgiveness, Two Truths, Dependent Origination, Anger, Heart Sutra, Darkness and... |
Aug 08 2015 |
Everyone Has a Light Blue Cliff Record, Duality, Oneness, Practice Period, Berkeley Zen Center, Passions,... |
Nov 15 2014 |
Dogen's Uji: Being Time Big Mind, Doubt, Discrimination, Darkness and Light, Demons, Continuous Practice,... |
Feb 23 2014 |
SamadhiSerial: BZ-02304 Shikantaza, Saturday Lecture Samadhi, Suzuki Roshi, Vairochana Buddha, Precious Mirror, Darkness and Light, Silent... |
Apr 20 2013 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sandokai Lecture OneSerial: BZ-02291 Part 1 of 4 Composure, Discrimination, Branching Streams, Darkness and Light, Light-and-Darkness... |
Feb 16 2013 1 |
A Candle in the Dark Practice Position, Darkness and Light, Five Ranks, Lotus Sutra, Gratitude, Commitment... |
Nov 24 2012 |
Memory, Forgetfulness, and Big MindSerial: TL-00234 ADZG Sunday Morning, Letting Go, Big Mind, Darkness and Light, Harmonizing, Oneness |
Jun 05 2011 ADZG Temple |
Reality Revealed in the WorkplaceSerial: BZ-02104 Shuso talk Birth-and-Death, Darkness and Light, Light-and-Darkness, Silence, Liberation,... |
Jun 12 2010 |
More Light Ordinary Mind, Light-and-Darkness, Darkness and Light, Bodhisattva Vow, Transmission... |
May 23 2009 |
Platform Sutra. Hui Neng. Commentary on Poem in Section on PrayanaSerial: BZ-01452 Rohatsu, Day 7, side A Darkness and Light, Attachment, Platform Sutra, Big Mind, Light-and-Darkness, Karma,... |
Dec 13 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
Commentary on Poem in Section on PrajnaSerial: BZ-02010 Platform Sutra - Hui Neng, Rohatsu Day 7 Hui Neng, Darkness and Light, Attachment, Light-and-Darkness, Karma, Platform Sutra,... |
Dec 13 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
December 15th, 2007, Serial No. 01106 New Year, Happiness, Berkeley Zen Center, Vow, Don't Know Mind, Heart Sutra,... |
Dec 15 2007 |
Silent Illumination and the Upright CauldronSerial: TL-00171 ADZG Three Day Sesshin, Letting Go, Hongzhi, Darkness and Light, Silent Illumination |
Jun 16 2007 Cenacle Chicago |
Nothing Outside of PracticeSerial: BZ-01420 "Treasury of Radiant Light Samadhi" by Koun Ejô, Sesshin Day 2 Samadhi, Dream World, Darkness and Light, Renunciation, Samadhi, Chanting, resistance... |
Feb 18 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #10Serial: BZ-01384 "You Empty-Headed Fool", Sesshin Day 2 BCR-10, Darkness and Light, Buddha Nature, Duality, Rinzai, Birth-and-Death, Daily... |
Sep 03 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
March 2006 talk, Serial No. 00050, Side B Silent Illumination, Letting Go, Hongzhi, Jukai, Darkness and Light |
Mar 2006 |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #86: "Everyone Has Their Light"Serial: BZ-01205 Temple Storehouse, Temple Gate, Rohatsu Day 5 Ummon, BCR-86, Doubt, Buddha Nature, Darkness and Light, Buddha Ancestors, Hindrances... |
Dec 02 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 5th, 2005, Serial No. 01197 Darkness and Light, Evil, Mahayana, Practice Period, Duality, Aspects of Practice,... |
Nov 05 2005 |
Beans, Gratitude, GenerositySerial: SF-01014 Sunday Lecture - Children's Lecture Interdependence, confusion, Don't Know Mind, Commitment, Darkness and Light,... |
Jul 03 2005 Green Gulch |
Sitting Under The Rose-Apple TreeSerial: SF-01016 Sunday Lecture Balance, Darkness and Light, Bell, Commitment, Letting Go, Precepts, Suzuki Roshi,... |
Oct 03 2004 Green Gulch |
Master Hongzhi's Practice InstructionsSerial: BZ-00153B Saturday Lecture Hongzhi, Practice, Birth-and-Death, Darkness and Light, Light-and-Darkness, Buddha... |
Jul 13 2002 Berkeley Zen Center |
Birth and Death: Dogen’s Zenki and ShojiSerial: BZ-00486 Class 4 of 4 Birth-and-Death, Buddha Nature, Nirvana, Hate, Samsara, Darkness and Light, Six... |
Nov 30 2000 4 Berkeley Zen Center |
Branching Streams Flow in the DarknessSerial: BZ-00161B Saturday Lecture Sandokai, Branching Streams, Light-and-Darkness, Absolute-and-Relative, Birth-and-... |
May 06 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Surangama Sutra Class Precepts, Don't Know Mind, Commitment, Ceremony, Birth-and-Death, Ordination,... |
May 02 2000 Green Gulch |
Branching Streams Flow in the DarknessSerial: BZ-00161A Light and Darkness, Saturday Lecture Sandokai, Branching Streams, Light-and-Darkness, Light-and-Darkness, Darkness and... |
Apr 29 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Branching Streams Flow in the DarknessSerial: BZ-00207B Some personal comments, Sesshin Day 3 Sandokai, Branching Streams, Light-and-Darkness, Branching Streams, Darkness and... |
Mar 26 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Branching Streams Flow in the DarknessSerial: BZ-00202B Saturday Lecture Sandokai, Branching Streams, Anger, Duality, Branching Streams, Composure, Happiness... |
Jan 29 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Precious Mirror Samadhi, 6 of 8Serial: BZ-00929 Fall practice period Five Ranks, Ego, Rinzai, Discrimination, Big Mind, Darkness and Light, Light-and-... |
Nov 04 1999 6 of 8 BZC |
October 28th, 1999, Serial No. 01546Serial: BZ-01546 #duplicate-please-hide Absolute-and-Relative, Five Ranks, Rinzai, Platform Sutra, Ego, Discrimination,... |
Nov 04 1999 |
September 23rd, 1999, Serial No. 00861 Precious Mirror, Five Ranks, Light-and-Darkness, Absolute-and-Relative, Buddha Nature... |
Sep 23 1999 |
Precious Mirror Samadhi, Class 1 of 8Serial: BZ-01008A Fall practice period 1999 class 1 of 8
Hokyo Zanmai, Precious Mirror, Song of the Precious Mirror Samadhi, Absolute-and-Relative, Buddha... |
Sep 23 1999 1 |
September 23rd, 1999, Serial No. 01541 Five Ranks, Precious Mirror, Light-and-Darkness, Absolute-and-Relative, Buddha Nature... |
Sep 23 1999 |
Master Hongzi's Practice InstructionSerial: BZ-00073A One-Day Sitting Hongzhi, Practice, Attachment, Darkness and Light, Silent Illumination, Light-and-... |
Apr 18 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
Five Ranks And The BricksSerial: BZ-00071B Saturday Lecture Tozan, Five Ranks, Five Ranks, Precious Mirror, Absolute-and-Relative, Evil, Darkness... |
Apr 03 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
To Consider Our Practice CarefullySerial: SF-00954 Sunday Lecture Light-and-Darkness, Darkness and Light, Monastic Practice, Letting Go, Practice... |
Dec 20 1998 Green Gulch |
Sunday Lecture Blue Cliff Record, Bodhidharma, Commitment, Priest, Birth-and-Death, Buddha Nature,... |
Aug 30 1998 Green Gulch |
Knowing, Not Knowing, Nonknowing Culture, Ego, American, Building, Religion, Darkness and Light, Bodhidharma, Duality... |
Jan 24 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mountains And Rivers Without EndSerial: SF-03582 Mountains And Rivers Workshop, Mark Gonnerman, Stanford Humanities Center, Kresge Auditorium Darkness and Light, Chanting, Evil, Silence, Lay, Emptiness |
Oct 09 1997 Stanford University |
Life of BuddhaSerial: BZ-00846 Class 5 of 6 Evil, Four Noble Truths, Sangha, Lay, Darkness and Light, Non-violence, Religion,... |
Apr 10 1997 5 Berkeley Zen Center |
SandokaiSerial: SF-03106 Sunday Lecture Manjushri, Samadhi, Oneness, confusion, Darkness and Light, Perfect Wisdom, Intimacy... |
Dec 01 1996 Green Gulch |