Beyond Lineage: All Are Buddhas

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The talk delves into the historical and textual intricacies of the Zen lineage, examining the seals of the triple treasure and their placement on names like Shakyamuni, Nyojo, and Shindogen. It also covers Dogen's own teachings and the handwritten lineage chart found in Shisho. The discussion further explores the idea of non-discrimination among Buddhas and teachers, emphasizing that while Dogen is recognized as a disciple, in the ultimate view, all are considered Buddhas.

Referenced Works:

  • "Shisho": This book is a key focus of the discussion, highlighting the specific seals and handwritten notes by figures like Dogen and Nyojo, which are crucial for understanding the transmission and authenticity within the Zen lineage.
  • "Banjin's Writings": Mentioned to emphasize efforts to unify the different Shisho versions within the Soto school, signifying the textual variations in conveying the Zen teachings across generations.

AI Suggested Title: Beyond Lineage: All Are Buddhas

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AI Vision Notes: 

Side: 3
Speaker: Katagiri Roshi
Possible Title: Dharma Transmission
Additional text: 3 of 3/1 of 4

Side: 1
Speaker: Katagiri Roshi
Possible Title: Dharma Transmission

Side: 2
Speaker: Katagiri Roshi
Possible Title: Dharma Transmission
Additional text: 2 of 4

Speaker: Katagiri Roshi
Additional text: Lecture 4, Tape 5, con.



Anyway, okay, next. I hear that Dogen refers to Baroche on a book page, or he sees it, before he saw the Shisho. I think I have to see Shisho. You saw the Shisho? Yeah. So you saw that that's the way? Yeah. Okay, next Banjin says, Yes, there is no term Buddha body after Shindogen. After that Shisho.


After. Shisho. Here is Shindogen.


There is no term Buddha body after Shindogen. No term Buddha after Shakyamuni in the circle. In the circle. There is Shakyamuni, Buddha Shakyamuni. But it doesn't say Shakyamuni Buddha, okay? Shakyamuni Buddha body, okay? Shakyamuni Buddha body, Buddha body. It doesn't say Buddha Shakyamuni Buddha body, okay? After Shakyamuni, there is no term Buddha after Shakyamuni in the circle. The seal of the triple treasure on three letters, Shakyamuni. There is the seal of the triple treasure, one.


On the names of Nyojo Buddha body and Shindogen, This is the Nyojo. This is the Nyojo. Nyojo. Nyojo Buddha body, here. So on the names of Nyojo Buddha body and Shindogen, Here is also the seal of triple treasure. And on the letter Nyojo, on the bottom. Nyojo.


The bottom is, look at this, okay? This is the bottom line, okay? And here, on the Nyojo, here is the Nyojo. Names of... One, two, three, four lines in the bottom. Four lines. On the fourth line, it says Tendo Nyojo. Ryu means up, duality. Tendo Nyojo. Tendo Nyojo. And then here is seal of triple treasure. And then, just under triple treasure, the seal of his name. So it says on the letter Nyojo, on the bottom.


That's the seal of... It means seal of triple treasure. So three seals of triple treasure on the letter of Shakyamuni and Shindogen and Nyojo and here, Nyojo too. Thus, the seal of triple treasure is put square after the three spots. Three spots. Square. Traditionally, we use the square seal of triple treasure, not round. The seal of the Tendo's posthumous name is put on the letter of Dogen. Here is the Dogen's. One, two. On the second line, it is Dogen's name is here.


Dogen's name is here. On the second line, it says to transmit. They transmit to Dogen directly. So on the letter of Dogen, there is the seal of his teacher's posthumous name. That of the Tendo's monastic name is right below the seal of triple treasure. It is his monastic name. In the fourth line, the patriarch's names written in the circle are all Dogen Zenji's own handwriting. All are Dogen's handwriting. Handwriting. All of Dogen's handwriting and the three letters of Shin Dogen is Tendo Nyojo's own handwriting.


Only Shin Dogen was written by his teacher. And also, the letters on the four lines are written by his teacher. The rest of the explanation is the size of the paper, what kind of paper you use. Just let me read, okay? Length and breadth of the circle one foot, one inch. One inch. In this circle. This circle.


Circle. A silk texture with plum flower patterns. Length is six feet, two inch. And breadth, one foot, four inch. Four inches. The top space above the circular patriarch's names, length two feet, six and a half inch. I think top means this space. This space. This space. The middle space below the circle, two and one eighth inch. This one.


Between the letters and this big circle. The white space below the circle, one foot, two and one eighth inch. The whole space below this big circle. Nine and a half inch space. Eight and a half inch space between the top and bottom letters. This means these letters, okay? The bottom, this letter. Between the top and bottom of the letters. Eight and a half inch space between the first and the last lines. This one. This one. They all are measured by a regular shaku in Japanese. It is folded in four horizontally and in 17 vertically.


The tally letters C. Tally C is on the top of 17 folds. This letter has never been considered before. Usually we use this for tally. Do you understand? Huh? Tally is four and you write it and then you put the sign here. What would you call me if I was it?


We don't do things like that in our school. There's no word for it. Anyway. The overlap and you write on the overlap. You fold it and you write. You hold like this on 17s and then open this and then on the top of the 17 fold you draw it like this. This means to put together. This top of the paper comes this way. Like this. I will show you. I will show you. I have. Tomorrow I will show you. I will show you. I have my tissue. Yes.


That is a kujira shaku. Yes. This is katuki shaku. But mostly same. One shaku corresponding equivalent to 0.995. Almost. One inch equivalent to 1.19 inch. One sun. Excuse me. One sun. One sun. The measurements you give there, you've all translated from shaku to... But if I... I checked but they're almost the same. Almost the same. Okay. Do you have any other questions? Tomorrow I will show you shisho. You tried to conjugate this word.


That's a juristic individual that's... After normal service. After normal service. What is it? Is it chanting or bowing? Chanting and bow. And to your teacher, well, in my case, I bow three times. Chanting... Honshi. Honshi means the teacher who will give you a demonstration. Anyway, chanting sutra and bow three times. Shin Dogen? Shin is new.


But it means according to jikaku. Self-awareness. Self-awareness means all Buddha. That time Dogen is also Buddha. And Buddha Shakyamuni is also Buddha. No discrimination. Then why don't you put the Buddha body under the Dogen? But it doesn't because the discrimination must be in the Buddha's world. In equality. Do you understand? The comparative must be in the equal dimension. So here is the discrimination. But discrimination doesn't exist in the dimension of discrimination. That is a big problem. That is a criticism. No, it's not. So discrimination must be in equal dimension with Buddha. So at that time, Dogen is Dogen as a disciple.


Teacher is teacher as a teacher. But as a whole, all are Buddha anyway. So you cannot judge either one way. One is that. Dogen is a disciple of Nyojo Zen Master. You cannot say so. But on the other hand, it is real situation. But that real situation is not real. Temporal situation. So real thing is anyway Buddha. Dogen is also. But here the Dogen is a disciple. He becomes Buddha. Who is stamped with teacher's realization. You are Buddha now. It says Shindogen.


Shindogen means here is discrimination. Don't ignore discrimination in the human world. Here is a teacher. Here is a disciple. And here is another disciple. Any more questions? No. Thank you. Don't you. Copy of the Shisho was different. I think at that time there is no material to know what kind of Shisho Daiki Gyokyu had been received.


I don't know. But at that time anyway, Shisho was completely mixed up. Many kinds of Shisho. Probably. Probably he might different things. From his teachers. His disciples. From Dogen. Dogen's Shisho was different. Because they didn't know at that time. Dogen's real Shisho.


That's why Banjin was the only person who knew Dogen's Shisho. That's why he tried to unify the Shisho in Zoro school. That's why he wrote this book. I don't know.

