Bell Talks

A bell is a directly struck idiophone percussion instrument. Most bells have the shape of a hollow cup that when struck vibrates in a single strong strike tone, with its sides forming an efficient resonator. The strike may be made by an internal "clapper" or "uvula", an external hammer, or—in small bells—by a small loose sphere enclosed within the body of the bell (jingle bell).

Bells are usually cast from bell metal (a type of bronze) for its resonant properties, but can also be made from other hard materials. This depends on the function. Some small bells such as ornamental bells or cowbells can be made from cast or pressed metal, glass or ceramic, but large bells such as a church, clock and tower bells are normally cast from bell metal.

Bells intended to be heard over a wide area can range from a single bell hung in a turret or bell-gable, to a musical ensemble such as an English ring of bells, a carillon or a Russian zvon which are tuned to a common scale and installed in a bell tower. Many public or institutional buildings house bells, most commonly as clock bells to sound the hours and quarters.

Historically, bells have been associated with religious rites, and are still used to call communities together for religious services. Later, bells were made to commemorate important events or people and have been associated with the concepts of peace and freedom. The study of bells is called campanology.

From Bell on Wikipedia

Showing 644 talks

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Title Speaker

Sunday Lecture

Suzuki Roshi, Ceremony, Impermanence, Enemies, Funeral, Heart Sutra, Faith, Bell,...
Oct 28 2001
Green Gulch

Aspects of Practice

Serial: BZ-00476

Class 2 of 4

Teacher-and-Student, Lineage, Transmission, true dharma, Buddha Ancestors,...
Oct 11 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Aspects of Practice: Suzuki Roshi

Serial: BZ-00477

Class 1 of 4

War, Bell, Priest, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Precepts, Posture, Branching...
Oct 04 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Transforming Hate Into Global Compassion

Serial: SF-00051

Sunday talk.

Hate, Current Events, Mill Valley, Peace, Bell, Interdependence, Sanctuary, Chanting...
Sep 16 2001

Sunday Lecture

Hate, Current Events, Mill Valley, Peace, Bell, Interdependence, Sanctuary,...
Sep 16 2001
Green Gulch

Untitled Talk

Beginners, Culture, Bell, Aspects of Practice, resistance, Daily Life, Posture, Anger...
Aug 04 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Treating Everything as a Subject from Eihei Shingi

Serial: BZ-00104A

Sesshin Day 1

Eihei Shingi, Tenzo, Bell, Subject-and-Object, Duality, First Principle, Non-duality...
Jun 20 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Wednesday Lecture

Practice Period, Family Practice, Zendo, Mill Valley, Monastic Practice, Ceremony,...
May 09 2001
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Enthusiasm, Religion, Priest, Emptiness, Nirvana, Observe, Ego, Posture, Bell,...
Mar 18 2001
Green Gulch

Blue Cliff Record: Case #36

Serial: BZ-00099A

Meeting a Person of the Way, One-Day Sitting

BCR-36, Silence, Monastic Practice, Big Mind, Enemies, Bell, Intimacy, Demons,...
Mar 18 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Purity of the Boddhisattva

Bodhisattva Way, Berkeley Zen Center, Sangha, Bell, Posture, Cultivation, Manjushri,...
Mar 10 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Sunday Lecture

Freedom, training, Bell, Beginners, Discrimination, Nirvana, Buddha Nature, confusion...
Mar 04 2001
Green Gulch

Wednesday Lecture

Practice Period, Instruction, Suzuki Roshi, realization, Buddha Ancestors, Delusion,...
Feb 28 2001
Green Gulch

Zendo Cooking

Serial: BZ-00482

Class 4 of 4

Bell, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Doubt, Harmonizing, Ego
Berkeley Zen Center

Zendo Cooking

Serial: BZ-00483

Class 3 of 4

Bell, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Practice Period, Hate, Offering, Forgiveness,...
Berkeley Zen Center

Zendo Cooking

Serial: BZ-00485

Class 1 of 4

Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Conversation, Instruction, Monastic Practice, Bell,...
Berkeley Zen Center

Surangama Sutra Class

Birth-and-Death, Bell, Light-and-Darkness, Nirvana, Ego, Skandas, confusion, Letting...
Sep 25 2000

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00085B

Unity in Diversity, Diversity in Unity, Saturday Lecture

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Subject-and-Object, Diversity, Bell, Oneness, Precepts,...
Aug 19 2000
Berkeley Zen Center


Instruction, Bell, American, Priest, Branching Streams, Family Practice, Building,...
Jul 30 2000

Sunday Lecture

Ordination, Offering, Precepts, Three Treasures, Ceremony, true dharma, Buddha Mind,...
Jul 23 2000
Green Gulch

Meal Serving, Chanting and Liturgy Details

Serial: BZ-00057A

One-Day Sitting

Meal Serving, Chanting, Instruction, Chanting, training, Heart Sutra, Funeral, Bell,...
Jul 16 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Sunday Lecture

Interview, Mill Valley, Birth-and-Death, Koan, Bell, Vow, Faith, Liberation, Delusion...
May 21 2000
Green Gulch

Zen Granny

Rinzai, Concentration, Heart Sutra, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Buddha Nature,...
May 20 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Women Ancestors

Serial: BZ-00164

Evening lecture

Rinzai, Lineage, Transmission, Fox, Dharma Transmission, Lotus Sutra, Doubt, Teacher-...
May 18 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Interview with Sojun: Father

stubbornness, Giving-and-Taking, War, Right Speech, Politics, Concentration,...
Apr 12 2000

Sesshin Lecture

Perfect Wisdom, Practice Period, training, Bell, Intimacy, Emptiness, Birth-and-Death...
Apr 12 2000
Green Gulch

Wednesday Lecture

Buddha Ancestors, Death-and-Dying, Silence, New Year, Priest, Suzuki Roshi,...
Apr 05 2000
Green Gulch

Fukanzazengi Class

Serial: SF-03654

Monday Class

Zazen, Instruction, Soto Zen, Posture, realization, Dragons, Lineage, Suzuki Roshi,...
Mar 27 2000
Green Gulch

Joshua’s Use of 24 Hours

Serial: BZ-00207A

Sesshin Day Two

Blue Cliff Record, Attachment, Four Noble Truths, Soto Zen, Rinzai, Concentration,...
Mar 25 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Transformative Harmony in Zazen Practice

Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Buddha Ancestors, Impermanence, Bell...
Mar 24 2000

Kamikaze Zen

Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Bell, Doubt, training, Silence,...
Mar 18 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Dragon Zazen

Dragons, Concentration, Posture, Don't Know Mind, Bell, Instruction, Rinzai,...
Mar 04 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Wednesday Lecture

Anger, Impermanence, Zendo, Demons, Right Speech, Monastic Practice, Bodhisattva Vow...
Mar 01 2000
Green Gulch

One-day Sitting Lecture

realization, Buddha Ancestors, Demons, Practice Period, Heart Sutra, Bell, Suzuki...
Feb 26 2000
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Dragons, New Year, Offering, Ceremony, Renewal, Suzuki Roshi, Ordination,...
Feb 06 2000
Green Gulch

Shuso’s Encouragement Talk

Serial: BZ-00200B

Rohatsu Day 5

Big Mind, Birth-and-Death, Patience, Buddha Mind, Ego, Transmission, Bell, Practice...
Dec 03 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record Case 1: Bodhidharma and Emperor Wu

Bodhidharma, Buddha Mind, Big Mind, Book of Serenity, Heart Sutra, Bell, New Year,...
Nov 27 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Marathon Practice of Intention

Serial: BZ-00199B

Saturday Lecture

Practice, Intention, Renunciation, Subject-and-Object, Big Mind, Zazen Mind,...
Nov 06 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Zen is Feeling Life

American, Dharma Transmission, Lineage, Absolute-and-Relative, Transmission, Priest,...
Oct 23 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

One-day Sitting Lecture

Greed, Offering, Lotus Sutra, Bodhidharma, Liberation, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center...
Sep 18 1999
Green Gulch


Bowing, Buddha Nature, Desire, Offering, Letting Go, Faith, Observe, Discrimination,...
Aug 12 1999


Concentration, Chanting, Bell, Posture, Interview, Balance, Emotions, Monks, Passions...
Aug 03 1999

Courage and Encouragement

Conversation, Building, Peace, Anger, Karma, Ego, Intimacy, Passions, Evil, Bell...
Jul 24 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Zen in America (missing first 15 minutes)

Serial: BZ-00166B

Saturday Lecture

Priest-and-Lay, Priest, Family Practice, Lay, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Monastic...
Jul 03 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Sunday Lecture

Mindfulness, Balance, Peace, Concentration, Equanimity, Vow, Samadhi, Study Period,...
Jun 13 1999
Green Gulch

Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo -- The Sutra Explicated

Serial: BZ-00074B

One-Day Sitting

Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo, Buddha Nature, Big Mind, Continuous Practice, Bell, Absolute-...
May 02 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Master Hongzi's Practice Instruction

Serial: BZ-00073A

One-Day Sitting

Hongzhi, Practice, Attachment, Darkness and Light, Silent Illumination, Light-and-...
Apr 18 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

One-day Sitting Lecture

Suzuki Roshi, training, Letting Go, Nirvana Sutra, Vow, Ceremony, Monastic Practice,...
Feb 27 1999
Green Gulch

Zazen Instruction

Serial: BZ-00054

Zazen Instruction

Posture, Instruction, Diversity, resistance, Bell, Offering, training
Feb 13 1999

Impermanence, Vow and Sojun

Vow, Birth-and-Death, Doubt, Obstacles, Karma, Transmission, Bell, Repentance,...
Dec 02 1998
Berkeley Zen Center
