Berkeley Zen Center Talks

Showing 1537 talks

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Title Speaker

Perfection of Wisdom

Serial: BZ-00230

Class 3 of 5

Perfect Wisdom, Six Realms, Evil, Nirvana, Constancy, Right Effort, Lotus Sutra,...
Apr 07 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Mumonkan Case #19: Mind is the Way

Serial: BZ-00962A


Ordinary Mind, First Principle, Blue Cliff Record, Practice Period, Bodhidharma,...
Apr 02 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Perfection of Wisdom

Serial: BZ-00229

Class 2 of 5

Perfect Wisdom, Dragons, Nirvana, Heart Sutra, Vimalakirti, Precepts, Anger, Right...
Mar 31 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

The Four Noble Truths

Serial: BZ-00963B


Four Noble Truths, Right Effort, Daily Life, Dependent Origination, resistance, Right...
Mar 26 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Perfection of Wisdom

Serial: BZ-00228

Class 1 of 5

Perfect Wisdom, Heart Sutra, Four Noble Truths, Birth-and-Death, Lotus Sutra,...
Mar 24 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Confidence and Maturity in Practice

Serial: BZ-00963A

Women's sitting

Buddha Mind, Blue Cliff Record, resistance, Posture, Silence, Intuition, Chanting,...
Mar 20 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Right Effort; Polish the Tile

Serial: BZ-00964B


Right Effort, Ego, New Year, Four Noble Truths, Bodhidharma, Cultivation,...
Mar 19 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Madyamika/Yogachara Schools of Emptiness/Synthesis

Serial: BZ-00964A

Three Bodies of Buddha pt. II, Sesshin Day 2

Madyamika, Trikaya, Emptiness, Yogachara, Religion, Emotions, Karma, Sixth Patriarch...
Mar 13 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Trikaya and Platform Sutra: Four Wisdoms

Serial: BZ-00965B

Three Bodies of Buddha pt. I, Sesshin Day 1

Trikaya, Platform Sutra, Wisdom, Ego, Platform Sutra, Samadhi, Big Mind, Hindrances,...
Mar 12 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Zazen Practice: Intention; Getting to Zendo and Seeing Reality

Serial: BZ-00965A


Family Practice, Posture, Precepts, Perfect Wisdom, Daily Life, Sangha, Anger,...
Mar 05 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Essence of Zen

Serial: BZ-00227

Class 3 of 3

Precepts, Practice Period, Priest, Culture, Dream World, Lay, Ordination, Interview,...
Mar 02 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Helplessness: Profoundness of Dharma, Honoring Missed Opportunities

Serial: BZ-00979B


Don't Know Mind, Priest, Silence, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Culture, Forgiveness,...
Feb 26 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Essence of Zen

Serial: BZ-00226

Class 2 of 3

Buddha Mind, Birth-and-Death, Priest, Practice Period, Instruction, Lineage, Buddha...
Feb 23 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Lotus Sutra: Parable of the Hidden Jewel

Serial: BZ-00979A

One day sitting

Lotus Sutra, Heart Sutra, Mahayana, Zazen Mind, Birth-and-Death, Bodhisattva Vow,...
Feb 20 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Essence of Zen

Serial: BZ-00225

Class 1of 3

Religion, Four Noble Truths, Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Practice Period, War...
Feb 16 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Parinirvana Sutra and Suzuki Roshi’s Legacy

Serial: BZ-00980B


Nirvana Sutra, Buddha Nature, Precepts, Nirvana, Impermanence, Daily Life, Tassajara...
Feb 12 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Mumonkan: Case #10

Serial: BZ-00980A

Essence of Mind "Alone and Poor", Saturday Lecture

MM-10, Attachment, Greed, Practice Period, Buddha Nature, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Feb 05 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Lotus Sutra

Serial: BZ-00224

Class 4 of 4

Lotus Sutra, Chanting, Birth-and-Death, Lineage, Nirvana, Composure, Six Realms,...
Feb 02 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Mumonkan Case 15: Seeing Truth; Ordination and Dharma Transmission—Ordinariness

Serial: BZ-00981B


Ordination, Berkeley Zen Center, Soto Zen, Culture, Mill Valley, Heart Sutra,...
Jan 29 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Lotus Sutra

Serial: BZ-00221

Class 3 of 4

Lotus Sutra, Big Mind, Avalokiteshvara, Nirvana, Addiction, Heart Sutra, Bowing,...
Jan 27 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Mindwaves, Unconsciousness: Taking the Posture Not One, Not Two

Serial: BZ-00981A

One day sitting

Karma, Big Mind, Posture, Hindrances, Don't Know Mind, Daily Life, Anger,...
Jan 22 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Lotus Sutra

Serial: BZ-00222

Clas 2 of 4

Lotus Sutra, Mahayana, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Instruction, Doubt,...
Jan 20 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Full Awareness of Our Ordinary Lives

Serial: BZ-00983B


Precepts, Daily Life, Mindfulness, Teacher-and-Student, confusion, Conversation,...
Jan 15 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Lotus Sutra

Serial: BZ-00223

Class 1 of 4

Lotus Sutra, Heart Sutra, Dragons, Offering, Samadhi, Chanting, Mahayana, Manjushri,...
Jan 13 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Peace, Compassion, Response

Serial: BZ-00982


Karmic Consciousness, Peace, Attachment, Rinzai, Culture, Religion, Enemies,...
Jan 12 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Three Kinds of Pain: Physical, Emotional, Existential

Serial: BZ-00983A

Beginners' Sitting

Beginners, Gratitude, Birth-and-Death, Bell, Silence, Separation, Culture, Religion,...
Jan 09 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Mountain Practice, City Practice; Renunciation

Serial: BZ-00959B

Leaving for Tassajara, Saturday Lecture

Monastic Practice, Daily Life, Renunciation, Cultivation, Soto Zen, Aspects of...
Jan 08 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Awareness of Thought, Especially Just Prior to the Drama: Cause and Effect, Satipattana Sutta

Serial: BZ-00959A


Emotions, Mindfulness, Skandas, Four Foundations, Dependent Origination, New Year,...
Dec 18 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Refining Your Life

Serial: BZ-01497A

Rohatsu Day 3

Tenzo Kyokun, Bell, Sanctuary, Emotions, Book of Serenity, Soto Zen, Discrimination,...
Dec 01 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Finding Your Place in Practice

Serial: BZ-00660B

Women's Sitting

Posture, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Doubt, Intuition, Enemies, Chanting
Nov 21 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Maha Mangala Sutta

Serial: BZ-00220

From the October 1993 newsletter:

This year's study program moves from basic Buddhist images, to early Sutras, Mahayana, and Zen. The second class in this series...

Nirvana, Religion, Daily Life, Happiness, Evil, Liberation, Silence, Interview,...
Nov 18 1993
4 of 4
Berkeley Zen Center

Gateways to Liberation: Dogen’s “Plum Blossoms” and Oryoki

Serial: BZ-00660A


Big Mind, Buddha Mind, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Posture, Anger, Oneness,...
Nov 13 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Maha Mangala Sutta

Serial: BZ-00215

From the October 1993 newsletter:

This year's study program moves from basic Buddhist images, to early Sutras, Mahayana, and Zen. The second class in this series...

Precepts, Humility, Sangha, Gratitude, New Year, Happiness, Religion, Beginners, Evil...
Nov 11 1993
3 of 4
Berkeley Zen Center

Nagarajuna and Dogen on Buddhanature

Serial: BZ-00659B

Happiness, Reward, and Love, One-Day Sitting

Buddha Nature, Happiness, Love, Buddha Nature, Happiness, Birth-and-Death, Daily Life...
Nov 07 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Maha Mangala Sutta

Serial: BZ-00216

From the October 1993 newsletter:

This year's study program moves from basic Buddhist images, to early Sutras, Mahayana, and Zen. The second class in this series...

Sangha, Religion, Precepts, Culture, Aspects of Practice, Impermanence, Daily Life,...
Nov 04 1993
2 of 4
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00659A

Saturday Lecture

Seijiki, Offering, Karma, Demons, Vow, Culture, Funeral, Sangha, Liberation,...
Oct 30 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Maha Mangala Sutta

Serial: BZ-00217

From the October 1993 newsletter:

This year's study program moves from basic Buddhist images, to early Sutras, Mahayana, and Zen. The second class in this series...

Religion, Transmission, Evil, Chanting, Beginners, American, Liberation, Vinaya,...
Oct 28 1993
1 of 4
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #51

Serial: BZ-00658B

Seppo Star, Ganto Co-star; 2 monks, Supporting Actors, Saturday Lecture

Seppo, Ganto, BCR-51, confusion, Subject-and-Object, Teacher-and-Student, Bodhidharma...
Oct 23 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

What We Bring to Practice: Dharma Transmission, Being on the Path; Waking Up; How’s it Feel

Serial: BZ-00658A


Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Mindfulness, Ordination, Lay Ordination, War,...
Oct 16 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Hongzhi: Cultivating the Empty Field

Serial: BZ-00656B

The Backward Step, The Upright Cauldron, Saturday Lecture

Hongzhi, Silent Illumination, Pure Existence, Anger, Instruction, Teacher-and-Student...
Oct 09 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Innumerable People’s Labors who Helped the Spread of Buddhism Throughout History

Serial: BZ-00656A


Diversity, Religion, Politics, Culture, American, Priest, Vinaya, Ordination,...
Oct 02 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Problems and Practice with Ritual

Serial: BZ-00657B


Culture, Bowing, American, confusion, Chanting, Practice Period, Precepts, training,...
Sep 25 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #2

Serial: BZ-00657A

Joshu's "The Way Is Not Difficult", Saturday Lecture

Joshu, BCR-2, confusion, Attachment, Hate, Buddha Nature, Daily Life, Emotions,...
Sep 18 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Conference of Buddhist Teachers: Ryozan Enkan’s Dragons (Keizan’s Denkoroku)

Serial: BZ-00629B


Dragons, Blue Cliff Record, Enemies, Instruction, Teacher-and-Student, Heart Sutra,...
Sep 11 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

How to Do Chanting Practice

Serial: BZ-00629A

Sesshin Day 3

Chanting, Chanting, Bell, Heart Sutra, training, Lay Practice, Five Ranks, Posture,...
Sep 06 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Obaku's Address to the Monks

Serial: BZ-00628B

There Are No Zen Teachers in This Realm, Sesshin Day 2

Obaku, Koan, training, Non-discrimination, Rinzai, Dragons, Bowing, Bell, American...
Sep 05 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

1993 Parliament of World Religions

Serial: BZ-00628A

Seeking Common Ground, Sesshin Day 1

Religion, Current Events, Religion, American, Politics, Separation, Buddha Nature,...
Sep 04 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Mind and Heart of Practice in Daily Life

Serial: BZ-00627B


training, Oneness, Anger, Enemies, Lineage, Evil, Hate, Precepts, Posture, Religion...
Aug 28 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Mind and Body in Zen and Yoga Practice

Serial: BZ-00627A


Posture, Concentration, Instruction, Anger, Lay, Duality, training, Beginners, Sangha...
Aug 21 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Lay Practice in Malaysia: Mindfulness and Loving Kindness

Serial: BZ-00655B


Monastic Practice, Precepts, Religion, American, Emotions, Mindfulness, Daily Life,...
Aug 14 1993
Berkeley Zen Center
